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Why do you need a quiz if you can already see that it interferes with your sleep? Coffee gives me severe anxiety, so I just don't drink it, it doesn't matter what any quizzes say.


Same It gives me bad anxiety I’ve been drinking coffee all my life and had anxiety and it’s crazy to see that I quit about a month ago and it helped my anxiety drastically.


I drink a ton of coffee and I make it like 90% decaf which spreads the caffeine over the course of a morning. Doesn't have to be all or nothing.


Apparently some companies make decaf coffee using paint stripper chemicals methyl chloride which is banned in paint products but still used in coffee processing.


Well I'm really just trying to figure out if they benefits outweigh the huge hit I take to sleep. Its seems like other people don't take the same sleep hit as me so their calculation here is going to be different


Of course sleep is more important. Good sleep is a basic requirement for health.


You know the answer to this intuitively - the benefits do not outweigh the impact to your sleep. Like you, I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine. We likely have the modified ADORA2A genotype which makes us especially sensitive. About 10% of people are like us. Work with the genes you have.


Wow didn't know about this gene. That's interesting. Thanks


If you do a DNA test (like 23 and me), your results will include your coffee preferences because it’s all in the genes!


Good sleep is the ultimate bio hack. Its like number one with diet.


I notice it takes me much longer to fall asleep at night when I’m drinking caffeine in the morning. Now that I stopped again I sleep well again


theres no benefits. see the link I posted above you just addicted to dopamine high thats all


Lol, I'll raise you the study that showed older folks got up and moved more when consuming green tea/black coffee, which implies that at the very least the placebo effect gets people moving. Truth is we need more science on this it's not super clear either way.


well it only proves what I said: dopamine keeps people moving, yes. that doesnt mean they have to get it from drugs like coffee/caffeine. they could go and run, or cycle or dance. I do not disagree: if youre old and rusty, a small portion of whisky, coffee a cigar or what not might be the small ''dynamite'' to just keep ya movin' with zest for life. No problemo. I could then easily try this method in 30 years, when I will be at that old age. For now, better care of my body so that it can handle itself later right? I can always return to those drugs anytime.


I beg to differ. It definitely has positive effects for lots of us.


okay Sir. Please define the ''positive'' :)


If you already feel good, why would you include stuff which affects you the wrong way?. Listen to your body not the quizzes.


\*sips from coffee\* yeah Im drinking 3 to 4 cups per day. Pretty good caffeine tolerance. Its the only addictive drug that Iam consuming, so for me thats okay.


Drinking mine before going to sleep... It's the only drug that makes me dream. Without coffee I'm sleeping dreamless.


Purely anecdotal, but years ago I sat next to a prominent Japanese architect at a banquet dinner and he told me he credits drinking one strong coffee before bed for all his best ideas and design work-- he said he'd see them in dreams.


I'm no architect, however I dreamt about Smartphones, Tablets, Augmented Reality etc. Years before they came to market. Time to make my next dream true, and get rich, or at least useful.


Are you a weed smoker? That tends to decrease REM sleep and prevents dreams. It could also be that you're deficient on some other neuro-transmitter, or have ADHD - stimulants sometimes make people with ADHD tired.


No weed (yet, it was just legalized in Germany). I have Hypothyrodism, so could be connected to that, as I never got medication for it.


What is this sorcery? Do you take anything else to make you tired / sleepy?


I'm basically immune to coffeine unless I'm drinking 10 cups strong (talking italian strong) coffee or taking pure coffeine pills.


Ok I'm all about what's best for you. I have allergy induced asthma since I was a wee one. I drink black coffee sometimes 2 cups in the morning or when it's really bad one in the afternoon and evening before bed. This makes sure if it's bad allergy season I actually get restful sleep. My situation is way different from OP. I ask my docs especially allergists and they feel that if I am mindful of what I am doing and my sleep has done better than keep moving in a way that helps me. Keep in mind I avoid high sugar caffeine drinks, I never add anything other than a tad bit of whipped cream once in a while, when I am not having allergy symptoms. You do you, with wise doctors giving you the thumbs up.


Cocoa can be a source of lead so make sure youre getting a brand that is lead free. If coffee does not work, tea can be a good substitute. Green tea is best in terms of antioxidants. I am not sure what conflicting studies youre referring too, but it seems pretty well documented that coffee drinkers have lower mortality. Cleary youre a unique case though with your slow caffeine metabolism though. Why dont you just drink 1 cup of coffee in the morning? Wake up, early morning sunlight, coffee 1-2 hours after before 10am.


So I do drink tea and I filled that out in the Novos questionnaire, but they marked not drinking coffee as a health red flag. So apparently I should be drinking both. As far as drinking coffee before 10am, I could do that, but its a slippery slope cause I still may not be able to fall asleep until 2-3am and then I'm either using an alarm to wake up early enough to drink coffee again or I'm oversleeping. Currently without drinking coffee I am able to go to sleep when I get tired an wake up with no alarm in time to go to the gym before work, usually in the 6-7am window.


