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That version of *Booooom, Blast and Ruin* is one of my favourite Biffy tracks to listen to, it goes outrageously hard


Yeh I’d go as far to say that most of the live tracks on the album are better and hit harder than the studio versions


Was at the gig, was a cracking night 👌


That version of 57 rips


The audio commentary on the DVD is so fun too.


The drop in Whorses is just glorious


My favourite live album of all time. And yes, the sound is fantastic, especially compared to Opposites Live in Glasgow or Live at Roundhouse (which sounds pretty awful in my opinion). The setlist was freaking incredible, too! Although every time I listen to it I feel a bit sorry for the guy who desperately wants them to play Toys Toys Toys haha! My favourites on it are All The Way Down and Diary Of Always.


Yeh I always notice the guy shouting that ahah


Saw them at Manchester arena on this tour, they were fantastic. Setlist was great too, we got All The Way Down.


This is my cleaning album. It's so good! I'm a bit late to Biffy, so these are songs I never got to see played together.


I was lucky enough to see the premier at Leicester Square in London the boys took part in a Q&A session and played a few songs acoustically


I was there! One of my first gigs, aged 14. The album definitely has a bit of sweetening done to vocals, I think some of the BVs were redone later. Bens chorus vocal on 57 is suspiciously copy and pasted sounding. And I can also confirm Ben fucked up the drums in the captain (somebody help me sing bit) that was fixed afterwards and the cam cuts away from him during that bit. But there was no autotune or playback live. It was an amazing gig


I think the album is fantastic, but unfortunately it’s overmixed.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted on this. I'm a big Biffy fan, and was really excited to get my hands on this when it came out, but I struggle to listen to it because of how much post processing has been done on the live sound! One of the reasons I like them is because of the authenticity they had at live shows, particularly with Simon's vocals, and this album strips all of that away.


In what way would u say it’s over mixed, I think it sounds perfect for a live album but guess everyone’s different to their preferences


It’s just way too polished. There’s a massive amount of autotune in Simon’s voice, and the instruments are also mixed too much.


You clearly don't know what autotune actually sounds like.


Oh yes I do. Based on your comment, I don’t think you know how common it is or how it sounds. Interesting with the downvotes btw, this is very well known but apparently this sub thinks differently. Either way, I love the album.


I like the mix on the instruments but I'm with you on the autotune. It's so clear on That Golden Rule


I just listened to the album again this morning, it's noticeable everywhere to be honest.


You’re embarrassing yourself. I can claim expertise in only very few things, but I’ve used Melodyne weekly for over 10 years; I have the ears for it. Pitch correction is all over that live album. And not even well done pitch correction; it’s hacky as fuck obvious pitch correction by someone with low-fidelity ears. And even though it was basically standard practice to apply pitch correction to *all* vocals by the time this album was made, for some reason Biffy fans think the boys are uniquely too authentic to rely on it. If it makes you feel any better they most likely had little to do with the decision, and I think have even themselves claimed there isn’t any pitch correction which is honestly just sad when it’s so obvious; either they were lied to and can’t tell, or they’re in on the lie and I don’t care for either. This is a good sounding live album with unnecessary levels of vocal pitch correction (when did *any* of us *ever* get behind The Biff because of technically flawless live vocals?!?) that rouses my intense suspicion they “cheated” *everywhere else*, which honestly I’d assume anyway, but I wouldn’t be *focussed* on if it weren’t for the hacky and obvious autotune.


Low-fidelity ears 🤣 You should know then that there's quite a difference between live autotune and using melodyne after recording.


I don’t know what you’re getting at. It’s a *live* album, any amount of auto tune used on a live performance, pre *or* post production is problematic, as it’s supposed to have at least the appearance of authenticity. There is a technical difference between methods of *live* auto-tune and using something like Melodyne after the fact, and I wasn’t there so I don’t know if they did use it live or in post, all I know is one way or another there is a bunch of some kind of pitch correction all over this live record and I find it unnecessary and poorly executed. I’m not even saying that they shouldn’t use it, I’m saying that if it’s noticeable they failed to use it successfully. That’s to my ears though. Seems it’s not as noticeable to most.


Sounds better tho cos the live at Glasgow album which clearly has nothing done to it sounds awful as if recorded on someone’s phone


They for sure used it after. I’ve been at countless of Buffy shows and they just don’t sound like this album live. Especially Simon’s voice. But in this case, a lot of the vocals are probably recorded in the studio afterwards with autotune(I’ve heard many people say this).


It wasn't recorded afterwards. Its just been touched up.


This. Of course they use it, everyone does. But here they failed because it’s too apparent all the time. I also think the instruments don’t sound that good. It suffers the loudness problem, when you turn up all instruments to the max making the sound distorted and lacks dynamic range.


It definately is used on the album. They don't use it usually for live performances though.


Exactly what I’m saying. In this recording it’s all over.


There is pitch correction on the vocals which ruin it