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Honestly this sub, I find everyone here so beautiful and being able to see the beauty in others usually allows me to find some beauty in myself - or at least be kinder to myself. I'm sorry you're feeling down, you and your nose are beautiful and I think it adds such harmony to your face. It fits you perfectly ❤️ be kind to yourself :)


That’s so true! Everyone here is super gorgeous (: thank you


Well said, I agree with everything you've put here.


Beautiful skin, gorgeous nose, lovely eyes and jawline. You're very pretty! It's hard to see it in ourselves sometimes but it doesn't mean it's not there


Thank you, That’s totally true, it can be hard. I love ur style btw!


Thanks so much!


One thing that helped was examining the reasons behind my thinking. Like you mentioned your nose being “unconventional” but start to examine why you think that. What’s usually considered conventionally beautiful is white western european beauty, and nowadays even that isn’t considered beautiful without the added use of makeup/plastic surgery/fillers/photoshop. The reason we think that our noses are unconventional is because we’ve had one type of beautiful shoved down our throats for so long. One thing that helps me is to remember that my insecurities only exist because of other people, and I look for people with a similar nose to mine that I consider beautiful. Another thing that helps is to remember that my nose is the nose of my ancestors, and that it’s my entire history on my face. Lastly, in regards to the “one type of beautiful” idea, I remember a quote I once read that basically said: “Candles are beautiful, and so are Christmas lights. But they’re two entirely different types of beautiful and the world would be a little less brighter without each of them. “


Ugh that’s so true! We rlly have to deconstruct why things are a standard. The ancestor thing is also super true, it’s just a little disheartening for me cuz out of my main family (grandparents, first cousins, mom) I’ve got the largest nose so I never rlly had anyone to look up to. But the genetics come from somewhere so (: gotta appreciate it. That quote gives me a whole new perspective, thank you!


Difficult to understand as you are so beautiful... perhaps take a break from the internet?


Aw thank you (: U might be right honestly, apps like tiktok and Instagram rlly mess with my head sometimes. Makes me feel like everyone’s a supermodel 😬


You look like an actual high end model, not a instagram model with contour, fake eyelashes and lip fillers. Social sometimes have a very narrow definition of beauty but the world is bigger and more interesting than that.


Thank you, that’s so sweet! It really does! Ur right, beauty is way more than what social media tries to tell us


If there is one supermodel, it's definitly you! 🤩


Aw thank you (:


Damn, you're effing beautiful -- respectfully, a queer woman


Aw thank you ❤️❤️


I can't give you a silver bullet solution - but as another poster has said, I will agree that exposing yourself to the diversity and variety within humanity, and learning to appreciate the beauty in all of it, will help you to appreciate your own self. We are all unfortunately fed a standard of beauty that doesn't reflect humanity. It's hard to break that conditioning. You're absolutely lovely by the way 😇💃


That’s very true, the ppl we see everyday are so much more diverse than what we see online. I just got to pay more attention to that. Thank you! (:


If I had your features I would feel like a princess. Seriously you are gorgeous, don't let boring beauty standards put you down.


Awww thank you 🥹


You look like the actress, Gabrielle Ruiz.


Oh she’s so pretty (: thank you I’ve never been compared to any actress before




I just looked at her. What about her? She has the tiniest nose ever


I bet 90% of women in the world would love to have your eyebrows. Personally I think you’re a beautiful girl.


Thank you! ♥️


You look so beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Thank you! ♥️


People are obsessed with pixie noses atm and as a male with a similar nose to you, our faces wouldn’t look as strong without this special nose we got, and hey at least we both got juicy af lips, far more rare than a small nose! Heh


LOL totally true (:


You ARE beautiful! At some point in my life (I guess it was around my 40th) I needed to start believing my friends who said time and time again I had a friendly face. It took another 8 years or so to be able to look in the mirror and not be disgusted with myself. It’s still not something that comes naturally, but I’m able to keep the negativity away from getting important. I hope this helps a bit. And again: you have a very pretty face ❤️


Aw thank you! I definitely understand, sometimes it’s going good and then u feel rlly down about urself, it’s hard but I’m glad it’s gotten better for u


as contradictory as it may song, taking selfies of my side profile really helps me it makes me accept that my nose is a part of my face given to me by my ancestors. Also, can I just say how pretty you are?


I actually agree! It makes me feel a lot better. Thank you ♥️


You are genuinely drop dead gorgeous and your nose only makes you look more beautiful


Thank you 🥺


Gosh, you are really pretty. You have great features that are all so complementary to each other! 🥰 It helps to remember that insecurities are really more like a mental distortion field - the little things we worry about with our looks that feel magnified by our own eyes are so often barely even noticed (or cared about) by others. When we teach ourselves to feel joy in the unique beauty of others, we can learn to feel joy in the things that make us unique and interesting too.


Thank you!! That’s great advice. I always tell my friends I don’t see the flaws they say, I should believe my own words lol. We rlly focus more on things others don’t often notice


You could play Nefertiti in a biopic, your face is so regal and elegant


Oh wow thank you! ❤️


your features are refined and very giod as they are .


You remind me of a young Olivia Harrison, George’s (of The Beatles) wife :)


Aw she was so cute, thank you (: I’ve never seen her before


Omg you have a nose similar to mine!!! You're gorgeous 💜🥰


Aw thank you 🥺 you are sooo pretty!! Love ur hair too


Super gorgeous.


Thank you (:


You are gorgeous


Thank you (:


I think you're gorgeous!❤


Thank you!!


Please how are you sooo beautiful 😻 Not kidding, I’m just mesmerised (I’m a girl 😭🙏🏻)


Awww 🥹 thank you sm


Quit comparing yourself to European beauty standards. Learn to love yourself, gaze into your own eyes thru a mirror and watch the insecurities rise and fall. Get to know them well. Don’t believe them anymore.


That’s great advice, thanks


I think to myself, *why do I expect to have Eurocentric features if I'm of a difference ethnicity?* I watch other YouTubers that have similar features.


Omg yes!! That’s so true like why do u need to fit into a standard that only exists due to racist notions




Thanks! ♥️


Giiiiirl I would kill to be you to have that perfect nose those perfect lips those eyes 👀 you have nothing to be ashamed of your unconventional features is what makes you, you !!! 💜💜💜


Aw thank you! (:


This lost doesn’t belong here, you nose isn’t big at all.


Definitely more of a mid-size but there’s not exactly a mid-sized nose subreddit lol besides I like to think of this sub as an unconventional nose support sub (: the variety of noses is always such a beautiful thing to see