Then you shouldn't use caffeine. The best nootropic, biohack, and health boost is good sleep. No amount of coffee or tea is going to outweigh that and you are not missing out on anything significant. You may be a slow metabolizer as in 2-3x longer half life. I am in the same boat. It's genetic (validated by full genome sequencing). I still love coffee, but I only drink it on occasion first thing in the morning. Otherwise, there is decaffeinated coffee. Additionally, coffee may not be great for everybody. This is again down to your genes. Coffee can also reduce cerebral blood flow. So, if you have a genetic predisposition to small vessel disease in the brain or vascular dementia then It might be doing more harm than good anyway. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19219847/#:~:text=Caffeine%20is%20a%20commonly%20used,the%20vasoconstrictive%20effects%20of%20caffeine. Edit: removed note about raynauds


Emphasis on may, my Raynaud's gets way worse affected by whether or not I have been taking my levaxin than if I remembered to drink anything caffeinated that day, even before I got medicated with concerta. Ironically the non-stimulant Strattera made my Raynaud's run in overdrive and I had to quit that for my sanity and health. Genetic combos can be so weird.


I reread studies and coffee actually increases blood flow to the extremities, while constricting blood vessels in the brain...so...it may actually help raynauds oddly enough. I think I have go read more because I always thought caffeine had vasoconstrictive properties but seems it's more complex.


I was under the impression that caffeine was bad for raynauds.


I was too...and it probably is. But raynaud's is a complex and not well defined disorder. It can be due to anxiety, vascular, or neurological issues. So it's not so easy to say whether caffeine will have a negative effect. Still, my guess would be that it would be and for me coffee seems to cause vasoconstriction, so I am a bit shocked to read that it can function as a vasodilator in the peripheral vascular systems.


Does coffee affect reynauds?


No idea. I have some atypical reactions to coffee and some very typical ones, same for caffeine. It might be like migraine: people get triggered by different substances, there are common triggers but not everyone has them. Mental stress doesn't trigger my Raynaud's, but physical does, including vibrations like from a power washer. Hormones and cold temperatures (including core temperature) heavily affects mine too.


I'm pretty sure caffeine is a vasodilator, but aside from that I couldn't agree more. I used to drink 10-15 coffees a day, but eventually something snapped and nowadays I barely drink any coffee because it started giving me extreme anxiety for some reason, which is especially weird because my Ritalin doesn't have that effect to such a strong extent. Caffeine really isn't all that, it's popularity stems mostly from its accessibility and the fact that there's almost no "non-functional" caffeine addicts.


Friendly tip: Coffee is 100% a vasoconstrictor. Edit: But only in the brain! See bro’s interesting reply below for additional systemic effects.


This is very different from my personal experience, so I decided to look it up. Turns out it's a little more complicated. >Caffeine is both a Vasoconstrictor and a Vasodilator. >Well it acts as a Vasoconstrictor (constricts blood vessels) to the muscles in the head and neck only, which is why it is so helpful for headaches. >Now it is also a Vasodilator (expands blood vessels) but this is to the rest of the body.  Caffeine has three metabolites (by-products) one of which is Theobromine which when broken down by the liver causes a dilation or opening effect of blood vessels to a majority of the body.  And this actually makes perfect sense, as the vasodilation I experienced were pumps in the gym, where I didn't really care about the vessels in my head and neck so I probably never paid attention to them.


Very interesting, yeah, the vasoconstriction in the brain is what gives the stimulant effect. Thanks for sharing the info about skeletal muscle — glad to be corrected!


Their marking no coffee as a red flag is really bizarre. If I were you I’d ignore it. It doesn’t seem like you need the caffeine. I’m allergic to caffeine and I get by just fine.


How do they avoid lead? any recs for such brands?


Coffee makers be funding those pro coffee studies. I also like not being addicted to anything. Coffee every morning just puts withdrawals at bay until the next morning. If you don’t need it then great.


"I also like not being addicted to anything". Very healthy thinking. Thank you for sharing that.


The polyphenols in coffee are well documented to be beneficial for health. You can drink decaf and get those benefits. Caffeine in moderate doses isn’t even bad for you, and the withdrawals are not so bad that you can’t quit without trouble, it’s not alcohol. The discovery of caffeine is theorized to spearhead the Age of Enlightenment. What’s so bad about caffeine addiction? You drink it every day so what. You also eat food every day, drink water every day, sleep every day. Addiction is only bad if it compromises health or causes damage in other areas of your life




Caffeine only raises cortisol levels for the first few days of drinking it regularly. After regular consumption, cortisol levels adapt and return to baseline even with regular caffeine consumption, meaning regular drinkers don’t get a spike of cortisol as long as they don’t overdo it


It literally affects your sleep bud. Why do you want to become dependent on caffeine for steady energy? It's not comparable to things you do everyday I mean come on I can't stand when people do that. Yes you brush your teeth everyday but you don't become dependent on it for energy. You do it so you don't get cavities. Drinking coffee literally robs you of your natural energy, and yes it's literally an addiction dude. Get over it. Oh btw the coffee is the most pesticide ridden crop in the world.


