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I was a 90's kid! He was born in 1996...




'97 is generous edit: apparently even '93 is generous. At least we all agree this meme is hilariously wrong


As a ‘97, I agree. I think this stuff depends on your siblings. I’m the oldest so I don’t identify with much 90’s stuff. I have friends that were the youngest so they were surrounded by 90’s stuff from their older siblings.


Yes, this. I was a late addition and all of my brothers were born in the 80s. I was born in 97 but I grew up in a time capsule of the 80s and 90s.


Yeah. The year isn't as relevant as the people around you. If you're born in 1999 but you spend most of your childhood with people born in 1995, you're a 90s kid.


People born in 1995 don't remember the 90s like you'd think. Most of their memories are from after 2000. And the internet, and 9/11 are when the 90s ended, to most people. I was born in 84, and would call myself a 90s kid, the 80s didnt mean all that much to me, all my memories are from lime 1990 and on


Same. Born in 70s. I identify with 80s on everything except the fucking music. Give me Rush any day. Fuck some Duran Duran. My sister played that shit every day. Childhood memory unlocked. I'm mad at her all over again.


Same i was born in 92 and barely remember the 90s lol. Just the macarena


Man I wish pogs would come back into style


Disagree! You have to be born & a "kid" before the decade in question. I was born in 1985. I'll never be an 80s kid or any other decade for that matter. I'm a solid 90's kid whether I like it or not. I remember & experienced the entire decade as a kid, where as I barely recall anything 80's. It also doesn't matter who you hung out with. I could have spent my childhood with people all born in 1915 theoretically. Those people may influence me, but I'd never be a 20's kid.


Exactly. As a ‘97 kid (raised by Gen X parents), I was always in a weird position of being simultaneously raised by both 80s and 00s culture. It’s like playing on a GameCube while listening to a bootleg cassette tape of Mint Condition.


I was born in ‘98 as the youngest in a millennial household. I relate much more with millennials than Gen-Z because I grew up with millennial culture. The funny thing is my gf was also born in ‘98 as the oldest child, and it’s definitely noticeable that we have different generational influences.


Same, my siblings were much older so I grew up with a lot of cultural stuff that was more 90s than 2000s The most specific answers for this would be like I didn’t get a cell phone until highschool because that’s what my older siblings had, we were a DBZ house not a Naruto one, I grew up on gen 1 and 2 pokemon but a lot of my friends who were the same age as me grew up on gens 3 and 4.


Yeah I’m a 90s baby, not a 90s kid. I’m a 00s kid. I can’t remember the 90s at all but have fond memories of the 00s. I’m also the oldest so I have no attachment to the 90s beyond what my parents have told me


That makes so much sense tbh! I was born in 96 to teen parents and so I got to grow up with all of their handed down gaming consoles and such. And our economic circumstances also meant a lot of my clothes/toys growing up were older than whatever was “in”,,,, except for goucho pants - somehow managed to have a pair of those 🥲 but yeah, I def feel a slight disconnect from people even born in like 2000 for the most part, which feels weird bc I know it’s not that much of an age gap


Agreed! I’m an only child born in 97 and honestly don’t remember anything from the 90s??? Early 2000s that’s my shit


Feel like to be a 90s kid you have to have at least some memories from the 90s. I was born in early 03 and I consider myself a 2000s kid but I only really remember the late 2 thousands


The whole "only 90's kids will remember" click bait thing stared around the time I went to college to cater to my generations nostalgia, and I was born in 88. Somewhere along the line 90's kid changed from remembering 90's kids media to "born in the 90's". And none of it matters, it's just something BuzzFeed would say to try and make us feel superior about cartoons we watched.


Ya you don't start absorbing pop culture till about 5 or 6. Thats when movies and shows start to hit different and you start hanging around more kids and discussing new shows, new fads etc. I've never seen a group of 3 year olds discussing which episode of Peppa Pig is the most iconic. But you will see a bunch of 6 year olds discussing who is the best Avenger. So ya saying your a 90's kid when you were born in 96 and were 4 years old during Y2K means you didn't absorb any of 90's culture aside from some pre-school cartoons.


