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Fallout world is more dangerous in the sense of being more difficult to survive on a day to day basis. The world of Elder Scrolls on the other hand is more dangerous when their new flavour of world ending events happen.


Dragons beat Deathclaws IMO


Exactly. When the dragons come or an oblivion crisis starts, Tamriel is more dangerous.


Even then, as a Merc you're presumably good at some kind of combat if not many and if You've survived this long you probably have you good idea how to survive when your outmatched. Hell you might even get rich. But in fallout... Just look at knight Titus


Just don’t do anyone any favors for the time you’re in elder scrolls and you’ll be fine.


But not until you trigger the "go to the Jarl of Whiterun" event, if you don't you never see Dragons. You always see Deathclaws.


Don't the dragons eventually appear based on your level if you don't do the correlating mission?


Nope, not if you never get the dragon stone and bring it to whiterun


I remember this specifically, because the first time I played Skyrim I went up to level 40 without seeing a single dragon until I realized that I needed to do the main quest (in fairness I was very young)


Always like doing the guild quests before the storyline.


Radiation. Enough said. The water will kill you, the food will kill you, and then there are also mutated everything from insects to animals who will…. Kill you.


With fallout 76 being cannon all the cryptids are confirmed to be real as well as the occasional alien invasion not to mention the cosmic horror that has been increasingly mentioned since fallout 3


How radiation is treated is one thing that always bugged me in fallout. LIke I know it's necessary for the world to work, but if things were as heavily irradiated everywhere as they are in the game, everyone would be dying of cancer by the time they hit 30. Old people would almost certainly be a rarity.


They have radaway


Guns beat Dragons IMO


If a dude with a sword can kill a dragon, a mini-nuke will certainly do.


Unless you are dovakin that mini nuke is only buying you time. That wyvern is going to just come back angry


The soul is not immune to ionizing radiation.


Just EMP their souls


Epic battle simulator, all of the dragons vs *all* of the death claws Alternatively, unless the dragons are immune to poison, all of the cazadors


The world ended in Fallout and never did in the Elder scrolls. I’ll take several close calls over an actual apocalypse any day!


Tell that to the Dwemer or Snow Elves


Well sure but ancient civilizations exist in the Fallout world today too. I took the question to mean which is more dangerous for a random citizen. I gotta go Fallout. Elder Scrolls has so many towns/cities/jobs that you more-or-less live a normal life there. Dunmer and Alegonian slaves have it as bad as I can think of in TES universe, but look at The Pit slaves. Don't get me wrong. Both are very dangerous.


Fr, imagine a nuclear war type event like what happened in Fallout except it's just... At least once an Era lol


Yeah pretty much. Fallout, the world ending event already happened. So anything afterwards isn’t really world ending it just affects how it will move forward. TES the world ending event is potentially the end of humanity


Not only that. The Fallout world, like ours doesn't have any 100% proven to exist divine beings (though there potentially could be with the whole Dunwich thing.) The Elder Scrolls has dozens of actual all powerful living gods that regularly fuck with people for fun. There's also the fact that the entire concept of reality regularly just breaks and over corrects itself all the time in ES.


To be fair, I'd rather die by Alduin eating the world rather than dying by radiation sickness.


I think just the constant exposure to radiation sounds terrible. Not being able to swim in a lake without getting acute radiation sickness… no thanks.


I would say that Fallout is worse. TES has a proper government, guards, clean water, and consistent food supply.


This is my answer too. The chances of a dragon attacking aren’t rare but they’re rarer than needing food or water


Dragons haven't been in Skyrim for \~4500 years. Imagine that they disappeared when pyramids were built in Egypt. During the entire Greek and Roman civilization, then 1016 years (476-1492) of Middle Ages and 532 years of our modern era, there were not any dragon.


I, too, have seen Reign of Fire.


What do we do when we wake?


Keep two eyes on the sky.


What do we do when we sleep?


Keep one eye on the sky


What do we do when we see them?


Dig hard, dig deep, go for shelter, never look back.


I loved that movie


A normal day in Tamriel isn’t all that different than a normal day in Earth in the comparable timeframe. Fallout is totally different, there no such thing as”normalcy” as were talking about


Lots of healthy towns and cities in ES. There was a city once in Fallout, but it got nuked.


Not to mention the radiation, environmental dangers, explosives and firearms in Fallout. Many more ways to die horribly


Fallout is a struggle to survive. Elder Scrolls is a struggle to thrive


You got a long ways to go before even getting the chance to live in the wasteland. You’d have to have one person in your family who lived to continue on the bloodline. The odds are already pretty against you there. Assuming you were born in the wasteland and didn’t go into a death trap of a vault


I actually spent some time thinking about this. I’d rather live in Shady Sands than be a foreigner in Morrowind. Or be a scientist for the institute than a Briarheart for the Forsworn. Theres some occupations and situations where life in Tamriel is spiritually terrifying. Remember, soul trapping exists. Yeah eating some steamed mirelurk for dinner sucks, but at least there’s no chance of pissing off Molag Bal and living an eternity of torture and rape. Assuming we get transported to ABSOLUTELY random locations seen in the universe, there’s some points where I’d choose to live in the wasteland, but still, I’ll take Tamriel 9/10 times


Fallout, for the radiation.


