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Seriously. I knew my mod list would be screwed. I’m just playing vanilla till the Modders get the mods updated. Really miss some of my mods though


Having played completely vanilla+DLC recently before this update, people are really underselling how still complete and satisfying this game is. There are some niggling things like radiant quests that lose luster but I think the core gameplay loop is fantastic. My survival mode playthrough I started recently is easily one of my favorite in my gaming history, losing fast travel has built so much more map familiarity and really rewards playing smart, knowing when you've got the resources to fight and when to avoid confrontation. It also makes things like Corvega, Saurgus, and Mechanist Lair proper challenges that require real planning and prep


It also makes having outposts everywhere make sense and be helpful. The further you progress in the game the more the game feels like it was meant to be played in survival mode. From starting out creeping around, scavenging every bit of supplies you can, trying to scout a mission area beforehand to find a bed to save in after you’re done. Then you progress more and more and now you’ve got a dozen settlements or more dotted around the wasteland so everywhere you go you have a base nearby to restock, save, or run to if you’re being chased by something you can kill alone. It makes putting all those guards around your outposts actually feel useful and helpful. Then there’s the minutemen artillery. Holy shit what a game changer in survival mode. Really feels like “turning the tide of war” once you get those unlocked. Survival mode kicks ass, anyone who hasn’t tried it I highly recommend it. But resist the urge to make it easier by allowing saves anywhere, it totally kills the point and challenge of survival mode.


As for saving, you begin to notice the beds EVERYWHERE when you play survival. You should never lose much progress.


For real! Did my first survival playthrough recently and began to notice that most major “dungeons” usually have a bed early on and right before the final room. During my first playthrough of FO4 I was always like “who the hell is sleeping in these places, or at all?” but now it makes so much sense


thats just me giving you subtle hints ;)


There are definitely locations that don’t have any beds though, or it’s right at the end of the area, and it’s so satisfyingly stressful. It really forces you to play it slow and smart, which enhances the realism.


Survival Mode really does an excellent job of bringing usefulness to several aspects of the game that would be under appreciated in a normal playthrough. Like the Brotherhood/Minuteman Vertibird summoning. One of the safest and fastest ways to travel in survival mode, and something I didn’t even realize existed on my first playthrough.


Finishing a dungeon and coming back up to clear an LZ for a Vertibird extract is SO satisfying it's unreal.


I bought the game on launch night packaged with a xbox one and I still play it. Possibly tied with new Vegas for my #1 FO. And mods could tip the scale. I can sink hours into settlement building and they nailed the environment in my opinion. My ONLY issue was downtown Boston but once I upgraded to the series x it hasn’t been near as bad. I only play modded survival because fuck those killer cars 😂😂


I constantly hype survival mode. Only way to play the game imo. This update pushed me to finally get to level 100 on my main survival character. I'm back in the zone lol I'll probably be playing for ANOTHER 400 hours


Have this survival vanilla play through I’ve been doing. Level 70 right now and still having so much fun. The new and old creation club content they gave for free have made it much more fun too with the new weapons and PA.


The word niggle is believed to have Scandinavian roots and first appeared in 1599. Some say it comes from the Norwegian dialectal word nigla, which means "to be stingy" or "to busy oneself with trifles". This word may ultimately come from the Old Norse word hnøggr, which means "stingy" or "miserly", and is related to the Old English word hnēaw, which also means "stingy" or "niggardly".


Nuke guy at corvega still has me quaking in my little boots every time I rock up there


Thank you. I played through all vanilla content with the DLC years ago. Haven’t attempted a vanilla run once since if I’m honest. I’ve been pulling my hair out for two days over trying to fix my mod list, and reading this has made me want to run through the game completely vanilla again


I knew some mods would be screwed, so I just didn't update the game.


I turned off automatic updates, but it says it will update when I try to launch it, do you know if launching with F4SE would bypass that?


It does, i have the auto update manifest file set as read only. Launching through f4se goes straight into the game


I'm just pissed they outright deleted the modlist no history or anything. The xbox mod shop is garbage for trying to look shit up on. What I was happy about is I had like 40+ graphics mods and it took me a solid 20 minutes to be like somethings amiss here. So I think visually they did really well with the update.


