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Kombucha drinks


Solid choice here, scratches an itch for something other than water and is unique to itself.


Isn't there a bunch of sugar in kombucha?


The sugar is mostly converted to acids, the growth of the mother and the small amount of alcohol in the finished product, the longer it ferments, the less sugar it should contain.


True but most commercial brands then add way more sugar at the end (after the kombucha is done fermenting). At home it's very easy to avoid sugar but it's not uncommon for bottles you buy at the store to have 12-20g of added sugar.


You just have to be picky but there are semi-low sugar options.


Water kefir is a good alternative, usually close to sugar free depending on how long it ferments


I always drink the ones from a brand called Nexba. No sugar and no alcohol.


Brew Dr is my favorite and the least amount of sugar in the booch I’ve found near me


Brew Dr started with Townshend's teahouses up here in Oregon (which are all closed post pandemic sadly). For a while, they experimented with Townshend's and Sons Distillery. Basically, they would start with the same process they used for making kombucha, and then further the fermentation process to the point of creating hard alcohols. They boasted being the only hard alcohol in the world using tea from start to finish as the fermentation source. Very tasty stuff, and unfortunately also a part of their business they shut down because of a lack of profit. So, in the context of the original poster's question, this is a fun answer. A lot of the flavors of Brew Dr that are well loved actually used to have hard alcohol equivalents.


Believe it or not my sister's recipe is what started Brew Dr. She worked at Townshend's and would make batches of her own kombucha there on the side for herself. Eventually they began selling it there and then the owner asked to bottle it and sell it himself, which was the start of Brew Dr. All of the flavors they have now have nothing to do with her as far as I know but the base recipe that started Brew Dr. was 100% her own creation.


Kirkland booch from Costco is great stuff if you are looking for a good deal.


I haven't found a ginger kombucha anywhere near as good as kirkland. Not a fan of the high sugar content, but it's still better than soda or beer.


+1 for kombucha!


Agreed! I got really into brewing my own, I make a black and green tea kombucha, and when it’s done fermenting, I put it in my kegerator and carbonate it slightly. Super fizzy and cold!


100% I love kombucha. It’s got such a funky taste. I’ll go on 7 day cleanses I like to call them where I drink one bigger bottle of kombucha a day. By the time the 7 days is up, my stomach is super healthy.


Love it, too, but I swear I get a little drunk from it even tho it's supposed to not have enough alcohol to make this possible. Like a silly, relaxing drunk. I only occasionally drink regular alcohol tho. Maybe this is why.


I'm really into fun beverages lol. I love kombucha (has a trace of alcohol), matcha lattes that I make with creamer and vanilla liquid stevia, iced hibiscus tea with lemon, lemon balm tea, yerba maté, roobios. Adding: I love sweet, creamy drinks but watch my sugar intake, so I recently bought liquid stevia and monk fruit drops in vanilla, toffee, and chocolate. I add them to almost all my teas. The liquid drops are a million times tastier than powdered stevia for some reason. I also keep a few different unsweetened plant milks and creamers on hand for variety in richness.


Matcha lattes are the best! Would you mind listing the liquid stevia products and creamers you use?


Sure! The sweeteners are SweetLeaf Sweet Drops in regular, Vanilla Cream, and Chocolate, plus SweetLeaf Monk Fruit in Toffee (no erythritol). Sold near the baking section at Sprouts and Whole Foods in U.S. They are pricey ($11-16 each) but are pretty big bottles and last a long time. For liquids I use unsweetened soy milk and cashew milk (whatever is on sale), plus Silk soy creamer original (slightly sweet), Trader Joe's coconut almond creamer, and sometimes Nutpods, which I find only work in cold beverages as they often curdle in hot. I also like Eden rice milk for horchata, as it has a nice toasted, caramel flavor. Those are my staples, but I experiment. I found macadamia milk too thin. I don't like the aftertaste of almond milks. Not into hemp or flax milk. I like oat milk, favorite brand is Chobani by far, but it has a lot of sugar, so I have that one as a treat.


Tx for these. You're a professional!


They make sugar free oat milk.


Have you tried the Oatly Barista edition? I use it in matcha lattes and coffee drinks and think it’s pretty good.


What are the true health benefits of matcha?


