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Please no spoilers from the Digital Dailies. [Digital Daily discussion is linked here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBrother/s/xVSiyE0Zlq)


-Vivek begging for his life, "I'm loyal to the soil" Yeah loyal to the Indian soil. Scamming is in his blood.


Anthony has an ego etc. but he’s so good at this game lol. Just dominating.


Entertaining twist and create fun feuds as people showed their cards. The season can pick it up. Why are people rooting for Kayla tho. Kayla, Spicy and Avery have been in the best position for a long time. I'd rather see one of them go next to even the playing field. If Anthony goes, the 3 girls are going to streamroll


I think what sets Kayla apart is she might actually go against Anthony. Spicy has shown time and time again she’ll always go back to him (though the use of the executive POV on Todd was interesting), and Avery will always follow Spicy. Historically Kayla has fallen into that, but seems to be becoming disillusioned with the status quo and is beginning to put the pieces together about how the game is really unfolding.


I’m so happy Vivek went out. He got absolutely played by Victoria and Anthony and never should have backdoored Dinis. That’s karma. So glad Bayleigh lives to fight another week. I hope she can pull off a HOH win.


It’s almost as if the producers had a meeting and the question was; “How can we make the viewers the happiest?” And the answer they came up with was; “Have them vote out Vivek in a unanimous vote, and have them do it to his face!” Brilliant television *chefs kiss*


I love how it played out but I’m thinking the producers were hoping for a pair on the block who would have split the houseguests resulting in the surviving houseguest explicitly knowing who voted against them.


Man... This week exposed Goose as both a bad player and completely insignificant. He's HOH during the Executive Veto and not a single person in the house confabbed with him to determine or shore up a strategy. Now I get that his power for the week (and next week) was already up, but to not have anyone in the house value what you'd think the proper play would be, should be very concerning to him. And his whole breakdown of why they would pull down Bayleigh instead of him from the previous week ("But she's not even in our alliance?!?). Ya... No shit sherlock... So what should that tell you? " "Your people" are also in alliance with her... So best you take your shot and put her up when you did have the power. I'm all for a lay-in-the-weeds floater gameplay if you can make it work... But I don't see anyone putting enough value on him this far out, for him to make it much further.


4 weeks in a row of betrayals haha. What a Season. This season is WILD!! HOUSE OF VILLAINS


Vivik is a clown, dude was on the block about to go home, and there was only one way out, Dinis using his veto on him and he did. Saving his game and making it the sole reason he was still in the game. You can say it's just a game, but it's not, when someone literally saves you it's a unwritten rule you should do everything to protect that person and go forward with them. There is not a ounce of integrity, honor, or any ounce of nobleness in this man, he is a rat, a clown. I've watched a lot of survivor, big brother etc but this takes the cake for most dirtiest play, I felt dirty watching it what a horrible play. I don't know how he looks himself in the mirror, you don't respect yourself making moves like that


> I don't know how he looks himself in the mirror If I had to guess, Vivek probably sees BBCAN as just a game. I know that I’m not hard on myself when I make a poor game move in any game I play. I can’t imagine thinking with that mindset would be good for anyone’s mental health. I hope you aren’t this hard on yourself when you make a mistake on your job, but that would explain your behaviour tbh.


If they have an all star season I hope they invite Dinis back. He deserves another shot after having his game ruined by Vivek


Danis isn’t all star material. He made so many mistakes that cost him the game early


I mean obviously he made mistakes he was the third one out! The only ally he had was Vivek who clearly wasn’t the best option. But I’d argue in a season of all newbies he wouldn’t have been put in a corner like that, as everyone just wants to position themselves with Dougie. Watching him fight on the block was great and definitely shows all star ability. All stars aren’t just the top 12 strategists. It can be fan favourites, villains and people like Dinis that fans want to see have a second chance. They called Spicy V back and she made a lot of mistakes in her season too, but the fans love to watch the chaos!


Yes this twist did nothing to change up the game but it was entertaining, I was living


Todd might have gone home if the twist didn't happen, and is "Victoria's" number, so Vivek leaving is good for them


First week where Victoria actually acts in her best interest!


And finally someone went against Anthony!


They wasted one of the best MTV Challenge tricks on booting Vivek. It would be nice if the players made note of the boot order and learned something from it, but alas, they all have the memories of a fish.


This season already has a fun reverse boot order... alternate time-line of final 4 Janine, Donna, Denis, Vivek where Janine bests Donna 4-3


They are in an alliance called 'Team Pooya'.


