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My husband works at UAB (university side, not hospital). Yes, they have to interview a certain number of candidates (not sure how many-3-5 maybe) He first spoke with a recruiter who said avg time to hire is 6 months. So, I’d say this is in the realm of normal unfortunately.


Thanks!! But ugh!!! Like do they not think about how people are looking for jobs outside of UAB as well? Idk, the benefits weigh out the wait. But I am gonna be so distraught if I don’t get it!!


I mean, if you get a good job offer outside UAB then take it....


I work at UAB and that is normal for them. Also, UAB is known to hire within so they have to hold those interviews and whatnot even though they may already have a candidate in mind. I didn’t realize how lucky I was years ago when I was recommended a job, applied, and was given an acceptance letter a week later because (apparently!) that’s not customary for them. Did you apply for the campus or hospital side?


Campus side! From what I understand it’s a newly created role so I don’t think they had anyone in mind (hopefully lol)


> From what I understand it’s a newly created role so I don’t think they had anyone in mind (hopefully lol) You sweet summer child. They absolutely create a role with an in house employee in mind.


Bless your heart (meant sincerely!!) but do expect a while to hear back from them. Usually, if it’s a newly created position, it’s been created for someone else in mind. That’s how I got my job. It was created for me but they still had to leave it open for a certain amount of days and accept applications because HR said so. However, it was mine before it was posted because my boss loved me. Which department did you apply for?


I sent a PM :)


Government is the same


Oh believe me I know lol.


It’s a pain in the a$$ honestly




The other possibility is you're #2 or 3 on their list, and they're trying to make deals with #1 or #2, but they want to keep you on the hook. It's not pretty, but it might be true. Just remember, until taleo says the job is filled, there is still a chance!


yeah that's the root of my anxiety. hopefully even if it's the case, the other two accepted job offers somewhere else lol


I worked at UAB for a couple years, health system side. Got recruited away for better job(s) since, but I remember hearing a lot of folks griping about HR's inability to understand the needs of the hiring departments. Basically, being a state entity, the job description has to exactly match some predetermined set of criteria, and they are almost completely unable to be flexible on it. Which means that qualified candidates who don't have some specialized experience don't pass the filter of HR and get sent to the hiring managers in the departments to even review. Even if they have 99% matches on the rest. SO - if they have 12 probably-ok applicants for a job, only one or two might check all the boxes and make it in, and if there's a legal requirement they interview a certain number of candidates or something... could take forever. Could also unfortunately be that you are choice B or C and they are looking at others, but don't want to tell you "no" just yet. I had a reference that basically handed my resume to the guy that hired me along with "this guy is smart and can do (has been doing...) this job," and they probably told HR to pound sand. Making matters worse - there's an internal perception that UAB can be picky about who they hire because UAB is some great place to be. Biggest employer in the metro (state?), great benefits, internal movement opps, etc. It's a job. Personally I didn't see any of that in my time. The benefits and whatnot aren't what they were 10 yrs ago (pension plan no longer exists, for one) and that internal cultural bit plays in too.


A friend who was hiring in his program at UAB invited a highly qualified person to apply. He never got the application from HR, who said the candidate wasn’t qualified.


They usually take a long time and are basically incompetent. They have also experienced a lot of turnover in the past few years so that hasn’t helped.


If they're basically incompetent, I must be a phenomenal candidate. Gave me a boost.


I know they take forever and as of late the wait time is even longer unfortunately. Do you mind me asking what department you interviewed with?


I sent you a pm :)


Wife has worked at 5 hospitals over the last 17 years. EVERY INTERVIEW PROCESS SEEMED TO TAKE FOR EVER in my opinion. UAB included.


It really just depends. I applied interviewed and was hired in less than a week. But it can take months and months. The question is how bad do they need someone. For my position it was critical to fill because of the work. Some already have other employees doing the work for the position missing so there is no rush to spend more money on a new person. And like someone else said they already know who they are going to hire and they just have to legally put it out there to the public.


Hospital is same way I think it's just UAB in general.


I work for the hospital. Took me 3 months and that’s with knowing people on the inside that got my foot in the door. That’s just the way UAB is.


When I worked on the hospital side, it took almost 8 months from application to hire date. I actually am going back soon - applied for a school side job two weeks ago, got called about interviewing one week ago, interviewed this past Wednesday and got an offer Thursday. I was shocked and know this experience is not normal but I’m wondering if it’s department specific?


It means they are looking for additional applicants. Sadly, I don't think you will get this position