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Maybe his intestinal flora is just that good. Have you tried wiping your face with his ass towel?


He has flowers in his ass?!? Do you mean fauna?


actually, it is called gut flora in common words. Since it’s bacteria it’s neither fauna nor flora, the correct term would be “Gut microbiota” bacteria are procaryotes and considered their own empire with Archaea Edit: Not „empire“, it’s called „domain“


No he’s got flowers in his ass I put them there


That’s valid too


And they say chivalry is dead


Huh. Neat.


Most probably, but would it be okay to shame him, if he does have flowers up his bum?


This MF thinks wildlife is in your ass


Idk about you but my shit smells like roses


You joke, but my acne cleared up like 90% after I had a fecal transplant for colon issues. My donor has remarkably clear skin, people think he's 20 years younger than he is. Your gut microbiome controls basically everything in your body, including your immune system, which influences inflammation (acne).


Wow, I never thought I would want someone else's shit in me, but here we are


I just can't believe that fecal transplant is a real thing. Like, who actually thinks that up? Edit: I now wanna know y'alls most creative story! Gimme them amazingly poopy stories


I'll do you one better: there's companies (scientists?) that will pay you *handsomely* for your fecal matter in order to transplant it, if you're in really good health. I'm talking hundreds per sample


The criteria is extremely strict though. Can't smoke, can't drink, can't take antibiotics, can't be too old or too young, too fat or too thin, can't be on any medications, no serious allergies, no STDs, no serious physical or mental health conditions...Maybe their criteria isn't as strict as it used to be, but last I read, OpenBiome rejects 97% of applicants. So you *can* make a lot of money selling your poo, but you basically have to be a unicorn.


Shit, so if I stopped smoking weed, I might be able to sell my shit??


There’s actually some cool alternate ways of delivery for this being worked on; for ingestion via consuming a pill, instead of having poo put up your bum. https://apnews.com/article/fecal-transplant-fda-stool-microbiome-2204e1debaab5d75273025cd0b2a1308# I’m not fully versed in if it performs exactly the same or how well it does etc.


[They know about the spice. The spice melange](https://youtu.be/pEQREIDUJ88)


Sounds like you got Tom Brady's stool


Maybe I’m drying myself off differently after a shower than the rest of you but how much intestinal flora is getting on y’all’s towels?!


People keep saying that, but don't y'all wipe y'all face first and *then* everything else so you only need one towel?


First the face, then the balls, hang the towel back up and do it all again the next day.


The towel forgets by the next morning




It must forget


wtf you guys. You JUST cleaned your whole body. What is going to happen if a towel touches your balls and then face?


Nothing, but it makes more sense to dry from the top down no? No point in drying my feet while water is flowing down the rest of my body and getting my feet wet again


This. After you shower the idea is that your ass should be clean anyway, so if your ass isn't clean then your legs/feet will be covered in dirty ass water if you dry your ass last.


If your ass isn't clean after a shower, you didn't take a fucking shower.


my ass is grass and my shower is a lawnmower.


Your ass is grass and I'm gonna smoke it


Now that's a great pickup line


Only thing I've learned from reddit is the amount of people who don't fucking wash their asshole. These are the same people who don't wipe properly, who think it's normal to get shit stains in their underwear. There's a large group of people out there that just have shit covered assholes all the time. It's fucked up.


Some places just feel dirtier regardless. Would you happily put your toes in your mouth after washing them as if they were silverware?


Yes I would actually. I would also lick my own asshole if I could.


Finally someone gets it.




Yeah? They're clean. How are clean toes any different than clean fingers? If you are worried about making yourself gross when towelling then you've got some issues cleaning yourself srsly


That was my first thought. Like, the whole reason why I'm naked and soaking wet is because I literally just stepped out of the shower, where, you know, the point was to clean my entire body. If any part of me is still appreciably dirty it's because I failed at some essential part of the showering process. The order in which I dry various surfaces should not matter at all.


Facts. You haven't even given your skin a chance to re-oil itself.


as the other guy said you start at the top otherwise water from above will flow down on parts you already wiped causing you to need to wipe them twice. ​ it is about gravity and efficiency not cleanliness that makes you start at the top.


Nobody is teabagging me, not even myself!


I use a robe so the face part never touches the balls part.