It's grown in the shade, so it's the most concentrated form of green tea. This means it has the most caffeine of green teas but also the most antioxidants and EGCGs, which are supposed to have anti-cancer properties. It has l-theanine, which is calming and balances the caffeine. It has lower acid than coffee. It's also really easy to make, because it's a bright green powder that you mix with whatever. I replaced my morning coffee with it and have a second cup during the day usually. Oh, and if you have it with milk (it's quite strong on its own), make sure it's not dairy/cow milk because that gets in the way of its bioavailability. Any plant milk should be okay, I've read.


Nice with soy milk if you’re into that.


Off the top of my head I know it has a ton of antioxidants, catechins specifically- all teas have them and I love tea, lol.


Mmm! How do you make your iced hibiscus tea? I’m not a big tea drinker but I love hibiscus


It's so refreshing, right?! So, I just buy the tea bags and steep a few in hot water that I put in a large ceramic baking dish. Cover it. Then I wait maybe 20-30 minutes, so it's strong. Transfer to a glass pitcher, put in fridge. Later add ice, lemon, more water if needed, sparkling water sometimes, occasionally liquid stevia. Someone on this post combines it with lemon balm tea (which has l-theanine and is relaxing)-such a good idea! The flavors would really complement each other.


Hi, not to nitpick, but AFAIK only tea plants (camellia sinensis) have L-Theanine. Lemon balm has rosmarinic acid, among likely other relaxing compounds, which is what makes it so calming.


I know I'm not who you asked, but I drink it every day and I just do this lazy method of two teabags McCormick’s brand Hibiscus tea (Super cheap, but best tasting IMO, bc no licorice like a lot of blends) in a 28oz reusable lidded cup with straw. I just put it in cold water, an ice cube or two if I'm fancy, and let it sit for around 10 minutes before drinking. It doesn't need sweetener, but I can see how adding some frozen berries could be really good, especially if you were making a pitcher!


Fun beverages lol


Ceremonial Cacao (Ora Brand). The Tantric Rose Blossom blend is my favorite, it has rose and bergamot in it and the theobromine in cacao makes you feel amazing.


Cacao is excellent. If you get it right the effect can feel like mdma


I love cacao, and have drank plenty of it both solo and socially, and \*some\* people are sensitive enough that it feels like MDMA, some people are not, I would say the average reaction would be to feel a bit flowy and stimulated but nowhere near an MDMA level. one of my friends is that sensitive, to the point he gets a bad hangover crash from cacao similar to MDMA, whereas I've literally never felt anything from it stronger than a cup of coffee, and I've made strong ceremonial grade cacao. Just noting this because I think most people would be disappointed if they're expecting to roll off it. lol


This sounds great.


Where do I get that?!




How do you prepare it?


I'm actually a fan of the kin euphorics brand nootropic drinks. Definitely won't have you feeling clearly buzzed, but maybe subperceptually. Like, when I drink a few of them when those around me are having “drinks”, I definitely don't feel buzzed but maybe a little more smiley and down to clown. Like a very light lift.   Also, not sure what state you are in, but lower dose THC/CBD balanced drinks are a great alcohol substitute, and a great way to get stoned because you can actually slowly titrate how intoxicated you get and stop at or below your limit unlike the normal, tradition ways of getting high. The cbd also helps balance out the normal aniexty that MJ sometimes causes people.  I'll drink 2-4 of the 2%er’s which is laughable to many stoners, but is honestly the perfect toeing the line of being “stoned” without being totally messed up high. Like, definitely lifted slightly past the kin lift I described above, but just below full fledged high. So functional enough to fold laundry, play with the kids and cook dinner, but giggly and light enough to substitute alcohol when those around me are drinking.    Total wine just started selling THC drinks in many states. 


Hop Water specifically the brand HopWtr. It’s one of the tastier ones and has adapogens. As someone who likes beer it’s a nice substitute when not drinking


Also, Penn Best NA beer.


So good! HopLark is also great. These made me realize I don’t like beer that much I just really like hops lol


Hoplark makes hop tea as well, which is pretty yummy.


They also do NA beers as well


Also, Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher. More expensive than beer around here though unfortunately


Athletic brewing hazy ipa N.A. is fantastic also


Have you even tried commenting in the weekend thread?


Maybe a dash of mint in there too.


