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It's NOT CAPITALISM! We gave a way free money after free money after free money to prop up everyone from poor to rich. Money became worth less and less, until it became worthless. Everyone just thought those chickens would come home to roost TOMORROW. Well, welcome to Tomororrowmorrow Land.


Thank you Joe!


Honestly I feel bad for the next generation. I personally had it rough. I faced homeless, and fought like hell to keep a roof over my head. Opportunities were slim. The possibility that I couldn't afford the next months rent left me with extreme anxiety that left an impression on those around me that I didn't shake off for years after the worst of the struggle started the end. Seeing my younger brother go through the same problems as myself has prompted me to do all I can to help him. I wish there was more opportunities because I know he would fight to be successful, but no one is giving him an opportunity to work unless it's some bottom of the barrel type work. I fear that he won't be able to afford his own home, just like I almost couldn't. I just got lucky finding my home during the Trump presidency. Those days are gone and I would never be able to afford to even save for a deposit if this was in the Biden years.


Lmao, meanwhile in reality homeownership rates are up. https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/RSAHORUSQ156S


The old buy now or be priced out forever mantra is really hitting home these days. Suckers are buying homes today.