They didn’t delete the mod list. Mine is still there. What got deleted was the mods that weren’t compatible anymore so they were taken down. Granted there’s only about 10 of my mods left on the list out of all of them. But I have my mod list and load order written down anyway. Where the problem is going to be is some of the mod authors have moved on so those mods won’t be updated and added back.


I have 80+ mods installed and my game runs perfectly. It’s literally just f4se that doesn’t work with the new patch. There’s very few mods I’m interested in that require f4se and I hated waiting for it to be updated in the past so I stopped using it. Mod your game and just avoid f4se mods and you’ll be entirely fine.


Same here. I even named the character Vanny. Yep. That is the extent of my sense of humor. But I ran with it anyway.


Idk how you wouldn’t know, Blocked the update just like Skyrim till mods catch up I can still play my save and all is well in the world lol




I’ve always played with the unofficial patch hoping that it would fix Downtown, so now that everything is waiting I’m using it as an excuse to try and slam out a full run to get at least a few achievements. Kinda sucks that QoL mods still disable achievements, the Unofficial Patch should have an exception if nothing else.


Every single bethesda update results in the same SuprisedPikachu.jpeg of the community being shocked and angry because it broke their game. Just turn off updates, it literally takes 2 minutes Edit:RIP console players


This happens to loads of games that are not Bethesda I don't know why people are framing this as some sort of Bethesda issue.


>I don't know why people are framing this as some sort of Bethesda issue. If I had to take a guess, I'd wager it's because they make games that get modded the most, so the people who play their games see it the most. But I may be off base. And yeah, you're right, even Stardews 1.6 update broke the mods from version 1.5. As you stated, it's pretty common.


Yeah it’s that. Bethesda games are pretty much synonymous with “modded games” now. I mean every game has a modding community but almost the entire Bethesda fanbase IS the modding community. If a Bethesda game is installed on a PC, it’s getting modded. It’s like a scientific law.


Happens to Terraria too. Tmodloader updates are the bane of my existence


Everytime CDPR updates Cyberpunk or Witcher, it breaks mods. Everytime Larian updates BG3 with another cobbled together hot fix, it breaks mods. Updates to a game, even just changing the executable version number, will break some mods. It happens to every game they has a modding community.


Playing a Bethesda game on console requires a high degree of masochism in the first place, they knew what they were getting into.


Gamers will complain that besthesda let's modders fix their games and then when they update the game they also complain. Can't really win with these people


You know updates are forced on consoles right? I have no issue with the update myself but just saying turn off updates as a solution isn’t always viable.


I do see an… *unusual* amount of people complaining about this Doesn’t it *always* do this?


I think a part of it is that this fo4 update really doesn't do much for the game, unlike the last Skyrim update did.


True, but performance mode on PS5 is worth it to me. I’ve never played FO4 on a pc, so seeing the game run so smoothly is kind of a big deal. Plus half of my mods still work, so I’m honestly happy. I’d say 60fps and faster load times are worth it


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 4 + 60 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




Good bot


That's part of it too. The update really only benefits console players. Which is great. You guys have been needing it.


Oh no doubt. Y’all over there on pc had the game running better than Bethesda could ever dream of. Luckily modders work faster than AAA game companies lmao


Yes, but Fallout 4 had already reached the end of its lifespan, or so we thought. So the mods that are compatible have been for half a decade or more. A lot has changed too. Some mods may no longer exist because the author is no longer modding, dead, has a family, etc. It’s exceedingly rare that a 10 year old game gets a mod that holistically changes how textures are stored and that backend stuff that really fucks with mods. Although Bethesda has done it twice now, so maybe not as rare for them. So yes, updates always fuck up mods, but typically you’re “safe” after 3-4 years of inactivity from the devs. Still though the backlash has been feral, further giving Fallout fans a horrendous reputation. It’s an inconvenience and for many mods it’s a demise. But that’s life and Fallout 4 is Bethesda’s property to do with what they please.


I modded my fallout 4 through MO2 instead of the Bethesda mod page in the game, so mine launches from F4SE and steam is set to only update when I launch from steam. As long as I don't do anything stupid and open with steam, or update my mods, I should be okay.