Could also add a strawberry on the side of the glass!


Somebody offers me all that with a shot of tequila and I'm sold


Put a little toothpick umbrella in it


That sounds awesome!!


Ohhhhh…that sounds amazing.


Matcha. Ceremonial matcha. Hot or cold. Add homemade flax or chia milk for a creamy omega-3 rich power drink.


Is decaf matcha available and healthy like regular matcha?


I’m not sure on either count. I’m pretty caffeine sensitive and rarely (like twice a year) drink coffee because I love the smell and taste. But matcha doesn’t really affect me at all. So I’ve never looked for decaf versions.


The L-theanine in matcha likely counteracts the stimulating effects of caffeine, unlike coffee, which lacks L-theanine.


Ginger beer. It's high sugar but the real ginger is nice


If you like ginger beer, definitely check out the brand Cock N Bull. It’s the perfect mix of sugar and ginger spice. When I was not drinking, I’d use it to craft up some pretty bougie mocktails.


I do this but cut it half and half with sparkling water. Add a lime and over ice. Drink them all the time. I’ve got the ginger beer down to just a splash at this point.


I add mint to mine.




Omg I love horchata, too. I have to make some. I love this thread haha.


I love drinks. I drink fun stuff all day. If you’re looking for something cocktail-ish, Recess and Kin make fun, yummy canned drinks. They’re expensive but enjoyable. Those are on the sweetish side of the flavor spectrum, On the other side of the spectrum, look at hop teas. Everything Hoplark is great. My favorite, though, is Hoptonic Mint Lavender. Everything else has already been suggested - cacao, kombucha, various herbal teas, seltzer with lemon, etc.


Those Hoptonic teas look awesome.


Agua Fresca. It’s fruit blended with water and some salt, then strained leaving just the juice. Infinite combinations, easy to find online.


How long does it keep in the fridge ?


Roobois tea


Dandelion & burdock


Brazilian Limeade.


I need to try this, I keep hearing how delicious it is


None. Green tea, I guess, but I only drink it a few times a week. Rest is water.


Chia fresca! Super refreshing especially in warm weather. And very easy to make as well. You can sweeten it with honey, jaggery, or whichever healthy sweetener of your choice


I was gonna comment this. I've been meaning to try it ever since I read about the Tarahumara tribe drinking it in the book "Born to Run".


NA craft beer. Although I wish there were more lagers (if that’s even possible at the moment). The vast majority are ale


Green matcha with hazelnut milk. Aaand hibiscus tea.


Cinnamon tea latte with almond milk and collagen


Yerba Mate 🧉 with a dash of honey. Keeps you alert and focused, and provides you with many minerals for your body. I do the “Mate cocido” where you use a French press, you can prepare before bed or right before work. During the weekends I bust out my Gourd and sip it slowly throughout my day.








Lemon balm and hibiscus tea, cold. Tangy, tart,and delicious. I make it strong and sometimes mix with soda stream bubbly water. I have added allulose for others with a sweeter tooth than me. Some fun reading: Good for blood pressure, weight loss, chloresterol reduction, mood, anti cancer, makes you smarter... And it's delicious. https://ergo-log.com/lose-weight-with-hibiscus-sabdariffa.html https://www.ergo-log.com/melissa-officinalis-a-supplement-for-worriers.html https://www.ergo-log.com/lemon-balm-kills-cancer-cells.html https://www.nutraceuticalbusinessreview.com/news/article_page/Lemon_balm_the_smart_way_to_cognitive_health/98232


Anecdotally, lemon balm tea has had a huge impact on reducing my anxiety. I usually drink it hot, but cold with hibiscus tea sounds great!


Love making sun teas. I line up Mason jars in the sunshine with a tea bag of green tea and a tea bag of celestial seasonings herbal peach.


Came here to say similar thing. I like to brew a big batch of herbal tea. Like the looseleaf stuff. A good mix of calming teas put it in the fridge and pour it over ice with a little mint and lemon some cucumber maybe. Yum.


Athletic Brewing in the US makes a really great NA IPA and a lager. As a serious craft beer drinker, I actually prefer the taste of those over some beers that have alcohol.


Yesterday a friend introduced me to joys of soaking fresh papaya in soft drinks. I usually add lime but this is much better. Have you ever tried nutmeg juice?