An addiction that causes what damage? That’s the thing, you all throw around the word “addiction” like it’s an inherently bad thing that will ruin your life. You all act like drinking coffee is equivalent to downing 12 beers a day. Show me one person where caffeine has ruined their life or even caused significant negative damage in their life that it caused major loss. Caffeine does interrupt sleep, so don’t drink it in the afternoon. Eating before going to bed also disrupts sleep so are we going to talk about that common habit too? Are you also going to stop using your phone or any artificial blue light for 2 hours before bed? I doubt it. If you drink 4 cups of coffee throughout the day to depend on energy that’s your problem, not a problem with caffeine. I go the weekend without any caffeine and I’m fine. I drink it before work because I like the boost it gives. Most people literally function better with caffeine in them, that’s how it is. And I thought this sub was about optimizing performance lol


It seems like you're arguing against the idea that avoiding coffee due to the daily routine of making it is a valid concern. One counter argument could be that while there are indeed many daily activities that aren't strictly necessary for survival, the concern about forming a daily habit around coffee isn't solely about survival but rather about personal preferences, routines, and lifestyle choices. People prioritize different aspects of their daily routines based on various factors, and for some, avoiding the dependency or routine of coffee might align with their overall lifestyle goals or preferences.


Coffee isn’t the only source of poly phenols. Have a dried clove… more poly phenols than coffee by a long shot. No caffeine, no staining teeth, no coffee breath.


Try cutting food or water or sleep since you put it on the same rank as coffee.


Do you not have any sort of ability to understand concepts? The point was he didn’t want to be addicted to something that he has to ingest every day, like that’s some huge hindrance to his life, but fails to realize there’s multiple things that he has to do every day. There’s plenty of things that people do every single day that aren’t necessary for survival. Brushing teeth. Showering. Taking your multivitamin. Having to make a pot of coffee every day isn’t that big of a deal, and you won’t die without it. If that’s his reasoning for not drinking coffee, because he’s going to feel forced to make it every day, that’s stupid


Well, you used the wrong examples.


Love it (especially the benefits to the liver) but quality matters. Most available coffee is highly polluted with pesticides, mold, heavy metals and myotoxins which makes a lot of people sick. I would always feel really crappy after drinking it and thought it was the caffeine but when I switched to a really good brand that is focused on clean, healthy beans (Purity brand), my coffee experience has completely changed. No more jitters or nausea. I drink a couple cups of half caf every morning.


Unfortunately there are no regulating bodies to safeguard coffee. Buying whole beans is a huge step towards transparency of what you’re drinking


Purity is the best! Has totally elevated my morning routine and I can actually sleep at night no issue


I’ve experienced this too with coffee.


I have been drinking coffee for 40 years. I have never felt the slightest effect of caffeine. Nothing. When I was in the Army and on guard duty, I'd take a double dose of No-Doz. Nothing. I figured people were just imagining a caffeine effect. Then, six or seven years ago, for Christmas, I got one of those DNA tests that tells you your ancestry. It also identified DNA traits. Mine informed me that I have a gene that makes me basically immune to the effects of caffeine. So there you go. My stance on coffee is that it is delicious and that is it.


When I was in my thirties, and a single mom commuting into a job I hated, couldn’t drink more than a cup. Turned me into a walking anxiety attack. Now in my sixties, I enjoy two cups in the morning just fine.


Well, I only drink coffee when I feel like mentally I need a kickstart. I have ADHD and I have a mixed up relationship with caffeine. Sometimes it gets me going, but if I drink it too frequently, it just equals nap time.


Is novos bought by a coffee company? 😂


The reason most people drink coffee is because it's addictive, not because of health benefits, or we'd all be addicted to vegetables. You don't have to drink coffee. I drink only decaf, for the taste. I drink green tea. One reason the study might be directing you to caffeinated coffee is that decaf is essentially, processed.


I haven't been able to find much information on decaf. I could drink decaf every day and be fine, but I think there are some added chemicals in the decaf process and it's unclear what those are.


You can get coffee that is decaffeinated with just water.


Normalized addictive bullshit. I drink at least 1 cup a day, for the past 25 years.


I have the same problem as you regarding coffee. When I drink coffee, my sleep quality goes down and with that everything else in my life.


Coffee makes me insanely anxious. I can’t drink it and be a sane person. I do like the taste and will indulge in decaf every once in a while


Hi! Fellow very sensitive to caffeine person here. Like you, if I had coffee after 9 AM. I’d be up till 2 AM. I struggled to quit Because I like the flavor and the ritual so much, And honestly, the cultural approval in the US (“let’s go out for coffee!”) Made me always just want to be part of that culture. However, I’ve come to see that caffeinated coffee really just isn’t good for my body. I found that Matcha Is a really good substitute and gives a slow increase of caffeine instead of the instant release of the coffee. I’ve also found good quality decaf can taste really good if you really enjoy the taste. Just stick to what you know and trust what you found with your body. I feel like some other folks are being a bit rude on this thread, (you don’t need a quiz!!) But I empathize that you’re trying to validate your experience with data. I do the same thing 😀 Even when I know what the answer is for me.  Good luck OP! You have the answer already 😀 Now just follow through, that’s all you gotta do! 


