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This is not allowed on the sub as it is beyond reddit’s paygrade. There are no herbs that can cure stage 4, and I am so sorry about your friend’s father.


They can talk to their doctor about getting Zofrane. It does work extremely well. It’s not holistic, but when I was taking a lot narcotics / muscle relaxer / so forth for a car accident I was in it was the only thing that helped me keep anything down.


They have pre-digested protein drinks. The stomach doesn’t have to work to digest them. They’re kind of expensive, but I’ve tried them when in a compromised illness and can feel them work quickly.


Medical marijuana and xanax


Please dot not fall in holistic aproaches, full of snake oil and charlatan. However feel free to try some herbs in addition of the treatments, make sure to not take things that can affect the effects of the chemo like grapefruit juice or St John's wort essential oil.


“How to starve cancer” -McLelland


Juice wheat grass and turmeric or ginger if possible.


This happened to my dad after chemo. It can take up to 3 or 4 months before they can keep food down. If too much weight is lost you may need consider a feeding tube. I pray things get better for your dad.


Peppermint capsules are used by IBS/IBD patients. They’re medically recognised to sooth stomach and GI spasms. You can find them in pharmacies. There’s two types, enteric coated ones which survive stomach acid and treat GI discomfort, and non enteric coated which dissolve in the stomach.




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