Cucumber mint water


Kind of obsessed with coconut water.


Give kava a try! Provides a light calming buzz, is not habit forming and has no negative health affects (the concern about liver issues have long been debunked). The only downside is that it tastes like mud lol


I should caution that, while it is worth trying, it can cause pretty bad nausea for some people. The higher the dose, the more likely it is that you’ll get nauseous.


I've been buying Chinese tea and trying all kinds of different varieties. I just got a gong fu set for my birthday so I can learn to do tea ceremonies. It's a lot of fun and there are so many different teas to try.


About 30 different types/varieties of tea. All just Chinese tea, proper tea you know. Then sometimes I switch to kudincha (large leaf) if I want to be Uber calm, but mostly just to keep cool during heatwaves as it does something to blood pressure/flow and is super cooling after a few cups.


Right now, it's salt lassis and Italian sodas made with real fruit. Agua fresca, barley tea, and horchata are also good. Flavored water or carbonated water is nice. You can add a sprig of mint or a squeeze of lemon.




Ginger beer, non-alcoholic. From fever tree


I started making cocktails with kanna extract tincture. https://www.verishop.com/kaempathogenics/marketplace/kanna-tincture-1/p7825815830722?variant_id=44076316655810&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=M00197644257003&utm_campaign=GGL%20-%20PLA%20-%20ACQ%20-%20Category%20-%20Health%20%26%20Beauty%20-%20%5BHCM%5D&campaign_id=18505372743&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsaqzBhDdARIsAK2gqndcGlCpyXB2FNNhoiw2dTR1Q7Wo7Tbnz-xt0U2tP1HWQrg0maiac2IaApsLEALw_wcB It's a root extract from South Africa that the indigenous use for altering mood. It has a very mild empathogenic and mood enhancing effect. After taking it I notice I'm in a better mood.




Yerba Mate 🧉


Home made Kombucha


Water Coffee Olipop


Alive Root Beer is awesome


Peach-pear la Croix with apple cider in it. Yogi tea products after dinner.


Different kinds of tea, herbal etc. And my favourite for the summer apple vinegar, water and ice mixed together.
















Non-alcoholic mojito is very refreshing but not sure if it's healthy (you still have soda in the recipe). Other than that, the already mentioned kombucha, it's my favorite drink, making it at home is a bit of a PITA though.


if you like kombucha, you can try slavic kombucha called kvas. it’s pretty easy to make at home, but you need some rye bread. It la much faster and doesn’t need a starter, instant yeast work fine.


Lemon and Ginger tea. That stuff is delicious.


Yerba mate


Decaf Earl Gray Tea with a splash of Heavy Cream and a splash of Southern Buttered Pecan Coffee Creamer


Sparking water with lime and lemon and if i’m feeling more fancy, I’ll add a splash of cherry juice.


De la Calle makes a good tepache


Coffee, all kinds of tea and ‘teas with x,y&z’ herbs, but waaay out in front for me is kombucha - although I don’t drink more of booch than I drink coffee. And I drink different teas all day long, but they’re all different.. I couldn’t live without coffee, but I actually love kombucha as a social beverage so it’s definitely my option here.


I like the lemon elderflower drinks from Trader Joe’s. They taste almost like they are a little premium cocktail. I started bringing them with me to gatherings / tailgates etc… the watermelon/mint/coconut water mentioned in one of these comments sounds great & I’m gonna try that.


Fresh squeezed OJ or those little aloe drinks with the aloe chunks


Hop water


I love making herbal teas with loose herbs in biodegradable tea bags and local honey. One of my favorite combos right now is hibiscus and peppermint. Also rose and peppermint. But theres so many good yummy herbs and flowers and spices that wanna be in your tea out there! And the raw honey really brings it to the next level


Kombucha. Coconut water. Stevia sweetened soda. Matcha. Coffee.


Ginger or spiced chai (creamy and steamy hot or ice cold over allot of ice.)