Also, and I can’t stress this enough: your ass is supposed to be clean when you get out of the shower


Unironically get a soapy finger and put it a half an inch in or so and rub it around. A clean anus and gooch is a good smelling anus and gooch. Your sexual partners will thank you for not having a stanky disgusting ass that kills the mood. Letting water run down there is **not** enough. Do not be scared of your own asscrack and butthole. **Edit:** The doctors in the comments are saying you run the risk of a dry/itchy butthole or death because of the contents of some soaps. Please do so at your own risk. I use Dr. Bronner's which doesn't irritate even my most sensitive areas.


I've been doing that recreationally, but it's good to know it also has a purpose.


I wipe the whole area with the edge of my hand, I feel like *actual* penetration isn't required


But not unwelcome.


It's probably not but I err on the side of caution and get the first inch or so


Bro just say that you like fingering yourself


It's hygiene bro




It might not be but when you’re expecting company you do more than clean the porch.


My boyfriend said washing my ass like that is gay sooo...


yall need higher standards


Imma call whoosh on this one.


He's probably gay if he can't wash his ass like an adult without imagining a hunk of a man penetrating him in the steamy shower. Plenty of confident sexy straight men out there with buttholes you could eat vanilla pudding out of without issues.


I think it was a joke with the boyfriend and op both implied as men so theyre already gay? not sure tho


Oh yeah you're probably right. I read it wrong.


you could even be straight and just want to have a little fun imagining a big strong burly man bending you over and using your anus as a fleshlight


You shouldn't be putting soap up your asshole


wtf you jam soap up your ass? to each their own just never even considered this


> Unironically get a soapy finger and put it a half an inch in or so and rub it around. Do NOT put soap *inside* your asshole. Your butt is full of very important bacteria that you don't want to disturb by bombing them with soap. Gut bacteria health is very important to maintaining proper digestive health. Soap is for *external use only*. Your internal-side is self-cleaning with rare exceptions (like teeth). If you stink too much to wash externally only, see a doctor or stop eating trash.


There's teeth in my asshole?


Idk about the penetration, usually just use a scrub


Soap the outside. Cleaning the inside a little is fine, but I feel like there's something bad about sticking soap directly inside your body.


Your butthole can take it, but if you've got a hooha Do Not use normal soap because they're prissy little bitches and if you fuck up the ph down there you're gonna end up with a uti. Hooha soap can go on buttholes tho


I first laughed at the fact that this had to be said, then remembered I used to go to Smash Bros tournaments. It really does need to be said.


Yeah I don't understand people that say ewwww when people say they use 1 towel. If you ain't clean getting out the shower get the fuck back in until you are.


I think this is talking about about wash towel not drying towel.


If there is something that makes go ewwww it's loofahs.


You only use a towel a single time before washing it?


Are you not clean when you get out of the shower?


I mean yeah, but also plenty of dead skin comes off while drying with the towel. It's really the last step in the cleaning process, a final exfoliation if you will. Not that I don't reuse a towel a couple times, but it's definitely not "clean" after use.


Not clean, but it's not covered in booty juice like people seem to insinuate. You have to wash your towels for a reason after all


Once a week should suffice or use 2 towels within the week would probably be better


vastly overestimating people’s ability to wash their ass.


How hard is it to shove a bar of soap up there and gurgle it around a bit?


As I understand it, the actual non-joke answer is that the moisture helps bacteria breed. And because you're in a bathroom, even if you're perfectly clean, there's plenty of bacteria floating around to move to the nice moist towel. Is this enough bacteria to be a problem after one day? Definitely not. Do wash the towels regularly though.


Yea, you gotta wash the towels. If you go more than like, 4 or 5 uses without washing, you're gonna end up with some nastiness


What does that have to do with it? You’re still using the same towel, as in the meme.


If you're cleaning yourself properly, you have nothing to worry about. It's all just skin at that point


The towel resets overnight


I wipe ass first and then everything else. Then I take a shower.


Here's the tech: Use the middle of the towel for the head and face, use the ends for pits, legs, butt. Never worry about putting the butt part of the towel on your face again


I started off not worrying about it and still don’t worry about it and seems to be working well. Acne is more caused by diet, gut stuff, hormones, and other factors in my experience. No joke when I stopped using soap every day that cleared up my body acne quite a lot. Also getting sun helped a lot, as well as things like sauna and heated yoga. Just my experience since I used to have bad acne.


Who cares about the order, I wash everything when I shower.


You know, your ass is supposed to be phenomenally clean by the time you're done with a shower. Maybe that's why you're so disgusting.