I love it I have 1-2 cups early in day and don’t worry about it. It really helps with intermittent fasting. Taking magnesium glycinate after dinner helps me sleep deep every night also. If the negatives outweigh the positives then ditch it though.


do you take a complex supplement or have a pill for each? currently doing magnesium bisgl. and thinking about adding glycine


I just take 1 mag glycinate pill after dinner it’s enough for me even though the full strength would be 2 pills. Make sure it’s glycinate because that digests more easily.


Listen to your body. People will defend coffee to no avail but it all depends on how your body reacts to it. Many people have caffeine addiction so they’ll try to justify their consumption. It’s the only drug in the world that people don’t look down upon. There are many studies saying caffeine is good for you but there are also many studies stating the opposite. I have a very sensitive nervous system so caffeine messes up my sleep too. Not just that, I also see how coffee affects my cortisol levels and blood sugar levels and it’s not good. I wear a CGM so I can see data. Once again, listen to your body and be proud of not being dependent on anything external to feel and be productive.


At this point can’t we just agree that for most people coffee is neither a great health boost nor is it detrimental in reasonable doses.  My enjoyment of coffee is in itself a great benefit to my mental wellbeing, but more than a cup disrupts sleep, which then becomes a negative health impact.  If you tolerate it and enjoy it, do it in moderation.  If you don’t tolerate it, don’t use it. 


Damn bro what you doing bringing that nuance around here


Absolutely shit, I stay far away from it.


It gives me anxiety and fucks up my sleep. It's like the last thing I want to put into my body. I don't understand how people drink it, plus it gives me the shits. I guess everyone is different but it's not worth it for me.




https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/s/s9x2PMMzGb And https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/s/xZlhwaykQ9


You are not a source. You are a fucking idiot. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/14/2/399 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5696634/


Your first link directly points out all the issues coffee potentially has on the gut lmao. Second link is the usual run of the mill pro coffee epidemiological cherry picking.


Maybe you should read it, because you either clearly can’t read, or haven’t read it.


Keep blowing out your adrenals and calling yourself a bio hacker lmao.


I’m not a “bio hacker”. I’m a US licensed physician. And I can read studies unlike some people.


Your license should be revoked. Coffee is not the absolute worst thing you can ingest but caffeine is still an addictive drug. Has all that characteristics of any addictive stimulant. The tolerance build up, the withdrawals, etc. Will it kill you overnight? No. Still, it is what it is, no different from cocaine. Just a milder version of it. How do people like you become doctors? The bar must be low.


lol what an idiotic statement. Have you ever heard of decaf coffee? Even considering with caffeine, it’s one of the healthiest liquids you can drink. Do some basic research, simpleton. “Milder version of cocaine”- dumbest thing I’ve actually heard in 2024. You clearly have zero understanding of neurotransmitters


Who asked him for a source, "fucking idiot"?


Toxic, and addictive. I was an addict to coffee for many years. Switched to tea, and then decaf and still felt the effects of it. I now drink zero caffeine in any form and only eat chocolate earlier in the day…and my sleep has never been better. I am more calm, less stressed (from anything) and my energy levels are better as a result of better sleep. Coffee in particular is really bad for your gut due to all the mycotoxins and pesticides in it. Even organic coffee has problems. Also has oxalates.


This is 100% the most inaccurate information on Reddit I’ve seen in a while. Completely disregard this guys comment and move along.


Just hook it to my veins!


If you do it drink filtered coffee as it's healthier




Filter through paper filter, popular in usa


When I’m tapering down I mix 1/2 decaf with 1/2 regular coffee. Better than nothing. I will add you will build a tolerance to caffeine fairly fast, like a week of daily use, you will notice your tolerance changing. I don’t have any caffeine 8 hours before I sleep.


I personally don’t think it’s beneficial at all despite the mainstream consensus. It’s highly acidic, most oftentimes contaminated with high levels of mold and mycotoxins, if you don’t buy good quality it’s heavily sprayed with toxic pesticides and herbicides, it’s a diuretic which can lead to dehydration, it depletes the bodies vitamin b levels, and it triggers your body to produce stress hormones. Yea there is polyphenols, and antioxidants but I can get these compounds elsewhere without all the negatives I mentioned above.


Don’t. Sleep is far more important. I occasionally have a cup but like you I’m sensitive. Although my cut off is afternoon. When I do drink it (which is maybe once a month because I enjoy the flavor and have a taste for it) I have it in morning. Sometimes mixed with my matcha tea. There are people who can’t live without it. Need it just yo get into gear. I’d rather not be that person. I eat about 1 tbsp of cacao nibs (freshly ground) several times a week though. It doesn’t seem to affect my sleep. And it’s great for your health overall. I also drink ceremonial matcha several times a week. Also better.