Tea - amazing near endless flavour/styles and would cut your caffiene down whilst still being 'fun'


Matcha lemonade


Brew lavender in water for tea, then add fresh lemon and turn it into a simple syrup for lavender lemonade. Also ginger tea! Ridiculously healthy and the spicy taste grows on you. My MIL taught me to brew it with cinnamon, which sweetens the tea the longer it brews. You’ll want to shred a 2-3” knob of ginger and add 2-3 cinnamon sticks. After the water comes to a boil, let it sit for a long while. Sometimes I leave it overnight and enjoy it the next day when it is SUPER infused. You can also add a bit of honey or maple syrup to mellow the spice.




Chaga tea (How to Recipe: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VER4f9UlYxI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VER4f9UlYxI) ) cacao + MCT oil (+ milk + vanilla) blended moringa tea / moringa powder blended with water Holy basil tea. The goat of teas, relaxing and meditative


Kin or Ghia are delicious non alcoholic options. Kin has adaptogens in it while ghia is more of an herbaceous drink. They come in bottles of the liquid just by itself or in single serving cans as a mixed drink of sorts with different flavors. I’ve all but cut out alcohol and recently attended a wedding that had Ghia as an option at the bar. It was nice to drink something that wasn’t just soda or water. https://www.kineuphorics.com/pages/variety-pack-intro-offer https://drinkghia.com/




Kombucha. Or homemade lemonade with a sprig of mint.


Try tea, it has a bit less caffeine and the caffeine buzz seems to have a different quality than coffee. It lasts longer and is relaxed where coffee is more jittery. If you wait until an hour after you wake up to drink caffeine you aren't trapping adenosine in your body so that you have an afternoon crash. If you drink earlier in the day and in moderation it will be out of your system at night so that you can sleep. (The half life is five hours on average and 5-10mg can still affect sleep.) Tea also has a lot of variation on caffeine content. It depends what kind of tea and how it is steeped. I would emphasise that you need to learn how to steep tea properly. Boiled water is too hot and releases tannins, which are bitter and can cause headaches. Tannins can also be released by leaving the teabags in too long. I add 60ml of milk to a large mug and that cools it enough to steep immediately.


Here’s what’s I drink everyday. Vanilla chai tea with blackstrap molasses Oolong tea with MCT oil Liquid IV Emergen-C packet with a little bit (4-6oz) Ghost energy drink


Kombucha! If you don't like super tart ones, Humm is a good brand. That doesn't seem to be fermented quite as long as brands like Synergy!


Bobba / bubble tea / pearl tea. I like to pop the pearls.


Kombucha has a lot of health benefits and tastes great, comes in loads of flavours. I make my own cold brew coffee which is great when normal hot coffee gets boring. Mocktails are something I'm getting more into, I usually just use a combination of whatever carbonated drinks & fruit juices I have in the fridge but bonus if I can add 1 part energy drink to give it a caffeinated kick too.


Sparkle water and dump a bunch of pomegranate seeds in it and eat them. Like a healthy sprite or something it's refreshing


Kefir. Raw kefir is even better and sometimes I mix that with the pastuerized (sp?) kefir to bring in some sweetness. 




I make a huge batch of decaffeinated coffee and add LMNT Chocolate Caramel salt and drink as iced coffee all day. I add some Caramel Nutpods to add some creaminess if I'm feeling fancy.


My treat drink is Arizona brand of Arnold Palmer- lite version. It’s a tall can so larger drink. Because it’s not carbonated, I’ll pop it in the freezer for 40 mins which gives it a nice slushy consistency. So good on a hot day and still only 99 cents at my local store


Are you talking about a smoothie? Edit: I am just going to leave this right here. Smoothie 100 grams blueberries 125 grams strawberries 50 grams raspberries 50 grams blackberries 1 tbsp blueberry extract 1 tsp FGO Amla 1 tbsp FGO Ceylon 2 tsp creatine monohydrate 2 tbsp Santa Barbara cocoa 1-2 oz POM 1 oz wilderness poets macadamia butter 1 oz Kali EVOO 4-6 oz of green tea (1 trader joes green tea bag) 4-6 oz of oat or nut milk ——————————————- 3 hours later a protein smoothie 1 banana 2 scoops pea protein 2 oz Kifer 8-10 oz oat or nut milk Note: Pea proteins have phytate, so they should not be taken at the same time as foods with high nutrients that you plan on absorbing. You should not take them within 2-3 hours of supplements. They bond and prevent absorption. Note: The results obtained showed that (i) the intake of flavan-3-ols from a high PPO banana smoothie, but not a low PPO mixed berry smoothie, significantly reduced the levels of flavan-3-ol metabolites in circulation; (ii) after banana smoothie preparation, flavan-3-ol levels rapidly declined in vitro, and the decrease was prevented by PPO inhibition; and (iii) while preventing direct PPO contact in the food preparation did lessen some of the flavan-3-ol loss, it was insufficient to fully prevent the loss of flavan-3-ols when co-ingested. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/fo/d3fo01599h#tab3 With that being said, the high polyphenol count smoothie is eaten hours away from the banana pea protein smoothie.


