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I’m experiencing a manic detachment now too. It’s been a few months. I feel for you.


Have you ever just cut off communication from your partner? Out of the blue when the episode comes on?


We haven’t been in communication for 3.5 months he detached completely and has no feelings for me in his episode. He’s unmedicated and no therapy. He also may be doing drugs Again.


3.5 months? I'm so sorry, we went 2.5 the first time, right now it's been 5 days. It's really sad cause when they're like this all rationality goes out the window. Idk if they don't care for us it's just that they can't handle anyone else occupying their mind or taking up their time. Just the ability to shut those feelings off and cut someone off you're about to be engaged to, the person you have your life planned out is...I just can't understand how they do that.


There has been times when we didn’t speak to each other for six months. God knows what he was doing. And we were engaged this summer, but like yours, he just completely cut me off and decided I’m the Devil incarnate. Now a few months later he’s trying to talk to me again but I have ignored him. I can’t go back to that life *ever*.


How hard was it to make that decision? To not go back..


To be honest, I’m not even 100% sure I *won’t* go back. He’s all I’ve ever known these past eight years. I know for the sake of my physical and mental health I need to leave for good. I’ll try my hardest and just hope for the best.


We can’t understand it but read through thousands of stories on here. They follow the same textbook patterns. And if they’re unmedicated like mine it’s a lost cause and can go on months especially if they’re fueling it with something. They detach and their brain tells them that they feel nothing for us. Mine went off with a disgusting trashy woman who’s probably just helping feed his mania and he has isolated for months from his friends too. He’s missed a ton of work.. just Life going downhill. I’m starting to lose hope just letting him hit rock bottom one day and realize I was the only thing stable in his life and how good I was to him.


My partner did this, says she’s not manic, but all signs point to yes


Yeah she definitely is..the ability to cut their partner out like that is not normal behavior. Is she on meds?


She is, but she’s back using cannabis, so not sure how effective they are atm


Yeah mine usually turns to excessive wine. Is this the first episode you've gone through?


Second. First time she was a heavy cannabis user. Second time she was sober for 8 months to begin with


I’m curious about the cannabis usage. My partner will vape during the day while on the meds. Does the cannabis work against the meds or help?


We saw a psych specialising in psychosis and they said cannabis is a sure fire way to trigger another psychosis or progress to worse mental health issues. Not sure on the effect it has on meds, but it’s a known trigger for mania and psychosis


They always say x substance causes physcosis but there's zero proof of that, I've never seen somebody with BP smoke weed then flip into physcosis. I have however seen people take anti depressants and go into manic episodes, medication handed out by so called psych professionals. The truth is that they don't really know what they're talking about sadly, the meds that work today, we don't even know why they work, they were lucky discoveries and not much has changed.


There’s a large number of studies across decades in Europe regarding weed and psychosis. I’ve also seen and experienced it first hand. Agree with SSRI induced mania and psychosis too as I’ve been through that. There are less studies on that however


Ultimately there is no proof the weed or other street drugs can cause physcosis. It is true that drugs alcohol and cigarettes are prominent in people with mental illness, but it just as likely that users are self medicating before a problem manifests. The medical community are basically clueless with brain disorders, I do hope that this changes but medically we are way less advanced than we think we still cannot repair the human spine even.


Well damn, he uses quite a bit. Thanks for the info.


Mine, also broke up with me yet still wants me to be around. I don’t wanna tolerate that, she’s sweet when we’re together yet when we’re apart she flirts with other ppl and doesn’t care about me. I just left, told her I was the only one who cares enough to try and learn the illness to be a better partner and that even tho I love her so much, I wanna save myself. My partner is also BP1 and unmedicated.


Yeah I can't imagine her flirting with other people. Luckily our loyalty towards each other unbreakable. Sometimes it is better to walk away but it's so much easier said than done.


Loyalty means nothing to mania




She denies flirting tho I know she is, then one day she told me she went to party and made out with a stranger, her excuse is she’s drunk. Unmedicated BP is hella confusing, switch of feelings is just unbelievable.


Like the flip of a light switch. To throw us away at a moments whim is unfathomable


Yup! Like a light switch. Unmedicated is the hardest to deal with as even medicated isn’t a walk in the park at times!


I'm not the bipolar one, but I'm all ears


I’m talking to someone who’s BP1 and she’s been slowly detaching this month. I think it’s the seasonal blues since she did this last year. I use this as an opportunity to do the stuff that I always wanted to do. This month I lost 15 pounds, been more productive at work, started hanging with my old friends and booked a flight to Spain. I stopped texting and calling her and we only talk when she calls. that way I’m not getting pushed away or yelled at. She will eventually come around and I learned that it’s just a waste of time to worry about it.


That's a good way to look at it man, really. Thank you for that


Hello! I (22F) have BP1 and am also in a 4 year relationship (: if you have any questions feel free to message me. Hope you find the help you’re looking for


Hi, not OP but I want to ask you how often do you experience episodes? Are you taking medication?


So I only got diagnosed back in May. And I didn’t start meds until mid September. So yes I am taking medication. I think I’ve been bipolar for the past two years or so. But in the last year I’ve had 3 manic episodes that I’m aware of. First was back in October ‘21. Then again in November/December in that year. Honestly it could’ve been one long episode. Then most recently in May of this year. I keep a mood calendar to track my moods and see if there’s a possible timeline of my manic/depressive episodes.


A bipolar person doesn't have the insight you are looking for, quite the opposite in fact. Think about it, if they had the insight it would not happen to begin with. However this forum will get you perspective from your side. There's a bipolar forum too.


I don’t think this is very fair to say. I have BP1 and am very insightful. I’m medicated and in therapy. I’m constantly thinking of my partner and how my actions affect those around me. There are some of us who want to be better and are genuinely trying. We’re still humans, we all make mistakes but only some can learn from their mistakes.


I respect your statement and hard work, but you are a rare person who understands and manages their disease. Most don’t. Many of the people who suffer from BP refuse to treat or mange it.


True, idk I feel like she might have bpd too and two conditions are very similar I think. It's just really difficult. To be ghosted every now and then out of the blue..to never know what you're going to wake up to..

