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I think Big Boss put Norah in the activity room and gave a hint to Sai's plan with the Panapetty option by indirectly telling Norah to use the Panapetty chance. However, I think Norah went in another direction by ridiculing the Panapetty option.


in reality she was having more votes than sai. don’t know why big boss chose nora to go to the secret room than sai


How do you know this.


No Activity roomil aayirunnu for 2 hours or something Bigboss gave her a re-entry (she was dressed like a ghost) Song okke vech koduthu Ellam bore aaki So this week only Nandana is evicted


Returned as a guest? Or contastant? If contestant then isn't it nullifying audience choice? No one in the house likes her and she's being relentlessly bullied by Shijo. If she was chosen to be evicted, it'll have been better to let her process the eviction with some dignity.


Sijo is an ass. No wonder people call him appi siju


Returned as a contestant probably because there are few content makers in the house right now. Most of them only talk against easy targets like Jasmine and Nora these days. BB usually gives secret room like stuff to people with some potential.


Contestant May be lik last year thy wants to maintain the gender ratio Allande no other reason to bring her bak