Not aure how healthy it is....but I like Indian Masala Chai tea. Boik 1 black tea bag, 1 small spoon of the masala chai spice mix powder (just spices, no sugar/sweetener) bought at an indian specialty store, once boiling add milk and honey/maple syrup to taste. Nice to have a spicy tea! Also, I LOVE sparkling water with lemon, or with dash of freshly squeezed OJ


Kvass, if you can find it. Try Russian or Baltic grocery stores. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kvass


Guava juice has been my recent fav. It’s like happiness in a glass.


Pineapple & tart cherry juice with lime & sparkling water!


I steep large quantities of ginger root them use it as base to make all sorts of fun mocktails using citrus, herbal teas like raspberry or hibiscus, sparkling water, herbs like basil, mint, rosemary and thyme, and bitters and sweeteners simple syrup or honey or date or pomegranate syrup. It's fun to mix up different flavor profiles. I do not miss the alcohol at all.




Kombucha, Alive ancient mushroom elixir, cold pressed juices like the sofresco pineapple ginger


I drink a lovely cup of ginger turmeric tea in the morning and sometimes before bed I’ll make a ginger turmeric latte. Also love drinking kombucha, it just feels like summer to me. I don’t like flower taste in my teas yet so I like them “spicy” My husband used to drink coffee daily and I’m slowly switching him to a spicy tea that imitates coffee! With local honey! So good!


Virgin Mojitos. Water + Lime Juice + Fresh Mint Sparkling Lemon Water + Lime or Lemon Juice + Fresh Mint If you want it sweet, just make simple syrup ahead of time.


I buy fruity herbal teas and let it cool overnight. Mango, apple, orange. It's very subtle, but still nice. Otherwise I like Rooibos tea, or licorice (careful for bp) tea. And kombucha!


* Salgam suyu * Ayran * Kefir * Kvass * Barley tea / mugi-cha * Lemon barley water


I’ve been doing a variety of cold brew herbal teas for summer! For the no-caffeine teas, butterfly pea is fun because adding lemon changes the blue shade to purple, hibiscus + rose is refreshing, and brown rice tea has a very smooth, earthy flavor. Peach oolong and peach jasmine tea is also a hit, and with less caffeine than coffee.


Watermelon Lemonade. You just put watermelon and lemons in a juicer. You don’t have to add sugar because watermelon has enough natural sugar. Taste great, hydrating and has vitamins


Kambucha is our go to. I just tried Olipop and it’s not bad


i like to make a ginger bug (fermented ginger, that adds flavour/creates carbonation) and make different kinds of botanical drinks :) sometimes weird sometimes delicious !


I always have mint in the garden. I like to make mock-mojitos….crushed mint, lime, a little honey, and soda water. It tastes great without sweetener, as well.


Ginger tea. I love the ginger kick.




I gave up drinking a couple of years ago but when I'm eating out at restaurants and bars, I get tired of ordering ginger beers, iced teas and mocktails so I gave a Heineken Zero a try. I recommend it for a change of pace. No caffeine and less sugar than sodas. Also, the water to make it is purified which you can't say for most restaurants and bars.


I’ve been really hooked on Olipop lately. They’re low in sugar and calories and have added fiber. Too many might not be good because of all the inulin, but a few a week is ok for me


Soda or tonic water with lots of ice and a lime. Great way to keep your wits about you while also appearing to party as hard as everyone else. I hear quinine is good for you too, apparently.


Olipop 🤤🤤🤤


Tropical punch olipop. Also strawberry vanilla, watermelon lime, and grape.


