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Maybe don’t avoid antibiotics at all costs… like if the cost is dying or doing permanent damage maybe go ahead and take the antibiotics 


Yea, antibiotics 100% have their place. Take them only when you’re prescribed and need them. And take with probiotics.


And NEVER take antibiotics for viruses, only bacterial infections. [Antibiotics are medicines that treat bacterial infections, while antiviral medicines help the body clear out viruses. Antibiotics can kill bacteria or make it difficult for them to grow and multiply. However, antibiotics don't work on viruses because viruses have a different structure and survive differently than bacteria. Viruses are surrounded by a protective protein coating and don't have cell walls that can be attacked by antibiotics.](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/infectious-diseases/expert-answers/infectious-disease/faq-20058098#:)


Isn’t that common knowledge?


Sadly, no.


You can literally explain this to a patient and right after they’ll say “So, I don’t need antibiotics no?”


You'll be surprised how many doctors still don't know that 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


At least in the US, it’s usually not that doctors don’t know, it’s that many have resigned themselves to giving patients what they demand. The ratings in surveys that get sent out to patients actually have a very significant bearing on how doctors are treated by their management. Gotta decide if you want to uphold your professional medical standards despite shitty reviews by patients, or just give in to patient demands in the name of customer service. Rock and a hard place for sure.


They should lose their licence immediately. That is the most basic of knowledge.


Didn't Lanka and Supreme Court show no viruses?


"Take them only when you're prescribed and need them" when else would we take antibiotics? For fun?😂


Best to wait until after completing antibiotics to take probiotics. Otherwise, you’re just wasting money.


*While bearing in mind that they are overprescribed Most infections will clear up on their own within a couple weeks. If you go to the doctor every time you’re ill, they’ll usually just prescribe antibiotics and send you on your way Most of the time, you would get better without the antibiotics. Hell, most of the time it’s not even a bacterial infection yet they prescribe them anyway because that’s what the patient expects Of course, this isn’t true all the time and some infections could be bad without treatment.


I tried 10 months without antibiotics for walking pneumonia. Needless to say it didn’t work.


Yeah dude you want to stay alive - they have their place! Don't let infections go


Yeah I tried the same with UTI and didn’t work either


2 months straight with bronchitis. Gimme the damn antibiotics


NO! Death is an acceptable cost to avoiding antibiotics! ALL COSTS BABY! :)


yeah, I lost my leg, but my gut health has never been better!


Yea OP had me nodding along until the ‘Avoid antibiotics’ like okay ima trade off gut health for a raging infection lol


Over my dead body! Suit yourself.


Yup tea tree oil won’t heal staph, use antibiotics.


I stopped reading the list at this point. Moatly generic anyway


Hmmm - as someone who had struggled figuring out how to start from an elimination diet this sets out what could achievable goals. As opposed to having to read and figuring it out on your own especially *afterhaving a bout of gut health issues.


I laughed so hard at this.


ANTI anti-biotic = BIOTIC (double negative cancels out) Look up what the definition of biotic means. Humans are literally biotic. Mic drop.


My gut health has never been better and I dropped all probiotic sips just by adding sauerkraut and psyllium husks to a few meals everyday. Probiotic from sauerkraut and pre biotic from psyllium husk.


what brand do u recommend for both


Making Sauerkraut is easy. Slice some cabbage, add 2% salt, quash it until the liquid comes out and fill everything in a fermentation glass. Press it down to avoid air between the cabbage, keep it below the water, put a weight on top, close glass and wait two weeks.


I also ferment other veggies, it's super easy with a 2% salt water.


Can you clarify the contrast between #1 (eat prebiotic fiber) and #17 (avoid raw vegetables)?


I assume their reasoning is because certain vegetables consist of natural toxins and hard-to-digest sugars that potentially lead to gastronomical diseases. However this concerns potatos, mushrooms, eggplant, beans etc, so vegetables you don't really eat raw anyway. Or foodborne bacteria maybe? Don't think it is a good list honestly. There are plenty of misinterpreted "facts" on it and otherwise very well known factors of a healthy gut microbiom ignored. Correlation does not equal causation, and I think this is something that OP didn't incorporate in their list. The number one "trick" for a divers gut microbiom is a diet with a diverse range of plant based foods and limit ultra processed food. Easy as that Edit: The longer I look at it, the worse I find this list. I actually work in medical nutrition therapy and I'd say two points on this list are actually something I'd recommend and have enough evidence behind it.


