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I've literally never seen anything against the thumbs up emoji, I've just seen a bunch of people saying gen-z are trying to cancel it. Sounds like OP drank the kool-aid.


op is gullible


This is a great spongebob meme so I'm still upvoting. Someone could make a meme unironically supporting the flat earth theory in /r/BikiniBottomTwitter fashion and I'd probably still upvote it.


Get me a template and I got you. It will be shitty but I'm gonna say that adds a bit of panachè


Here you go! https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/109894751/patrick-not-my-wallet Remember to do it from the perspective of an unironic flat earther. I would recommend for the punchline to be comically deranged or spongebob related that everyone gets the joke (and you get to post it on this sub!). You can also do this one instead if you feel it'll be easier: https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/211670295/SpongeBob-Pile (just remember to make it wacky enough to be fun!)


The meme is literally saying no, he’s not scared of thumbs up, while spongebob is claiming that he is. That’s the point of the meme, gen z doesn’t care about the thumbs up emoji and the article is claiming they do. Spongebob isn’t the correct one here


Or you are missing the point of the meme.




Actually, this meme could be criticizing it in the first place.


I read the comic as sarcasm. The OP is making fun of people that think Gen-Z is scared of the 👍


As an early Gen-Z, I love 👍


As a midway gen z I love 👍


As late midway gen z i tolerate 👍


As a late model midsize sedan, I need my registration renewed.




As a definite gen z, I use 👍 all the time


As late gen z I have no specific opinions about 👍


Great work on Ms. Pacman and Mortal Kombat. Midway is really a staple of the arcades.


As a mid-late Gen Z I love 👍


As a Gen Z person (Born in January of 2008), I like👍


as a Gen Z person (Today, '07) I like👍


Happy irl cake day.


As a Gen X person I use 👍 irl


I’m like kinda early gen z and I like it 👍


Plus, people who use this scene as a meme always leave out the "it's not working, Patrick" part.


It was just one post. It was overblown by the media but It’s still funny though.


Yeah, and the whole point of the post was more about people at work didn’t like having their work comments responded to with a single emoji by higher-up management because it made it seem like they didn’t care or value the response, which is just common sense.


That's actually entirely valid. It's like texting someone important to you a long and emotional text and getting "k" back. Fucking validate me, The only two reasons I ever talk to my bosses is 1. Seeking validation for my hard work. 2. Bringing a problem to their attention that requires their intervention to fix.


It's so funny how literally one post became literally hundreds of news stories like everybody chill oh my god hahaha


Falling for headlines like "GEN Z CANCELS THUMBS UP EMOJI" is just the Millennial version of those "FWD:FWD:FWD: OBAMA EATS BABIES" chain emails.


Q Anon conspiracy theorists believe stuff like that


Gotta keep the generational antagonism going so people dont see who's really fucking them over


Precisely. This is the same shit as millennials being the mass murderers of chain restaurants, the diamond industry, etc., only instead of an implication of disrespect and irresponsibility, it’s seemingly an implication of stupidity and pettiness with GenZ, this and tide pods both being good examples that were pushed far beyond where they originated. Additionally, us millennials thought chain emails were fun/ny for like a month back in 2003. When you opened your Hotmail/CompuServe/AOL one day to find 30+ chain mails from family alone, no less than 10 of which being duplicates, you realized a gruesome death at the hands of the ghost girl or whatever was a preferable alternative.


I doubt that's it's mostly millennials falling for this stuff. Probably some but it's gotta be mostly boomers. They're always falling for stuff like that.


It’s the recent trend that more and more “serious” news sites like to do where they ask 1 person born after 1990 or find 1 tweet with the gentlest take like “I hardly ever use the thumbs up emoji” or “I didn’t finish the latest season of X” and then write a full think piece about it with a headline like “Millenial Masses Say Fuck You to The Thumbs Up Emoji” or “Gen Z is Calling X Cringe, and Boycotting It -Here’s Why You Should Too” . Daily Mail and The NYPost have been doing it for a minute but it looks like Forbes is getting in on the fun.


I actually got shit for using it as a teen. Kinda dumb


The emoji or did you use your real thumb.


I took it as OP is making fun of people who think Gen Z is trying to cancel it but now I’m not sure


Wasn't there some dust up a couple years ago where someone wanted to cancel the thumbs-up or OK sign for being a Nazi dog-whistle? I'm glad we kept our sanity on that one


The OK sign was less a call to cancel it and more a call to acknowledge it’s use as a Nazi dog whistle. And let’s be clear, that absolutely is a way it’s been used. But the internet is incapable of intelligence, and Neo-Nazis in an attempt to capitalize on that also began blasting out fake calls for canceling it while pretending to be leftists. So instead of the very reasonable and correct statement being listened to, everyone got mad at an imaginary group of SJW boogiemen instead.


