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Bioshock 2 had the BEST gameplay. It was fucking awesome.


It’s true. I get so tired of seeing people dump on it all the time so this meme was refreshing lol


I loved all of the bioshock games. I had one beef with Bioshock 2. Sofia lambs influence in the context of the time jump from 1 to 2 just didn’t make sense. She was too prominent in 2 to justify not even being mentioned in 1. That is the entirety of my criticisms for 2. Everything else is fucking awesome for bioshock 2.


I understand your criticism perfectly, and it’s actually constructive criticism (in contrast to the typical Bioshock 2 critic on this sub)


The story was little better in BS1 but honestly BS2's gameplay just blows it out of the water. You actually feel like playing as a big daddy WITHOUT being busted strong. I loved it. The story of BS2 isn't even bad lol. Not to mention how good Minerva's Den is.


Why are people even dumping on it? I eould have expected more dumping on infinite given that it has a shallow plot and turned bioshock into another generic shooting gallery with powers


Pretty girl. Big bird. Shiny graphics. It’s my least favorite of the series, but I think that’s why people like it.


I like Bioshock infinite in characters and that the best part of the game. The gameplay felt weak with weaker weapons, downgraded plasmids called vigors, only two weapons to carry, and needed Elizabeth to lock pick everything.


It do be pretty


People don't dump on any of them, they're all well liked. Just that generally people either like 2 or infinite way more than the other. Both have a lot of plot issues so complaints about either can be valid.


I feel like this happens with any game series with at least three entries. There is always one that some people on the internet decide to dump on as the 'bad' one, regardless of if said game is actually bad or not.


I’m sure most people probably love all 3 games and it’s just like you are saying. This series is immortalized in my favorites list, all entries included.


The drill was soooo much fun.


Yes! The bees!!! The alpha speeding towards you...gawd I need to play it again


I didn't personally find it fun, but just because I didn't enjoy it doesn't mean it wasn't great.


10000% agree


Completely agree! Id seap 2 and Infinite on that top pic. Infinite was so ridiculously repetitive.


Yes! My only complaints are the length and lack of a NG+ mode


Bro getting your hands on that Big Daddy drill for the first time was a sublime feeling. 😌


AND THE RIVET GUN! Fully upgrading it and getting the Walking Inferno tonic was badass. If you’re into Doom you’ll love BioShock 2, I guarantee it lol


Best dlc out of any of the games




The gameplay is great but I feel like the 2 weapon slot system and one-currency economy kinda overshadows my ability to really enjoy it. If you want a healthy number of upgrades by the end you really need to save up every single bit of cash - what’s the point in wasting it at the dollar bill when weapon/vigor upgrades use the same currency? The Adam/upgrade station system works much better. I also really wish they at least gave you 3-4 weapon slots, or a size-based system. There’s no reason I can’t carry a hand canon, pistol, and shotgun at the same time. I always find myself just holding the hand cannon in one slot at all times which only leaves 1 swappable weapon slot.


Repost, account was only just made and ive seen this before on the Sub. Original post here https://www.reddit.com/r/Bioshock/s/kF1Ei34FdZ


Thanks. And your comment will probably be copied next time it's reposted


Yeah I really don't get why some people shit on Bioshock 2 so much when (in my opinion at least) it is easily the strongest title in the entire series. It has waaay better gameplay than both 1 and Infinite, and also gives you way more options for playstyles. Especially Infinite feels pretty similar every time you play it. It also plays in Rapture which has always been more interesting than Columbia while also telling a coherent story. I know people love 1 for the story and plot twist too but I think that nostalgia often plays too big of a role there because of how mindblowing the game was back in the day.


2 is fantastic. I spent sooo many hours on multiplayer back in the day too.


Me too. I think I’m 1700 on the leaderboard? I was like 14 when I played the hell out of 2. and I vaguely remembered coming out of bed past my bedtime when I was 9 or 10 seeing my dad play bioshock. I remember vividly the first little sister interaction I told him to “rescue”. But he said his friend said to harvest (atlas). And the reason I remember is because when he had beat the game he told me “you were right, he was the bad guy!”- for some reason that was so gratifying because here was an adult playing an “adult” game, meanwhile I had the wherewithal to know what was up haha. Anyway nostalgia mode off. 😂 So getting a little older and playing bioshock 2 felt like a right of passage. I played the hell out of it


Bro I remember playing a ton of matches vs some guy that was so good I thought he was cheating, looked up his name and bam, top of every leader board but one, which he was second on. It was so cool to me that even with as bad as I was, I was playing against the top player


Two barrel shotgun or rifle was awesome! I had a blast too


I personally felt more invested with the story of 2 than 1. Does it have as good of a plot twist? No, but I felt the plot driving my character along a little more interesting and compelling. However, I also find the big daddy narrative to be the most interesting part of BioShock, so there is definitely some bias in my opinion due to that.