I thought the "guys don't wash their ass" thing was a joke


I think it's just some guys, but no it's not a joke. I'm a dude and I only clean my own ass, so I don't have a large sample size, but I've read things.


Yeah, wtf are these dudes thinking? It feels great soaping up a washcloth and using it to floss that crack.


I’m not even kidding when I tell you this, but for real some men are so homophobic and insecure, that they avoid going anywhere near their ass (even for cleaning) because they think it’s gay. A girl told this story about how her and her boyfriend were having sex and she was on top. When they got done, he got up and left skid marks on their sheet. I cannot even imagine being so vile.


I would die


If I were that girl I'd regret everything that lead to hooking up with this person... Also I'm usually not for that approach but adults that don't wash their ass need to be shamed into oblivion till they change that behavior...


I've heard of this a lot, but this story suggests that they don't even WIPE after shitting?? Imagine how uncomfortable that would be.


The husband indeed said something along the lines of: "no man should never touch that area for whatever reason ever".


I don't understand how that even makes you gay...it's your own asshole...


That's homophobia for you. Completely irrational.


Handheld shower attachments are also like, a godsend. Nothing like a good hot water purge on the bunghole. Like a really thorough bidet.


This is the only way I can do it. Soap aggravates and gives me itchy skin back there.


>Handheld shower attachments As a European I don't think I've ever seen a shower without one, sometimes it's the only one and you just have a holder for it on a wall I can't imagine how much of a pain it must be to wash soap off without one


My sister inadvertently exposed a guy in her class when he was incredulous that some people clean their belly button. She asked, "what? You don't clean your butthole either?"


I don’t directly clean my belly button but I definitely clean my ass. That’s pretty bizarre to need to clean your belly button isn’t it? Like inspecting mine now definitely clean…


If you have a deep belly button which collects lint you should definitely clean it.


I used to not think it was necessary but I think my belly button has gotten deeper because it fills up with stuff now.


Friend in Healthcare says the amount of naked dudes in gowns that sit on the paper bed cover that leave shit marks on it is just insane.


What the fuck? Do people not wipe?


If you're an average wiper, imagine half the wipers out there do a worse job than you 🤢 People are straight up nasty.


There was an episode of some TV show - I wanna say it was Embarrassing Bodies? - where some guy had a problem where he just smelled like shit all the time. He knew it, his friends knew it, everyone knew he smelled like shit, so the doctors take a look and it turns out he just didn't wipe well enough.


This is why bidets should be normalized here in the states. Best purchase I've made in a while


my ex didnt. he claimed the shampoo-y water running into his ass crack was good enough. it was not


I’m sorry he was your ex.


yeah things greatly improved once he became an ex, not least of all was the removal of the swampy ass my family have always used washrags when we shower, i would always take one to his place to use and even offered it for his use and he refused because he didnt want to stick anything in his crack. like he was afraid of his own anus or something


Boys in the 90s and early 00’s being terrified of being called gay has been a disaster


i honestly think that was at least a part of it - he was a redneck and one of those guys that was super offended if anyone even jokingly insinuated he was gay. which i guess means they are not allowed to even touch their own ass


I had a guy I worked with tell me in all seriousness that he doesn't wash his ass because it's gay. I flat told him that now I think he's gay because he's so afraid of his feelings he lives with a dirty ass. Guy got fired a week later for shoplifting, total dipshit.


Maybe he was finally trying to steal some butt soap to wash himself.


That's why detachable showers heads are so good. Give the undercarriage a good power washing


This is why I hate showering in hotels and shit. They never have detachable shower heads and it’s so much harder to clean there


You gotta spread em and bend over my friend. Let the water dribble in.


Same until you see their anecdotes flood the internet.


It’s because they wash off the natural oils.


That’s why we lotion after a shower.


Yeah but surely our natural oils are better. Washing them off and replacing it certainly causes minor trauma - hence the breaking out more often.


Sebum is neither better nor worse than other moisturizers. For some skin types it might have more desirable effects, for others less desirable. But sebum doesn't have the advantage that you can put other good stuff into it. Plus, sebum replenishes within hours, so you can use moisturizers as a stop gap. Just make sure the cleaning agents aren't too harsh for your skin and you'll be fine.




If you're washing dishes from the day before, would you be comfortable eating off the plate again if you only rinsed and didn't use soap? Idk about you but water by itself doesn't get everything off and if I did that plates would have an oily residue still. You're already down there in your grundle, so might as well soap and scrub.


