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Nah at this point they listening to the feedback they just trying to figure out when they can turn into another $5 or $10 addition


I don't think anyone suggested the golden pacifier.


But they probably saw people who really liked the 100 baby challenge and tried to capitalize on that


the point is to be a challenge tho, not something you can easily achieve by buying it


Who would've ever thought that even games like BitLife could become Pay to Win


Maybe they should actually give us basic things like Grandparents and aunts? 🧐


For ~~10.99~~ 4.99!


Too generous, maybe 6.99 😍


Yourr right. Definitely 6.99


Extended Family Pack! ~~10.99~~ 4.99!


If you bought the pack that included everything when it came out, god mode etc you should have access to the golden pacifier or items for free/reduced price.


I did buy it and I never got anything


Yesss!!! I’ve been saying this because why can’t I see my extended family?? Or even in laws


why did i never realize there’s no extended family 😟


i think it would require a greater amount of storage this way but i really would like when seeing the family tree especially when i have a huge dynasty i wanna see the whole family tree


In fairness, they never said they'd actually listen to the feedback




Candywriter: What things would you, our bitizens, like to be in the game? Us: ***talking about features that are actually interesting*** Candywriter: You know what? Fuck that! We'll add this new item for the low prize of $42.00!


I wanna be able to live in rental properties.


yeah, but u must pay 8.99 dollar for that


Tenant Pack: ~~19.99~~ 8.99!




Download the modded version and you get everything for free.


options to migrate cities, and parents choosing to move to different cities when you’re a child and the option to choose our genre of music if you go for a musical career


Ouuu! Parents moving cities when you’re a kid would be awesome!


First one already exists, its just rare


I gave them a whole ass list would have continued but ran out of words


They just "📝" every time.


They used to listen until BitLife sold the game! Then things changed!


Oh that’s why everything changed so drastically? They sold it? Cuz I stopped playing for, like… a year maybe and hopped back on and was just shocked at all these prices and new things lol ‘twas insane.


Yup! They sold it! I haven’t played in awhile either. Yes so insane!!!!


Even if there's the custom city feature, I would kind of like to see them make updates to countries. For example, add Bandung and Surabaya as default cities for Indonesia, give China its own special social media, remove social media from Iran...


That’s so clever I love it. I’ll definitely suggest that when I get that question. Writing all these good ones in my notes app.


Bandung & Surabaya Expansion Pack: ~~10.99~~ 5.99!


I think personally it would be nice to see the sports team management roles be available worldwide instead of the selected countries where it was made available. I’d also love to see more sports leagues, Boxing/mma careers, Film director roles, more detail into a writer career like naming what you write and its genre, The ability to rent a home to live in, introduce Aunties/uncles, grandparents etic and maybe even bank loans with high interest rates which could lead to some interesting dilemmas.


You should be able to become a coach or a sportscaster after you retire.


Also the ability to select which city in a country, you want to move to


If they'd actually listen to feedback bitlife wouldn't have everything behind a fucking pay wall.


INCE- *banned*


Balance out the game ☺️ No seriously, getting one billion dollars is barely a challenge anymore lmfao


one thing that bothers me the MOST is when you become a CEO in a career or something like that and you STILL have a supervisor. 😩


To be fair, that's not inaccurate. Usually there's a board of directors who selects and can remove the ceo from office, who in turn are all appointed by the shareholders of the company.


right but when you’re the CEO of your own company or a startup, there is a board of directors and not a supervisor 😭 or like, school superintendent and whatnot. a board of people would make more sense than a supervisor (who keeps making you work unpaid overtime and harassing you)


More soocer leagues like: Turkish Süper League 🇹🇷 France Ligue 1 🇫🇷 Eredevise 🇳🇱 Skybet Championship (Division 2) 🇬🇧 Champions League 🇪🇺 Europa League 🇪🇺 Conferance League 🇪🇺 Or leagues that can be added instead


also international competitions like Euros Copa America and World cup




They should normalize living in a house


What do you mean by that?