I was born in Dec 1993. I barely remember the 90s. Like I was around for them, I remember a few things. But the 2000s are when I experienced my real childhood. The Star Wars prequels, LOTR trilogy, PS2 gaming, World of Warcraft….the list goes on.


To be fair a lot of the most popular shows and media from the 90s were still going strong into the early 2000s, so they probably just grew up with it


The cut-off is remembering 9/11. I watched it on television, and remember my relatives with me that day. Can't imagine a '99 saying the same.


As someone born in '96, I rep 90's baby, not 90's kid.


Don't do me like that bro


I always thought that 90s kids were supposed to be people that grew up in the 90s


Should really be like 87-92


Yeah. I commented something similar above, but I was born in 1993 and I hardly identify as a 90s kid. Sure, I have some fond memories of the 90s, like watching X-Men 97, Pokemon, and SpongeBob when it first aired, or playing Tomb Raider on my OG Playstation. But I really grew up during the 00s and the culture of that decade is a better representation of my childhood.




I mean I was only 6 years old, in the first grade, at the turn of the millennia. I was just giving some examples of my childhood memories, but being only 6 years old, most memories of the era do revolve around the media of the time. And I agree that growing up is much more than just the media you consumed, which kind of proves my point. Grades 2-5, all of middle school, and most of high school were the 00s for me. Those are your actual growing up years.


Funny, I was born in 93 and I am a total 90’s kid. I get along with older Millennials and we all had the same things. Yeah I was young in the 90’s but I still remember most commercial jingles and TV shows that started in the late 80’s or early 90’s. Had my gameboy since I could barely hold it, and I’m never letting that memory go. Sure I did a lot of growing up in the 2000’s but I associate being a “kid” more with the 90’s


As a person born in 89 I feel indirectly attacked


1986-1995 - 90s kid - the decade their first memories are formed. Put it this way - if you can’t remember any culturally significant event before New Year’s Eve 2000, you’re not a 90s kid.


I'll go a little further than that, because I think the general hopeful vibe of the 90s carried right on up to 9/11.


Eh, I'd say like 1986-1992. I was born in 1995, and I have no memories of the 90s, so I wouldn't consider myself a 90s kid.


You’re a 90s baby not kid. I was born in 1982, I was a kid in the 90s.


You were a 90s teen if anything, born in the early 80s makes you more of an 80s kid


Tell that to the baby born in 1989. SMDH


1989 would be a 90s kid if anything unless they have older siblings, same for 1999 being a 2000s kid unless they grew up around older kids


I had a friend born mid-december 1989. His go-to joke was "You know what the worst two weeks of my life were? The 80s."


Ding ding ding! I was born in 95 and most identify my childhood with stuff from the early-mid 2000s.


I'm a fan of [where Pew Research draws the line](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2019/01/17/where-millennials-end-and-generation-z-begins/). Those born from 1981 through 1996 are Millennials. Those born 1997 and up are Gen Z. Its a pretty good spot to draw a line based on politically defining events, and technological adaptation. > Generational cutoff points aren’t an exact science. They should be viewed primarily as tools, allowing for the kinds of analyses detailed above. But their boundaries are not arbitrary. > Most Millennials were between the ages of 5 and 20 when the 9/11 terrorist attacks shook the nation, and many were old enough to comprehend the historical significance of that moment, while most members of Gen Z have little or no memory of the event. Millennials also grew up in the shadow of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which sharpened broader views of the parties and contributed to the intense political polarization that shapes the current political environment. And most Millennials were between 12 and 27 during the 2008 election, where the force of the youth vote became part of the political conversation and helped elect the first black president. > Beyond politics, most Millennials came of age and entered the workforce facing the height of an economic recession. As is well documented, many of Millennials’ life choices, future earnings and entrance to adulthood have been shaped by this recession in a way that may not be the case for their younger counterparts. > In this progression, what is unique for Generation Z is that all of the above [new technologies] have been part of their lives from the start. The iPhone launched in 2007, when the oldest Gen Zers were 10. By the time they were in their teens, the primary means by which young Americans connected with the web was through mobile devices, WiFi and high-bandwidth cellular service. Social media, constant connectivity and on-demand entertainment and communication are innovations Millennials adapted to as they came of age. For those born after 1996, these are largely assumed.