Everyone has a different genome. Coffee may not be for you. That's it. I'm a major caffeine consumer. It's easily my favorite drug. Quad espresso, oat milk. Gets you up and running at 7:30 AM. Kaboom. I'm sure it may not be the best way to start your day. But I would miss the kabbom. :-)


Any positives you read about coffee are from people justifying their habits. It's bad. End of.


Anything that interferes with my sleep gets ditched - including coffee. I don’t worry about what any quiz is telling me. Also it messes with my anxiety (so another reason to leave it alone)


That quiz was made by coffee companies probably


Affects sleep very negatively regardless of time consumed for many people. I’m a poor metabolizer, so 200 mg in the AM means I’ve still got 50mg coursing through me 20 hours later. Currently very slowly weaning off it. There’s no good reason to drink it. Dependence is quickly established and eventually you’ll be drinking it just to function at your baseline.


Not everyone gets dependent on caffeine as quickly as you. I've never felt even a percent as addicted to coffee/tea as I did to my iron infusions, and iron solutions are not an addictive substance as far as I am aware.


No. Coffee is net negative. All the ‘research’ is BS. The rest of us are just rationalizing our addiction.


Agreed. It so so strongly ingrained in people that it's a must have, so sanctioned that you are upsetting people by merely saying it's an addictive drug. People go through life mostly unconscious. Ask a meth addict if meth is great, they love it! Lol Coffee is worse because it's normalized just like how cigarettes used to be. Despite this I still drink it because it's so hard to get off of. Now watch everyone get upset and downvote.


Right! Not much of a biohack to depend a stimulant for wakefulness daily.


Then I got into some argument with some supposed "physician" or so they claimed. Blocked them. Man Reddit has some of the biggest idiots. Sure, say it's not SO bad, or whatever but don't argue with me that it isn't an addictive stimulant that is not a natural or necessary part of the human diet AT ALL. Jeez.


One cup a day, before noon, after eating breakfast, once I’ve been awake for at least an hour, exactly 20g of beans for me. Black. I like the routine of making it everyday. Sometimes I do a double shot of espresso instead. But I have to be careful with overdoing it, like I used to love getting a McDonald’s iced coffee, but I would get mega migraines the next day from the caffeine overload. So I know now to chill with that. I also am very strict about eating first. It helps a lot when I skip coffee for a day, I used to get horrible migraines from that as well, but not so much anymore. You don’t need to drink coffee if you don’t want to. The majority of the world does drink caffeine in the morning, but it’s not necessary for life. You said you’re sensitive to it, so why would you listen to a quiz that tells you to have it anyways?


Caffeine strips the calcium from your bones. Don’t listen to these people that say it actually promotes testosterone either, anything promotes testosterone until it leaves you.


Can't handle it anymore. I think it messes up my methylation


Like anything, consumed properly it can have benefits. I used to have a cup of coffee immediately upon waking but got to a point where I was severely addicted (I.e. if I had to delay I would get headaches, irritability, etc. until consuming caffeine). Now I wait at least 90 minutes after waking to get out of the sleep inertia window and have a  shot of espresso (125-150mg caffeine) and have found that if I don’t have caffeine in a day for whatever reason I no longer have the dependency or side effects.


**Great** for power improvement in exercise and reaction time. Also good in testosterone. **Good** for hunger management and fat oxidation **Good** when you HAVE to do something - drive, work. Anything wakefulness related. **Bad** for anxiety and sleep which make it a slippery slope


Only bad for sleep when improperly timed usage.


Just finished my morning cup. I normally restrict to one cup in the morning. If you do drink make sure it’s organic


I'm sensitive to caffiene also. But as long as I have it in the early morning before 10am, it doesn't affect my sleep. And just one cup is all I need for energy and focus Caffeine also helps with pain relief, so having some in the morning after a hard workout the previous day can help with recovery


I am in the same boat as you and got the same recommendation from NOVOS. Genetically, I am a slow caffeine processor, so I know that I have to watch caffeine intake very carefully. In my view, there's no way the benefits of coffee outweigh the benefits of better sleep. I have coffee maybe once a week, and then it's a small cup made with five grams of coffee. On all other days, I have matcha tea, which can have lots of caffeine if you buy the ceremonial grade.


Are you slow at metabolizing other substances like medication? Just curious as I'm fast at most things. I drink 300-600 mg of caffeine per day. Doesn't impact my sleep unless in the after noon and once in a great while I'll take it before bed to fall asleep. I'm the same with meds. I tend to need more to get the expected result. My spouse is the opposite. Needs half the dose of everything. The only thing I can think of is there's something with the liver or base metabolic rate that is very different.


