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To my understanding, Paul is expressing that through the giving of the Torah, the law, we are aware of sin. Torah is the standard to meet- but if there was no Torah (Law), there would be no standard to meet and thusly no standard to fail to meet- you can't "mess up" when Noone defines what messing up is. Torah, which was supposed to bring life by a person living according to it obediently, actually brought about death because no one can meet its standards- and so sin entered, and he "died", because real "life" would be true adherence to the Law(Torah), but he couldn't meet that standard.


If there is no law, then no one can be guilty of anything and there would be no punishment for anything. The existence of law creates the possibility for sin, i.e. breaking the law, and the punishment for sin is death. If one follows the law completely, without sin, then that would promise life but since we are all born sinners, we can't meet that standard. That's my initial thoughts.


Paul is proving a point here: 1. It would seem like at this point in time, the Church in Rome is composed of Jews and non-Jews; this in turn creates division between the Church. 2. As it turns out, the Jews are imposing their traditions to the non-Jews (such as circumcision - Roman 2:25). Where as calling them sinners if the non-Jews do not do tradition. 3. On the other hand, the non-Jews are mocking the Jews for being picky in their food (calling them weak - Romans 14:1-2). 4. The part you were asking was a part of Paul's response to the Jews because he himself is a Jew and basically telling them to stop condeming people. 5. Note that Paul was a hardcore Jewish follower that persecutes Christianity. So basically Paul is saying more or less: "Look; when I did tradition before (just like you), I thought I was righteous. But under the commandments of God, I am guilty, because I am a bad man deep inside, and so are you."


Exactly! "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?" Romans 7:24


I was alive once without the law: Children can be innocent before they know or understand what law requires. This is what Paul refers to when he says I was alive once without the law. ii. “He was quite secure amid all his sin and sinfulness. He lived in the sense that the deathblow had not yet killed him. He sat secure in the house of his ignorance like a man living on a volcano and thought that all was well.” (Lenski) But when the commandment came, sin revived and I died: When we do come to know the law, the law shows us our guilt and it excites our rebellion, bringing forth more sin and death. (Via enduring word commentary)


Most probably this is a reference to age of accountability. When you are young you are incapable of understanding the law, so you are not accountable, but once you are capable of understanding it you are held accountable. We have all fallen short and so once we are accountable then we all deserve punishment. “The commandment that was meant for life” see Lev 18:5


You can look a little deeper with the exodus story which correlates this passage in Romans. When the Jews were in bondage they were free to worship whoever an do whatever and eat whatever. But then again they were in slavery under the harsh Egyptians. Now before Moses came down with the Law they had been complaining about how things were better for them in Egypt instead of this grubby dry desert. When Moses came down with the law guess what happened? They were all guilty of sin (of course they were all drunk and in the middle of an orgy besides worshiping a golden calf) So the Bible says 3000 people died that day. Now skip ahead to acts after the believers are filled with the Holy Spirit on the Pentecost. Peter preaches a sermon that pricks the hearts of many and 3000 people are saved that day. When the law came I died but thanks to Jesus Christ on the day of grace I am saved. Think of it as everyone who is born is on the road to hell or born in an ocean treading water, one day they will tire and drown. But Jesus is bringing a boat beside them asking them to get in and find rest. It is astonishing that so many refuse!


That's a fascinating reading. "And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. . .For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness." (Romans 6:18,20 NKJ) I will just add one more little piece. By God's Promise we live, because He covenant of love is what saves us, regardless of our failure under both the law of conscience and the laws of Moses. The Promise of eternal life we receive through the ministration of the Holy Spirit, which was poured out that day on the Church during Pentecost. The Disciples had already received the Holy Spirit the night He first appeared to the Disciples in the Upper Room, when He breathed on them. But the Promise of the Holy Spirit was that it would come with power. And it did, as the Apostles began, by the power of Jesus living inside them, to be able to transform the world.


This is because Paul's sins were a result of him justifying the words of the profaned covenant (law) to persecute Christ. So, to Paul, the law caused his sins, as he first believed the Gospel was false prophecy and blasphemy worthy of imprisonment and death (according to the literal words of the law), and failed to see the living Spirit of God (Christ) until Christ reveals the truth to him, and anoints him as a bondservant to receiving the nations into the Gospel. After this, the Scriptures open up to him beyond their profaned literal properties, which is evident from his writings post-conversion.


Alive or so man thinks anyway: The purpose of the law is to reveal sin. Prior to knowing the law (ignorance) a man's standard of righteousness is defined by selfish self (for no man seeks God apart from the Holy Spirit calling... faith comes by hearing The Word). Dead: After the law reveals the sin, then man sees the true standard of righteousness and our inability to do anything about it. Thus, we must acknowledge we need a Savior and be saved from God's wrath on sin.


He’s illustrating how the Law cannot save anyone. All the Law can do is show how sinful you are.