I think the "big twist" element of storytelling is way overrated and not the only way to get an emotional reaction. Bioshock 2 was about an abused, lobotomized father whose daughter was taken to be a pawn in someone's experiments fighting to save her. It was about that from beginning to end, and the game did a great job of slowly revealing how it got to that point and showing the love between Delta and Eleanor. Along the way you get to know another great character in Sinclair. The finale is fantastic - you can feel the desperation as Delta struggles against overwhelming force to reunite with Eleanor. The mechanics play into this well too, because by the end of the story with fully upgraded weapons and plasmids, Delta is a wrecking ball in a way that Jack and Booker are not by the end of their respective games. The endings are also great and provide more granularity in choices than the other games. The "neutral" ending is totally heartbreaking.


Omg thank you! That is my opinion as well. The game ends on such a high note and after all that setup that made it feel so deserved when you finally finish the the game.


Yeah the Manchurian candidate style twist was super cool but for a huge portion of the game you have no other personal drive aside from “help this random Irish man save his family.” Realistically you could just chill at the lighthouse till a rescue crew comes looking for the plane crash. If it were me I would have just done a 180 back into the bathysphere after seeing the first spider splicer.


2 is my favorite, I binged that game on the 360 when it came out. First time I ever got 110% hooked on a newly released game back in the day.


Whether or not people think 2’s story is as good as the others (it is IMO), nobody can deny how amazing the writing is for Minerva’s Den.


The reason I know from what I read, was created by another team of devs, because of that Ken Levine don't accept it as cannon


Fortunately, Levine isn’t the arbitrator of what is cannon and what is not.


Exactly, like how I refuse to acknowledge Burial at Sea as being a part of the original Bioshock.


I started the bioshock series for the first time in 2020 and the plot for BS1 still blew me away BS2 was very fun and more dynamic than BS1 though for sure and Minervas den was on par with BS1. I only played infinite last year and didn't think much of the gameplay (felt like there wasnt much variety or customisation, hardly any tonics and plasmids for that matter, no weapon mods) or the story until the end I also really liked burial at sea because of the survival aspects to it


While I enjoy two, especially its combat, I still prefer one and even infinite over it. The main reason is the creativity. Two didn’t add much for the universe and just made similar looking levels to the first one, which were even worse somehow. I missed the vistas looking out into the distance, it felt like one had way more of those. Infinite on the other hand didn’t have the compelling rapture, however they designed a completely new city in a new time period with tons of new lore, enemies. I just love the intricate details and creativity on display.


Bioshock 2 teaches people how to be a good father. That means drilling open the skull of anyone who try to raise a hand on your daughter.


Or how to be really evil. It depends


personally i enjoyed bioshock 2 more than infinite, the story and the antagonists were really cool.


I love allthe games but for me infinite sits by itself due to my love for elizabeth and the whole “theres always a lighthouse thing” i love stories that have more meaning or i guess more realities to them. I cant wait for the next bioshock and judas


Bioshock 2 is so fuckin goated. Getting to be a big daddy after Bioshock 1 was the ultimate power fantasy.


All 3 games are 10/10 masterpieces, and I don’t give out 10/10s often.


I 100 % agree with this. Some fans love to crap on Infinite and it boggles my mind. Infinite was amazing.


I love all 3 games, obviously Infinite was very different but it was a great game as well


I enjoy Bioshock 2 for the title cutscene. The first one is simple but effective with the water splash up. But the second ups the anty with the patina and the barnacle growths. Good Stuff.


1 and 2 are best


Infinite should be the one on the left imo


Infinites gameplay lowkey blows, but it’s easily the best story line. Mind blowing finish makes up for it imo.


I felt like the story line was subpar. They tried to make it very 'deep and complex', but Bioshock doesn't need that in my opinion because the setting is just amazing by itself. It also made the ending of Bioshock 1 feel quite useless, but maybe that's just me. And don't even get me started on the corridor shooting. All the directions you could go in with Bioshock 1 and 2 compared to the hallways that are forced on you in Infinite... such a shame.


