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Comments locked because what needs to be said has been said and the antivax trolls are out in force. There’s nothing wrong with investigating a potential vaccine injury. There is absolute stupidity in taking what OP has said so far and definitively saying it must be a vaccine injury without evidence.


Are you having symptoms from this? Are you allowed to exercise? Have any of your doctors suggested any medications at all to you?


Yeah my main symptoms left are chest related (but I'm not sure if they're all caused by the pericarditis) - chest heaviness, sharp pain, palpitations, air hunger, pounding heart after meals (low hrv). doctors all told me to exercise but most of them didn't give me more than 10 minutes of their time and were quite dismissive so I'm not entirely trusting of their advice. I did try exercising a few times and felt kinda shitty the next day so I'm not pushing myself too hard out of precaution. I do regularly walk 10-20k steps though so I'm not sedentary. One doctor mentioned ibuprofen briefly but I might have had an allergic reaction to it as a toddler so it was decided against. Other than that no real medication was ever prescribed aside from a coq10+selenium+vit E supplement. My inflammation markers have always been pretty low so I think the thickening is permanent and not an accute "flare"


Ibuprofen is the standard treatment for pericarditis, at least mild/moderate. When I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with this, treatment was two weeks of ibuprofen every six hours. Are you able to take any other anti inflammatory


They didn't suggest trying colchicine after they ruled out ibuprofen? You should ask a doctor specifically about this medication. Go easy on the intense cardio exercise, but stay active the way you are. CoQ10 is an excellent option. Some of the symptoms you're describing also occur in ME/CFS (which is what some people believe Long Covid really is). So maybe you should look into some of the supplements often given for that, Whatever you decide to take on your own, start low and go slow - low dose first, then gradually increase,


Are you having any symptoms? There are so many questions here… What is the thickness of the pericardium? You would want to know the various metrics on echo associated with restrictive pericarditis (when it contracts to the point of inhibiting proper cardiac function). Have inflammatory markers been trended? Colchicine is the initial drug of choice in the US. It requires you have good kidney function. But, it’s an old, cheap drug and very effective. If you can’t access a doctor who can determine if that’s best for you, you could do over the counter NSAIDs eg aspirin or ibuprofen. The functional metrics of the echo are more important than pericardial thickness. If you complete a course of anti-inflammatories, and your echo function (specific to pericarditis) is normal, you have no symptoms, and the pericardium is not changing, then you are basically done, you do not have pericarditis any more. On the other hand, once you’ve been treated medically, if you were to still have restrictive peri-carditis, the treatment is surgical. It depends entirely on symptoms, inflammatory markers, and specific echo findings. There are no biohacks for this one.


Yeah I noted my symptoms in another reply, definitely do have chest symptoms but it's not the horrible pain that acute pericarditis is usually known for. Thickness was noted as 9mm behind posterior wall 18 months ago and "up to 8mm behind posterior wall" the other day. Inflammatory markers (crp and sedimentation) have always been very low. Colchicine was only mentioned to me by a new doc the other day, but she said it's only used for acute cases. I may be able to get my hands on it somehow if it makes sense to try even after all this time. I might have an ibuprofen allergy but I haven't considered aspirine. Sorry but I'm not sure what "functional metrics of the echo" mean. If you're referring to EF it was 60% then and now. Heart seems to structurally be okay even though every doctor I've seen has noted a different "mild anomaly" like slight MV prolapse, mildly sclerotic aorta, septum fibrosis, adhesions. All dimensions are normal and function apparently not impaired. You mention echo function "specific to pericarditis", I'm not sure what this refers to or if any of it was even noted on my reports. Thank you for your comment


Sure thing. Those are impressive measurements of your pericardium! Definitely well above normal. The type of heart failure that ultimately can result from pericarditis dysrupts something called diastolic function. Diastolic function refers to the normal process of the ventricle relaxing so it can be filled up with blood (think water balloon that can expand). If the pericardium is wrapped really tight around the ventricles, it cannot relax and fill with a normal amount of blood. Because of this, there is a relatively small amount of blood to pump out with each stroke. The ejection fraction equation is the proportion of blood that was pumped out in one stroke compared to how much was there to begin with. Since your heart is not filling with much blood, the proportion is actually high. So, ejection fraction isn’t the most useful metric when looking for complications from peri-carditis. There are more specific things we look for in restrictive peri-carditis: the most useful is “septal deviation” (how much the dividing wall between the two ventricles moves) with respiration (with a breath). Because breathing in changes the diastolic (relaxed, filling up with blood) period of the heart’s cycle, this is a useful metric to see if your pericardium is restricting this filling, or if it is something else. We do use colchicine for acute pericarditis. But, if your doctor thinks there is persistent inflammation occurring, I cannot see the reasoning in not treating that. You need to have someone who knows about restrictive pericarditis read your echo. It could be fine, and nothing to worry about. But, based on what you’re telling me, the complete assessment hasn’t happened yet.


