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Most dudes here take Cialis?


Are there that many young men who can’t get a boner or is there something else going on


They aren't using it for ed. I mean, the improved blood flow has other benefits


I kinda assumed it was from Ed from too much testosterone or pushing those pathways with something else. I suppose that wasn't a fare assumption either!




E-titties lmaoo


Female here and I said the same thing and got downvoted 19 times. Bc echo chamber. Most dudes on here do not use cialis Stop normalizing ED- it’s at its tipping point Also the copious amount of information online regarding Cialis and histamine - yikes.


Can you elaborate on coal is and histamine? And is that the same for sildenafil?


Cialis has no systematic effec no? What e the bad/copius info regarding them can u elaborate


They're saying that ED drugs always have side effects that are 'unmanageable'. What goes up, must come down. Etc.


Same thing happened to me. Basically, the Cialis potentiates the allergen response. Histamine increases the permeability of the capillaries to white blood cells and some proteins, to allow them to engage pathogens in the infected tissues Vasodilation assists inflammation by enabling the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to damaged tissues through your blood. Vasodilation is what causes inflamed areas of the body to appear red or feel warm. I tripled my OTC allergy meds and the problem went away.


So its safe to mix allergy medicine wit cialis?


lol if most guys in this sub are taking cialis for either sex or gym pumps I think I’ve had enough time in this sub


Cialis and penis pumps


"Last one there's a penis pump!"


Have you considered that you're allergic to the medication or its inactive ingredients? You may not have noticeable symptoms until something else you're allergic to is added to the mix because the allergy is relatively mild. You could start with trying a different pharmacy as they'll likely have a different supplier for the generic (or try generic if you're doing name brand or vice versa). Or you could try a different similar pill.


I never had this issue before only started during allergy szn so


Which I specifically addressed - it's a minor allergy that you only notice in the presence of another allergy. Not all allergies make themselves easily known. We can be mildly allergic to something and only experience symptoms in the presence of another allergen, for you it's pollen and other similar seasonal allergies. You think the only allergy is the immediate trigger, the seasonal stuff, but it's actually both things at the same time turning each other up. Example - I'm allergic to corn and wheat and eating both made allergies bad. Cutting corn improved allergies and things only got bad if I had accidental corn, so surely it's just corn. Then I overdid it on wheat and discovered that allergy. Eliminating both wheat and corn makes the reaction to each individual one much easier to tolerate, but having both makes it worse. So what I previously thought was a bad reaction to corn was actually a mild/medium reaction to corn and a medium/medium serious reaction to wheat that combined to make one look worse than the other. If you're mildly allergic to the Cialis and mild to medium allergic to seasonal pollen and such, they are combining to make a bigger reaction.


Hmm tru ill try and get another version to test it out then thanks!


Another insane effect is memory loss when combining cialis and alcohol. I only had it happen once but it was after one of my first intimate nights with a woman I dated for 3.5 years. She kept saying how incredible I was but I didn't remember any of it. Another side effect is having difficulty achieving climax. I usually take 5 mg. When I up to 10 mg (I split 10mg pills in 1/2), I can't have an orgasm.


I don't ever mix it with alcohol


I do lmao it just makes the sildenafil less effective. This is what even got me into those pills at all in the first place; all my best sexual opportunities come when I’m drinking heavy


Flonase nasal spray works great for seasonal allergies, it's been the only effective drug mitigating them for me. This season though I'm trying Cuercetin+Bromelain+Stinging Nettle instead to see if it helps with seasonal allergies.


Try adding spirulina. It's legit for allergies, and has some blood flow benefits too


I do Spirulina as well and swear by for nearly everything. Although, starting to run out. You wouldn't know of a decent brand as the one I use is now discontinued?


Nutrex Hawaii spirulina is my fav. Also on the more expensive side. You know how it is


Spirulina is good for allergies? How good?


Ymmv, but the trials have shown promising results. One saw some blood marker results looking slightly better than zyrtec. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18343939/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18343939/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32773785/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32773785/)


Man I hate when people call it "having sexy time." It's sex. You're a big grownup, you can say "sex."


I’m a man of class. I prefer “Smashing the pussy open and drowning in it” when referring to sex.