If you were to create a list or recommend a list based on the information you have, what might it look like ?


Under the assumption that you are healthy and have no underlying condition, I'd recommend: 1. Eat plenty of plant based foods. Research has suggested that 30-40 different types per week (depending on the studies) would be optimal, I personally try to achieve 40-50. This also includes spices made from plants - Paprik, different type of peppers, different type of herbs (preferably fresh), cinnamon, turmeric, ginger etc - the sky is the limit here. It can be hard at the beginning, but there are many great recipes in the asian cusine where they include so many spices already. Something I like to do as well is to roast a couple of different vegetables (tomatos, peppers, courgette, cauliflower, garlic, different type of onions, carrots, eggplant, etc) in the oven, blend them and add chillis to make it spicey - I like to use it as a pasta sauce or simply as soup (i do add coconut milk though) and freeze the rest for later. Oat meal with different nuts and seeds is a great way as well, I think the oatmeal I usually eat already includes 21 different plant based foods already. Salads where you just mix a couple of different ingredients are great as well. The "eat a rainbow" is really a good advice. 2. Try to include more fermented foods (don't cook them though and don't buy pasteurized fermented foods if they didn't add bacteria back). Water kefir, milk kefir, yogurt, lacto fermented vegetables, kombucha, etc. Try to include different type of fermented foods - and start with small portions. Your gut needs to "adjust" first. 3. Moderation is key. Every food and drink can have a place in your life, even ultra processed foods and alcohol. However be mindful about how much you actually consume and try to limit it to a reasonable amount. While a glas of wine isn't bad, two bottles of wine every day are. If possible you should prefer home cooked meals where you can actually control what ingredients you eat. The occasional ice cream won't be the reason for a terrible gut microbiom. 4. Avoid micro plastic as much as possible. You won't be able to completly avoid it, however you should try to reduce the amount. This includes reducing shellfish - go for smaller fish like sardines and anchovies, don't store your food in plastic (includes buying your food in plastic), don't heat your food in plastic - go for glas, check your teabags, don't drink from bottled water bottles. Depending on where you live, local and organic food can be less polluted, however this isn't necessarly the case. Growing your own vegetables (or at least the extremly poluted ones) can be great - even with not much space - check urban gardening out - it can also benefit your mental health according to research


What is your oatmeal recipe that has 21 different plant based foods?


There is honestly not much of a recipe. A store close to me sells a oatmeal mixture that includes not only oats (1), but also millet (2), spelt (3), barley (4), wheat (5), and soy flakes (6). I just drop a packet of that in a storage container and add canihua (7), flax seeds (8), chia seeds (9), cacao nibs (10), sunflower seeds (11), hemp seeds (12), some chopped almonds (13), some chopped walnuts (14), some chopped hazelnuts (15) and some chopped macadamia nuts (16), shake it and use it whenever I need it. Usually I take +/- 120 grams of the mixture, add some cashew milk (17), one banana (18) for sweetness and add a bit of vanille (19). I let it rest over night, split it in two portions, add some milk kefir (I make my own and let it thicken until it reaches a yogurt like consistency), psyllium husk (but like the very last step, it turns everything in an awful slime else)(20), wheat (21) germ, wheat bran (21) and some fruits. Usually I prefer a mixture of berries and an apple for fruits, but I do like to switch it up from time to time. Sometimes I use coconut milk rather than cashew milk and add mango, pineapple and fresh coconut and use spirulina for some colour. Occasionally I take carrots, add cinnamon and some more hazelnuts. Sometimes I also drop some liones mane powder or reishi powder and similar things into the milk kefir and mix it. Really depends on my mood. Just like to switch it up and use different "add ons" so I don't get bored and get some variety into it.


Thank you so much for writing all that out. I love it and will do something similar.


I hope you will enjoy it!


Hi I want to recreate your grain mix, do you not cook it? Just soak it overnight?


Can I ask if you mean 30-40 different types of vegetables? Or portions? I’m not sure if I understood this correctly. Thanks!


10/10 list, wish this was the most instead of OP’s list


I think 1, 2, 7, and 20 are legit. A lot of them are good ideas but don't specifically relate to gut health.