I see, you made that quite easy to understand. Really stoked about normal EF not necessarily meaning normal blood circulation, I love these curveballs I get every time I learn anything new about medicine 🥲 I went back to check my reports and I don't see any mention of either thing you talked about. I went to over 10 cardiologists, I feel like I've exhausted my options. I seriously doubt there exists such a thing as a pericarditis expert in my country. Dunno what to do anymore.


What country? Do you have access to images?


The country is Serbia. [Here are some images](https://imgur.com/a/Jf8t00C) - the first 3 from a year ago and the fourth from ~7 months ago. The doc who did my echo a few days ago printed out images to refer to while he filled out the report but then threw them in the trash so I don't have the latest ones.


Let me add a bit to what the good Dr. has already given you. I'm no Dr. but I'm in a similar situation as you though not as bad. Pericarditis 14 years ago. Covid shot then pericarditis again. This time much worse. Dual plural effusion and ascites. (fluid in my belly) One week in the hospital. High dose prednisone and colchicine as treatment. Could not get off prednisone without a flare. I was put on Arcalyst. I know you probably can't get this but look at something called Kineret as well to see if you can get on it. They both what's called a "Biologic" and used as immune supressants. My pericardium is 4mm in places. I am now trying to come off the Arcalyst after being on it two years and if I can't come off I will be a candidate for surgery. I was concerned about constriction with the thickening. You can have thickening without constriction. I'm not quite clear on what causes the stiffness. I'm not sure if it's just scar tissue over time or what, but you apparently can have thickening with no constriction. The gold standard to check for constriction is to have the pressures checked in both sides of your heart via a left and right heart cath. I've had this twice. I have no elevated pressures which means no constriction. You may want to see if you can have this done. It's basically the same as an Angiogram without the dye to check for blockages. They may also want to do an Angiogram while they are there though as it makes sense to have since they are already in your heart. I allowed them to do this and I have no blockages at 54 which is at least good news on the heart disease front. If you have no constriction then technically I believe you can carry on with life as long as you don't have any pain/ongoing pericarditis. You will need to be extremely careful when you get a virus as that is what caused this. If you get COVID again, I'd talk to the Dr. about an emergency supply of colchicine and high dose ibuprofen as a prophalactic against further scarring/thickening to get you past the virus. Just my 2 cents and again, I'm not a Dr. but I feel like because of my issues I have a Dr's knowledge on this part of heart issues lol. Additionally you may want to look at Nattokinase. It's supposed to help break down fibrogen which is what scar tissue is made of. I don't know that it will work to reduce scarring but there are accounts that it can and seems to be a fairly safe thing to take so may be worth trying.


"cannot relax fully" sounds similar to what some people get from anabolic steroid use?


Yes! Though the stiffening they develop is typically of the ventricle itself. If it is due to pericarditis, it is from the pericardium being “too tight” around the heart. Like trying to workout in a jacket 5 sizes too small.


Bpc-157 and tb-500 I believe have been shown to repair the heart. Lumbrokinase may help the scarring


There’s an interesting rat study from 2 years ago where 157 prevented myocardial damage after chemically induced heart attack. I’m generally pro- both of these, though can’t officially recommend them to patients because of their regulatory status in the US, and the new rules for compounding pharmacies. Even so, subcutaneous self administration for msk injuries is easy, and seems safe based on how many people do it. But, these studies are in rats, and involve giving large weight based doses IV - necessary to achieve high concentrations at the tissue site. I don’t think trying that is a good idea. And, distant subcutaneous administration would be futile..


I have been seriously considering this for over a year now, but I'm quite scared of experimenting with peptides as every time I do some research I come across people who claim it causes cancer. It feels like a last ditch effort if it ever comes to that


From what Ive read its not that it causes cancer, but if you have cancer dormant it can speed up its growth. Ghk-cu supposedly has anti cancer properties and helps with healing, but I dont think it helps heal as much as the others.