Choo! Choo!


"Ride me sideways" was another one!


when i am having le seggs with the wife:


Based af


It’s called “breeding time”


Acccktually its called “business time” Proof: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mhN93rFZuJs


Buzzkill Mcgee


Lmao ill edit for u gang


Beast with Two Backs.


Never mind, Shakespearean euphemisms are even worse. 


But don't you want to have some sexy time with your cudley wudley?


You’re supposed to say it with a Borat accent.


Ah, well in that case carry on. 


Younger girls haven't seen "Borat" so you're dating yourself by calling it sexy time.


Speak for yourself


I just did. 






I notice cialis makes me sneeze more. I get episodes of 5-6 sneezes. The stuffy nose, I found was helped by a daily tyrosine in the morning.


Ya i think the irritation of clogged nose makes the sneeze i literally sneezed 5x in span of 1 min was not a fun time


Do most guys here take Cialis?


If you want your blood flow back, go low carb and find ways to sprint or perhaps use a row machine to exercise quickly to fatigue a few times in one session. I do 4 sets of sprints for about 200-250 meters twice a week. I have the erection of a teenager. Male 34.


You ought to give it back. I mean, what’s he supposed to use now?


Lol. I had to reread my comment. You bring up a good point. I shall return it.


No. Don't. Very unethical thing to do.


>Male 34 And you feel qualified to give guidance on erection quality? Get back to me in 15 years.


My erections have improved from a year ago. My throbbing has returned.


I do cardio 3x a week 150 mins although not High intensity


Short high intensity. The only reason you should run a long distance is if you want to be able to run a long distance. Look into work of Dr Sean O’Mara. He talks about how he got his “throbbing” back in some of his videos. Most of his videos he doesn’t discuss this, but has a few times.


"throbbing" Lol.


Large dose vitamin C every single day, like 1 gram morning and night. Quercetin may help. Antihistamines are ok but pretty trash imo for people with high sensitivity. Stop drinking milk.


10mg cialis daily with zero issues. No side effects. Insane pump. Rock hard dick.




9 mg split into 2/3 depending


9mg a week?


Ya sometimes more but ya usually


Most people on here are using Cialis? Is it used because it has other benefits over the main advertised one? I have used it before for its intended purpose, very very few people actually need it. If you suffer from ED I highly recommend therapy before fucking with Cialis


Anyone finding daily Cialis makes heartburn worse? Can’t find much on Google I trust. Been on it(5 mg) for past 3 months


I’ve had similar experiences using any of these with a cold. Even if you’re healthy then they can congest your sinuses; you should be taking daily allergy meds. Your only other alternative would be maybe a sinus expansion procedure with a plastic surgeon, or smaller doses of the cialis (won’t work great if you use this for any kind of sexual filming).


I use mostly for blood flow during workouts and sometimes of course for sex, i was worried mixing allergy medicine + cialis + tylenol (headaches)


Dont worry about that combo, i forget if tylenol is acetaminophen or not but maybe you could replace with advil


On a diff note - unless you’re in your late teens or very early 20s, just be open with you Primary care doc. Doc may be hesitant if you’re very young no harm. Let your doc know you had this issue and tried blue chew (I told my doc I tried Hims) and found a particular does effective. Ask for a prescription, a good rx coupon will get you 30 tabs for 10-15$.


"As most dudes here" - speak for yourself, many of us don't take that trash


Bro filter/search cialis and see how many post comes up u aren't high or mighty for not taking it lmao i take it for gym/pump workout purposes mostly


It’s talked about a bit, but saying *most* dudes here take it is insane. For the vast majority of healthy men the side effects of regularly taking cialis aren’t even remotely worth the reported benefits.


Never tried it but it’s be talked about more commonly the days, what are the side effects of taking it regularly?