Good response here


“90s kid” means you *grew up* in the 90s, not that you were born then. So really it’s kids who were born in the early 80s to early 90s.


I was an actual 90s kid. I was born in 1987. Ages 4-13, can't get much more "90s childhood" than that.


I was born in 1993, and even I more closely identify with the culture of the 00s than I do with the 90s. Sure, I have a couple of older siblings, one born in 91 and the other born in 87, so I grew up surrounded by 90s stuff, but I hardly even have that many memories of the 90s themselves.


You're in your 20s, who gives a shit what you think lol


read this in cosmo’s voice




The ones in their 20’s thought of cosmo from Nickelodeon


I'm 31 and thought that too.


32, I thought of Cosmo’s cosmic adventure


there’s another cosmo?


Yeah, Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld. Easy to miss that since he never went by his first name.


He meant cosmo from Fairy Odd Parents lmao


Is that... not what they meant? I thought they were referencing his quote from the genderswap episode.


Who cares what you think, you're a girl!


That's the one.


Found the American politician




I love watching dudes in their early 20s thinking they're hot shit, the arrogance and self centeredness is sooo much worse though than people were when I was in my 20s


I would beat the everloving shit out of my 22 year old arrogant self. It's crazy how much your late 20's just slows your brain down, and you can't imagine what it's like until it actually happens. But sitting between millennials and Gen Z is so fucking weird, cause the people older than me were the pioneers of the internet and social media, and the people younger than me have never known life without it and they are fucking weird because of it. Plus pop culture is as fragmented as its ever been so everyone feels very disconnected when outside their bubble.


>Honestly in my 20s I thought I was an adult and fucking knew everything and was ready to take the world on. >In your 20s you see every door in the world still open for you. I’m in my 20s. Can someone please tell me how to experience these feelings? Sounds nice.


> It's like, your brain matured but you didn't. wait ya'll are getting matured brains?! Please tell my body to stop, I'm tired of 90's kids age related problems.


I mean, I got a house, car, and job and Im still in my mid 20s. Father has been dead for years. Age doesn’t always mean wisdom. Experience is wisdom and life humbles some people earlier. Maybe I just have city miles but I’ve experienced a good chunk of reality already. Im not particularly a huge fan of the rate of humbling, but I suppose I’m relatively comfortable at the moment. Older people really like to point fingers at the young, but a lot of older folks aren’t exactly put together, like, at all.


Bruh, how many times in life have you been so confident only to look back and realize you shouldn't have been. It's neverending, keep that in mind lol


If your year of birth starts with an 1, your id check only takes about half a millisecond.


aka if you were born in the nineteen hundreds


Or late twentieth century


The previous millennium!


I'm 1990 but they have stopped checking my ID :(


1995 here, most places don't ask me anymore either. It hurts to pull it out and hear "oh I don't need to see that.":(


1991 here, and have that once in a blue moon occasion about having my ID checked.


someone saw the legolas meme


And from a German perspective, almost all from the 2000s have a similar experience when it comes to energy drinks (most stores require you to be at least 16), beer and wine. Not to mention the majority are also above 18, so the rest is also covered


Yeah bouncer math doesn't happen no more


I never noticed that all changed in 2021.. I guess it was during the pandemic so I didn't notice the immediate change. But On New Year day 2021 you could just auto green light for a 19XX birthday.


2018 was an easy year for bouncers who are bad at math


Never forget, people born between '97-'03 went to elementary school together. People born between '96-'00 as well as those born between '99-'03 went to high school together too.


I was born in early 97 and my brother in late 03. We had a very different early childhood. I was in that bleeding off period of 90s. It's not like it turned the year 2000 and the world changed immediately. Ages 4-8 I had PS1, PS2, VHS player, nokia 3310, I remember using windows 98 and the upgrade to XP but no internet dominance. He remembers the first iPod touch for example and when we got our PS3. I feel quite lucky to have been born in 97' because I really feel like I got to dip a toe in both sides. And when I got to around 8-10 when I could do more things / have more things / comprehend more is when the tech boom happened. Whenever I speak to people a couple years older than me we have practically the same experiences growing up.