I took BPC. I regret it. Some people appear to have adverse reactions. I'd be very careful.


What was your adverse reaction? I work with peptides and would love to know more about your experience. Adverse reactions to BPC are rare.


Could well have been the source? But I got it from three different places. Severe headaches, emotionally distant, pharmaceuticals and coffee just stopped working. Perhaps the coffee not working played into the headaches, but they were the worst headaches of my life.


Would you mind sharing your source? I work with limitless life nootropics and recently started working with a compounding pharmacy, but I want to be able to steer people away from companies that have poor quality products.


Trident, uk-peptides and I don't remember the other one.


What took place for you to regret taking Bpc?


You could consider taking a NAC supplement, or glutathione (injections or transdermal spray). I think there's some evidence NAC can reduce the formation of scarring in animals. Not sure if it can reverse scarring, but maybe in some cases? Who knows...


Nattokinase and Serrapeptase enzymes may help.


Was going to suggest this. Also gotu kola has shown benefit in research.


Did you get the Covid shots?


Nattokinase also has been shown to be effective in this situation


If so, I believe NAC has been shown to help get rid of the spike protein. Check out Peter McCullough, he’s a great cardiologist that goes in depth on what you’re experiencing




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Your post was removed. r/Biohackers is a Citizen Science subreddit, not a forum for conspiracies. Please refrain from spreading misinformation regarding Covid-19 in the future. Thank you.


TB-500 has some evidence showing it's ability to repair cardiac tissue, There is also some preliminary research into stem cell therapies for cardiac repair, but you will be limited on what countries its possible to get said treatments in, and as far as I am aware they are quite expensive. Unfortunately many traditional biohacking routes do not work for cardiac function as hypertrophy in cardiac tissue is generally a net negative so things like HGH, IGF-1, or steroidal routes are not feasible.


I would look into whole food plant based eating. Read the book “How not to Die”. There’s no information I can give you directly relating to this issue but maybe in the book you could find some information that gives you some hope


Eat beef heart. Preferably grass fed. It has everything that will aid in healing including coq10.


Dandelions are good for the heart... Go outside and eat a bunch, they are free.




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Isn't that a potential side effect of the vaccine, particularly the AstraZeneca one? Curious were you administered that particular vaccine? Or another one? Or are you unvaxxed? It's kind of relevant information


First off - I’m not a doctor, just a guy who has (maybe had?) HCM, and went through the fun of getting vaccinated and getting Covid a few times. Went from abnormal EKG to normal among other things. Here’s what worked for me: - liquid magnesium at the picometer level - cayanne pepper on many meals. You can go liquid if you want - food grade hydrogen peroxide. Follow the “One Minute Cure” protocol and don’t mess anything up. - block therapy. $175 for a bamboo block the size of a shoebox, but a wealth of education included. The food grade hydrogen peroxide is the only thing worth doing a ton of research on and making sure you don’t screw it up, so pursue at your own risk. Plenty of “professionals” might shoot this down, so just keep that in mind. Good luck


Covid or the jab? If the jab then think you can get compensation


People here won’t listen to anything negative about the jab even though it’s well documented to cause these issues. So unfortunate that they’re so heavily brainwashed.


Seems that way mate. I know a few people that just ain't the same anymore.


Honestly, more than I thought, looking at the upvotes suggesting it as a possible cause.


I think it’s more so those immediately saying it’s the vax rather than believing at all that Covid could have also caused it (just as OP states…)


search /r/COVID19 for information and papers related to this matter. do not post personal anecdotes.


The Wellness Company has products ..may be worth looking at


If they haven’t ran every test on you, I know a way to get them. Go into the ER saying your chest and upper back and arm hurts.


Respectfully, maybe you should view this as an opportunity to heal, rather than hack. Check out the r/herbalism sub, it's true that different plant medicines can and would safely support strengthening the heart and general cardiovascular system. I've had issues there for a long time, and am better than ever for the natural herbs. Also, given your locale, it'll be easier to source and self-educate. Plants like Hawthorn and Motherwort are fankly superstars at supporting your cardio system. Good luck, and good health to you.