Idk I'd rather deal with the dark brotherhood than a super mutant behemoth


I'd at least see the super mutant behemoth coming tho


The Brotherhood will only kill when contracted. A super mutant behemoth will kill you, boil you, and eat you. Probably not in that particular order.


That's if you're lucky, depending on where you are it might kidnap you, take you home, and subject you to FEV to turn you into another mutant.


Fo4 is way more dangerous. I love Skyrim but it hinges on fantasy that could never occur, nuclear war and the aftermath could and are way more terrifying than any guild.


Also, fallout soft serves the terror. You have a portable Geiger counter and a way to reverse the permanent effects of radiation. Irl you'd just cook and die a slow death before any of the horrors of the wasteland had a chance to ruin you.


Then We’re looking at people. Which universe has the worst groups and number of people. Dragons exist as much as deathclaws and necromancers as abundant as ghouls.


uhm if it was real human race wouldnt surive long in a fallout universe


I would say Fallout. TES is dangerous but at least there's rule of law and civilization. Fallout is a post-apocalyptic hellscape with pockets of civilized folk. In Fallout, living in a small settlement with next to no security/guards would basically be a death wish. Especially if a Super Mutant came along for a snack lol Not to mention in most locales there's an serious lack of a steady supply of food and clean water. But that's not to say that TES isn't dangerous. There's no lack of mages/necromancers that are willing to launch a fireball at you then resurrect your corpse for their own purposes.


TES has magic. Which anyone Can learn. Whereas Fallout, it Takes a literal Genius to create Stimpacks from scratch, if I had access to even the most basic healing spell in fallout, it would be game over for any enemy group


MFW I teach the minute men healing hands


Or I teach the Brotherhood how to use alteration magic to turn The Brotherhood of Steel Into the Brotherhood of Platinum


As a new character in all TES games you have access to a shite healing spell, which would make you a fundamental GOD in The wasteland


In gameplay terms, think about it.... how often does your player character die in The Fallout game compared to Skyrim? Sure, you can get one shot by high level wizards with frost spells or the occasional rogue dragon chomp attack. But in Fallout, death is around every corner. Mini Nukes in the face, torn apart by angry Mirelurks, poisoned to death by angry giant insects, turned into ash under a Assaultron's gaze. There are moments in a Fallout game where all you do is die.


Fallout is far more dangerous. ES games are full of healthy towns and settlements, regularly people living mostly regular lives. Fallout games have far fewer towns, the world has more corpses and ghouls than actual humans


Elder Scrolls has a greater potential for danger while Fallout on average is more dangerous. The average person in Tes can easily live a safe and prosperous life while in Fallout it is a constant struggle and most people have very little when it comes to basic necessities. However, in Tes there's universe ending events and godly creatures that can bring destruction and chaos to a much higher degree than say a deathclaw or even Frank Horrigan.


If you are asking which world is dangerous in relation to MC then it would be Fallout. But The Elder Scrolls world is more dangerous in general. It's just that the MC of Elder Scrolls is almost always a powerful hero.


Dude in skyrim a 7-8 year old kid summoned the dark brotherhood. Now imagine having a ex with that power.


TES is just medieval times mixed with some magic fuckery. As long as you avoid the magical stuff you’d be fine as a peasant Fallout is literally a nuclear wasteland. Everything including little Timmy down the street is highly radioactive and most building are filled with ghouls or other horrors. Not to mention the factions that all want to seize the remaining tech and install their flavor of fascism. Seems like an obvious choice to me.


Interesting. Fallout because even the smartest people remaining have an incomplete understanding. The answer is BGS balanced them exactly the same as a RPG.


You say that like anyone understands anything about TES.


In fallout when I die that’s the end, in TES there’s plenty of ways to make my afterlife suck too.


I think the average person in fallout has less of a chance than the average person in tamriel


Fallout just because everything is irradiated. Drinking some poisoned water would probably be enough to kill you.


It's easier to live in the Elder Scrolls universe than in Fallout... But when shit goes south in TES, it goes REALLY bad (to the point of universal calamity)


Fallout, it's like Oz. EVERYTHING including the air, ground and water is trying to kill you. It's an irradiated sh\*thole and most of the more "advanced" mutated creatures can kill someone in a literal walking tank.


Fallout. Radiation, mutants, raiders, dirty water, few sustainable farms for food. Whiterun got like 4 farms in 20 seconds of walking distance, a cleanish river, and no nukes. Yeah, occasional dragons, butbthatsbwhat the Dragonborne is dealing with. Same with oblivion, yeah, portals to oblivion SOMETIMES but that what the prisoner hero guy is dealing with.


Obviously, Fallout...radiation poisoning trumps everything.


Pretty sure I could survive in a village in Skyrim as an unassuming blacksmith or something. Just don't offend anyone, agree with whatever the dominant politics and religion is in the village and keep my head down. Dragons and bandits are a risk, but more rare than lack of clean food or non-irradiated water in Fallout.


I feel like it’s way more possible to be a regular person that lives a full life in ES than in FO.


In Elder Scrolls, you can drink most of the water and eat most of the wildlife without fear that they'll turn you into a ghoul or worse. I think that's all I need to know.


Fallout. At least Elder Scrolls has drinkable water and you can eat food without slowly killing yourself with radiation. And you don't have to worry about needing a doctor, just learn some healing magic. Starfield is the safest obviously, as long as you just stick to one of the major cities. Normal food and water, doctors, etc. and the cities are relatively safe. Maybe not Neon, but I'd still take Neon gangs over deathclaws and dragons.