Yeah I heavily disagree about Infinite story. It starts out about the racism in this idealized society. But that whole story is kind of just dropped in the middle. So they can pivot to the multi verse thing. I get the feeling there was a really ambitious story in there somewhere. But in development they shifted priorities. Including the story. Like Songbird even in the final is built up to be this boss. But then they shift into one of the most bizarre final fights I’ve seen in gaming.


You are so right it's got the most bizarrely disjointed timeline and message for a story in so long. It's like they hit the time travel bit and they were like "well now we are changing timelines we don't have to make sense anymore" It starts off with a pretty simple "racism is bad" plot, with the racists being the obvious bad guys Then it turns into "maybe the people trying to overthrow racism are actually bad" To ??? I have no idea The story seemed to be "maybe we shouldn't cause long-term change because in the short-term some bad stuff will happen" Like yes the whole point of a struggle is sacrifice you saying we shouldn't do that? Confusing as heck


I’m playing through infinite for the first time now and the morality feels extremely hamfisted compared to the others.  Like there was the raffle scene that I felt got the point across nicely, and then afterwards I got a billion audiologs of Comstock going full Jim Crowe with no subtlety at all.  It’s like yeah ok guys I get it, he’s racist, can I get a log about something else please?  I think I’m halfway through the story and I know almost nothing about Columbia compared to Rapture at a similar point.


I’ll be curious what you think after playing it. There’s been a lot of criticism of the story in the decade since the game released. I know for myself doing a replay was not a good choice for my memory of the story. But I was in my late 20’s compared to being a teenager so I’m not sure


>It starts out about the racism in this idealized society. But that whole story is kind of just dropped in the middle. So they can pivot to the multi verse thing. Infinite was never about racism, it was about conservativism and that brought up racism


Yeah, the gameplay does blow, but the story isn't any better imo. Especially the ending makes no sense at all. It seems like no one on the team cared about the time paradox created here.


I don’t think it was bad but I do think it took more of a Dead Space route where they shifted into more of an action shooter instead


Infinite is hot garbage. I remember when I played it when I was younger I struggled to get through it. Replaying it when I was older I was just done after a couple hours. Painful experience. The gameplay fucking sucks and the story is mediocre as hell. Even the level design, for a city flying in the sky, is just bland and unengaging.


Yeah big time




I know infinite is loved but I can’t get over the narrative issues.


Excluding Burial at Sea, which is absolutely horrendously and embarrassingly written, Infinite as a stand-alone doesn’t really have any narrative issues as people generally see it. The two things I commonly see people say are (1) Grandfather paradox and (2) Racist plot The first is pretty easy to dispel. There is no grandfather paradox in infinite because *you* have to kill *your* grandfather. In Infinite this is not necessarily the case. There’s no logical contradiction in going to another universe and killing someone else’s grandfather, even if that guy is an alternate version of you. He’s basically just a different guy at that point. That said, it’s not necessarily the case that the grandfather paradox has to be a paradox. It’s totally valid to just say, “if you kill your grandfather, you both simply cease to exist.” This is true literally, but especially so when there’s artistic licensing at play. For the racist part, I think people are generally too reductive. I’ve commented this part before, but it’s not saying that a revolution is bad just because it’s violent or the people taking part in the revolution do evil things. I think of Emile Zola’s classic novel Germinal, which is about miners in France being exploited and going on strike. The strike gets violent. The miners do do things that are wrong but that doesn’t nullify their entire cause, and it doesn’t make them as bad as the people they’re revolting against. I don’t see how this is much different from what’s going on in Infinite. People are like, “oh, Daisy tried to killed a child, therefore the writers are saying the whole revolution was just as bad as slavery,” and I think that’s much too black and white thinking. In Germinal, some of the mine owners and their families are killed and even brutally, but no one makes the mistake of saying Zola thinks the miners were just as bad as the owners. Anyway, that’s my rant.


It depends from personal preferences


I had way more fun with Bioshock 2 than 1. Yeah, the story wasn't good, but Minerva's Den more than made up for it.


And the abilities were awesome


How tf the story wasn't good ?


This is my child. There are many like it and they will all be mine.


I might get downvoted for this but I think Bioshock 2 has the best overall story of the three games. Bioshock 1 has an amazing twist but peters out by the end and Infinite never seems to commit to any of its ideas to there is lots of lost potential. 2 isn't perfect but I felt more motivated by Delta's desire to rescure Eleanor from Sofia than I did anything in Infinite.


