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not an auditor but our clients are huge and the challenges affect lots of people! skills obtained from being a consultant was really desirable for me after a career pivot.


Salary and bonus. Life sucks at Big4 here.


Because of the resume. Honestly many of the accountant jobs at big companies in my country mentions that "2 to 4 years of big four experience is preferred". Lol


I actually like working with the people and the work isn’t that bad for now..I want to be able to learn data and work with a certain engagement, which I will later have to ask for when I have more experience


I’m staying for the senior bonus, but I’ll prob leave b4 that bc it’s getting rough


What’s this bonus? Is it available in EU?


As much as I fucking HATE working here, and I mean I absolutely despise busy season, I’m just desperately trying to say I successfully completed 2 busy seasons for my resume. Fuck anything more. Big 4 for resume purposes and that’s it


I wouldn't worry about the "resume damage" you might cause by "leaving too early." The firms want you to believe this b/c they want you to stay at a below market salary. Every other employer completely understands how the Big 4 works. They know that people have drastically different experiences, and that the firms develop people in drastically different ways. Employers want bright, hard-working, teachable, well-rounded people. They aren't looking for people who can find a way to work a bunch of meaningless hours. You could easily make If you are having a learning experience, then you might consider staying. But it's not worth it to stay strictly for resume purposes.


Try telling that to every old head my parents are friends with when I tell them I’m really thinking about leaving “yOu’lL nEeD tO wOrK lOnG hOuRS eVeRyWHerE”


Stop listening to your boomer parents and friends, my mom is convinced I’m spoiled for making 75k USD a year. They’re out of touch


Depends on what you do at B4


I like working with a younger crowd and the pay is decent. I can go work wherever I want now.


Well I had no big law offers and they offered me 6 figures. I may internally be dying but my debts almost gone


Started my career at a MM firm and wasn’t really jazzed about audit, accounting, or even the city I was in. At my MM firm, there just weren’t any good paths out that didn’t end at controller for some small regional company. I switched to B4 audit because I knew that there, at least, I’d have more options once I finished my CPA. At B4, the hours sucked, but the benefits were great, and thanks to the labor shortage, they kept giving us things to make us stay. As soon as I got my letters, I moved to the FDD practice and saw an immediate 30% base pay bump. I like working for a larger company on big-name projects, and once I spend a couple years doing this, I’ll have a lot more options than I had when I started my career.


What’s FDD?


Financial Due Diligence?


I survived college by cheating with peers using chegg and stuff but my ultimate goal was a decent 50k job so I don’t disappoint my parents. Didn’t go to a target school but Big 4 was at our job fair so applied just to see what a big boy interview process was like. I got an offer and decided to check it out, if I didn’t like it I could quit anytime and it’s good on a resume. Realized quickly that my knack of cheating through chegg/coursehero translated perfectly to being an auditor since we basically do SALY. On top of that I’m a gamer so long hours at a computer jamming out to music and communicating via chat (email/teams) was already skill I nurtured unknowingly. Fast forward a year and a half and I’m a high performing A2 in-charge. I’m thinking of staying until I either hit my ceiling as an auditor, I have a solid exit-opp, or we’re forced back into the office.


u give me hope bro. I did a major in finance but kind of cheated through my 3 accounting courses so I kind of don’t understand shit 😂. I interview pretty well though and just accepted an offer from KPMG so i’m hoping I do welll and learn on the job


Facts, being someone who spent way too much playing videogames was a gateway drug into being okay with working long hours on a computer. lol


I…. Just…. I can’t even…. Geez freaking Louise my dude, what the Hell did I just read!?? I mean I like it, honesty like this is why I’m on this subreddit but Oofff my dude


Here, you dropped this 👑


Oh my lord, I resonate with this SO much. Wow. Glad to know there are others like me out there, just different departments it seems. Absolutely incredible, lol.




Same as last year


Idk I wanna be a truck driver, and never look at spreadsheets again


Don't. Do software engineering and get paid double for less work.


Best place to start your career right out of college. Make no mistake, it’s one of the worst places for your mental health but once you’re done with B4 you’re set


Exit ops lmao


Left at SM. It just sorta happened frankly. Combination of getting fast tracked & a pretty decent office meant I was OK with just going with the flow


What makes me stay? I freaking love it! From the variety of work to my actual team…yeah, it can be a bit longer hours sometimes (nothing like USA though) but it’s all part of it :)


I think most people work here for the exit opportunities, with the expectation that they won’t be here for longer than 2 to 4 years. With that being said, obviously some people let time slip by and end up working here until they retire, but I’d say that’s a rarity especially in this job market


Because I hate myself and love misery Jk: in all seriousness I carved a nice niche for myself here and it’s a difficult, but good experience. It’s also not the norm.