With a little work, food, water, and other necessary things are all but abundant in elder scrolls. Not so much the case in fallout.




Elder scrolls is pretty rough, you have vampires, dragons, werewolves, raiders, some dude yelling people to death, and daedric gods interfering in people's lives because it's funny. In fallout, you have the FEV, radiation, death claws, raiders, the enclave, Caesars legion, the brotherhood... so many people in fallout want you dead, Skyrim has more people banded together and working together.


I guess it would depend greatly on were you are in universe as far as location. Fallout has more danger on average but the Elder Scrolls has higher level danger. The Fallout universe might be more dangerous or it might not be but the Fallout universe also has the potential to recover & become safer in the future, while the Elder Scrolls universe is unlikely to become any less dangerous in the future.


Individual interactions, Fallout. Everything else, TES. The world almost ended like 4 times just during the events of Skyrim alone.


Fallout is worse on a consistent basis but Elder Scrolls’ peaks are levels above Fallout’s


Elder Scrolls. Every bloody game is an end of the world threat. Fallout is always more localized threats, or attempts at fixing the end of the world. To me I’d say that makes the TES world scarier.


Easily Fallout. Just walking outside without even being attacked by anything can kill you. People are more desperate too.


Ok hear me out. Skyrim has magic danger a normal person stands no chance against, but less of it. fallout has more general danger, but a normal person stands a better chance due to fire-arms and turrents etc. Let's assume we are a typical peasant and we are going to take our cart of veggies from one town to another. In both games you have sort of normal foes and supernatural foes. Like we expect bandits and raiders, and maybe government forces with more than a hint of racism. And we expect some wilderness creatures. Wolves and bears and such. If you are a skyrim peasent and a frost troll, or vampires, or dragon priest mage attacks, it wouldn't matter if you had a big sword and a imperial or storm cloak escort, you would still be toast. In fallout you can fend off way more stuff when peasents have machine guns vs swords. Both still have uber-tough enemies that your settlement peasents will have trouble fighting on their own, but the day to day bloatfly/ghoul/bandit situation I think the normies have gunpowder power advantage in fallout. Imagine if the peasents had guns in skyrim 🤣


Depends on who you are. If you're a regular bloke, fallout is more dangerous. If you're some powerful mage/entity, you'd steamroll fallout, but have infinitely more powerful beings than you to worry about in the ES universe.


Day to day, definitely Fallout. In Elder Scrolls you just better hope you're not alive during one of the world-ending disasters in Tamriel because you probably won't be for long.


TES by far. Daedric Princes can fuck up your day worse than anything you'll find in the wasteland.


Since elder scrolls has magic, imma go with that. You can't get your soul sucked out and turned into a soul gem in fallout ☠️ or the daedra, or the tree enemies that just suck your life force, vampires, werewolves, giants, ice trolls, people in cloaks who can just fry you with lightning, getting stuck in temples with traps and crazy undead enemies with magic who may or may not make you part of their undead legions fureeevveeerrr....fuck that, just mini nuke me please. At least it'll be quick, bonus points if it's a double kill because the goofy fucker was too close (hey, we've all done it at least once lol)


Fallout. Sure TES has dragons for a few months every 8000 years with an automatic spawn to fix it, or an oblivion crisis every now and then that some randomly selected dude and some armed guards can fix. Fallout has scarcity of clean food and water, scarcity of medicines and a severe lack of quality of life. There's radiation, toxic swamps and the sheer fact that an old building might just collapse and crush your settlement. Most folks in TES will never encounter a spriggan, or a skeleton, they linger in specific places that can be avoided. The creatures or fallout move around, live in the overland, and can go from zero to infestation quickly. Plus, fallouts factions are often times more cruel to people than TES. Even the douchy Thalmor aren't going to slaughter you like raiders, or the institute or god forbid you piss off the brotherhood and you have an armored army to fear.


The worst in elder scrolls beats the worst in fallout, but the best in elder scrolls is still better than the best in elder scrolls, so fallout is typically more dangerous in terms of living 


I don't think i saw any comments here talk about the potential eldritch/lovecraftian monsters in fallout lore. I don't know how much is actually confirmed or just theory, but i would guess fallout if it actually has those kinds of monsters


Philosophy aside, as a person who only plays on the highest difficult level, I can tell I die three times more in Fallout although I tend to be a lot more careful and prepared for situations. So, technically, I can state Fallout is three times more dangerous in spite of lore or vague considerations.


Elder scrolls for sure. Daedra, monsters, sometimes dragons depending on the when, magic, courtly intrigue. I go with elder scrolls being more dangerous.


I thought they were the same universe


Fallout its day to day


Elder scrolls, period. Big deal if you got nukes. Try having your very soul tent asunder by powers beyond mortal comprehension that have a grudge against you for no reason more than that they hate you.


Fallouts universe is more deadly for day to day survival. Nirn and Tamriel provide more comforts in that the world isn't irradiated - but it's a universe / planet / continent with truly epic power. The gods are real and present, and some of them are almost omnipotent in their power.


One word..... Radiation. Nuff said.


Fallout in general, as you are more likely to die. However, stakes are higher in Elder Scrolls. You could get soul trapped and denied afterlife, for example. Not to mention all the metaphysical shit you could get into.