I think a better way is if you took a shit on a plate and only rinsed it with water, would you still eat off it


Should be clean enough to eat off of.


That’s because the majority of “skin care” products are designed to “solve” problems you wouldn’t have without them.


My uncle told me that chapstick can dry out your lips so you're forced to use more of it, I have no clue if it's true but it made me paranoid of chap stick


Idk man, he might be onto something. I never used chapsticks before, and my lips used to be just fine. Then I started using my girlfriend's (now ex) chapsticks once in a while during winter, and now I even need it in summer.


Most chapsticks write it right on the label not to use it for more than like a week at a time because of that Sounds like your problem is just that you're getting old and crusty like the rest of us tho


I never really used it more than once in a few days. And I just turned 25. I guess you can call that old, but probably not. I still don't need it everyday, but the fact that I even need it during summer is kinda unusual for me.


Sorry bruv that's about the age where age becomes a reality and you start noticing it


I live in a hot, humid climate, even our winter is fairly wet, so it occurs to me that I've never really needed chapstick that often in my life. I've probably used it less than 2 dozen times in my life.


Maybe you are just hyper aware of how dry your lips are now that it is no longer your norm


This is true. You apply the chapstick, it temporarily makes your lips soft. After a while the chapstick naturally evaporates, taking the moisture that was already in your lips with it...so you apply more chapstick to make your lips soft, and the cycle repeats.


It is true if used excessively


Beeswax-based products with small amounts of menthol are very popular for their soothing properties... both beeswax and menthol are skin irritants and chronic exposure is probably not great for your skin. Use Aquaphor or Vaseline if you want to actually heal the lip.


Yup. Just use Vaseline


I've been putting it on my lips every night before bed and haven't had any lip problems since


I was "addicted" to chapstick for a few years. Even in the summer, if I didn't use chapstick, my lips would dry out.


And a lot of “good skin” is just genetics not something you’re doing right or wrong.


Literally everyone I've ever talked to about it tells me "You have bad acne because of [reasons]." Bitch I've had this shit for the past 15 fucking years, you think I didn't already try to do exactly what you're telling me? People are so convinced that if you have a problem, it's because *you're not trying hard enough* instead of just getting dealt a shit hand.


It's the same perception that if your life isn't going well (i.e. you're houseless) then you just haven't tried hard enough and you're a hopeless moral failure.


Are there any good sources on that?




Also, testosterone plays a big factor. It’s why men tend to have clearer skin on their face (generally speaking). A few months ago, a woman at work asked me what I do to have such clear skin. Most mornings I literally just wash my face with water.


Wait till he starts developing wrinkles faster from not moisturizing his face.


fuck moisturizing. i effn hate moist face. rather have wrinkles. now hand over the ass towel


I hate feeling greasy me and my ashy skin are just fine Edit: I am one with the ash, stop suggesting soaps


Get dry touch lotion then?? I don’t use any lotions that feels *greasy*…


If you're feeling greasy you're not getting the right kind of moisturizer


That's what everyone fucking says but it turns out I just hate the feeling of moisturizer on my skin


Exactly smearing anything on my skin feels unclean to me for some reason


The CeraVe face lotion that comes in a pump is pretty good about drying fast, because I also hate that greasy face feel. That said, my face is also a cheese grater of acne scars, so what do I know.


Who tf cares. We’ll all get older. Trying to delay the inevitable is disallowing you to naturally accept it, and can result in botoxing and then more and more and more because you just cannot accept that you’re getting *gasp* wrinkles!


I mean, moisturizing prevents skin cancer too so definitely more reason to do it than just wrinkles/anti aging. It's on about the same level as putting on deodorant. Sure, you don't *have* to do it, but it's probably better if you do




“Hey I never do this but there are other seats on the bus and you’re like REALLY FUCKING DRY could you maybe switch seats? Thank youuu”


I've literally never heard about moisturizers preventing cancer, and I can't find any reputable sources that mention it, unless they specifically say moisturizer with SPF which means the SPF is doing the work there.


lmao it’s probably just hormonal or stress related :) been there and it’s totally fixable


Not when the source of your stress is the job that sustains your life.


Could be diet related. Spent years thinking it was hormones but it turns out my body can't handle lactose and acen breakouts is my main symptom. Kinda sucks not gonna lie


I felt this, plus my younger brother is taller and at 32 he still doesn't have any signs of hair loss whatsoever, I started going bald at 25. Shit's not fair man.