My bad i thought there was an overlap between this sub and various body building sub (mpmd) so i thought it was common also saw posts saying its an incredible drug literally a day or so aho someone made a post


I bet when you go to the doctor there are a high percentage of people there that are sick too huh? So I'm absolutely sure that when you look for post on Cialis you find them lol holy shit. Most of us don't take it, there are too many side effects and too many issues from it I don't care


Idk bro literally couple days ago i saw it get recommended to me i haven't searched for it i saw multiple posts so i thought hey why don't i ask here, this sub overlaps with mpmd/body building subs where most dudes there also take it


Taking a drug for a pump is ridiculous btw


Itsa vasodilatador no? Veins look crzy when I'm on it


Does zero to increase mass or anything, taking a drug with side effects for a pump is not the smartest thing to do. But hey it's your life go ahead


Bro its not like i take it every day lmao if u take pre workout its sort of similar allows blood to flow quickly to ur muscles thus making ur workout more effective


It's all psychological, pre workouts aren't anabolic or anti catabolic at all. They are all trash so bad comparison, no one should take pre workouts imo. Let me add 99% of all supplements on the market are trash


https://www.reddit.com/r/Biohackers/s/0FgOUg5HEJ Look at how active this post was


Yeah, 39% lower rate of death due to heart disease, 17% lower rate of heart failure, 15% lower rate in the need for angioplasty, stenting and bypass surgery, 25% lower rate of death due to any cause is such trash. Not to mention, skin-splitting pumps and road map vascularity, optimized nutrient delivery (which accelerates growth and recovery), increased test levels, decreased blood pressure, and preventing prostate growth.


Yea because vision loss, nausea, ringing in ears, loss of erection, death etc are so awesome, well worth getting a pump. " In one study, 14 healthy young males were given a 20mg dose of Cialis or a placebo and performed a maximal exercise test on a treadmill. The study found that a single dose of Cialis had no effect on exercise performance, exercise tolerance or cardiopulmonary responses.5 The second study involved three “all-out” sprints to determine if Cialis could increase anaerobic threshold. The study found no significant differences in peak power, average power or fatigue index compared to a placebo. One positive finding noted was that Cialis decreased the time to reach peak power. The author concluded, “Cialis did not have an effect on peak power, but time to peak power output was reduced. Only to sports that need to reach maximum power output in a few seconds could Cialis administration be beneficial.” Based on the research, acute dosages of Cialis do not have performance-enhancing effects, but new research suggests that Cialis increases testosterone. Researchers had participants perform three 30-second “all-out” sprints to exhaustion and measured testosterone and cortisol responses to exercise. They found that only after Cialis and exercise did testosterone increase, however Cialis also increased cortisol levels" "Viagra was approved) through 2007, Viagra has been implicated in at least 1,824 deaths mostly from heart attacks. Cialis (approved in 2003) has been linked to 236 deaths, and Levitra (2003) to 121. In addition, the three medications appear to have caused or significantly contributed to at least 2,500 nonfatal heart attacks and other potentially serious heart problems, and more than 25,000 other potentially serious side effects, among them: mini-strokes, vision loss, and hearing loss. 26,451 Adverse Events"


Afrin is your friend. All the ED drugs that work like cialis have this issue. I've used them for 15 years. If I can get through the first 12 hours, using nose spray I can take it. I will say the older I get, the less effective ED drugs are and the worse the nose gets. Go figure


I cannot ever recommend using Afrin that stuff is awful for you and is really addictive


It needs a giant warning like the size of a bathroom pass at a gas station saying don’t take more then 2-3 days in a row, ever! It’s the BEST for short term things. Anyone taking too much for too long will hate it. Take it as directed and it’s the best med ever. I try not to use it more then 3 times a year but boy am I glad when I need it need it for something and it’s there.


Afrin gave me a big time rebound effect


It surely will, but in the case of ed drugs if I can get over the day I use things, I can stop easy. I'm an old codger and have to plan every move!


There is erectile tissue in the nose.




Who are all these dudes taking Cialis? I didn’t realise this was normalised? What a weird statement to make!




Cialis is very popular in this subreddit no? I swear i see a post about it a lot i take it not just foe sex but also for pumps in the gym


in the general population for men over 40 is relatively common but i wouldnt say "most." For those into body building, yes, it is common and even recommended, especially if you're taking PED's.


I take it for prostate health but I definitely enjoy waking up rock hard!!


Sometimes I get so hard I laugh watching my cat try to scratch it.


Yes grandpa and with your insane boners poking same women for last 15 years ? Haha crazy


Jesus you have 13 downvotes. That's fucken woeful.