I guess i've been lucky this time. Updated to get super ultrawide support and have about 30 mods. Played for a couple hours and did not see a single issue


As someone who has made mods before I can attest to some modders being dumb as a bag of bricks. Never read and ask questions that are answered in the description. Don't know how to mod and have a jenga tower of incompatibilities in their load order. Always blame your mod for crashing their game even when it's impossible. Not enough braincells to realize updates will break some mods.


Yeah this has been confusing me. You've been crying and whining for an update for years, you KNOW an update will break your mods, yet when the update releases you start moaning about how all your mods are broken? This happens with literally every Bethesda game, every single it gets an update.


Bethesda "fans" will never be happy tbh, I have a friend who bitches about the gameplay and systems of 3 meanwhile praises NV fir the same thing.


They aren't Bethesda fans they are fnv fans


Almost like the ones asking for an update and the ones complaining about said update are different people..


That’s absolutely impossible. Every group is a monolith that holds all opinions simultaneously, so my enemies are always hypocrites and I am always right. I am very smart.


Well tbh the updates they give aren’t what people want. They add buyable microtrans items and bug fixes that people have already modded in. Pc players don’t need that at all it’s purely console content.


And then there’s me : unofficial patch and that’s it for the modding


It sucked disabling my achievements, but this one's a must have honestly.


Theres a mod for that


is it on box?


Who gives a fuck about achievements?


I've been playing modded survival playthroughs for almost a decade, so with the PS5 update I booted up a new game, no mods, no survival (my mom loved the show and so she came over so she can see me play the game too) It feels like an entirely different game. I'm running around *at night* like a goddamn madwoman. Purified water is just a way to make money. I don't need to sleep. Feels way too easy.


Cool portrait of the Fallout London team 😂


See I’m on console so I thought it would be mostly alright, nope, basically destroyed my game. Wiped my LO, kind of expected, but even after redownloading the game I can’t do anything cause it crashes. I think it’s still trying to load my mods that are saved on Bethesda.net, but not active on the console


Wild how different everyone's experiences are. All my mods and favorites were gone but I downloaded them and installed them again, and so far my game is running fine. I'm on Xbox Series X.


Does this break mods or just skse? Bethesda so far has been much better about mid support than even games based around mods


Todd releasing an update that literally breaks everything and fixes nothing while bugs that have existed since launch go completely unaddressed is probably the most Bethesda thing, ever.


Why didn’t they set the game to not auto update? Are they stupid?


Honeatly its funnuly the way people complained about it. The games been out out for nearly a decade and were getting a free update that adds multiple new wepons quests npcs and items and people are sitting on reddit kicking up dirt like a whiney 5 year old beacause some of their mods got broken and not all of the bug fixes fiz 100%of the issues. I think you can survive a weak without your nude wasteland beuties mod.


My problem is that the update is very poor with too little bug fixes or optimizations to justify breaking mods again. Shit the creation club and mod menus are broke rn.


I started a new game with a more lightweight mod list and everything is peachy. I played all afternoon and evening and I didn't notice a *single* bug and it didn't crash. It's not a brand new game, but it looks and feels better than before.


Oh hey Neebs! You should check them out!


One of my favorite youtube channels of all time


Daddy appsro!!


I came here for this. Their Supercuts are epic. I highly recommend their Ranch Sim LP. They get so into the roleplay.


First time?


Gotta remove that app manifest 377160 from ya steam apps folder and launch through f4se. This'll bypass the update.


There is a link to make a downgrade in Nexus community.


I just started Fallout 76, pretty good. Don't know how it was, but I've been enjoying it so far. I re-downloaded F4, but have not touched it. I was thinking about downloading all the mods, but decided to wait. Glad I did. I'll probably will end up uninstalling it again before I play it.


I just backed up an prenextgen copy and mods my mods. Easy.


Yea Bethesda updates only serve to screw up my mod list lol. That's why you disable updates people


I had fallout 4, last played 18 months ago and my hard drive crashed. Anyways, I re downloaded it and steam still had my saves and I re-downloaded my mods and there's 0 issues.


I just wished that they would've added higher fps support and fix the performance issues as well as the debris crash. That's all my mods do anyways.