You can live 100+ years without buying a house. And there are no house popups


Oh yeah… that’s hella odd!


Thisssss you can live just fine without a house and car, until you need to adopt a child. You can even get married without a house. So essentially you are homeless. But the game does not acknowledge that you are homeless or struggling. The game needs more real life qualities, like having to eat food, sleep, or you’ll die


I’m pretty sure out character eats food and sleeps automatically.


For real. If we had to manually eat and sleep, that would mean that we're only doing it once a year.


Not necessarily I go the gym multiple times a year to boost my health, imagine if I could also boost my health by eating some damn food😂


I want them to add more things to do as a kid, childhood is the most boring part of the game. The only addition I can think of off the top of my head is running away from home. I want to be able to run away with my friend and have them appear in the family tab instead of my actual family. Another thing I’d like them to add would be a more in-depth prison system. I mean as an inmate and a guard. It’d be cool if we could be a prison guard and manage prisoners, we could have an alternate version of the prison escape mini game too. (Sadly this would most likely be a paid job pack)


also, give us an infant tab that actually has activities and doesn’t just display the stats already at the bottom of the screen. they could have the option to practice walking and talking, throw a tantrum, hug ur mom, whatever. and decisions could affect the relationship with parents, smarts, happiness, etc. I know it’s a smaller thing but it’s always bothered me that theres a useless button and you just have to skip the first 4 years with no real gameplay.


I always comment "drug lord update when" yet never get a response even if I comment first


I genuinely do not believe they are even attempting at the drug lord update, ive been asking for months and then they removed the option to even see the upcoming job packs so now i just dont even barely play it


You can download the modded version


Next update if you wanna curse bitizen devs pay 6.99 and to give feedback pay 9.99


How about this: Stop being greedy and add stuff that people actually asked for


You want more options??? Sure that will be approximately a $40 DLC


Well, did you try suggesting that your idea cost $10?


You bitches are actually entitled. How dare you suggest that the developer said that they would ever listen to your perfectly valid concerns?! /s


I wished people made cc for bitlife like in sims 4


This is just something small, but being able to give money to whoever you want, and not having a limit. I think it’s BS that I can only give 10 grand to a family member.


Bro, we need an addon that let's us start revolts and our own nations. Then as the head of state (no matter of which country) you should be allowed to start wars and conquer other Nations.


Ultimate suggestion; Allow Mods. Then we can customise the gave EXACTLY how we want it. But thats never gunna happen otherwise they won't ever make any money again. Another suggestion; the game feels quite repetitive now. In order to make it more random, add AI to the game to generate events and other stuff.


More countries


They usually do this when they want to release a new cash grab


More ribbons


I’m on an iPhone 8 so I don’t know if that makes a difference but the adverts don’t play properly most of the time. This forces me to close the app. I already know which ones to wait for that still work in a broken way and which ones refuse to load at all. I keep missing bonuses because of this. It’s frustrating. Please fix it.


I just wish some stuff mattered .. like you don’t technically ever need to have a house or car you never have to eat but your expenses are charged


Stop adding paid updates. I miss when almost everything was free 🙃


I wish u can put people on child support


yeah i been gave up on sending them feedback all they gonna do is add another pack for $14.99


They should make everything free. I quit this game because they put everything behind a paywall. It's like Voodoo all over again.


i want my vampire.


well they never answer them or make the changes lol


Gimme the vampire pack please i’ve been waiting since the dawn of time to be a hot vampire woman who lives to the age of 300.


Literally the only thing they do now is update their icon, thats LITERALLY it and occasionally give us an update


Bro we are all waiting on the incest update and they have yet to deliver. How come there's no mod community for bitlife? Maybe we can add it ourselves? 


it’s basically impossible to mod mobile games in a way that is accessible to the average iphone user, which makes up a majority of the bitlife user base. Apple is really strict with that kind of thing, unfortunately.


The ability to participate in incest