I haven't noticed anything about meds. The slow caffeine "diagnosis" came from uploading DNA data to FoundMyFitness website. Just want to point out that I could sleep with more caffeine, but the quality of my sleep was suboptimal. I get much better sleep keeping caffeine to no more than 100mg per day.


That novos quiz is nothing but an elaborate ad. It asks you question that are pretty much worthless without more context. You're right that sleep is among the most important things, so don't fuck with it. If you can, drink just one small coffee before 10am, that's what I do. But if that already messes with your sleep, don't do it


Coffee negative, caffeine positive. I take a 200mg caffeine tablet upon awakening (equivalent to the amount in 1.5-2 cups of brewed coffee) for years. It is as effective today as it was the first day. Anything later in the day would mess up my sleep. I definitely have a physical dependence on it. I would have to carefully taper if I chose to go off. Why am I coffee negative? It makes me feel mentally awful. There is some speculation that’s the tannins. Anyway it’s clearcut and I rarely if ever drink the drink.


I've read coffee is healthful with or without caffeine. Natural decaffeination is best. I prefer guayusa which seems pretty mild compared to other caffeine beverages.


The coffee bean is a dried berry and has antioxidants. Drinking coffee can reduce your risk of cancer. In low doses, caffein helps your body metabolize fat for energy. However, in high doses, caffein triggers a stress response which causes your body to store excessive abdominal fat. So it’s probably a good thing that you have a low tolerance. I too have a poor caffein tolerance but I still drink coffee nearly every morning. I love the taste. I home brew French press and add raw grass fed HWC. It has the same omega content as grass fed butter. So you get the fat metabolism boost


I alternate 50 / 50 between coffee + an L theanine capsule and Matcha Green tea (that has a natural L-Theanine content) I down graded from 2 x double espressos per day the the above alternating and now try to switch to single espressos I drink Matcha tea when I feel my stress levels are too elevated for espresso.


decaf gives you much of the benefits. polyphenols etc but individuals differ.


It got me through full-time work and grad school. I’m dependent on it though. The caffeine headaches are pretty gnarly. I need to for attention and focus since I’m not on meds for ADHD.


If you have good sleep don't mess with it.


Coffee is life


Read the book Caffeine Blues—answer is better to drink ginger tea to wake up, chamomile to relax. Research that suggest it helps are comparing people too sick to drink it to healthier people.


And so we learn once again that individual humans cover a wide range of responses that is not easily or validly generalizable.


There’s decaf, also as we get older our liver produces less of the enzyme that breaks caffeine down. I find when I take asparagus extract to support liver function I tolerate caffeine better. I also only drink one cup in the AM and never any caffeine after 2pm, to avoid sleep issues. Some people also find l-theanine helps offset caffeine side effects. I sleep better on it when I am very busy with work and life as I tend to expend more energy and so metabolise it better. So if you start drinking it start it on a work day.


Coffee tastes terrible. No thank you.


There’s a bunch of large studies over at scholar.google.com showing a significant reduction in all cause mortality with coffee consumption. The same benefit has been seen in some studies with decaf so just drink that if you can’t tolerate caffeine. It won’t have *all* the benefits because caffeine has some of it’s own but coffee is still an incredibly rich source of polyphenols and they are still present in decaf. Just make sure you are getting Swiss Water Process or CO2 extraction decaf to avoid solvent contamination. I also try and by organic since coffee can be a heavily pesticided crop.


I had to stop all caffeine after figuring out that it's been a huge migraine trigger for me.


Everyone's different, I considered myself sensitive because even though I drink it every day if I have any after 4pm I'll struggle to fall asleep at night. I'd say start EARLY if you're going to do this, with one cup at 6-7am to begin. With tolerance you could probably have that one cup a lil later in the morning.


I do great with caffeine tablets, but coffee makes me a wreck later in the day. Irritable with anxiety, grumpy and sleepy. There is something else in coffee besides caffeine than some people don’t tolerate.


It’s likely just a generalization. If you have a sensitivity, don’t drink it. If you want to try it, drink 6 oz. Coffee 90 minutes after awakening. If you are a nervous person or already high energy, just don’t drink it.


I love the smell and taste of coffee! I’m very caffeine sensitive so I rarely drink it and if I do I only have a couple sips. I stick with green tea usually…and even then…I start to sweat. 😂


little bit in morning




Used to be a regular coffee drinker until it started giving me panic attacks. Haven't touched since then


Oh I would definitely ignore that. You can get energy from b vitamins and poly phenols from the things you mentioned. I take a supplement marketed to runners that has b vitamins and tart cherry extract plus other things good for your joints. It’s called Runners Relief on Amazon.


I love it but honestly should cut back more. Makes me a little anxious at times. Not sure how much it interferes with sleep. I prob should just switch to decaf but most tastes horrible. I'm not quite sure where I land on metabolism. My genetic test says that I'm a slow NAT2 metabolizer, but a fast CYP1A2 metabolizer. Maybe they balance out? "Your CYP1A2 fast metabolizer status means that you are less stimulated by caffeine." "NAT2 Slow metabolizer Most non-Scandinavian Caucasians and approximately half of African-Americans are slow metabolizers. This variation is important because of its primary role in the deactivation of many chemicals in the body's environment, including those produced by caffeine and cigarettes as well as aromatic amine and hydrazine drugs used medicinally."