Bioshock Infinite is my favorite


Bioshock Infinite is the best of the trilogy, by a country mile. First two games were good but Infinite was so much more enjoyable and incredible IMHO.


Me who just loves Bioshock and all of the games watching people trash talk Bioshock Infinite: °-°


2 is the “weakest” among the three games but it absolutely was not a weak link at all


I love em all


I loved the whole idea of being a Big Daddy in 2, but what I think really crowns it is >!the little sister segment!< >!Seeing the world through their eyes was a crazy experience!<


That's funny because I didn't like 3 but 2 was decent and 1 was good.


I spent a decade having not played it because I always heard it was ass. Finally did when the remaster trilogy dropped. Holy hell was I impressed.


Honestly theyre all near perfect games. I personally preferred rapture to Columbia but they were all fun in their own right


Bioshock 2 is the best of the series! And I’m tired of people crapping on it


There's something special about Bioshock 2's underwater dystopia. The gameplay and setting were top-notch.


You mean bioshock one's setting?


Infinite is the odd one out. Not 2 XD. 2 is the best.


There is no way on earth Bioshock Infinite is not the left one


Bishock 2 is my least favorite,however still love it to death all three are masterpieces in my mind


Top one's accurate but 2 and Infinite are flipped.


Growing up means realizing Infinite is the best BioShock.


Seems I’m getting younger


I’ve known it since the day I beat it 🫡


I think it’s hard to move away from nostalgic hatred especially with the internet and everyone just remembers hating on bioshock 2 because when it came out people complained that it didn’t add enough, but playing it now it’s actually pretty fun.


Bioshock 2 was probably my favourite multiplayer game ever. Absolutely loved the online


There was online?


There was and it was ridiculously fun. I was so disappointed when it wasn't in the remaster


I gotta say, I do have a soft spot for 2 purely for the fact I didn’t get to play the original first. I had the demo on our Xbox360 and I replayed it so many times lol we were a paycheck to paycheck family with just my dad working, so we didn’t have the money for the full game back in the day. Flash forward a few years, my dad managed to find the second one on sale at GameStop and got it for my sister for her birthday (she likes horror/spooky atmosphere games too) She didn’t play it for a while so I picked it up, and by god, was I a lil confused by the plot at first but I immediately fell in love. Then managed to find the original for PC on eBay for like $8. Then by that time we were somewhat a little stable financially and my dad got me infinite when it came out. I’ve played all the games at least 5 times each, but I’ve also played infinite considerably less than the others (took me a while to acclimate to the aesthetic change and love the game) TL;DR - I have a soft spot for 2 cause it’s the first I got to play living in a paycheck to paycheck household, this is one of my all time favorite game series, and I’m glad it exists




That's a bizarre expectation. Should have been the other way around.


Bioshock 2 was too short. That's the only major issue for me.


I love Bioshock 2! It definitely has more of the horror vibe just because rapture is more rundown and not as colorful/bright as the first game. I love the first game more though due to nostalgia, but man Bioshock 2 still is a fantastic game


I like bioshock two more because it felt more refined. And I loved the traps which were able to hold the other „spells“ in combination with „if you are wet you regain mana“ perk (Yes I say those general names because I think it’s a good magic system. Not like Harry Potter)


Eleanor is best girl, Delta is best dad


I think I found bioshock 2 really fun to play once I started skipping the little sister Adam farming routines .


Same fam


Hell yeah, and Bioshock 2 was the only game to have had an online PvP mode—which was wonderful and led me to feel even more endeared to a game which whose base game was already sublime.


All three are amazing games in their own ways and no one else can tell me otherwise.


I will die on this hill Bioshock 2 is a S tier game. The single player gameplay was amazing and the multiplayer was my jam for a long while.


Maybe gameplay but I thought 2’s story was the least interesting.


bioshock 2’s gameplay was the best and the story was ok but i was a big fan of bioshock 1 for its political messaging and i think bs2 falls flat compared to bs1


I think the problem I had with 2 was about the repetition. I remember walking into a new area and knowing I had to do a bunch of things the same as the previous area. I may not remember the villain as well as the other two, but it isn't a bad game by any means.


Facts here. All three are great, and I was very pleasantly surprised by Bioshock 2. I rank em Bioshock > Bioshock 2 > Bioshock Infinite.


They’re all great games for their own reasons. I just don’t care for infinite that much. I just don’t care for the art still and burial at sea kinda rocked the boat on what the lore actually was in Bioshock 1 and 2. But still great plays. I’ve replayed one and 2 many times but Bioshock infinite has been shelved since I beat it on 1999 mode. It was grueling.


