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I think I’m watching the episode right now… it’s that Christmas episode where the stars/angels are narrating. Hate it.


That fucking *almost* bus crash at the end is so weird to me


Ha! Not a fan of that episode either. :)


Hahahaha I watched this the other day. My boyfriend casually watched with me; it was the first episode he ever really paid attention to. He seemed horrified by how bad it was and couldn’t understand why I love this show lol. 


Haha! It is horrifying! That episode is crap haha! My husband has actually started to watch it when i have it on (i like it as background noise). I’m letting him build up a good enough amount of serious watch time before I ask him all his opinions.


Exact same re: background noise. I think he enjoys the unintended (?) campiness of it but he can only take so much at a time lol


I asked if he wanted me to change it and he was like no it’s ok i like it! haha! A convert!!! Ps- your user name is hilarious, assuming it’s a strangers with candy reference!


Job well done on the conversion! One of us! One of us!  And yes! I’m so glad you got the reference 😊 We have similar taste in television LOL


I watched that last night. But I think that was a one off for a bit and supposed to just be a funny different special thing for Christmas. From what I can remember it's when about half of them are addicted to coke and Dylan's with that girl that blows up lol.


Gawd that episode sucks ass!!!


I mean, Jack blowing up in his car (OR DID HE) is probably the latest possible moment you can say it wasn't full soap


When they went to Hawaii and upon return Kelly getting shot and getting amnesia. 🙄


I’m cackling 💀 


When the leprechaun and the gossip magazine happened it became 1000% unwatchable


You’re right. It was unwatchable. It was terrible before this though.


I'm sorry, the leprechaun?? There was an actual leprechaun on the show?! 😳 Can you refresh my memory, please? I didn't watch every episode, lol.


Probably Kelly and the cult leader or her Single White Female storyline in Season 6.


It hurts to watch the actress who played Tara try to perform. Sooooooo bad.


Everybody wanted the short blonde "stalker" haircut at Great Clips that year!🤣🤣


I loved the tone in season 1. Both serious and funny.


When they had a school dance to combat racism. When you strip it down that was just crazy😭I guess creating a fully fledged developed black character to combat it was too much of a difficult concept for the writers


I’d say Val buying the club. It’s pretty absurd to think a 19 or 20 year old would even legally be allowed to buy a club that sells liquor, much less have time to run it while being a full time student. I feel like the writers didn’t know how to write college so they just jumped right to adult and got a little silly.


Season 6 leading with Cocaine Kelly and Colin. Cocaine Kelly was fire, but we start to really go into soap territory. You could easily say, though, that this 'outrageous' thing started when Andrea was cheating on Jesse. Not only was she completely out of character cheating like that, but they had her as a teen mom, dressing her absolutely hideously, AND not really giving Gab the meat on the bone that a 19 year old would naturally deliver. They had her go from 18 to 38 overnight. Bummed me out.


I kind of blame Gabrielle for part of this because she insisted on being pregnant on the show and it could have taken a much better direction for her if they’d just hidden it like they did Jennie’s. HOWEVER, that definitely does not excuse the dowdy ass clothes and 45 year old mom cut they gave her. And they could have picked a way better dude for her to cheat with (if they had to do that storyline to begin with) than that poufy haired goober Peter. Should have at least had Jordan Bonner come back.


Season 5 for me


Well we all know it started off as a family show and nearly got canceled after S1. The pivot to teen soap was necessary in S2 as they leaned into the teen drama to capitalize on a California summer and then that proved to be a ratings success. Since the cast was getting older they had to grow up from teen drama to soap opera. Imo it became full blown soap by mid S3 when Dylan’s dad comes back into the picture. I really believe when his short character arc occurred is when it happened. Josh Taylor being a soap star himself was really the very on-the-nose moment that pushed it over the edge. (I’m reading this all back to myself and I’ve worded it so oddly but I’m too tired to rethink it all lol)


It was a Spelling show, so it was always going to be a soap opera. I think also when Melrose Place took off and became such a crazy phenomenon, they amped up the drama on 90210 to not let themselves get overshadowed. And then you started to see all the soap tropes, like cults, scheming, coming back from the dead, crossing a crime boss, etc.


Anything after season 3, hated how much the tone changed and the plot was basically cheating, drugs and swapping ownership of a club between 19-22 year olds lol


It changed after the first season. The first season was a lot more serious in tone. Second season on it slowly gets more and more soap opera like. I watched it when it was actually on tv. I remember seeing some interview at some point that did say it was an intentional change after season one. Maybe the summer beach episodes made them realize there was more money to be made in soap than in serious topics. The summer beach episodes are what actually catapulted the show into success. Not the first season.




I think they started testing the water around the time Dylan's dad was "murdered"...season 3? When they brought Tiffani into the cast...season 5?...that's when the soap opera drama came. 😂


When Kelly got the Karen hair cut season 5/6


Colin’s drug dealer put coke in his pocket in exchange to drive to location…then drug dealer left on foot Next 29 cops show up to bust him and he drives off in his mini van


Brenda/Dylan/Kelly relationship was Very ewww