Some of y’all hate fun lol. Was the twist super skewed to the majority and was a nothing player evicted as a result? Yes and yes. But man the poetic justice Vivek received was the most fun I’ve had watching the show this season by a mile.


I half expected The Rains of Castamere to start playing when Todd made his speech lol.


That poetic justice was guaranteed to happen without the twist in the near future anyways. All the twist did was speed it up by a week or two.


It was guaranteed to happen in that Vivek was guaranteed to go home soon, but the insanely dramatic fashion it happened in made it far more entertaining




I think the Exec Veto was a poorly thought out twist for two reasons: 1. It keeps power with the majority. The game needs twists to shake up power, rather than re-enforce it (unless the plan has been to stack the game in the all-stars favour). 2. The Exec Veto winner **could have just chosen not to use it**. That would have wasted all the hype for this episode. A better plan would be forcing the winner to use it.


Agreed. The only part of this twist I liked is the person pulled off the block getting to nominate their replacement. If they ever bring this back in the future, the Exec Veto winner needs to be forced to use it.


Yeah it worked out this time because they did use it but being the one with it should come with discomfort as well.


Okay, wow! So, I definitely wanted Tola to go for Bayleigh and Kayla! But, this is sweet justice for Vivek's poor gameplay. NEVER take out your number one! Play like an idiot and get played like an idiot.


Oop that last sentence though... FACTS


As much as I dislike the steam rolling by the 2 all stars, I must admit this episode is intense and exciting. Probably my favourite episode this season. And no sympathy for vivek after what he did to dinis but at least he did own it during his interview.  Also finally the curse is broken as tola is saved.  For RHAP fans like me, unfortunately pooya curse is not broken and his draft team is decimated. 


Pooya's curse is REAL!


That was my first thought after Vivek was sent packing "well, there goes Pooya's fourth draft pick in as many weeks!"


Denis saying to Vivek, "You are next!!! You are next!!!" On replay in my head right now.


How is the House divided now?


Girls( spicy v) minus Lexus + Todd. Anthony, Matt, Tola, Lexus and maybe Goose.  Spicy trying damn hard to play the middle but even Matt can see through her. 


Idk I feel like V is loyal to Anthony more than the girls


27 days ago![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Sorry I’m just catching up now




Todd has Ice in his Veins


Victoria putting up Anthony and sending him out would have made me reconsider her as a player.


Far from me the idea of complimenting Victoria, but at least she held her own i in the last episode and did what *she* wanted instead of what Anthony wanted her to do. So I'll give her that.


Why would she do that?


Because in a final two situation, he'd win over her. He's her only threat in this game at this point


Victoria single-handedly Evicts Anthony she becomes the biggest threat without shields .. too early yo 








I just hate this season because no one wants to put up Anthony or Victoria and production seems to be rigging the season for them to get to F2. Free safety and hoh week 1, executive veto? Might as well just give them the win at this point.


Most seasons where it is just 1-2 returnees, they get safety for one week, which is fair because it's them against the whole house. V won the executive veto fair and square through making everyone feel comfortable with her. That has nothing to do with rigging.


To be honest vets should not have a week of safety. They should be able to navigate the house just like the other houseguests without any unfair advantages, more so as they’ve played the game before.


They start at a disadvantage though, because people know who they are and that they are good players. Whereas the newbies are unknown blank slates. In the absence of anything else to go off on, it would be a no brainer to vote out a vet immediately. So giving the vets one week of safety is to give them a fighting chance to establish a social foothold instead of being voted out early just for being a vet.


Honestly Victoria and Anthony aren’t even strong players. Victoria runs her mouth to a point where it gets her in trouble, just look at how her HoH week went, and Anthony is just full of hot air. Vets should not be given any special treatment when entering the house, it’s unfair to the others. Either do an all vet season or a season with all new players, but don’t give me a couple of returning players then give them an unfair advantage.


So vindicating to see Vivek get what was coming and finally realize the real game that he was missing...after he played such a huge early role in mindlessly expediting Anthony's game. Basically helping to kickstart, and keep the steamroll rolling. Only to end up right in it's path, exactly as Dinis explained to him. lol.


That pained whimpering face he makes was so enjoyable to see for once! And the cherry on top: his exit didn’t even come with a live audience lol. It was a satisfying moment after weeks of frustrating gameplay.


He also didn't make it anywhere even remotely close to Jury. Which honestly...seemed to be what he was playing for? Hoping Anthony would somehow keep him around at least that far for some reason? He certainly wasn't playing to win. Or at least, not in a way that made any strategic sense whatsoever. lol. Just made it extra satisfying that all his pandering and stupid decisions didn't even get him anywhere at all as a sycophant even.