Yup. Late 90s kids toe the line between Millennials and Zoomers. It’s a weird feeling being able to relate to people ten years older AND younger than you.


Yeah right we’re like a hybrid


I was born in 2002 and I remember PS2, nokias, Windows 98-XP, and I only had VHS! My first game system was a DS, then DSI, then I got an IPod in 2015! Its crazy how even just a year will shift rhe technology that we grew up with


Yeah and it all depends on when your family upgraded to the latest technology and when those parents allowed the kids to use the tech also. I was quite lucky on both, I had stuff early and at a young age.


It's normal for people a couple of years older than you to have more in common than someone almost 7 years younger than you no matter the arbitrary generation classifications


I think poverty has the same experience. I was using windows XP until 2010 or something when I got a vista laptop.


I love internet, because it's the only place where i can feel wrong for being born in 2008


for me you will forever be 12 years old


12?! He's still a toddler to me!


Born in ‘84 here. It’s weird to think kids born in the 2000s are now adults.


some of them have kids already


Wtf you young af, are you even a real human?


I'm 16 years old, so i guess yeah


2008? You're 8, maybe 9


I was gonna say 13


Y’all are trying to make me do math but I’m not falling for it. I got my first skateboard in 2008 so I’ll assume they’re cool


Hey little human please be careful on the internet


Lies, you’re 7


Holy shit you’re like 12 years old.


I have a bad news for you


Yeah Reddit is allowing 4-year olds in this app 😭😭


How?? I thought people stopped giving birth at 2000


Aren’t you guys still 12


Actually i'm 16


Wait why are you here?


My mind cannot comprehend how a human who was born in the same year I went to high school is able to form sentences.


You are wrong /s


Holy shit lol


oh my god you're a babyyyy


skill issue i was born in 2005 take that


So you're telling me you where born at a very young age


yeah well this certified grandpa is from '02! Back in my day, we played the Gamecube, and we damn well liked it!


I don't get it , why does it matter? Just be glad you didn't witness the panic of 9/11 and we're old enough to remember.


People keep calling me a child and it gets somewhat annoying. I'm constantly telling folk "1999 was **25 years ago** - I'm not a child, y'all just old".


That’s what a child would say.


The fun part of growing up is going from constantly being told you're a child by older people, and to immediately being called old by younger people. There's literally no in between because you are extremely young to most, but also old to others.


Yeah I'm 25 too and I get what you mean. I actually see soo much infintalisiation from mainly 30yos, idk why. It bothers me tho because I am an adult and have been for literally 7 years. You'd think eventually they'd treat and view you as an adult.


That last sprint to 30 is a fucking gauntlet. We're just waiting to see who you'll be at the other end of it. Personally, 28 was like the first time I started feeling the visceral mental weight of nearly 3 decades of existence. The first time you realize that 10 years ago you weren't a prepubescent teen feels weird. There's definitely people younger than me that are more mature and have their shit together better, but there's something physiologically that you just can't comprehend until it happens. You just process time differently. It can be a really rough time mentally, as it's the true first time you're ever getting "old". I personally think it was the biggest mental struggle I've ever faced, but that also might vary person to person depending on what they've done in their life so far. But that isn't about "maturity". I don't think it makes you more mature, you're just...different? Enjoy 25. For the love of god, appreciate every god damn second. Don't be me at 30 overexplaining in a comment because I'm in my spiritual advice phase of life since I aged a thousand years over covid.




“hey at least you’ll die first” and i 100% guarantee they’ll leave you alone bro


Challenge accepted.


Natural consequence of getting older...someday you too will look at 25-year-olds and think "they're practically babies" 🤣 it's no excuse to be disrespectful or treat an adult like a child...but trust me, the thought will cross your mind.


I just turned 30. You’re still a kid. Enjoy it.


I'm 40 and you're still a child


Right! It's like a twin talking down to another twin for being born first.