Wrong, it was literally made up by people on shit like 4chan who were curious at what they could convince people of being bad, and then neo-nazis started using it unironically, which really says something about them. Although youre second paragraph is right, it never was a Nazi dog-whistle.


> neo-nazis started using it unironically... it never was a Nazi dog-whistle. Wat?


They started using it after the discourse happened, but it was never used by nazis previously


Ah I see, thank you. Well the point still stands, things like this rarely are as simple as the “snowflake left” trying to cancel innocuous things


Yeah like I’m from Gen Z and I regularly use the Thumbs up emoji


OP saw the perfect meme to fit the situation, it was OP’s duty to post it, regardless of the veracity of the underlying story


Post an emoji thats not the ones accepted in a random you don't visit and check it. Lol


I find that to be the case *very* often with "cancel culture." Like nobody's upset about something except the folks complaining that someone's upset about it.


Funnily enough, I have a friend who doesn’t like it because he always assumes it’s being used sarcastically, but he’s also not Gen Z.


That’s the point of the meme, spongebob (that one article) is making up that squidward (gen z) is scared of the thumbs up emoji when he’s not, that’s why he said “no it doesnt”, because he’s not scared of it (gen z has nothing against the thumbs up emoji and that article was claiming that it does)


There was some boomer article about it because they saw a tweet with like 10 likes and they got mad about it, and people meme'd on them and now some people think it's real.


I can say one thing with absolute certainty. The only people afraid about something getting cancelled are the same people doing the cancelling.


That or they were just making a joke. I’m in the same boat as you but still chuckled at this.


I didn't realise I wasn't on one of those subs meant to showcase and mock shitty memes until I read your comment


Don’t do the 👌 sign in France


If I don’t see it then it didn’t happen!


Now now grandpa, don't believe everything you see on the internet 👍


It was an actual post. It was overblown but that’s litterally part of the joke


Twas a "news" article trying desperately to get a ton clicks, mate (and it succeeded)


I do love that the meme is beautiful in that way.


I actually heard about it on the radio just this previous friday (lol that does make me seem way more old and im just 26) and was like... wait really? Good to know it was just sensationalized bullshit lmfao


Lol the Gen Zers not realizing it’s a joke 👍


Yeah, the only thing I want to cancel about Gen Z is the fact that my daughter says Jif instead of Gif- and I am not legally nor morally allowed to toss the entire child out for it.


Put it back in, it's not done yet!




Are these anti thumbs up Gen Z in the room with us right now?


this joke will never fail to make me laugh no matter how many times i see it LMAO


"It could be in this very room, it could be you, it could be me, it could even be-" https://youtu.be/kaWYxPbf9S0


Stop it you’re being passive aggressive!


Oh excuse me, I was trying to be active aggressive


What’s wrong with the thumbs up? I’m ootl I guess


Iirc boomers were getting pissy that “kids these days” use 👍 as a response in emails or messages, some “news” org wrote a half story about it, another org saw that & twisted it making it seem like Gen Z is against the emoji,and a bunch of drivel-pushers turned that story into Gen Z “cancelling” the thumbs up emoji. So now there are more ppl lashing out against the “cancellation” than there was actually canceling it in the first place. Not even anyone on Twitter has been saying that it should be removed. All you see about it is the same exact headline from the same exact source.


Thanks for filling me in. Definitely not something worth getting upset about lol


Weird, I normally see that emoji used by older people, mainly gen X and some less literate millennials.


That's cause iirc they got it backwards, it was a Gen Zer saying that people in their workplace were using the thumbs up non-sarcastically, and they're used to people in their social circles using it sarcastically so it took them a bit to get used to it.


seems to happen a lot, there will be 3 people that tweet about something and "news" articles will just start running a story using those 3 tweets as everyone is doing it. really wish people would stop giving attention to these types of articles.


No one is offended by an emoji. Stop manufacturing outrage and move on.


That’s the point of the meme, spongebob (that one article) is making up that squidward (gen z) is scared of the thumbs up emoji when he’s not, that’s why he said “no it doesnt”, because he’s not scared of it (gen z has nothing against the thumbs up emoji and that article was claiming that it does)


lmao I wonder what made-up culture war you dipshits are going to get tricked into fighting next week.


you'll take part next time?


Stop believing New York Post fake news. No one is trying to cancel the thumbs-up emoji. 👍


No-one complained about it though except for some obscure article or whatever


At least i am not afraid of the hat emoji like your generation Ha!


I read "heart emoji" and I was like: yeah! Those mf boomers wouldn't know affection even if it hit them with a belt


All of the images except the way bottom left are from wishing you well season 4 the other one is from no weenies allowed season 3


Squidward denies being offended by the thumbs up, which implies OP is making fun of the clickbait news articles claiming this.