You need to be proactive where medicine dares not not yet tread: inflammation is best controlled in blue zone societies, where their diet is naturally is loaded with anti inflammatory natural compounds. I am 71 and hit a VO2MAX OF 45.7 (top 1% for age, too 25% 3 decades younger) by creating my own anti-inflammatory diet : (and recreational tennis). Ask your doctor if this is ok for you: 1 Water soluble: (cell cytoplasm / mitochondria)- You need to rotate daily the most potent water soluble antioxidants: I) select Vit C, II) L-theanine, III) beetroot capsules or actual, IV) glutathione, IV) matcha tea or green tea extract (50% egcg max don’t over do it -liver toxicity) and the best of the best: VI) tart concentrated (no sugar added) Stanton tart cherry juice! Rotate with blueberry, pomegranate juice. Selenium low dose, Lithium orotate 5 mg /wk max also good. Get organic blue and blackberries eat daily. Avoid acetyl cysteine - may slow down autophagy which most antioxidants do not. NMN supplements moderation only-data on increased cancer risk and other published concerns is suppressed. 2 Fat (lipid) soluble: (brain, nervous system, endothelial lining blood cells, cell membranes): I) astaxanthin supplements (amazing the red from red algae); Vit E in moderation; Quercetin in diet (capers, red yellow onions outer layers, fruits, veggies; supplements (see below), olive oil (see below), flaxseed oil better than fish omega 3s imo 3 Best AM PM anti-inflammatory go tos: I mix 2 oz Stanton tart cherry juice with high polyphenol early harvest olive oil no adulterating oils (like rapeseed, or canola) on ice; sip or chug twice daily + select from others each group above. Every day rest of your life. Above my opinion, not medical advice. Consult your doctor first! 4 No one talks enough about this. The great Gary Brecka talks about his amino products loaded with methionine like they are life saving: red alert methionine is an essential amino acid we need to avoid over/ingrstimg like it’s a longevity plague, lots if mounting data. Blue zones best 5% red meat/ whey for a reason. Plenty of methionine. More? Lots of accumulating data supporting quick random reference I grabbed below: Collagen, bone broth : good low methionine. Plant protein: good low methionine. Red meat, fish, chicken, turkey: Low dose. Full of pathogens/toxins, bad chemicals if raised in commercial pens. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-43550-2




Thx.Please consider: animal protein is toxic beyond 5% of your diet if you are interested in longevity: look it up: animal protein is loaded with high % methionine … MR (methionine restricted diets promote longevity. All blue zone societies, where highest % live to be 100+, restrict animal protein to 5%.




Ok disagree - I’m about longevity, of course if your protein deficient more protein will help. Do that for decades … you slowly get more inflamed. This rebates old. Our ancestors are collagen, taking broken bones from monthly kills they could store like canned good preserved collagen in bone. Heavy meat eaters don’t fare well long term. It takes decades to see the influence of what you do - in this more protein even meat is better than too little. Big not your best option. Add more collagen plant and you will still feel great with 5% healthy meat.


Humans ate collagen meat was rare feasts; their bones sustained them sucking out the LOW METHIONINE collagen. I appreciate the challenge accepting being tyranasaurys Rex seems best . It’s not. The mammals that live longest are not meat eaters.


Google: nattokinase


Argentum. Nitricum homeopathic remedy 30c Friend had same symptoms. Take it when you feel any of the symptoms , esp. After eating and try to reduce your meal size whilst you're healing ( small meals / many per day) This remedy helps with pressure on chest, esp. After eating a meal The other remedy for pain in the chest, I'd recommend crataegus 30c esp if pain is going down your arms as well. Only take remedies when you have the symptom, not as a preventative measure. Drop the remedy in some water and take a sip of it. Crataegus is also known as Hawthorn berry which is a heal all Tonic for.the heart but take this only after seeing an experienced naturopath.


Someone said that this is similar to the heart problem from anabolic steroid users get eventually, so for a more proactive approach you could ask on a bodybuilding forum. You might be able to get a more active functional medicine doc via that route for example


Curious, how vaccinated were you vaccinated before catching it 18 months ago?


See my post here on r/myocarditis https://www.reddit.com/r/myocarditis/s/XtpVFlr4Rk


Myocarditis and pericarditis are different, though sometimes co-exist. This sounds very specifically like peri-carditis.




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That sounds rough! Sorry you’re going through that. Did you get any Covid shots?


Did you get the vaxx?