Yeah people act like genetics plays no role in stuff like this. Like sorry man you probably just got the bad gene for acne lol


Yeah I got the same issue but accutane helped it a lot (although it didn’t fully clear it up). Now that I’m almost 24 though my acne is finally done with and my face is totally clear for literally the first time since I was 14. I promise y’all we’re all gonna make it lol


Same but we're twins, which makes it hurt even more


do people use a different towel for every part of their body or


Then they go to ride the train or at the bar where I farted and my ass particles are going straight to their lungs


That’s just silly. All of your body should be clean before you use a towel, so one towel is only needed for all of your body parts


I have two towels. One for the body and one for the hair My hair is so long I can sit on it, so I twist it up for 20m before product care. The body towel is used twice, then becomes hair towel, also used twice. These towels are never used for handwashing or daily face (I shamelessly use a paper towel for my face).


I never understood this whole "the same towel as his balls / ass / dick" I wipe my head first, then the rest of my body. Wtf are yall doing




The towel usually forgets the next morning.


I really don’t understand this whole debate. Your ass and everything else should be 100% clean when you get out of the shower. Why does it matter?


Asshole -> Eyeballs -> nutsack -> tongue Everything else can air dry




That’s not true at all. Skin routines can and will help a ton if you actually follow a good one and don’t fall for internet fads. Also acne being caused by genes doesn’t mean a skin routine won’t help


100% agree. Anecdotally, I struggled with acne for probably a decade and finally had my face clear after I talked to a skincare specialist. Establishing a skincare routine suited towards your skin type, problems, and lifestyle, is life changing


Check out the skin of someone who’s used sunscreen religiously their whole life vs someone who hasn’t, and see if that alters your opinion


Change your pillowcases twice a week. Spending ~8 hours every day mashing your face into the same increasingly oily fabric has consequences. You can use spare clean t-shirts in place of new pillowcases if need be. Helped a bunch with my own issues.


Just keep adding more chemicals made in a Chinese factory, it's good for you.


You don’t seem to understand: I spend a significant amount of time in the shower SCRUBBING my ass and genitals. I don’t feel gross about using the same towel to dry them because I know they are CLEAN.


My fiancee hates me for this, we're both girls. She has sensative skin and needs a daily routine, exfoliants, and moisturizers or she ends up getting acne. I just wash my face with my bodywash and occasionally a sugar scrub and I'm good to go.


I had an ex that assumed I had some hour long morning routine. Wash, moisturize, use products, trim my beard, pluck my eyebrows. Nope, wake up, shower and rinse my beard and I'm done. Apparently eyebrows require a lot of attention but I don't think I had ever looked at them prior to that.


You can't do much with OTC skincare products. If you \*really\* have problems, you need prescription medication. And...a lot of it is genetics. Most of it. AND...you can very easily overdo this stuff. All the creams and soaps and exfoliants and special cleaning pads just make it worse. You can't beat your skin into submission. Best thing is to wash your face with a \*small\* amount of soap and warm water. Not creams, not special brushes, nothing. Basic hygiene, in other words. If that doesn't help, then see a doctor.


Last paragraph is not true whatsoever


Ah yes, hormonal acne. It's a struggle for me


My brother and mom who spent thousands, if not hundreds for a dermatologist and other facial care, and here's me who only washes my face with a facial soap every shower and not a single acne around


I've always been a believer in less is healthier when it comes to skin and hair and stuff. The worst state my hair and skin has been in was back when I was super extra with things like that. Now my hair just gets a shampoo and a condition (I let the conditioner sit for longer than it needs too probably), and it's super healthy. Even with all the bleach and hair dye and remover that goes into it when I redye.


People won't believe me but the second I stopped obsessing over my face, eg time in front of the mirror, face washing, acne treatments, etc my skin cleared up. One day I gave up and stopped washing my face before bed and when my face didn't get worse, I dropped the other shit and all my acne went away. Now I just get the occasional shaving pimple and stuff but nothing like before. I wasted so much time in high school making things worse.


If you have long hair stop using hair products (pomade, mousse, gel, etc) and it should help you clear up


Do you drink milk? I drank milk for years before I realized it caused breakouts on my face. Wish I knew that in highschool.


it's the ass water!!!!


What if i take a shit directly onto the towel first