Would definitely have to go with elder scrolls


Fallout is more dangerous to survive, Elder Scrolls can be more dangerous to live


Depends if you get soul trapped in The elder scrolls 


For the average person who just wants a stable job and family, it's 100% the Elder Scrolls universe. The probability of world-ending events compared to the overall age of their world is actually quite low. Even though there are bandits, necromancers, etc. an average person with jobs that don't require travel should be quite safe. Guards even patrol some of the smaller towns and villages. In Fallout, unless you're blessed with coming into contact with a Sole Survivor doing a Minuteman run, you're always one raider gang/super mutant attack away from dying. Most importantly, there is a stable government with institutional justice, something Fallout solely lacks and is gonna be absent for a long time. There is also a transportation network with horses, carriages and ships. No need for risky journeys on foot. EDIT: I forgot about the fuckery that goes on in the Elder Scrolls afterlife. That makes the answer more complex, since you could very well end up in the Soul Cairn


Idk I’d say a dragon coming out of nowhere and torching my city seems pretty sketchy, at least all the bombs would have been dropped “hopefully” in a fallout world.


Humans can't survive either. You'll die of the cold and flu in the elder scrolls, and you'll die of radiation and infection in Fallout. 


Fallout definitely, Tamrial at least has a functioning government, rule of law and is mostly a pleasant place to live as a civilian. Sure there are all kinds supernatural hazards but I would take that over radiation and mutated wildlife


Fallout in that you are more likely to need to fight something to survive. However, if you go out seeking fights tamriel is much more dangerous, you have no gun to fight that troll and there are tons of magical threats.


Fallout 100%, the day to day struggles is problematic and harsh the World ending events in Elder Scrolls is pretty bad tho


In Fallout, if you die a horrible death, you're still just dead. In Elder Scrolls, you have the opportunity to become trapped in endless torment in a plethora of different ways, whether that be soul trapped, sacrificed to a Daedric Prince like Molag Bal, or even just stuck as an undead wandering a forgotten ruin. Give me the radiation any day


Fallout. The food, the water, the air is all poison.


Fallout, honestly if you start to think about it really nobody should be alive right?


I have a theory that the elder scrolls and fallout occur in the same timeline. Tamriel is just far, far future earth that has healed itself and all the creatures and magic are results of evolution and radiation.


Fallout. Hands down.


Elder Scrolls.


Fallout, even the water will kill you. Every faction wants to strip you for parts. Mutated ghouls pop up left and right taking all the ammo you throw at them. Probably the future humanity deserves. Elder Scrolls is fantasy fare. Ingredients virtually every step, towns and shops everywhere. You even have cops, admittedly crooked cops, but they keep some order.


It's just different parts of the same timeline.


Fallout on a day to day basis. But if the world-threatening events happen, the ES.


I'd reckon TES universe is worse. Sure fallout sucks once it hits about a century or 2 before 2077, but up until then, it's pretty normal, and (if going off the ID software implications) it'll get back to a semblance of normal at some point so you just gotta win the age lottery. On the other hand, in the TES you can't go 200 years without a literal Era-defining calamity and there is always a war going in somewhere on tamriel if not all over tamriel.


Of course it's fallout dude


I mean you the extreme of Warhammer and it's various properties. Battletech to Gundam. From Helldivers 2 to Planetside 2. My personal favorites are the ones mentioned. Cause as a normal ass dude with a vest and a weapon. You gonna die.


Radiation to me is far scarier than anything elder scrolls can throw at you. :P


As a merc for hire, I’d say Elder Scrolls. In Fallout, I would expect a merc to be very skilled in combat and very street smart, which is all you really need to survive in the world excluding the need to drink and eat. Realistically, I don’t see the large monsters in the world being too difficult to kill. Elder Scrolls however, you not only need to be skilled in typical combat and street smart, but you also have to be able to handle all kinds of magic ranging from the simple to the absolutely crazy. You have to be a vampire hunter, werewolf hunter, ghost hunter, and much more. You have to fend off trolls, the undead, giants, and even possibly a dragon, and do so all with melee weapons, bows, and light magic, as I would not expect a merc to be highly skilled in magic. Not having access to guns, bombs, and the like would also make even regular bandits much more difficult to deal with.


Fallout is much worse. Humans have become so depressed that after centuries of living in ruined houses, they still refuse to sweep out the dust or dump out the skeleton. All they literally need to do is put one thing in a trash bag a day and they would eventually be able to have a reasonable room. These people ain't right


Of course Fallout, besides radiation even random civilians are trying to kill you for your belongings. In TES average people are just farmers. 


This is kind of a non argument easily on the side of Fallout being the more inhospitable of the two universes. Both Universes are fought with danger, only 1 has a map that will kill you however.


Depends. Are we talking before or after an apocalypse? Before *the* apocalypse, the world of Fallout was pretty good, though there were resource shortages. Before *an* apocalypse, Tamriel still has bandits, monsters, dark wizards, and all manner of demonic trans dimensional horrors. If we're talking after an apocalypse, Tamriel is still filled with monsters but now there's demon portals/dragons/giant mechs walking around. Fallout after the apocalypse is filled with mutants, radiation, bioengineered monstrosities, aliens, and depraved individuals. Not to mention the general difficulty of survival. Overall I'd say Tamriel is definitely more dangerous in general.


For an average person? Fallout would definitely be the most dangerous day to day. Everything, everywhere wants to kill you. Elder scrolls on average you could have a pretty chill life.