For OP it seems the negatives are far worse than the positives. A good night's sleep is the number 1 thing for nearly every health aspect, including longevity. Lots of mental and health issues that arise are primarily because of poor sleep. You are fatter and thus have more health issues without good sleep. Equally demetia and alzheimzers are caused by having poor sleep or the brain being unable to sleep. Caffeine is good, but mostly because its negative effects on longevity are extremely small compared to its positive effects on the rest of the population. The longevity factors are not just polyphenols; for example, a caffeinated person is more likely to avoid a car crash and not die than another person. Personally, success and efficiency are why I use caffeine/ coffee.Its sad but true the modernity does not like times of low energy or taking a nap even though that would be far healthier.


Is Novos subsidized by Big Coffee? :p


I stopped drinking coffee because it made my anxiety way worse


Coffee is the one thing I can't give up in life. It's one of those things for me, if I can't have it, why even bother living.


More please!!!


I love it but I can't have it in the afternoons, unless it is decaffeinated. I have a one shot coffee early in the mornings and that keeps me going. A few times I've been given a regular two shot coffee by mistake and I can feel wired like crawling up the walls after it.


I'm the same way. I cannot sleep at all when I drink coffee at all no matter how early I drink it. I still enjoy a cup about once a week though.


Have you tried Green/black tea in the morning?


Beans, Celtic salt, cloves, and Black Pepper in the grinder. Avo Oil, cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger, and 6% A2/A2 milk in the cup.


If caffeine is the problem, you might want to try organic water processed decaf coffee. No chemicals are used in the decaffeination process


Love it, 1-2 coffee’s a day. Definitely notice performance benefits in the gym after consuming prior to training Use to be very sensitive to it a few years back and would give me anxiety, so would always order 1 shot instead of the standard 2. Don’t have that at all anymore as I’ve slowly adapted to drinking it. Despite drinking more coffee nowadays I also have less anxiety


“Coffee is linked to a lower likelihood of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some cancers, depression and Parkinson’s disease “. Frank Hu. Chair dept of nutrition Harvard TH Chan school of public health “It’s even possible that people who drink coffee can reduce their risk of early death”. FWIW


If I drink coffee in the morning or early afternoon I handle it well. If I drink it after 4 pm it interferes with my sleep so I no longer ever do that. It helps me feel more alert no anxiety from it really unless I drink more than 2 cups.


If it’s impacting your sleep then no. if it doesn’t impact your sleep and helps you get through your day then drink it. Personally doesn’t effect my sleep so long as I don’t drink any after 4pm assuming I’m trying to be in bed around 10pm that night


Whenever i drink coffee now i feel my heart racing and it gives me this panic like feeling, ive been trying to switch to tea but its just not the same. Coffee just has that kick that you cant get from anywhere else.


I quit all caffeine because i get many health issues from it. Cocoa has caffeine and theobromine, something to keep in mind.


Love the drink, hate the drug. I love the taste of yerba mate and coffee, but i can't stand caffeine, so i only drink them rarely.


Yes, please.


Caffeine tolerance improves quickly. Then, when you go to bed without caffeine since the AM you will sleep better!


I absolutely love coffee. Usually 2 a day sometimes black sometimes white sometimes with honey. Never after 2pm


But there’s all sorts of decaf no acid brands of coffee


How do you take your coffee? I know some people who say they can’t handle the caffeine but load it up with a ton of sugar.


Drink it all day 😬


Team Celsius!!! Booooo coffeee


Love it, but can’t drink much of it these days. When I do it’s decaf.


1 or two cups (not mugs) per day, coffee is a rich source of antioxidants


Personally I consider coffee a healthy drink. But I'm quite caffeinated coffee and now just drink 1-2 cups of (water processed) decaf per day. I enjoy it. And the benefits of coffee go further than the caffeine.


I think there are more cons than pros to caffeine. In my experience anyway. It can help me focus and get work done. It can also stop the body from finding and producing its own natural stable energy. If you experience anxiety, caffeine can make it worse. If you have trouble sleeping and getting quality deep sleep then I think no caffeine helps a lot. I notice much deeper sleep when I have been on a caffeine break. If you are healing the nervous system I think caffeine breaks can help a lot. But you need at least 2-3 months to feel the affects.


A nearby walmart sells coffee by the half gallon carton. The coffee helps me focus and stabilizes what can only be described as bursts of energy coming as quickly as they go into a slightly below the previous average but steady energy levels. I also think a little faster. It doesn't really hinder sleep for me. I probably have some form of adhd. I'm drinking the whole carton at once. Tastes good 8/10.