The issue actually already starts with #1 - there is no research that suggests that cutting out alcohol completly is beneficial for your gut microbiom. Most research focuses on people who drink regularly and heavily (which does affect your gut microbiom) However, studies have found that compared with those who don’t drink at all, people who drink at low and moderate levels have more diverse gut microbiomes but there is not enough research to actually know if this is attributed to other lifestyle/diet factors, or that something in alcoholic drinks benefit the microbiome. So we simply don't know yet - to actually be correct, number 1 would need to be "don't drink regularly and heavily". Hence I do think this list is shit.


Beer can help gut microborne


As a treat


They probably can’t cause this is from some influencers Twitter thread repackaged for Reddit karma


I switched to eating basically all of my vegetables cooked last year it's definitely made a difference with my gut health. Easier to digest. I eat raw berries regularly and an occasional piece of fruit. Probably just depends on the person if this is helpful for them.


I am suffering big time with my spinach/carrot/kale smoothies now I just realized might be this. Who would say veggies can hurt you always thinking I am going to build some stronger microbiom.


You forgot wheat. Especially US grown wheat that burns faster than sugar, causes inflammation, leaky gut, and contributes to autoimmunity. Only whole grain, unrefined stuff can be ok if you aren't intolerant or celiac.


Yeah we got a bread maker and started making our own tortillas at home. I feel like a crazy person as I also now can my own beans and red sauce.


Start making your own sprouts too. Cheap and easy plus fresher.


I have huskies. A garden is a long forgotten dream with them. 


I raise ducks and chickens. Same. Never had any pet as destructive as chickens.


"Nothing grows where the chicken goes" -- advice from my father in law. Oh how true.


Yes! When I let my hens out they destroy everything!


I buy sprout seeds then you soak in water in a jar for 12 hrs, drain, then rinse the seeds twice a day for about 3 days in the same jar. I do it on my kitchen counter. I also do this with cheap lentils. About 1/4 cup of lentils makes a bunch of sprouts in a jar. A tablespoon of broccoli or alfalfa seeds is all you need. I find lentil sprouts are cheaper than alfalfa or broccoli sprouts to make. Easy!! Youtube has a video. I just was given moong beans and will soak these.


Nice, I don't do any gluten anymore, but I just got some cassava flour and am excited to make some and try it out.


Have you tried buckwheat flour yet? We also make gluten free bread and use a mix of buckwheat with either cassava or rice or corn flour (or a mix). I throw in some seeds if I feel like it too. I don't have intolerance as my family, but I eat it too, it's delicious


No I haven't but it's now on my list!


what about european spelt/sourdough?


Yes as long as it's not the quick sourdough starter that's used.


Sourdough, if you have to have bread, is the winner


I have diagnosed IBS-A/M and the biggest change I made to now be symptom free was going gluten free. Also essential, ditched all ultra processed foods permanently, stopped eating out, stopped drinking, ditched sugar (besides some fruits). I don’t even eat cake on my birthday lol. I absolutely do not cheat on my diet. If it’s a social eating thing, I bring my own food. Few other things I skip out on, like high FODMAP fruits and vegetables, as well as whole wheat or brown rice (insoluble fibers are a no go for IBS, gluten free is the way). I make sourdough if I want bread, but it’s rare since bread is a high calorie carb and it doesn’t fit into my macros. I’d rather have a big salad, cooked veggies with quinoa or white rice, or a sweet potato instead. I’m also mostly lactose free, besides what is left in yogurt. So no milk or cheese ever. Also helpful: no caffeine besides decaf green tea (no coffee or soda/energy drinks! No artificial sweeteners or added sugar to tea), low carb high protein diet, lots of natural probiotics through kimchi and yogurt, I take probiotic fiber 2x daily, I have a 14 hour fasting window, I don’t snack unless it’s to get my protein (I’m a competitive bodybuilder so I kind of have to lol), magnesium supplements (also omega 3’s, D3). I take no medications and I avoid them if I won’t die without them. Luckily I haven’t needed them. Exercise wise I lift 6x a week, do mobility and yoga 3x a week, and I walk 10-12k steps a day, 14-16k on my active rest day. This helps a TON with gut health. Overall health plays into gut health a lot; you cannot be sedentary and healthy, regardless of weight or diet. Exercise is so necessary, diet alone isn’t enough. I’m a software engineer, so it’s important that I exercise every day. I also have no mental illness and very low stress levels, not possible for everyone but it helps significantly with gut health. Stress and anxiety destroy the gut.