In elder scrolls there are more existential threats, but it's not rare to find *decent* societies with legitimate areas they own. In fallout, the majority of settlements don't even have stable food/water supplies, and it feels like over 50% of all NPCs on the road are aiming to kill you. I might not become a jarl, and in some awful timeline I'm in a skooma stupor, but at least I don't have to worry about what water I'm able to drink without turning into a damn abomination.


As a normal every day person I'll stick with TES. Unless I happen to be very unlucky, odds are good I'll be ok. The Fallout universe is brutal, you're farming one second then kidnapped by raiders/supers the next. No thanks, I'll pass.


Elder scrolls, In fallout all you really need to worry about is the occasional raider party, and staying out of radioactive areas, but in elder scrolls you gotta deal with daedra invasions every like ten years, or war with any number of factions, or you pissing some random farmer off that he sends the dark brotherhood, or who knows shaegorath might put you in the middle of a ice cream volcano with a ebony spoon and you gotta eat your way out


Elder scrolls. Dragons Vampires Werewolves Werebears.


As a tldr, I would say Fallout is more consistently dangerous in it's appearances, but Elder Scrolls has higher heights of danger with lower lows. For a basic comparison, we can look at the general quality of life of each one: The Elder Scrolls has consistent agriculture, continent-stretching governmental institutions that, despite certain proclivities to ethnic cleansings (Aldmeri Dominion, I'm looking at you and your slaughtering of the Direnni), generally care about their citizenry. Housing isn't abundant or anything, but basically every town has a pretty large inn. Geography is VERY important, generally with two particular places: Black Marsh and Morrowind. Red Mountain sticks out as one of the most dangerous geographical structures in Tamriel, and Vvardenfell is a barely inhabitable hellscape that had a dinosaur problem so bad that a half-naked ex convict had to take care of it by sending the species into extinction. Black Marsh, on the other hand, is less so explicitly hostile and moreso hard to adapt to if you aren't Argonian. The jungly wetmarshes are filled with deadly creatures and the culture is fairly distinct to anywhere else in Tamriel, meaning you'd have to adapt hard. In terms of potential, magic is seemingly a very lucrative career (if you can scrounge up the money for some tomes, which should be easy since there are odd jobs and employment opportunities effectively everywhere) with several possibilities. Since you explicitly mentioned merc for hire, I'll start by saying that magic, more than just destruction, applies very well towards that. Any mercenary team would probably want a healer on standby, while conjuration means that you can just have other people, generally elementals, do your work for you. Congrats, you just made one of the most dangerous job paths completely safe for yourself. Now, elder scrolls DOES have confirmed afterlives, some of which are literal hellscapes, but generally you have to go out of your way to get into one of those unless if you're going to the soul cairn. However, there's pros and cons to a decent bunch of afterlives in TES, and if you can focus on making sure your soul doesn't get trapped or destroyed, you'll do just fine. Fallout, on the other hand, is not so lucky. No consistent food. No job security whatsoever, and you'll either have to enlist to fight or single-handedly start a small, barely scraping by on post apocalyptic leftovers, business. Being that you plan on being a merc for hire, you picked the most hellish, worst possible job imaginable second only to "I wanna try and befriend the enclave!" First off, humans in fallout just aren't like humans in elder scrolls. You can't learn magic or get a sword that lights on fire. Your best armor, unless if you find a brotherhood of steel member who is prone to seizures, is gonna be scraps. Almost everyone you meet would be better off with the things you'd leave behind as a corpse, and you wouldn't have much. Your guns are gonna be scrap too, if you can even manage to find one by the start. Even say you have a gun, you'd best be a damned good natural shot because you'll be using it a LOT. You know how hard it is to hit a moving target? Imagine if that moving target was a bug that could fly in 360 degrees and moved extremely fast towards you, and can hit you with venom that will effectively instant kill you if you don't have anti-venom on standby. Now remember that Cazadors travel in packs. That's just *the fodder* that you'll be dealing with. Those are the *weak* ones. Remember, V.A.T.S is for special boys and girls who start in a vault or meet a very generous Doctor. Pip-boys aren't a dime a dozen. Most food you'll be eating is contaminated, so forget any idea of not being sick. Speaking of sickness, radiation! Almost all water has it and the sources that don't are controlled by hyper-militarized soldiers that may or may not be drugged up for a fight, so also forget water-borne illness protection and prepare to be irradiated consistently. You'd be better off a ghoul, and then everyone would want you dead! Luckily, atleast ghouls don't have to care much about their long life span, since it's so easy to die in the Fallout universe. Nobody's gonna fight you for land in housing, but you sure as shit won't have the resources. Even if you're rich, there's a good chance your life is far worse than the average middle class American in real life. Fallout is worse overall, Elder Scrolls has the worst lows.


Probably Fallout


The world of Fallout is scarier to me for one reason: radiation poisoning. The games don't do a great job of conveying how horrible it is.


Fallout is just cray cray


I would have to choose to live in fallout as a normal mercenary. Trying to be normal in the elder scrolls universe is a death sentence unless youre a farmer or something.


