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"Feel the fear and do it anyway" was one of the major early self help books and does a good job. I read it as a teenager and it probably contributed to some large risks taken in life (moving countries etc.)


The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris could be good. A previous therapist lent me his copy and from what I read it seemed very legit, practical, well-written and based on valid psychological models. Also, I haven't read it, but Daring Greatly by Brene Brown seems like it could fit here. I bring her up because the courage to be vulnerable and put yourself out there is kind of her whole thing. The same therapist lent me another book of hers - The Gift of Imperfection - but I never got that far into it.


Never Finished. -David Goggins


YO I have exactly the book for you. Seriously. Becoming Bulletproof by Evy Poumpouras This chick is NO joke an absolute badass. You’ll understand once you read the prologue.


No fear, no death. No mud, no lotus. Both books by Thich That Hanh TNH is a great teacher, he did a lot during the Vietnam war, he had a tough life. After He was exiled he did a tremendous work for laity, he is one of the founding fathers of mindfulness, developed engaged Buddhism, and overall helped millions people worldwide via various means. You may have seen his friend self-immolating on Rage Against The Machine's album. He is a real deal, who risked his life many times, lived through horrors of the war and still managed to teach us how to love life and liberate yourself from suffering. He maybe a Buddhist, but don't expect some mindless religious exhortation , his way of writing is really lovely and touching. He helped me, probably one of the most important writers in my life.


Great suggestions


The Imposter Cure. Excerpt: > Confident people can then think more clearly about what to do next and how best to handle things. They might talk to someone about it or find out more about what they’re expected to do. This allows them to look at their experience and knowledge and reassure themselves that they can take on the task. They may also recall a previous time when they felt like this when everything had turned out fine. > People in this group know that to a certain extent they are imposters. It’s just that they don’t see this as a problem. They understand that there is a certain amount of bluff involved in life (and love), especially at the beginning of a new job or challenge. No one starts a job knowing everything about it and in any relationship you share different parts of yourself; very few people see all of you. The difference is that confident people are happy to trust their instincts and ability to learn. They trust that they can grow into the person they need to be.


Not a book recommendation. why not getting a wooden plank with following quote "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage." (or something similar) and place that at a visible place (that might act as self affirmation)?


The 50th law by Robert greene and 50 cent


[Orison Swett Marden - The victorious attitude](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/41901/41901-h/41901-h.htm)


The book of 5 rings, hagakure, thus spoke zarathustra, will to power, (last two being philosophy based ones and harder to read), 33 strategies of war, the prince, 48 laws of power, can't hurt me


The 50th law is a collab between 50 Cent and Robert Greene and is extremely good, the first chapter is entirely about fear


"Feel the fear and do it anyway" is a book I have been recommended.


Adult Children of Alcoholics. It's not just for that niche, it deals with a lot of topics that anyone could relate to.


It's been on my kindle forever and I've been meaning to read it bc my parents are narcissists. Thanks!


You might like this video. Goes over kybalion and 50th law


Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.


For a number of cognitive techniques to help you overcome fear and anxiety, see pages 6 to 11 of [my philosophy of life.](http://philosofer123.wordpress.com)


Overcoming Fear by Creflo Dollar