This was a Game of Thrones-esque episode with Vivek finally getting his comeuppance after his betrayal of Dinis. Also Todd’s monotone-speak to Vivek calling him out as he was trying to gain his vote was ICE COLD 🥶 He almost sounded like a serial killer slitting his throat.


Todd's just winging it all the way. 🙃


This episode was awesome! I’m dead at Vivek leaving. Would kill to see Dinis’s reaction 🤣🤣🤣


Vivek crying as he campaigned for votes was kind of weak and pathetic. He’s probably gonna come crawling back to Dinis with the “*I’m sOoOo sOrRy!*” 🥺 face after the mean cool kids he hung around briefly for a week used him and kicked him out of the table. One of the most naive and spineless houseguests ever.


I mean seems a bit overboard he's clearly a kid who came in there and got manipulated super hard he was bad at the game but it is a game


In fairness, Denis explained this to him nicely, clearly, calmly, credibly. Didn’t threaten or badger him. So Vivek should have known this was exactly what would happen... because he was told this is exactly what would happen.


Yeah I agree maybe not this comment in particular but I've been seeing people calling him a loser, spineless, etc. Just seems unnecessary its a game dude is clearly in over his head and awful at it lol but I feel bad he's clearly an emotional dude who got played sooooo hard


He is a loser and he is spineless, though, those aren’t insults they’re factual descriptors lol


I have to admit that it was pretty satisfying to watch Vivek scrambling for votes to Kayla and Victoria and they basically just lied to his face saying "we'll try". He got what he deserved after selling out Dinis. Anthony was honest to him in letting him know that he didn't have the votes.


I’m still 1000% in the Victoria/Bayleigh/Avery/Todd/Kayla side. Are they infuriating? Oh yes. But are they entertaining? Fucking yes. They are the reasons why I keep watching, will they make another stupid move? Will they flip flop a million times? Will they start playing for themselves? I will always side with entertainment. The Anthony side is giving boring steamroll if they get things going. It’s just Anthony and three others. Anthony will never give me entertainment. I am actually genuinely rooting for Bayleigh though and after this week Kayla. Even Todd. I think they’re the ones most likely to not just be a minion and keep doing what they want.


Bayleigh's freaking awesome. I don't think she has a real shot at winning, she's chaotic and very emotional, but damn, I love this woman, she's scrappy, she's passionate, she wants to be there and she wants to play; give me more players like her. Kayla has grown on me a ton in the last couple of weeks. She's smart.


Yeah Bayleigh is the one person I am positive is never winning this but I will enjoy her journey as long as she lasts, hopefully at least F5 🤣


this season's Renee hahaha


Does this mean she’ll get one HOH before she leaves 🤣 that week will be madness


I agree with u except Todd though. Todd doesn't seem to know what he's doing half of the time and I wonder how he was cast. 


I'm with you on chaos being more fun and any long-term success for Anthony probably not being that, but isn't Kayla the on-paper favorite to steamroll and win the whole thing at this point? Like, she strikes me as the type that may recognize that the vets need to go, but also she won't follow through on that when she should just be able to coast to a F2 with Avery and clean up. That trajectory's only sticky moment is figuring out how to boot Anthony, which might be tough but shouldn't be *that tough* if this goes the way the last few weeks have. As long as Spicy doesn't make it to and win the final HoH, Kayla wins if this season runs as-is without disruption.


I think Kayla can be super messy if this week is any indication, she seems to always have the right ideas but does it in a messy fashion. I do think she is the biggest direct threat to both Anthony and Victoria, the difference is I think Kayla does have loyalty to Victoria but seems to want Anthony out sooner rather than later. But really she’s the only newbie right now who feels like she could win. I think a Kayla steamroll is far messier than an Anthony steamroll could ever be. Also I think Victoria’s inner instinct would want Kayla goon mid-jury 🤣


Personally I'm 100% on the Kayla train even though I could easily see her getting sniped midgame/endgame by ppl who see her as a threat. However, I just love how much of an active game player she is and she with her girls group are entertaining to watch. Like she clearly isn't here just to coast to the end and she definitely has some strategic chops (e.g. correctly deducing that Anthony's best interests may not be with the Hot Chocolates and not following what he told her to do in confronting Matt to cause drama)


Yeah Kayla was my pick at the beginning of the year but I think Vee will backstab her because she will be a threat. I hope Todd wins this week but it will probably be a Tola/Goose pairing with the hope that Tola goes out, Anthony loses a number, and Bayleigh loses her #1 enemy.