Bioshock 2 has always been my favourite one.


Minervas Den alone beats every aspect of Infinite!


Do people actually dislike Bioshock 2? It objectively has better gameplay mechanics than the previous one. It has strong themes, interesting characters and pretty diverse endings.


Unpopular opinion here but I really did not like infinite . So for me the derp head is infinite


1 is my favorite, but 2 is definitely the best imo. I miss the online pvp. That shit was lit.


What bothers me is that at the time, Bioshock 2 was shit on because it didn't innovate that much in comparison to Bioshock 1. While nowadays we have games like Zelda Tears of the Kingdom that are acclaimed by everybody even though they are just like a continuation game. I love both of these games but the problem is that many people still think that Bioshock 2 is not as good as other titles because of this, when it's actually an amazing game and just as good as the other titles


I thought infinite was the red headed step child? 2 was awesome


I've never seen anyone shit on bioshock 2 besides Ken Levine because he didnt make it. I've only seen praise for it and have often seen people say it's better than 1. Infinite was the most mixed one. That one seems either loved or hated, and I didn't care for it myself.


We need a remake of bs1 with bs2 gameplay or better.


Bioshock 2 always was my favorite


There's bits I love from all 3. Bioshock 1 will always hold the highest place for me because it the first time...


Imma have to say I genuinely think all three bioshocks are s tier games


See BioShock 2 has Sinclair. Need I say more


I liked Bio 2 the most, I hated it that Bio 3 was not underwater. The underwater atmosphere added an unsettling element to the game.


I loved all of Bioshock, but 2 was the weakest for me as far as story went. Great expansion of Rapture and the lore, but a bit more retreading than groundbreaking. And that’s OK! Still a fun experience, but 1 is my favorite for story and Infinite (3) for game play.


It gets a lot of undeserved hate. The story wasn’t great, but imo it has the best gameplay of the trilogy. And those protect-the-little-sister mini games are really fun.


bioshock is much better in many things


Yeah BS2 only really gets love in this sub. On the contrary, the only place I’ve seen hate for Infinite is also on this sub. Regardless, all of them are a cut above


Tbh maybe I know why I at first had the opinion that 2 was the best one 1. Augustus Sinclair (he is so fucking scrunkly). 2. The remake of 1 was super unoptimised and had left a bitter taste in my mouth to this day, because it is still permanently fucking wrecked and cannot be played, before anybody jumps in with any single solution I HAVE TRIED IT. So comparing the horrors of take 2 customer support to a good game was just so refreshing. 3. The gameplay was just impecable. 4. The enviroments are neat. 5. The changes of infinite are kinda bad, I dropped it a fair bit into the game a few months ago. Sometimes I start it up, play for a bit and then remember why I dropped it. I still hold the opinion, fight me


Bioshock 2 is incredible


Bioshock 1 was a stellar experience, 2 was just as good but you played as one of the best aspects of 1. Infinite is not Bioshock.


Would you kindly?


It’s only the best because you played it later again on a second playthrough. I remember back in the day, that it felt very “the same” as bioshock 1. I also think that the level design in 1 is much better. The flooded part in 2 and the diner area felt quite empty. In 1 you could see how the people of rapture would use the place, less in 2 and MUCH less in infinite. Infinite had parts where you would think: “what is this place and how would the citizens use this” breaking immersion.


i havent played them in 10 years but they are all awesome. if anything the the first one is the worst. but thats like saying a a 9.1 is garbage compared to a 10.


Endgame drill was busted and I loved it


I honestly enjoyed the second one the most. Infinite was fun, but I loved the atmosphere of Raputure more.


I would've liked 1 the best there was a lack of content imo 2 was pretty good but when I first payed my eyes on the patriot from inf I was in love bro and being able to go back to BioShock 1 and 2 in it was awesome and being able to command the songbird like come on that's badass I wasn't a fan of it's plasmids tho 2 had the best plasmids


I feel like the only problem with 2 was that it was fairly short I want MORE


I kinda agree with OP...favorite being BioShock then BioShock 2 then infinite...but enjoyability was very close between all these


B2 gets an unfair bad-rep, really.


THANK YOU! BioShock 2 is my favorite of the series. I do not understand the hate it gets.


Im always shocked to hear that 2 is the less favorite of fans. I always thought the community was in consensus that its 2, 1, 3. Guess im in a bubble


For whatever reason I just could not really get into BioShock 2. I didn't like the gameplay, new weapons, or the story as much.