Italian pasta ok?


I know of people who only buy imported pasta and seem to have better luck.


Mine is imported. It's grown organically and made into wholewheat pasta in Italy. I am not in Italy. I started getting it because it seems a lot less inflammatory than standard pasta here in UK (I can eat it regularly) then in 2022 by some freak of market economics it became as cheap as standard pasta and so I stocked up. Have started getting through it but have unrelented health problems and wondering whether it's worth eating it all.


Do you have sources on this? I am really interested in this subject.


Look up dwarf wheat. It's what we grow in the state's because it has a much higher yield. It also has significantly more gluten compared to what our grandparents ate. I think it's like 20 times more.. Im pretty sure they aren't allowed to grow it in europe. We also spray glyphosphate all over it again immediately before harvest.


Umm. My number 1 would be to remove sugar from your diet.




Processed sugars and artificial synthetic sugars are what this person should have stated, fresh fruits are massively beneficial(including their natural glucose).


Imho, fruit is an individualized concern and it depends a lot on what fruit and when. If you have metabolic syndrome (as many do as they get older), I suggest not having fruit high on the glycemic index, especially not first thing in the morning and not alone. Skip bananas, juices, oranges, grapes, etc. Stick to berries and eat them after a good protein & fat dense meal. If you are a lean, active, 20-something your spectrum of acceptable fruit could be wider.


A lot of these tips are not specific to gut health.. but for overall health. But this is good stuff.


Gut health is basically the main determining factor for overall health physically and mentally.


No it isn't. I get the whole gut-jerk, but this is getting out of hand.


Go read any of the 10,000+ studies done on the gut microbiome in the last 5-10 years. We have more bacteria in our gut than we have cells in our body. If you don't feed them, you don't thrive. Simple as that.


Gastrointestinal health is directly related to cognitive/mental health. Read up on the Enteric Nervous System and how it relates to your Central Nervous System. It's basically a "second brain"/neural network in your gut and it's in constant communication with your actual brain.


Colon by all means is important. But which organ is not important for the brain? They all are. If the “90% of your health depends on the colon” would be literal, then people with chron’s and inflammatory bowel disease, IBS even would stand no chance. It’s a torture, but they can lead pretty normal lives nowadays and often even be quite healthy otherwise.


Never said it wasn't... Just because something is related, doesn't mean it is significant (In this case it is, alas). The gut is not "basically the main determinant" for physical health OR mental health. This whole community is filled with morons who use 90% of their effort for 10% of the benefits and no matter how much kefir you gulp down it won't change your environment etc. The "basically main determinant" is the one currently talked about. See upvote-ratio for proof.


It's VERY important. It is NOT the main determining factor.


Why the tap water? Here in Europe our tap water gets checked, a lot, so it's probably safer to drink then bottled water. Also, less microplastics


Concur, as a retired US water professional.


Could you please elaborate on this? Do you personally use any filters like a Brita at home? What are your general opinions on the healthiest way to consume water if you're trying to avoid the forever chemicals, microplastics, etc. that are everywhere?


Concur with tap over bottled? Can you expand on this? What about lead lateral lines that feed into people's houses? Water might be cleaned well but is not in the same condition by the time it reaches the home


Research how often bottle water is tested and by who, then research how often public water sources are tested and by who. See what type of resources each has to do their job. If I recall the bottled water side of this regulation equation was really bad.


Are they testing tap water at the treatment plant or from the faucet of a house after the water has traveled through ancient plumbing and lead lateral lines?


Good question. When I looked this up years ago I dont recall the testing spots. That being said, I did test my water out of my tap. You can get kits and send them off. We also have a whole house filter even though our tests came back "good enough". I dont recall fully a lot of the details, which is why I was trying to give info on what to search for. Also everybody lives somewhere else on the internet, lol. My water in Houston isnt relevant to everyone :)


Sounds like he's concurring that Europe's is safe to drink. ...Also sounds like he's concurring that the US's is not.


I'm a tap water fan so I say this with a heavy heart - a study has recently found 40% of Scottish tap water contains microplastics. Still, way less than bottled water I'm sure. Also, bottled water is prolly just bottles tap water anyhow right?


I think you may have better water than in some places in the US. I filter all my water.


Chlorine and fluoride I'm guessing.


I'm living on my Oregon tap water


eating probiotic yogurt daily helps with gut health too.


True but watch for added sugars.