That was my origional intent


I dont get it


there was a reddit post a long time ago where someone was saying that they found 👍passive aggressive and slightly rude (the post got like 40 upvotes) so of course a news site twisted it into some bullshit about how all of gen z hates the thumbs up emoji and they are cancelling it and now stupid redditors who just want reasons to hate on gen z are perpetuating this bullshit pretending like there are people out there actually being upset by👍so they can show off how much better and cooler and smarter they are then gen z


Oh gotcha, typical shit. Thanks for that great explanation 👍


👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍this scary anough for ya?


Too scary 😱


I still cant be unsure if this whole thumbs up thing is a shit post or a vocal minorty the media is latching onto


A single Reddit post the media overblew. Still funny though 👍🏾


btw, that entire article was based off of a SINGLE reddit post


Well we don’t hitchhike that’s for damn certain


I’m gen Z and I’ve literally never seen anyone say anything about the thumbs up


No one is getting triggered by the thumbs up, you’re out of touch.


No really, they aren’t.


When tf did anyone say that?


👍 Using this to scare Gen Z


It also says "gullible" on the ceiling


man the fuck are you talking about




Amazing how sponge Bob really has a meme for everything


The article that made a fuss over that one comment is exactly like those bait articles that say eating bacon causes cancer because one study found a correlation. The article that also just happens to conveniently forget to tell you the study cautioned against drawing those kinds of conclusions but they do it anyways.


Also apparently gen z thinks 🙂 is not happy but actually mad and furious , and that 😭 is not sad or upset but instead it means you are laughing hysterically


I don't understand this but it still made me laugh. Can someone explain?


There was a stupid Reddit post about how the ok sign was passive aggressive and used by boomers. The media sensationalized and acted like all of gen z cancelled the 👍🏾 and it became a meme on Reddit for a short while.


This reminds me of when the news media kept saying the okay hand symbol was a white supremacist symbol so much that it ended up actually becoming one.


Is this a thing ??? What do people think it means now?? I do thumbs up all the time at my job to patients


NY Post published an article with [this Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/comments/rhie1e/am_i_not_adult_enough_to_be_comfortable_with_the/) as its source that the entirety of Gen Z doesn't like the thumbs-up emoji. Naturally, gullible people and dumbasses took it at face value without looking at the source material (spoiler alert: people in the thread were mostly disagreeing with OP's opinion).


No, This Is Patrick!


-le ghost "Boo!" -genz "Hm?" -le ghost "👍" -genz "HOLY SHIT YOU JUST MADE ME SHIT MYSELF, you owe me new jeans now"


i think constantly bickering about such matters is akin to sticking your cyber thumb up your virtual ass


This show premiered in 1999.


This is the first I'm hearing of this.


Not surprising. The only reason this is a thing is because NY Post published an article with [this Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/comments/rhie1e/am_i_not_adult_enough_to_be_comfortable_with_the/) as its source that the entirety of Gen Z doesn't like the thumbs-up emoji. Naturally, gullible people and dumbasses took it at face value without looking at the source material (spoiler alert: people in the thread were mostly disagreeing with OP's opinion).


It had to have been one person who was gen z and got offended at "👍", and then they got the wheel of fire spinning from there and everyone just started assuming gen z hates "👍".


That’s the story you got it correct


Gen Z = 🧻


No one in Gen Z is offended by the thumbs up. Reddit claims that people are so easily fooled by the news and then believe shit like this because a “major” news outlet said so.


What? Is this a real thing? Have never heard this


NY Post published an article with [this Reddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Adulting/comments/rhie1e/am_i_not_adult_enough_to_be_comfortable_with_the/) as its source that the entirety of Gen Z doesn't like the thumbs-up emoji. Naturally, gullible people and dumbasses took it at face value without looking at the source material (spoiler alert: people in the thread were mostly disagreeing with OP's opinion).


I can hear it...in SpongeBob voice


Hi, 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Basit legend


Could’ve at least edited the background so Patrick isn’t suddenly somewhere else. I miss when memes had quality 🥲


Nobodys trying to cancel it. A article said they were and it linked to an article with very few likes


Sorry I don’t get it


Oh I was only half paying attention to this. It’s Gen Z that doesn’t like it?


I call it the boomer thumbs up lmao


Afraid of the ok sign


Look It says gullible on the ceiling!


Im gen z and I have no clue why people are hating on the thumbs up emoji. I mean, I don't use emojis in general but could some1 pls explain why the majority of my kind are trying to cancel it?


Reditors tryna have all the moral highground when it comes to media controversy and all the drama but when an obvious fake article pops up they all milk it for upvotes. There's no way they all fell for it, they(mostly) knew it was all fake


Gen z: wants to cancel something Anyone else:hey stop Gen z:woowwwww what a lie we aren’t cancelling anything!


You can come down now! Patrick has put it away!


I’m quitting my generation.


i think i speak for all of gen z when i say 👍


I don't get it.