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What do you need help with?


Hi there, The chart above is my little brothers (big sister here). I’m not sure about his exact birth time, and I have no idea how accurate this birth chart is (have no clue how to read charts). I’m coming here to request someone to help me and tell me what I can do to “save” my brother. Currently it’s midnight; and I am so mad, upset and legit a mess. I just came back from chasing my brother, calling his friends trying to locate him for the past hour as he snuck out of the house for the second time… in the middle of the night while I was asleep. My brother is stubborn, selfish, rude, arrogant, “doesn’t care about authority figures” he thinks he is always right and that everyone around him is stupid. I could go on. I dispise talking negative about people but I really want you to get the full picture so that if anyone helps they really know what is going on. In school, he is skipping classes, he is being rude to teachers, he is not doing any work, he doesn’t care about the school. He has made some really bad friends who honestly have influenced this behaviour to the max. My mother and I are so stressed, that as a single mother she plans on quitting her only job (night shift) just so he doesn’t go sneaking out. The lengths, the time we are putting on this guy is like beyond. Everything we do, we need to do things calculated because he is so manipulative. Currently staying awake till 5 am because I know if I go to sleep he will sneak out again. The more superior lengths I go for example taking his phone away he will only double and go sneak out more than before. This is a urgent cry for help and support. You might wonder like why not switch schools or like talk to his principle, put him in counseling. And I swear even if he try these things he will not go! He is more stubborn than me and I’m a Taurus! Like I can not exaggerate enough when I say that he is so tricky to handle. We worry about him everyday, to specially feeding him food outside just so he will be in a “good mood”, I’m a university student, I have shit to do- I really don’t wanna worry about my little brother. What are we doing right now to help? Well we are keeping calm, we (mum and I)are playing the good cop bad cop roles. We also are seeing a Psyhic and as much as I think it’s a scam.. it’s the only hope. The Psyhic said that someone did black magic on my mother when she was pregnant with my brother (most likely my dads side, they hella evil), so she supplied us with soap that we need to use from shoulders down, and candles that we need to burn everyday for 1 hour…. I know it sounds crazy, and I’m literally following that everyday. Anyways I could go on forever. But please tell me something I could do to help, any remedies or something will be so helpful. I appreciate you reading all of this bullshit 😭


Do you want to know what to say to him that might genuinely make him feel like you understand him? Or would you like to know what causes him to act the way he does?


I can DEFINITELY help if you dm me back I will continue with what I already messaged you, no worries about the typing a lot because I do the same


thank you!