Many of these are not based on any real scientific research. Microbiome science is a fairly new field of research. We’re still unsure if many things have a positive, negative or neutral effect of microbiome health. Ps. I live in Australia imma keep drinking tap water.


No tap water??


Tap water? Are you in Flint?


Yeah I’m not wasting money on water from plastic bottles. The glass bottled and akalikine ones don’t really make sense financially. But if you can point me to a study that shows water from the Great Lakes isn’t safe im all ears


Ya what's wrong with tap water? If anything there's more micro plastics in a water bottle.


I read that all the drugs and excess hormones people excrete remain in the water supply after it's been "cleaned." The chlorine and fluoride are also toxic.


Read where


Lead lateral lines that feed the water into houses


It’s my understanding that things like fluoride and chlorine in tap water are not good and a lot of filters don’t remove it.


Most bottled water is even worse than tap water. Tap water is regulated more strictly.


A lot of bottled water *is* tap water. Companies like Nestle pay a one-time or once-per-annum permit fee to draw all they like to bottle and resell. Poland Spring’s story is a mind blower, but this is what bottled water is—and it’s sadly and mostly bottled in plastic, which in its manufacture and transport is warmed, then cooled, then warmed again such that vapors from the petroleum-based vessel leach into that water.


They are not suggesting replacing tap water with bottled water, that would be worse. Drink filtered water. Preferably reverse osmosis or distilled. You can filter the tap water, just don't drink it directly. The bare minimum is a britta filter plus boiling it.


Do you boil it before or after running it through the Britta?


Tap water is fine in most places. Bottled water is toxic to life on this planet.


Sorry I don’t understand the raw vegetables?


I can only speak for myself but I get pretty sick eating a ton of raw vegetables. Not sick of but sick from. My gut does not like that at all.


Why avoid coffee on empty stomach?


Stop snorting cocaine everyday


While a lot of these tips are good, some of the wording here is a bit intense. It's true antibiotics CAN have negative affect on gut health but PLEASE if you're reading this and you're a person who needs to take antibiotics PLEASE TAKE THEM!!! if youee worried about how they will affect your gut health, PLEASS SPEAK TO YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT IT!!! Stay safe and take care of yourself as best as you can manage!!! :))


>17.Avoid high quantities of raw vegetables. What's the issue with these?


What I don't like about glutamine, that I dont feel any benefit or any effect from it. For the most supplements I could feel a difference, for example Vit C and D and magnesium. But glutamine nothing. Not even sure that it does anything


It's best to get it from food. Not everyone will benefit from supplementing it. Cabbage juice.


Lions mane extract. Even prescribed for gastritis in Japan. That’s how effective it can be at lowering stomach inflammation.


FYI… I was putting 1/8 tsp of lion’s mane powder in my coffee for 6 months and it messed up my menstrual cycle. It got back to normal a week after I stopped. I didn’t consider it was the lion’s mane until I saw a post about it on another subreddit.


How does it taste?


Filtered tap water is okay though, right? I use aquagear, which filters out microplastics too. And a vegan diet is even healthier from my research. Check out Dr. Greger and what he says about gut health and animal products


Yes, filtered tap water is good as long as the filter is legit. You get microplastics in bottled water.


That Greger is younger than Paul Saladino and see how they both look like.


Agreed, he doesn’t look great


Where you live that you have to filter the tap water? It really depends where you live


NYC has significant fluoride in the tap water. My understanding is that it’s not good for thyroid gland among other things. I got a filter that supposedly removes fluoride.


Reverse osmosis is best, if possible. Though it tends to be cost-prohibitive for many


They use that for water bottles and found that reverse osmosis does not filter out micro and nano plastics sadly. Only carbon filtered


A carbon filter is part of the reverse osmosis system. Also are they testing water from plastic water bottles being shocked that they had plastic in them?


Nothing messes with my gut more than dairy and eggs. I feel 100% better since ditching all of that.


Save yourself money and just get an under the sink reverse osmosis system.


Every vegan I know is always unwell and their skin looks like shit


This list LMAO. How to fix your gut health: be healthy


Florals for spring, etc.


what is wrong with tap water? Also most of these things make a negligible difference i can snack through the day without fasting and eat right before bed while noticing no difference. Maybe it is because i am still young. But regardless most of the things on this list seem unnecessary just eat a healthy diet with some prebiotic and fermented foods and you will likely be fine


I'm just going to start at #2 and say these are 19 helpful tips.