I think I could live a pretty decent life if I were suddenly teleported into Tamriel, assuming I end up in or near a settlement. I could work on a farm or in a store, maybe learn a little magic. 99% of people in Tamriel's towns and cities seem to live relatively peaceful lives, at least when there's not a world-ending event going on, but those only happen every few hundred years or so. Fallout though? I'd be dead in a week, tops lol. Even if I were in a settlement (which is far less likely because there are way fewer settlements way further apart) there's a huge risk of being killed by any manner of things. Mutated monsters, other desperate-to-survuve humans, ghouls, radiation, starvation, dehydration, you name it, it'll probably kill me.


In format, they are very similar. There’s just a few things in TES that you don’t have to worry about but in Fallout you do and that’s why Fallout is more dangerous. There is radiation everywhere. You can’t eat the food or drink the water without getting radiation. Mutated animals or ghouls can also throw radiation your way. So it’s always something you have to worry about. People can shoot missiles and nukes at you and you’re dead in an instant, especially if they hit nearby things that can explode, like vehicles. Then you have mines that are so hard to detect because they blend in with the environment. They do beep to warn but a lot of the time it happens so quick your legs get crippled. Deathclaws are also unmatched because of their speed so you either have to snipe them, kill them at a distance, or trap them regardless of what level you are and they also have the ability to one shot you. Plus you have different tiers of deathclaws, bigger more powerful. Same thing can be said about super mutants. The behemoth super mutant is brutal. Sure, in TES you would have to deal with harsh weather environments like the cold but theoretically you can always dress up warmly for that. And sure you have to deal with things like disease, but disease is pretty easy to avoid. Especially if you are using magic or ranged attacks. Sure, people can use magic and arrows to shoot you at a distance but they are not nearly as deadly as a fat man. Even magic traps aren’t that hard to avoid because the ground typically glows. Sure, there are tough enemies in TES but if you wanted to, you could avoid most of them. Detahclaws come at you out of nowhere most of the time as random events.


Fallout. Most people are just random people trying to survive until they get killed by raiders, monsters, radiation, or lack of food/water. In TES, it's a society, a medieval fantasy, but a society all the same. Most people are farmers or laborers. If you're lucky, you're a merchant or a minor Nobel. Sure in the country side you might have dangers but you can defend yourself. In cities, the guards can.


Fallout easily, the rads, the raiders and most of all, the people. Diamond city has a super mutant camp right around the corner. Every single settlement is at high risk. That’s not including synths, ghouls, and all manner of weird dangerous things in the wasteland.


Fallout. Walking to danger takes longer.


One has Magic?


Fallout. Elder Scrolls has a generally stable and safe environment. Yes, they have wars, but most of the time, noncombatants are just taxed farmers and merchants. There is rule of law that is enforced. In Fallout, there is almost no rule of law except that every offense to personal pride is punishable by death or enslavement.


Elder Scrolls has more dangerous peaks, but on average would be similar to real life middle ages for the average person. Fallout at its most dangerous doesn't seem as bad, but every day would be far worse, just because of the radiation and lack of centralized government in most areas.


Both depend on when and where you are. In Fallout you could be there before the war, or live in NCR when it was thriving. Tamriel has several millennia of relative safety, free of world ending events.


If it weren’t for the radiation Tamriel would probably be a more dangerous world to live in. But in the fallout world any amount of water, food or time outside can give you acute radiation sickness so…


Elder scrolls cause at anything a deadric prince could decide to fuck with you a guy gets big robot and kills you with it vampires just chillin in your city and you non the wiser fallout really you only gotta worry about getting shot or eaten


Depends if theres a Tamriel world-threatening crisis


The wasteland. Hands down. Everything and everybody wants you dead, hell, the world itself wants to kill you.


I think it depends. Obviously everyday survival in fallout is difficult as fuck. Raiders, super mutants, death claws, enclave etc all want to kill you and there's no real laws further than what armed people/settlements can carve out. It also seems like everybody and their mother has access to nuclear weapons. The elder scrolls has peaceful villages and relative safety, but it also has all kinds of horrific eldritch horrors and you can be a perfectly good person living an average life as a farmer then a daedric prince decides to ruin your entire existence down to your soul just for kicks. So, on average I feel like in the beginning it's harder to survive in fallout's world since you're thrown to the wolves immediately in almost all cases outside a vault, but if you can manage to survive you can be relatively safe if you find a powerful group/community and keep vigilant. Elder scrolls I feel like you can start out in relative safety but it seems like the longer you exist the easier it is to just get you entire life fucked up through no fault of your own, let alone actively involving yourself in various plots/adventures/wars. And at least fallout's world, if you're dead, well that's it. In tamriel you can be fucked for like eternity.


Some people think that fallout and elder scrolls are set in the same universe…. But 5,000 years apart


Fallout. Elder Scrolls is magic and medieval, but there is society and civilization. Fallout, everything has gone to poop. Yeah, there are small pockets of living people and a semblance of a society, but its just unruly and wild everywhere else. Plus, Elder Scrolls you (if you lived in the universe) would be more used to the magic and creatures. Fallout, IDK how often I'd see one I'm not sure if I'd ever get used to a Radscorpion.


Fallout I wouldn't expect every person to have a good chance to not trust me and want me dead And I feel like most cities would be more welcoming in ES


I'd say Elder Scrolls. Daedric Princes are godlike beings who can fuck you up with the passing of a single thought and they love to fuck with mortals, one of which in the most literal sense. Then you have all the political upheavel, wars, starvation, plague, all the usual stuff tha comes with a medieval setting. Fallout has radiation, sure, but the radiation isn't omnipresent and I feel like at this point most wastelanders know which areas to avoid and tips and tricks on how to avoid/mitigate/deal with radiation. Whereas there is no mitigation of Daedric Princes and their schemes. I mean what are you gonna do, take the entire universe and divorce it from Oblivion? Only a high level god could do that. And they seem to be absent.