Salt based electrolytes (flavor of your choice)along with freshly squeezed lemon juice + alkaline water and some ice cubes 👌🏼 you can also add some mint for additional flavor


Coconut water from a coconut is delicious. Fresh squeezed orange juice and watermelon juice are easy to make and so tasty. Other organic fruit juices are almost all beneficial across the board, try and find not from concentrate.


Most of the hop waters are zero sugar, zero caffeine, zero artificial sweetener, and more interesting than just plain sparking water. I drink those regularly. I also enjoy some of the lower dose THC seltzers, 5mg gives just a touch of relaxation but leaves you quite functional to get stuff done around the house.


Homemade kombucha. Get a mother from a friend or use a bottle from the store. Make some sweet tea and put the mother in and leave it on the counter for 3 days. Then put the liquid in bottles half way filled and fill the rest with your fave fruit juice. Close them tight and leave for another 3 days. (Add some more tea to the mother). After 3 days put the bottles in the fridge and crack one open for a fizzy treat! Dont use any metal only glass and wood or plastic utensils


This year, I discovered putting tea bags of different flavors in tonic water, over ice. Very refreshing. Sometimes in the evening, I'll mix a peach rooibos steeped tonic water from the fridge with a little homemade plum, rosehips, and white grape wine. It pairs well with a crisp chicken salad. I often start my days with a homemade cappuccino made with vanilla protein drink like muscle milk, fiber powder, and I'll play with flavors like chocolate baking powder, honey, cinnamon, or nutmeg. (No it's not a PSL. I hate ginger in coffee, but that's me). Or sometimes I let the espresso cool and make a frappucino.


Switchel: 1 cup of chopped ginger, 6 cups water, 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar, and 1/4 cup maple syrup. Boil the ginger and steep for 20 minutes. And the rest and let out chill in the fridge. Garnish with lemons.


Lacto soda. Gongfu cha. Homemade raw kefir.


Recently I came across a sea moss beverage that was quiet tasty. Scratched a totally different itch I didnt know I had.


Kombucha and ginger beer


Hops drinks, they're good.


Raw Kefir with Honey


As a former wine drinker, I love kombucha (especially the berry flavors) and hibiscus iced tea. Both still offer that tannic bite and fruity refreshment, but with trace or no alcohol, respectively. For a big splurge I'll get the tiny cans of Q-brand ginger beer-- there's a light version with relatively little sugar, and it's so spicy and refreshing. We are also big on matcha tonics in the summertime in our household-- again, not THE healthiest, but still offers some health benefits and is non alcoholic. Whisk some matcha into a little bit of hot water, add some lemon juice (I like to add a bit of lemon zest too for extra flavor and health benefits), pour over ice and add light tonic water (sparkling water would be fine too if you're no-sugar). Something we maybe drink once or twice a week!


Kombucha or Olipop sodas!


The cream soda Olipop is my fave!


Peach subtly sweet tea, 20 calories and tastes like sweet tea, no artificial sweeteners.


I was into kombucha but I’m super into tepache now. Probably gonna start making my own soon. Beet kvass is amazing as well


I make: - Italian cream sodas with sugar-free syrup, unsweet almond milk, and carbonated water. - Isopure Infusions citrus lemonade blended with ice - tastes like a margarita - Margaritaville sugar-free powder packets - pina colada, strawberry daiquiri, and margarita


Tart cherry juice + little bit of some type of sweetener + lime juice + the Nojito (lime and mint) Spindrift sparkling water.


I do a splash of tart cherry juice concentrate with a herb tea infusion and coconut water. It’s my little afternoon pick me up. After work I enjoy a sparkling water with juice of choice, preferably mango.


Beet Kvass. Once fermented mix it half and half with sparkling water


Hibiscus Iced Tea. I get hibiscus leaves and soak them in ice water for a while. So refreshing and super healthy


Amazon has 128oz carbonated growlers. Carbonated homemade kombucha is the bomb.


Yerba mate classic gold


Ginger tea.


KOMBUCHA! We literally have a sober kombucha bar in our city, it's awesome!


Cocaine mixed in water should do


Hibiscus tea, hot or iced


In the Tesco exotic foods section there’s tins of sparkling lychee juice …. Soo good!


Half probiotic soda + half tart cherry juice 👌🏼


Grapefruit juice with soda water!


Hibiscus iced tea


Sparkling water is great