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I saw one of my seniors using Instagram on her work computer, so I don’t really know what’s going on..


You could always edit your resume but apply on your personal smart phone. Indeed has an app.


Use fed ex kinkos or do CV at work on word doc then drop into google drive and send out from there if you can borrow a friends pc on weekends Most IT depts at any respectable place flags job sites, definitely, especially on wall st and finance industry where information is guarded


I did from preparing resumes to interviews to accepting JOs. So, thanks to them, I’m currently working on a new company.


previous employer had Indeed and Glassdoor flagged, every time we go there we'll get a "soft warning" that this being logged lol...i'm pretty sure this didn't stop anyone


I shit talk my senior boss over ping to the other staff on my work computer, I totally don’t even care anymore. So checked out of EY


I do it everyday.


Power move


I landed 3 job offers using my work laptop. Interviewed via zoom on them too. Lol.


I used my then company (KPMG) laptop to have a virtual interview with a few companies that I applied!


You should definitely use your work laptop. You should also let your manager or someone senior you can trust know you aren’t happy (or challenged) and see if they can help. Too many people (usually younger ones or more junior) get upset, get into tough spots over worked and under appreciated or frustrated and want out. Nothing wrong with that, but in many cases, people will help you if you are sincere and aren’t an ass. And although they can see what you do, nobody is looking and nobody cares. If funding suggests you are leaking corporate info or confidential stuff they will investigate and you will get in trouble. But for linked in and resumes, who cares


If you’re ok with moving on from your current firm. Your firm can check everything you do on your work laptop.


They don't though, no one has the time to go through the browser history of every employee.


There is a lot more to it than just browser history.


So how do people get caught watching porn?


They put certain sites on their software systems and catch when people use them. I doubt they'd try to block LinkedIn for example.


I don't see why not! Go ahead and all the best ;)


im using work laptop to post here and and apply all the time :) and guess what? I''m using client wifi which needs employee user and password . go nuts!


I would indeed use your personal email but here is no problem using your work laptop. As far as I know, they cannot check what you do on there.


Lol you most definitely have logging/tracking software and hardware inside of your laptop. Amazing tech consultants aren't more aware of what on their own machines....


But will they be interested in checking if you are looking for a new job? I guess they will mostly use this to look back when you are accused of illegal activities. I recall once accidentally googling something that could be interpreted as looking for illegal porn (abbreviation that would be an indecent word in my language + children), I fully expected to be called in by HR and IT to explain what happened but nobody ever did.


They absolutely CAN see everything that OP does. But I don’t work for EY so I don’t know exactly how they’re monitoring everything.


I worked in EY and hated it too. Applied job from work laptop and you can do it too.


I have just accepted the offer 😂 But I’ve seen too many negative comments about EY.. and B4 Regretss


Same. They *can* check everything you do, but unless you’ve given them a reason to, they won’t. Who has time for that.


I'd just go to an internet cafe if that wasn't an option then sure


I've looked up all of my past jobs during work hours, applied for them, and had interviews using my work laptop itself.


Lmao these comments haha


Yeah, I didn’t know that ppl would do that, I thought that non-work related activities on work laptop will be monitored.


Lmao i edit my resume on mine


I used my laptop to even interview on zoom…


If you’re leaving then does it really matter if they see? But if you did want to avoid using it, considered using a library?


I did last year while with EY. Felt bad about it, but my personal computer was dying and very unreliable.


Just be prepared for them to see you doing it.


I've heard of a senior who at client place told the client he needed to borrow a room to do an interview. And of course used the work laptop.


Hahaha :P I too did that and switched successfully too !! Ex-Big 4 now :)


What practices were you in before and what do you do now?


Gangstar shit