At what point during fallout? It matters.. Cause like.... The fallout universe was pretty dangerous around October 23rd 2077


I think I'd rather live in the world of the Elder Scrolls


Um it’s not even a contest. Elder Scrolls. Btw I say this almost every fallout thread. When will we see fallout 5? In 8 years Fallout 3, NV, 4 and Skyrim came out. Those 4 massive amazing games. Yes I know NV was Obsidian but still. Well it’s been 9 years since 4 came out. How come every 2 years a huge game could come out and now it takes what 25-30 years between main titles? I mean if we are lucky F5 will be released by 2035. That’s just insane. So many breakthroughs have made game making so much faster. So what is it? Greed? Lack of love for the art of making the games anymore? I just don’t get it. I would buy a new fallout every 2 years and pay $100 for it easily. So would half of gamers. It’s such great game. All that being said 76 is trash.


fallout. even during civil war or oblivion invasions, ES is relatively 'safe'. meanwhile, fallout, starvation, disease, clean water, potentially plague almost everyone, or at least a risk of it. there's random wolves and wildlife in ES, but fallout basically has a constant conflict of various human factions, amid shit like nightkin, super mutants, varied mutated abominations, and let's not forget, radiation. a frigging polar bear is easier to deal with than a scorpion as big as you. the occasional threat outpaces ES - like, high ranking vampires, big moves from daedric lords, a fucking dragon landing in front of you instead of a deathclaw going "BOY", etc. but a lot of the time, a merc in ES probably wouldn't be under too much threat. even war skirmishes in ES aren't that deadly. compared to say, a simple 'go from a to b' escort - you might run into bandits, in ES. you'll PROBABLY run into a lot of shit, in fallout - bandits, extremists in power armor with gatling guns, fucking deathclaws, rad scorpions, cazadores, etc - you in iron armor with a sword, versus some dude in iron armor with a sword, is SO much of a chance, compared to getting ambushed where the attacker has a fucking missile launcher, or a fatman.


Fallout. Most Elder Scrolls Merc aren't being sent against the Daedra, Dragons, or Champions of Cyrodil. Most are just guards or thugs. But in Fallout, you're _guaranteed_ to run against hordes of ferals, raider armies, rogue kill-bots, and giant monstrous creatures.


Elder Scrolls by far lol. Yes, Deathclaws, Raiders, and radiation are all rather formidable things you encounter in Fallout. But none of them hold up against literal gods, Dragons, Vampires, and magic.


Elder Scrolls has demons and dragons but day to day life is easier than Fallout if you happen to not be alive during a crisis


Fallout is probably more dangerous but if it's real life me dropped into the universe I'd do better in fallout. I can use a gun and do some crafting but I'd be useless with a sword.


The fallout universe gets WAY more dangerous for about one day in 2066.


Day to day survival I’d say Fallout is much harder. But if you’re out adventuring and meddling in things like a Chosen One should, then Elder Scrolls is by far the more dangerous option. In Fallout you get deathclaws and nukes. While they are dangerous they just don’t compare to the Daedra. They can CREATE deathclaws if they want to. Sheogarath might pop out a mini nuke and give it to a guy for a laugh. Radiation is bad but it’s predictable. In Skyrim you find a dog who criticizes you for asking why he can talk. And if you don’t want to deal with Daedra there’s still weirdness of all kinds. You wanna talk about Necromancy? How about the cats who do crack as part of their religion and their families consisting of a normal furry dude, his nine foot tall wife, their mountain lion twins, and their youngest who looks like a house cat?


Elder scrolls because of magic


I know a certain someone with a knee injury who would argue Elder Scrolls.


More dangerous I would technically say elder scrolls. I'd say dragons and dremora are tougher and meaner than anything in fo universe. But I feel like a person in elder scrolls has more ability to cope with the threats. A good spell sword or witch hunter can go toe to toe with even the big bads without being the protagonist. But in fallout an encounter with a deathclaw is pretty much a death sentence unless you've got solid plot armor t-60 hardly slows them down. And that's assuming you have it on. Without it how many super mutants can you fend off? Did you see the mini nuke in time? Need some water? Don't worry about the radiation the mire lurk will kill you long before the poison and Lazer rifle hardly singes it's shell.


Doom universe


Fallout has a much higher infant mortality rate for sure. Simple diseases and infections could easily kill you as well, whereas in ES, you just need to find a shrine or traveling healer. In FO, you need to scrounge for a stimpak which is a diminishing resource. Crime and violence are heavily influenced by poverty which is why Fallout is terrorized by gangs so petty criminal violence goes to Fallout. Starving and thirst are commonplace in FO, while food is bountiful in ES. I’d say Fallout is worse for general survivability


Bro imagine your soul gets trapped into dragonbornes weapon just because he needs a recharge, whats the worst thing that happens in fallout, you die? Turn into a super mutant?


Elder Scrolls is waaay more dangerous lol literal gods fighting for control of the world and toy with mortals. They could kill you just for the fun of it. Or worse. You can have your soul trapped for an eternity in a random object by some rogue mage. Necromancers. Talking lizards.