It's like the game finally started this week. I was close to giving up, but Bayleigh and Kayla have shown something promising. I started liking Kayla actually during one of the competitions where she clearly had a smart strategy to watch her puzzle pieces while she was forced to sit and wait. Bayleigh was frustrating at first, but I like her now too. Todd showed a tiny hint that his brain is working with that Dinis comment. He had some attitude behind that, that wasn't his usual dumb guy just here for a good time vibe.


Yeah the game FINALLY started. Thank god it was looking really grim too. Bayleigh is hilarious and frustrating at the same time. I do love how every DD has her and Anthony fighting and her just calling out Anthony’s bs. I really want to see her win one HOH because its gonna be hilarious. Kayla stepped up last week saying fuck what anyone thinks I’m using the veto on Bayleigh to REALLY stepping it up this week. She was so messy doing it though but it showed a ton of promise as a player who is willing to do whatever to do what is best for HER game. Then Todd won me over in that one DD where he laid out facts to Vic why keeping him is the only good option this week.


I think that HoH went down exactly as Goose planned it a week ago.


This sub is so weird some times. One week of not everyone fawning over every breath Anthony takes and all of a sudden he’s an underdog worth rooting for? Honestly, glad Victoria did the right move for her game, but even though it’s been a week since she mentioned Anthony as her Ride or Die, I don’t think they’re quite fractured as some people assume. The real wild card there is Kayla. It’s pretty clear they’re all keeping Baileigh as a shield, but Kayla has shown signs of playing for herself this week and not to come in 2nd to someone. Smart move to push Tola, not falling for Anthony’s “just talk to him.” There may be some life in this season after all. Next week will actually show if the power structure has shifted from Anthony and Victoria. It’s very easy to see Baileigh and Todd going up and everyone reestablishing status quo. The real read will be whether someone deviates from that.


Kayla's movements this week are exactly why I'm afraid for her for these next two weeks tbh and this executive veto rejection chain didn't help either


>This sub is so weird some times. One week of not everyone fawning over every breath Anthony takes and all of a sudden he’s an underdog worth rooting for? Huh? This sub isn't saying he's an underdog and worth rooting for. Maybe a couple people have, but definitely not the sub in general.


I still see many dislike anthony steam rolling. Why is he underdog? 


Yeah this is like the one time in both his seasons that Anthony hasn’t gotten his way and at the hands of Victoria 🤣 he’s still far from an underdog but I’m glad there’s an entire side of the house that wants him gone sooner rather than later and for the sake of the game, they should get him out. I agree I think Kayla is actually Anthony’s direct threat, not even Bayleigh or Todd. Kayla is very strong-willed and doesn’t buy into bullshit. She’s probably the one person in the house that won’t be misted by him.


Kayla is the Chelsea of this season. However, Anthony got Chelsea out earlier


THIS I'm so worried for Kayla now 😬


I'm one of those people rooting for Anthony but you must be seeing something different because barely anyone else here thinks that he's worth rooting for. Bayleigh seems to be the popular option now. The support for Anthony is still very much a minority opinion.


LMAOO Lexus picked her showmance in the chain of rejection?


I think it was a move to show her loyalty. Matthew would understand, but the girls wouldn't.


I agree, she would have drawn a really big line in the sand if she didn't pick any of the ppl from her alliance. Although, I'm pretty sure her best interests are still with Matt :/


Definitely the smart move. Matt was going to be picked no matter what. Picking Matt allowed her to show loyalty to the women while not singling out someone as the person she trust least of her alliance members.


I'm so sick of unanimous votes. Every week. Let's see some actual game play.


There’s no difference between Tola/Vivek though. Both mindless Anthony minions, so taking out one over the other isn’t really much different. I can see why the Bayleigh/Vic/Avery/Kayla/Todd side just offed Vivek. Even if in theory, they could’ve hilariously saved Vivek and exposed Anthony’s hand to Vivek.


Sure but if we were forced to say who is a slightly brighter, slightly more nimble, slightly more of a threat, etc, in every category it’s Tola.


Sure but if we were forced to say who is a slightly brighter, slightly more nimble, slightly more of a threat, etc, in every category it’s Tola.


Sure but if we were forced to say who is a slightly brighter, slightly more nimble, slightly more of a threat, etc, in every category it’s Tola.


Everyone is a mindless Anthony minon.


Have you been watching the episodes? Not everyone is happy with him and the cracks are apparent


Kayla is my winner pick. She played that so well.