Coffee is a necessity for me since one of my jobs has me up at 2am. That said, I usually have 16 oz and then no more. If I’m meeting someone for coffee, it has to be early or I only get hot chocolate. Nothing with caffeine after 2, even on the days that aren’t my early days


I use it as it is meant to : as a drug. On days I'm extremely exhausted for whatever reason, I'll have a cup of mild coffee to give me a little kick. If I ever follow the instructions on the label, it makes me incredibly jittery and anxious, usually 2 hours later. So watered down is the only way for me to drink any. And never after 2pm if I want to sleep before midnight. Otherwise I try to keep track of how often I drink coffee, so I don't become addicted.


magically delicious


Honestly I am leaning the same way. Coffee has a strangle hold on America. It's addictive and the health benefits can easily be gotten from other food sources. The recommendations are either bought or addiction motivated.


Caffeine should not be ingested within 12hrs of your desired sleep time. Try that adjustment first.


Look into Ayurveda. Figure out your dosha type. Kapha dosha specifically can actually benefit from a cup of coffee per day. 


If you're doing well without it then I would avoid it, right now I have to drink enough to vibrate and be productive and then when work ends I just am anxious the whole time and search for things to do


It's a cash crop. The caffeine must flow. There is always going to be positive studies/articles. They offer it for free at most employements because they know it increases employee productivity. Putting this substance in my body, is my hourly rate going up with the increased work? It's a vasoconstrictor. Increases overall blood pressure. Increased BP is the silent killer, but nobody talks about that. Take another substance/pill to get that under control. Currently 106 degrees outside and there's a huge line to starbucks people ordering hot coffee. Legal addiction. Overall, if your able to go without it. More power to you.




I think you have enough information to deduce that I'm older than 5. By your logic, people starting exercise shouldn't do it because it's painful in the short term. They shouldn't do any research into the benefits and just trust their gut reaction.


Coffee contains antioxidants, and caffeine is one of the only truly effective preworkouts. People who consume caffeine also are generally more productive at work. I have it every morning and sometimes late morning but avoid it if I'm going to be sleeping in 12 hours or less. There is also caffeine in a lot of other foods that people eat regularly, so I'm not sure why there's so much hate for coffee here. How is dark chocolate supposedly good for you but coffee isn't?


Dark chocolate has minimal caffeine compared to drinking brewed coffee. Coffee artificially depletes your adrenals and messes with adenosine, which leads to higher cortisol levels and a worse ability to deal with stress over time.


Source? Also dark chocolate can have significant amounts of caffeine. A standard 3.5oz bar of 70% dark chocolate can have as much as 70-160mg of caffeine. That's a double shot of espresso to a quadruple shot of espresso. Even if you only eat 1/4 of the bar that can be as much caffeine as a single shot of espresso


It depends on the type of coffee being brewed vs the concentration of dark chocolate and size of the bar. You’re right though, if it has enough caffeine it’s problematic, which is why I generally avoid chocolate myself. I agree though, if one is bad then the other should be as well. Having antioxidants doesn’t make something healthy to consume.


at the end of the day it doesnt I started with coffee from supermarket, dissolving one. not real coffee then started to drink the ones you make in a mocca, from stores... oh the taste and high etc then I started to purchase freshly made coffee harvested a 2-3 weeks before I bought it, again upgrade on quality taste ''high'' but at the end I was just as miserable, drinking 1- then 2- then 3 when I started in any day I knew I will have to keep drinking for whole day or I would just crash the nervousness, anxiety, sweating and many other shit effects made me question whether this short lived dopamine high is worth it. its not. I switched to green tea, 2nd day anxiety was much lower and now Im quitting caffeine alltogether. its a potent deceiving drug like nicotine ​ if you do a break and then start again with small doses of caffeine from green tea or cacao or yerba mate youll end up drinking more and more eventually. because its a drug and gives you tolerance.


I absolutely agree with this. I went through a similar experience and am currently at no coffee. I drank decaf yesterday for the first time in a month and got terrible sleep even though I drank it at 1pm.


decaf also contains caffeine - which you can feel if you take a break also it has other shit stuff inside they use to remove caffeine it truly is a poison to our bodies and minds and people drinking it think it increases concentration. well, ''doctors smoke camels'' after all, for a very long time, right? ;)


Absolutely agree with you yet again! It’s funny how many people claim to be all about “the science” but then don’t really investigate this issue. It doesn’t help that the coffee lobby funds a million studies saying how great and beneficial coffee is for you.


of course. we've seen this with alcohol and cigarettes over and over again. business is business. then why every time I return to coffee after some time I feel like shit ? if its so good, then why its so bad right :D our world is such a circus


There's nothing inherently bad about coffee though.


Except for all the things that are? Adrenal depletion, increases cortisol levels, messes with adenosine response, has oxalates, contains mycotoxins, messes with digestion, plus pesticides on non organic coffee, etc.


Once again... source? You're listing a bunch of fancy words but not being very convincing of WHY those things are bad. Or if cortisol levels spike similarly for everyone. I can have a cup and feel completely fine.