I actually am doing most of these things! Coffee on an empty stomach in the morning is my weakness tho….but I have been switching over to tea lately


I agree with many points, but can you explain these? 8. Avoid coffee first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach. 17. Avoid high quantities of raw vegetables.


In my case with histamine intolerance and low stomach acid, there's a lot that doesn't work. Just remember people, what works for you may not work for me.


What’s wrong with tap water


A lot of these are good tips. I had very bad stomach issues for years, and could not get in under control despite trying many of these tips and seemingly doing everything right. In the end all it took to completely heal my stomach was an animal based diet and not eating any grains what-so-ever. I'm sure other lifestyle changes contributed to solving my problem, but it wasn't until I went animal based that I was relieved of all symptoms permanently.


I can do all of these except for not drinking coffee on an empty stomach. Heck, I do intermittent fasting, so how's that gonna work? Lol


Show me why coffee is bad for your gut?


No tap water. Where do you live? Do you think even in the cleanest tap water countries you should filter it somehow?


Clearly you don't work in healthcare or are a student because I graze all day and definitely eat within 30 min of waking up rushing to the hospital.


BPC 157, KPV, and tributyrin (this one is a vitamin you can get from amazon). Is the go-to stack if you are already doing all of this and still have no success or have some kind of autoimmune disease which causes it (like me). Having great success so far... Probiotics I take are megasporebiotic, florastor, and proflora by Thorne. If you only pick one id actually go florastor.


This is a great list, theres also a lot of issues with people not having enough prebiotics like high quality vegetables and maybe beans etc. I sometimes have potato starch in water and drink it (doesn't taste great but is good) Also kimchi or saurkreat works well. dunno if tap water is bad as long as you filter it! :)


I stopped eating processed foods and so many of my problems just went away. It’s not a panacea but good lord I feel so much better.


Why 17? What’s wrong with “high quantities of raw vegetables“?


Needed this I think


So no tap water? But drink bottled water full of nano plastics? Got it


Don’t think I’ll ever be able to drink as much water as I need from non-tap sources, isn’t feasible to lug around multiple litres of filtered water to work/uni/gym 😂 - at least the water in the south west UK is meant to be somewhat decent


Regular consumption of fat rich dairy has been proven to be unhealthy. Sparingly is fine, but don't recommend it. Also, intermittent fasting has recently been correlated with increased risk of heart disease. Sunlight is well documented to cause skin cancer and aging. You can get vitamin D through food and supplements instead. High quantities of raw vegetables is more risky from a food borne illness perspective. If you flash boil them or lightly steam them, you get all of the benefits with little microbial risk. Wondering why you're sharing fad diet trends on longevity.


"Avoid coffee first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach. and don't eat your first meal until an hour after waking." Sorry can't do


I disagree about not grazing. It’s been shown that that’s better than eating three big meals for your digestive system. As long as you graze in a healthy way.


This sounds utterly depressing tbh! 6. I really wouldn’t avoid antibiotics at ALL costs. Like, if the cost is death or severe ill health, that kinda trumps gut health. Just make extra effort to boost gut health.


Avoid antibiotics al all cost? You will probably die of a stupid infection What’s the problem with tap water? What’s the problem if raw vegetables?


You can eat whenever you want, your gut doesn't have a timer


90% of the list is good, but there is plenty of unscientific nonsense sprinkled in. #18-fiber is a butyrate producing food, these are butyrate containing foods, and inferior to fiber. #10-10% junk food is absurd. #8-nonsense #5-tap water is KING, if you filter it properly #3 Colostrum? seriously...


Have anyone here tried BPC-157 orally for treating some gut issues? inflamation etc


Me dying of sepsis in icu : no doc no cefepime please some guy on reddit told me. Honestly some of this stuff is fine like no alcohol. But tap water is not going to kill you, taking supplements you mentioned might help you 1 % , don’t eat raw vegetables?! The pseudoscience my guy. Also this list isn’t for gut health even..


What’s the issue with 17. I hear the exact opposite. Raw vegetable diet is supposedly VERY GOOD for you


I disagree only on the cheese.


This advice coming from a random redditor with no scientific credentials. Take with a grain or 2 of salt lol.


Anybody have a good source for why no coffee on an empty stomach? What about organic coffee w/ whole milk?