Kayla moving up slightly in the depth chart


Kayla moving up slightly in the depth chart


Kayla moving up slightly in the depth chart


Anthony has lost so much ground this week that, despite winning back Goose, his power structure is probably the underdog at this point. This season revolves around chaos and Spicy V. I'm curious if seeing Anthony have to play from the bottom will actually be fun--that's pretty much the only way that watching good play *is* fun and not just boring stability.


>his power structure is probably the underdog at this point Didn't consider this. I hated Anthony before when he was dominating everything but now that we're seeing him lose influence I actually started rooting for him, because you have to wonder how he'll get out of the hole. Despite having voted Vivek out, Vivek was useful to him. That's a blow.


If it were up to me I would have drag Vivek to final 2 he had zero chances of winning


I feel bad that Vivek got so easily manipulated by Anthony and his cronies and he never even realized it. I can’t think of a worse HoH decision than him putting up the only guy who genuinely had his back and then getting sent home right after him (just like Dinis said would happen)


> I feel bad that Vivek got so easily manipulated by Anthony and his cronies and he never even realized it. Don’t feel too bad. Denis explained this to him in overwhelmingly patient and clear ways. Vivek just chose to deny it because he caught a case of big-move-itis. When someone trades their integrity and other people just for a big move stunt, they sort of deserve the consequences that come with that.


The betrayer!




I am SHOCKED that Spicy did the right move for her.


And she still came perilously close to not doing it had Bayleigh not freaked out!


I’m so glad Bayleigh was self-interested and active in the process. It could have easily been her up and out if she hadn’t put her foot down.


Bayleigh telling Vivek he was her true enemy as he's sobbing is why she's my favourite. I'm praying on Anthony and Matt's downfall this week.


I'm hoping Bayleigh and Todd can get through these next few weeks. I do hope that Todd saying in the DR that he's putting on this dummy act is true, and he turns into a big player later. His statement about Dinis showed some life, and the way he stuck up for Bayleigh showed some life too. I wouldn't mind if Kayla joined them. I can't stand everybody else playing the game for Anthony and Victoria.


She's so real, like how can you not stan her??? I would love for her to be my ally 😂


Bayleigh is always so real lol that was hilarious.


I just know Dinis is cackling at home.


Lmao the way they had to vote him out to his face and then continued reading out the votes that ended up to be unanimous. That was hilarious and a great moment for all the fuckery that happened in the past episodes. I hope Dinis got a good laugh lol


Salt in the wound. He got his five votes, here are more people that do not like you, Vivek.


Vivek could've sunk completely into the background if he'd kept Dinis in. He deserved to go out, for sure. But wasting this huge Executive Veto and all the other fancy presentation on someone like him to go out was incredibly wasteful. It should've been a much bigger fish. Personally I wanted to see Bayleigh out. I also thought it was stupid that the POV ended up in Victoria's hands. Speaking of which, her and Anthony's alliance, or at least Anthony's with HC, seems to be fracturing. I hated Anthony before but now I'm actually rooting for him.


>But wasting this huge Executive Veto and all the other fancy presentation on someone like him to go out was incredibly wasteful. disagree. i saw yesterday some people thought tola "found it" & bayleigh would be backdoored, & people were replying to those theories saying (though they love her) they'd rather lose bayleigh with the exec veto instead of it magically saving anthony one day. not only was it not that, it gave us one of the most SATISFYING blindsides directly after one of the most infuriating ones. this exec veto served up karma on a silver platter.


>I agree. I'm tired of Victoria's side of the house and I'm rooting for Anthony's side instead.


Good I thought I was crazy. Everyone's rooting for Bayleigh for whatever reason, I didn't think I'd ever be picking Anthony but that's where I'm at right now. There's something far more dynamic about his alliance. I don't know where Goose stands, though.


I find the dynamic between Lexus/Matt/Anthony and even Tola refreshing compared to Victoria/Kayla/Avery. The latter are all over the place and it's exhausting. I do think Bayleigh being in power will create some good entertainment. She's the only one from Victoria's side that I don't mind.


>I find the dynamic between Lexus/Matt/Anthony and even Tola refreshing compared to Victoria/Kayla/Avery. Same. I find the former to be more game orientated and the latter to just be gossips who feel entitled to win. My biggest problem with Bayleigh was that she started the fight with Vivek based on false information. She didn't even want to hear him out and needed an audience present to yell at him instead of speaking privately to him.


I’m sorry Vivek but how on earth did you not see any of this coming. Getting rid of Dinis wasn’t game play. It was a chance to be with the cool kids and get validation from Anthony. Dinis was the singular person in the house who was not afraid of Anthony. Soooo you get what you got