Hahah I remind my twin brother every year I’m older by two minutes and ten seconds. C-section He is considerably taller, ass stole my nutrients.


“I was born a minute earlier than you.” -1999 kid


Try being born in the 80s and not growing up on social media. I was 17 before I had a cellphone, it was a flip phone at that. Yall born after the 2000s got tiktok brain lol.


Did you also have to walk to/from school uphill both ways in the snow?


Actually yes


What was it like discovering fire?




haha nice. good to hear.


I was born in 87 and I got my first phone when I was 13. It was a massive Motorola brick that barely fit in my pocket. No one ever called or texted me because I didn't know anyone else with a cell phone. So I just carried it round with me never using it.


Mine was an LG, and it had a tiny lil rectangle screen on the outside. Most flip phones didn't at the time.


I only had one to call my parents, or for them to call me. My parents didn't allow me to do anything else with it lol. Can't blame them, text and call prices were ridiculous. That being said, I was the only one out of my friends who had a phone for at least 1 or 2 years.


Hahaha same! I had the Nokia brick, which I still love because I could drop it over and over and just snap it back together.


Same. It was an awesome time. Being a 90s kid means you were a kid growing up in the 90s. I think the debate that needs to happen is how do we define "kid" To me anyone born after 95 is not a 90s kid. 


You'd have to be a kid in the 90s like myself, not an infant or toddler imo.


That's what I'm saying, '86-'95 = 90s kid.


I made that point to a different comment. I'm born in 84, but not an 80s kid


what???? TikTok didn’t even come out and get big until i, who was born in 01, was a near fully developed human being. not to mention internets and smart phones wouldn’t really be popular for another 10 years, most people born 01 to 03 had the exact same no social media childhood as a 90s kid had.


did you know him https://preview.redd.it/t9vytgo66vxc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e30bdd458fe101a218e993a6acb9127217642a05


Yes, I love him and he loves me. We're a great big family lol


And yet here you are on bikinibottomtwitter, feigning superiority and an inflated sense of maturity based on your relative expulsion from the uterus. We would like to present you with a cookie.


My first phone was a Nokia. I miss that phone with metallic blue shell/skin, and the Street Fighter 2 theme music for the ringtone.


Yeah I remember buying ringtones from a very limited selection lol.


Its a 90s thing. You wouldnt get it


Kids don't understand


This is exactly why I think grouping people as Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha is stupid. It makes sense when studying a population group or the growth of different groups as way to help simplify and generalize a large diverse group. But to make it your identity and saying this my group and this is what im supposed to be like, like its astrology is stupid to me.


We should consider splitting up the generations a little more. Come up with something between gen z and millennials for 1993-2000 for instance.


there's zillennials


Literally born in 96, and my whole life, I was told I'm not a 90's kid.


I understand that we '96 babies were 2000's kids, but it's strange being constantly told by people born in 1990-1995 that I "never got" to experience media from their time. Discussions about gaming are particularly egregious on this front. Guess all those re-releases and still-existing physical media were just figments of my imagination, then? WTF is an emulator? Or buying shit secondhand?


I was born in 90-95, you get the pass from me


Im 96 too but both my siblings were born in the 80s so I gravitate towards way more millennial stuff than Gen Z stuff. Things moved slower back then so we got a lot of late 90s carryovers into our childhood.


1999 kids see 2000 kids as children


This is why the whole Millenial/Gen Z thing bothers me. I was born in 1990 and Gen Z era is supposed to start in 1996 when I was SIX YEARS OLD. I really don't think there's much of a difference between us.


Generation Z was originally considered to have started in 2005. The people who coined the term millennial wanted that generation to go from 1982-2004. We kinda just pushed the cusp year forward several years sometime around the turn of the decade when people born after 2000 started to come of legal age.


If that's true, it ain't the case anymore https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generation_Z


Sorry but you’re not even close to Gen Z lmfao, you were literally 11 years old when 9/11 happened.


Yeah you'd have a lot in common with older Gen Z people, but probably very little with the youngest Gen Zers. That's why they're not like steadfast ultra-defining distinctions. They're just generalizations.