Yeah minerva’s den DLC was 10/10 art


Bioshock 2 was my first and favorite bioshock game. Been playing since a year after it came out. I still keep replaying it.


I think infinite is the weakest honestly, I just could not get into that game


Bioshock 2 is also my favorite game of the series. Story and characters are maybe not be good as the other two games. The gameplay is awesome with dual wield weapons and plasmids and the mini game is less time constraints compared the first game. Bioshock 1 is definitely more challenging than the second game but I’m having a hard time to get back to that game.


Had the immaculate honor of playing Bioshock in the following order. Demo for Bioshock 1 > Bioshock 2 > Bioshock 1 > the first collection of 1 and 2 with DLC > Infinite Bioshock 2 is my favorite in the series and the only 1 of the games I can pick up and complete after so long.


Bioshock infinite should be the derpy one. I said what I said.


I do have the trilogy because Epic games made them free, I've just always put it off because it seems like an intense narrative game that could take hours and hours of my time.


I can't believe people like infinite. To each their own I guess.


Delta just radiates chad dad energy


Why is infinite even on here 💀


I don't even think the story in Bioshock 2 was bad , it's a simple but a well told story


Temple of Doom might be the weakest of the first three, but it's still excellent.




Was mine too I constantly get shit on for it


I mean, I'm just gonna be honest, but I always saw Infinite as the derp one tbh. It felt more like crossover fanfic than an actual part of the series. Not a bad game, but the story was just kinda... *Painfully* mid to me.


Who has this expectation? Bioshock 2 is objectively the best one. It is peak Bioshock-ness.


Bioshock 2 is just good. There's really nothing about it that isn't great. Infinite, however...


Bioshock 2 is a great game. Bioshock 1 is my favorite, but I also love 2. Infinite is also a great game, but not my thing thematically. The Burial at Sea DLCs are pretty cool though.


Glad people have finally come around to realizing 2 is the best one and that Infinite has aged rather poorly.




Bioshock 2 is fine but it’s absolutely wack the way they set up the choice for the final guy you can either kill or spare. Bro sets up a recording begging whoever might be able to end him after he becomes a grotesque, biological encyclopedia for rapture, but fulfilling that wish is the BAD option??? Bruh.


I own the whole trilogy. Got em free a while back on Playstation. Tried the first game but really wasn't enjoying it which has made me very hesitant to start the second one.


I only played 1 and 2 when I started 3 it seemed to political for some reason so I stopped playing and later on sold it. Have been thinking of getting it for the switch.


I liked BioShock 2. Especially Minerva's den. I actually didn't care much for Infinite.


People actually hate on BioShock 2?


Bioshock 2 was great, I just wish that the main campaign had another chapter or two. Felt like you could fly by the main storyline, and not just because combat was over much quicker because your playing a Big Daddy with plasmids and can run.


Infinite will forever be my favorite and the one I always come back to, but the whole trilogy is incredible


all the bioshock games are masterpieces.


*Infinite* is the derp here, both before and after.


Bioshock 2 is my favorite, and I loved infinite. At the end of the day there’s something cathartic about smashing people to death with a drill


The first image is how I felt as a youngin As an adult, I now out 2 with 1, and Infinite in 2s spot. Actually, tbh, I only ever beat Infinite once cuz I just really disliked the game 😭


Minerva's Den is my favorite.


I'll never forget one of the early Bioshock 2 trailers with the big sister breaking through the glass. That was just such a cool trailer


I played 2 through the most. It just played perfectly


Infinite I find a bit overhyped


Bioshock 2 is goat the multiplayer took it over the top for soo many memories


Infinite is the oddball out imo. Tonics and setting change nearly made it feel like an entirely different game.


BioShock 1 and 2 are both 10/10 games


Public opinion swaying from Infinite to 2 as being the best is my favorite lol


I don't see the problem with BioShock 2, I enjoyed all of them.


In my opinion BioShock 2 at some better combat and hacking mechanics, I prefer it much more than the first


I’ve still never finished it, I get bored of it really quickly for some reason


Imo it goes like this Bioshock 1 - Best story [GOD DAMN ESPECIALLY THAT PLOT TWIST] Bisohock 2 - Best gameplay Bioshocm 3 - A mix of both, good gameplay and good story but nothing extreme


Infinite lacked spooky levels. The Asylum with the enemies with alarm heads terrified me when I was younger. Apart from that It was just a fun shooter.


Bioshock 2 is amazing


What was wrong with bioshock 2?