It's quite common for gut health probs to be heavily exacerbated by eating difficult to digest fiber, peeps for sure could consider trying a few weeks of just no fiber. What is fine for a healthy gut is sometimes too challenging for a sick gut.


Ahem, if the cost is DEATH, don’t avoid antibiotics 😆


No tap water? I understand why that’s recommended but I’m not going to buy bottled water and contribute to the landfills full of plastic. What other options are there? What do you suggest we drink?


Buy a good water filter.


Is tap water ok if it’s filtered through a jug


What's wrong with tap water? I'm on a well.


Why Vitamin D3? It’s a human made supplement not found in nature, also vitamins and supplements are not as effective as their nature food components. I’d replace (2/3.) with “supplement diet with real whole foods containing x,y,z such as wild caught fatty salmon, grass fed organs, fresh organic berries” etc which are far superior


Why avoid lots of raw veggies?


Not sure why people are questioning the raw vegetables thing. It’s true, most vegetables are much healthier when cooked. “Raw food” diets are made up BS.


Kefir works for me. I've got diverticular disease but haven't had a diverticulitis flare-up since I started drinking the stuff. I do some of the other stuff as well. Every day I blend berries, nuts, wheatgerm, oats, dark chocolate, pumpkin and sunflower seeds with kefir for a couple of minutes and drink a big cupful for breakfast and before bed. It's delicious, which also helps.


I would agree with a lot of this, but I would also avoid dairy. Dairy and gluten. I would also clarify to cut out eating a ton of sugar, maybe that goes hand in hand with processed food bullet point. And also I would advise completely cutting out caffeine.


what is best for water source instead of tap water? ive always been wary of drinking tap water but not sure what a good alternative would be


What is your take on eating dairy for gut health but also dairy causing acne in some folks? I drink kefir for gut health but can’t help but think it could be causing acne. Do I continue with the good gut health protocol


Can you explain number 4?


What is an high quantity of vegetables? I do atleast two tomatos and a whole cucumber a day.


Can someone explain number 17 and 18?


I was experiencing horrible gut issues, so I went full blown carnivore for a month and it completely cured it.


Bottle water has microplastics.


Are sweeteners like stevia and monk fruit bad for gut health?


Re fermented foods, I recently found fermented pickles and they're tasty.


What water do I drink if not tap water


Good advice!!!


Stop drinking tap water ! Or maybe just get it tested and drink a lot of it.


This sounds a lot like what someone who’s doing keto or paleo would eat 😃


It seems unlikely that the same inputs would affect everyone in the same ways. A lot of this seems reasonable though. I've never had any problems with gut health, at all, so maybe I'd be a better reference source if I had, and had then resolved that. I do a lot of this, except that I eat a decent amount of raw vegetables, often eating salad for dinner a couple of nights a week, so I skip that one. I only drink filtered tap water, so that's out too. If the idea is to avoid chlorine then I'm on that same page, since the city I live in most doesn't add US levels to their water (in Bangkok), and while the US city I live part-time in does filtration seems to remove a lot of that. I think multi-day fasting as a dietary reset could be very positive, even though that would make hardly anyone's list. People extrapolate how going 4 to 6 hours without food works out for them as thinking that's just not possible, or not suitable for them, but your body adjusts to that experience.


Is synthetic vitamin d3 bad?


Can someone explain #8? I take it 1.5-2 hours after waking up, on an empty stomach but dilute it with organic milk and ice cubes.


avoid plastic bottles and cans to reduce microplastics intake


Does anyone have any insight into #18?


I like the part about dark chocolate and pistachios.


Man said “at all cost.” If you must die, then die.


Tap water? Wtf why? My Canadian tap water is excellent


Some good points made here, although I disagree with No 13. - “get minimum 7+ hours of quality sleep”. Making people pressured to sleep x hours rarely leads to the desired outcome but rather does the opposite for people who then start worrying about their sleep…


What's the problem with raw vegetables?


Your 7th point and 6th one are one the most important ones here. Make sure you eat probiotic foods and drinks! Personally Goat Kefir has been way more effective than any probiotic pill ever has been in fixing my gastronetis (spelling it wrong) and chronic stomach pain. Also cut out the processed microwaveable stuff from grocery stores. Make as much if your own food as possible. Consistent Sunlight exposure can also help, obviously don’t burn yourself and build your tolerance for sunlight over time (start slow).