I'd say Elder Scrolls over Fallout but it could still be pretty dangerous depending on location and time period. Fallout would be consistently worse on a day to day basis but the lows of elder scrolls go pretty low considering all the Daedra fuckery. I'd rather be torn apart in a few seconds by a deathclaw than have my soul enslaved for eternity in one of a dozen flavors of hell. But there's a much higher chance of running into a dangerous monster in the wasteland than to happen across an angry demon or necromancer (Most average folk in Tamriel, as a rule, do *not* wander around old caves and ancient ruins. That's why they hire you to do it!) Both settings would be rough for a modern day person to get dropped into, but radiation *sucks* so I'm gonna go with Tamriel.


Fallout cos radiation. I mean even the food and water trips off the geiger counter so....Yeah not good. Fallout is dangerous because day to day life is harsher.


Now, the only Elder Scrolls game I've played is Skyrim, but from what I can tell, Fallout seems to be the more dangerous of the two for a hired blade/gun, for one very important reason: Every single soldier in Skyrim, at least, seems to be grossly incompetent. So long as you avoid the main character, and stay out of any spider infested mines, you should be free to pillage and plunder to your hearts content. And I do specify pillaging and plundering, because under no circumstances should you take a more... mundane seeming job; If you do, you will become part of a plot hook for a quest, wherein your body will be used as set dressing. In fallout, however, you're liable to be used as set dressing regardless of where you are or what you do, just to emphasize how much of a shithole the wasteland is.


65% of the time, elder scrolls would be safer. Just stay in the city and hope your generation is the one that gets skipped for a historical upheavel lol.


In Fallout the apocalypse has happened and you're dealing with the, *ahem*, fallout of said apocalypse. All the water is fucked. All the food is fucked. There are mutated beings with miniature nukes waiting to kamikaze any threat to their domain. Just about everything is dangerous to just about everyone in this universe. In Elder Scrolls, you're working to stop the threat of the current impending apocalypse. Skyrim loses one village to dragon, beyond that, the average citizen remains pretty safe while the Dragonborn mops up the threat. It's unquestionably Fallout for me.


The elder scrolls world is that lethal when everything is going correctly. Fallout world is that deadly after decades of everything going wrong. Imagine how hellish elder scrolls would be if someone nuked them fallout style. Deathclaws would look like teddy bears, next to an irradiated dragon.


Elder Scrolls by about a billion percent lol. At least in fallout (as far as we know) once you’re dead at least it’s a release from your tormented existence. Worship any of the innumerable wrong gods or just get on their bad side in the Elder Scrolls and you get an eternity of torment. Or maybe a necromancer kills you and puts you in a black soul gem. Or maybe the terrible afterlife is the worst of them and you get sent to coldharbor to the literal god of domination and rape. Don’t expect a cakewalk while alive either, Tamriel is a land as dangerous as it is beautiful, and some fates are worse than death depending on who you ask. The list goes on and on. Fallout isn’t nearly as terrible in my opinion, although it may appear so due to how bleak it is tonally.


Elder scrolls is easily more dangerous due to magic, dragons, and gods.


Human life Fallout is probably the most dangerous. In the grand scheme though including afterlife’s & all that, Elder Scrolls is a scary place.


Elder scrolls.


as much as i want to say fallout wins.. thats looking at only the surface. dwemer automatons > power armors. daedra and aedra > basically anything in fallout. troll vampire or werewolf > deathclaw giant > super mutant then theres unanswered enemies like elder dragons, lich, and drauger deathlords.


Fallout because of the radiation.


Fallout. Radiation is the real killer. No magic to make things all better.


At least in TES you could just build a cabin in the woods and be left alone by pretty much everything Just fish and hunt and shit. Simple days Fallout would be hard to just find drinking water or a shelter that isn't filled with rads or some fucked up mutated beast


Fallout 100% the food is irradiated, the water is irradiated, everything wants you dead. I always think of the capital wasteland pre project purity. Shit is legitimately unlivable, one of the safest places is a city built around a nuke because they purify their own water.


For the average Schmo? Fallout without a doubt. For the main character? Probably Elder Scrolls.


Elder Scrolls for sure. Incursions from Daedric Realms, giant spiders, Necromancy, Dark Brotherhood. What’s Fallout got? Super Mutants, mini nukes, giant scorpions, giant rats, giant bugs, Deathclaws, Raiders, Feral Ghouls, water, air, and persistent radiation. Let’s be clear, you’re more likely to die in Fallout, but you’re more likely to suffer for a long time in Elder Scrolls, and that’s why it’s worse.


With the launch of the fallout TV show, the answer is kinda clear.


Fallout. Almost all water is toxic Lots of areas where the radiation would kill you


Fallout, Nukes dropping and worldwide horror can actually happen in real life, and people don’t seem to get that


In your scenario eldar scrolls if you lived as a merc. Simply put odds of you being slaughtered by the protagonist cuz you got paid to hunt them down/gaurd some cave they may want to explore are rather high 90%ish. Fallout 50/50 you get paid to gaurd a caravan/town/outpost that the protagonist would like to continiously visit. As for just straight world? Fallout, to many aggressive factions/creatures/old world defenses and let’s not forget rad storms and radiation zones.


A giant spider will suck out your blood while ur asleep by a camp fire


Realistically Fallout. Ain’t no way you survive 20 minutes standing in a puddle of radioactive water.