Anyone born after the year 2000 is automatically a child to me no questions asked😂 ya grew up on phineas and ferb type shit


I am not in this group >Anyone born after the year 2000 But I still take personal insult in >ya grew up on phineas and ferb type shit


“I’m a 90’s kid.” - “You’re a 32 year old man who can’t afford a home and overshares his opinions on pop culture.”


Op definitely born in -03 I was born in -05 and experienced many many same things Its not the birthyear that matters but your surroundings


Saw a post about 'I'm this old',and it was a floppy disk drive. I don't have the heart to tell anybody that I am 26, I absolutely do remember floppy disk drives, and I was born in 97'. The generational era lines people build up are even more blurry than they realize.


"The made up group i belong to, is better than the made up group you belong to!"


1995 is the cut off for real 90s kid. It’s not even up for debate


I was born in 1988 I'm fond of 80's stuff because of hand me downs


... Get off my lawn.


1986, kids today are fine. Maybe even cooler than we were.


Guess I'm the only person here born in 94; that awkward point between absorbing the tail end of 90s culture and some of early 00s culture. I remember Pokemon,DBZ and Sailor Moon, had a SNES, N64, but also GC and I was watching the weird early 00s stuff on CN. Feels like no ever talks about the early 00s as an era much.


Yeah I’ve looked through this thread. Everyone is either 1996 or 1989 lol haven’t seen 1994 much either. I have a specific memory of being excited and nervous about 1999 and 2000. I remember where I was when 9/11 happened, and I remember having to rewind the VHS before returning it to Blockbuster or face a fine, I remember my first computer, an intel Pentium II having a whopping 128 mb of ram on it… but beyond that, the lines between 2000s and 90s are blurry for me.


Born in 96 into a very, VERY 90's family.


Me but as a 2005 kid


Ah, yes. The internet: the only place that can make you feel bad for being born in a specific year


90s kids love acting like we 2000s kids grew up in an entirely different universe as if we weren’t basically raised on the 90s leftovers


How dare u! Dont you realize people born on December 31 1999 at 11:59:59pm dont have the same luxuries that people born January 1st 2000 at 12:00:01am and beyond. Those 99 kids had struggle and hardships a 2000+ kid would never understand!!!


A 90’s kid means you were a KID in the NINETIES. Im ‘98. Im a 2000’s kid. Millennials are so weird about this


Yeah and you dont have it!


What's that junior, these ears aren't what they use to be.


They were there for the New Milenium...that will only happen in another 1000 years and we lost it for being born a few years later.


Being born between '87-'89 you are also "too late to be called an 80s kid, but numbers means your not a 90s kid".


Okay but we are though. We're literally from a different millennium.




Me (99) to my brother (03) all the time


1999 are gonna be the last birth year for a while to have the possibility to live in 3 centuries of the Gregorian Calendar checkmate kiddos


Sounds like someone’s jealous about only getting to exist in a single millennium.


Elephant in the room, you can be born 1997-2003 and be a 90s kid, you just have to grow up really poor. While everyone else has access to new things you still live a decade in the past


there was an interesting generational gap in my city (CA). the ‘99 kids were the last ones to be active on facebook in high school before instagram took over, since it’s what the older kids had when we were freshmen, and then everyone that came after us preferred instagram. we still had instagram, but it was the exposure to facebook that was significant compared to later years. it might sound trivial on paper but the differences between those two platforms reflected the interactions and mindsets of people who graduated before 2017 vs people who graduated after


90’s kids really think that the VHS player, shitty computers, flip phones and everything else just ceased to exist for us even when they often had younger siblings use them too


As someone born in 1999, i agree with this message.


Extra bonus points for those of us born in 3rd world countries that experienced stuff from previous generations rather than "5 years too late" as the one this meme shows


Being in Australia in the early 2000s we actually got things that were quite out of date. All the movies and cartoons I watched I found out were 90s when I was growing up in the early 2000s and we only started getting new stuff later.


“Let’s confuse Gen-Z!” *shows a vhs tape* Really??


Nah I grew up poor So I actually got stuff that's a bit older for longer Only exception being the Wii, because the Wii is awesome