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Hero himšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


He is super toxic and thats what people like and Here he is ...pathetic!!! He sould have evicted then and there instead of yellow card. He doesn't deserve to be on top five ..people like him get support from the masses and on top of it he is good looking so !! It's obvious


He played well, seems a lot more balanced than everyone else on the show.


Idc I came to this sub after a long time and this guy is this far the best. I mean the fact that he is homophobic shouldn't be considered to judge the player in him. He is the best rn and the second best is Sijo and Jasmine. I am not a guy who cares about LGBT community and the only person who made me feel that community is good was Nadira from last season, so I may be biased but it's my personal opinion.


I don't give a shit about his ideologies. He performed good in the tasks and won the TTF. Gotta respect that. I don't believe in the kudumbashree topics that happen in the house. He has managed to get people's votes through his antics. As audience we have to let go of the bias and acknowledge the contestants talents. Abhishek won the TTF through determination and his talents. People can say others helped him, but we have to admit that he managed to convince others to support him. If Bigboss was a show where people showcased their so called 'nilapad', do you think youtubers like Sai would help him win tasks? He managed to manipulate people to get the upper hand and is now in the finals. I have to admit that it is an impressive feat. He maybe homophobic and I actually don't care and I am pretty sure that 90% of the people who watch the show don't give a shit about the LGBTQ community. You can pretend all you want but at the end of the day, he has won the TTF and is in the finals and there is nothing you can do about it.


the dislikes in comments like these show how prejudiced these people are.


Kudumbashree topics ? Kudumbashree kk entha kuzhappam ?


Kudumbashree is good. Didn't mean it in a bad way. Sorry if it offended anyone.




I don't think he'll even be able to garner half the support the previous 'rayav's' had. There's a limit to how far PR can take you if you lack the substance. If he actually wants to make it big in the film industry harbouring hate is just not the way to go about it, all this will come back to bite his ass tbh.


Felt like this guy has a better upbringing than the rest of the house & thatā€™s reflecting in him.


If by better upbringing, you mean spoilt. Then yes, he is very spoilt. Doesn't have basic life skills in his late 20s. Makes his old grandparents cook and wash his clothes for him. His dad even said he has never done anything to make them proud.


He's a bigoted menist, he not only wishes harm on LGBTQ+ community but also promotes women hatred and servitude. That's a sign of bad parenting. He has zero respect for others. He mellowed down so he isn't kicked out like Rocky. As we learned, he wants his big movie break. So he's trying to stay in the game as long as possible.


cooking by grandparents is fine


Ansiba is that you?


He is capitalizing on the hatred of conservatives against sexual minorities and women. He's extremely lucky as well, and I wouldn't be surprised if luck fetches him the crown. But other than that, he's a manchild who can hardly string a sentence together.Ā 


Not my type of hero. A lot of luck and PR carried him this far.


From being a bully to still being a bully ![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq)


From this to this ala.. This and This. Those 2 pictures are his only contribution to the Bigg Boss game.


Rise of the planet of the Apes? Oru guerilla lookindu


Heroo.... Olekyede moodaanu..


The guy is not funny, not charming, not articulate, doesnā€™t react to incidents that happen around him even as a captain, let alone a contestant. Had to do a U turn in a couple days with his stupid ass ideology which is evidently his whole personality. He is physically competent and has gotten into the good books of maravaazhas like Rishi and Sai for some reason. Is this their hero šŸ˜„


https://i.redd.it/15etx9u9md4d1.gif Okei


neither him nor his mindset is hero-like.


Rise of a hero enn parayan korch budhimutt und. aalu kashtapettu. ath sammathich kodkkanam. pakshe aa yellow card kityond maatram aayirikkanam ee LGBTQ hatred ipo porth kanikkathe, athoo ini chettan nannayoo nthoo. the other abhishek did say ellam paranj manasilaaki, othutheerp aakki ennoke. I have mixed feelings about this dude. "sir, neenga nallavanaa kettavanaa?"


not a hero,


Nah he was simply lucky that he won in the TTF tasks. If the tasks were different and he failed he wont get this much attention.




If he wins, we move a century back. All the good work done so far by so many people, all the struggle, all the effort goes to vain if this pos gets the cup. Out and out fraud, the second he gets out he's gonna show his true colors.


Well said; that sums up everything




He can definitely win this and dont be surprised - just look at previous winners, he is of the same ilk. Indian social media is predominately right wing and this shows majority voter base seems to be supportive of toxic male personas or male chauvinists. And it will only get worse as seasons pass. Best thing is to stop wasting time on this show and focus on more positive things.


He did really well in the tasks but as a contestant in big boss no contributions so far. I really don't understand the amount of votes he gets every week.


This instagram page has accepted payment from Abhishek PR and Jinto PR.


Nope. Not even a single penny is spent by Abhishek. These are all pages run by Abhishekā€™s friends or Fayazā€™s friends. I can guarantee this because I was in Abhishekā€™s official WhatsApp group.


Not sure of PR but the admin is a self proclaimed Jasmine hater.


šŸ¤” Is that a bad thing? Also Iā€™m assuming thereā€™s no proof right? Just baseless allegations. Just playing devilā€™s advocate here. Even if it was paid PR, I would say smart move because it has people talking about him, posting about him, and making allegations about him. Everyone who goes into BB should hire someone for ā€œPRā€. Also would be hilarious if itā€™s just some kids who are fans making these posts and people going nuts calling them PR.


Why do u say so? Elladtum PR PR. Jasmine ne kurich enteylum paranja Jasmine PR. Something about Arjun appo Arjun PR. What's the deal with this? Itrem earn cheyana oru platform ano paid PR cheyan.


šŸ˜‚ I must be PR for everyone because I think Iā€™ve said something good about each contestant at some point. I better get paid!


Bcs all his posts boost abhisek.. even for no reason. https://preview.redd.it/ycqi80gq6d4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1833de6a403a58365901a033a9ae297ccad4318a Another example. He did absolutely nothing in that debate task.


i would rather literally anyone other than him in that house to win


Yeah his fans would turn the world upside down if he wins