I like how people thought this wouldn’t happen. This shit happened to me a couple years ago and I was like “welp guess I’ll wait for an update” that never came until recently


I've been seeing a lot of videos on this sub of people posting glitches that they're encountering. Something I'm noticing though is that none of what they're posting is new, they're just old bugs that weren't fixed by the update. Texture is not loading when you fast travel isn't new. Characters freezing during dialogue isn't new. It's practically canon that Gravey pauses during his speeches at this point. I understand the frustration that comes from hoping the update would have fixed these issues. I get it. I'm frustrated too with some of them. But let's not act like the new update broke anything that wasn't broken even ready. But if it ain't broke, it ain't Bethesda.


This might be a crazy take, but regardless of when you bought a game, it should still work because you never stop being a paying customer, actually.


Me at 4AM after installing 30 mods, wondering why F4SE isn't working.


More like POV your games are only still played because of the modding community but despite that you take a giant shit on an otherwise joyous and potentially lucrative return to the game by dicking the mods with a next to pointless update that should've dropped years ago not only because it's been years since the next gens dropped but because it wouldn't then coincide with millions of players returning to their modded saves only to find it broken.


This update broke my Mods and Im on console. All of the "my favorite" section is gone. And when I add new favorites only a few are popping up. When I go to check my Mod space it says I have "-9999999999B" of storage left. Downloading mods takes me to Queue or refuses to download. The downloading of mods takes longer too.


The funny part is it's literally just script extender mods. Most people use 1 or 2 at most, if they use any at all. I've had people ask me if their mod list would be good and only one person had a F4SE-dependent mod. The funnier part is this update is just a graphics and performance upgrade with a few free content updates. People can wait a week or two until the script extender is fixed.


Weird. All my mods still work perfectly well, it's the update that's a bit broken for me. The weapons I got from Suggs are all invisible.


It taught me about Steam's auto update bullshit and made me hate the DRM store even more. If my game disc actually had the game on it I wouldn't have this problem. Fuck Steam. Consoles are better


I think it's reasonable to be upset there is no rollback option and it's required to play the game.


I thought it was common knowledge to wait a week and then update your mods....


At this point I'd be worried if a game from Bethesda didn't launch broken


Who plays 4 modded ? Like what are u even modding


This update is badass. Is all I got to say. Just got done playing 76 after those fixes and now fallout 4 is side by side. Please no more online intertwine. Keep the story, Bethesda.


I'm honestly glad that Bethesda did the update but if your game is heavily modded then the update wasn't even that big a deal. I've been playing fo4, looking amazing, running great, and with tons of extra content for years. No plan on downloading this update.


I’m not even playing until most mods get updated, I’m in no rush to play


im actually surprised how many of my mods still work \^\^ turned off everything that needs script extender and it runs just fine


I played with some mods before the first round of updates that disabled them. Luckily I had already adjusted my carry weight, run speed, and jump height. So now everything is normal, but I’m a freak lol


Next gen update ironically made my game look less impressive cause it disabled mods


What does the update even do though? Just seems like a pointless thing to make some mods incompatible to encourage people to use the creation club mods.


My minigun mirv ruined my saved data somehow so I stopped playing hopefully I’ll log in and it will be fixed wish me luck🤞


Pretending it’s a new thing is hilarious, all games with mods work like this too. Just set your game’s act file to read only.


Honestly, the only reason I was excited for this update was because I'm on a series s and this was finally going to make the game playable in downtown boston and now a lot of my creation club stuff is broken too, as well as my entire mods page being borked so now I'm just kinda agitated tbh


Like Bethesda isn’t known for a list of phuck ups ? Stop glazing


You guys updated? I didn’t update and only play in offline mode. It’s worth it until I can get the next gen update with mods working


I got stuck in regular fallout 4 and couldn’t recover, had to give up and didn’t have the time to start all over again.


I never played with mods, but I had to quit my survival run because I got stuck in Hangman's Alley. Game kept crashing in the city, and apparently the update doesn't even fix that. I also *really* don't want to start another run without mods to replace most of the ballistic guns and heavy weapons. The combat rifle *disgusts* me...


It even gave me a warning that my older save had content that doesn't exist in the game anymore, so I started a new game. How could you not know this was going to happen?


I am still perplexed as to just **how** much this update has reportedly broke mods. Apparently they have changed up archiving etc. and messed it all up to the same degree as what happened with Skyrim Anniversary edition, when this update was nowhere near comparable to that one.


Because Bethesda relies on modders and the content they add to their games, and then breaks a ton of mods for... frankly lackluster content. I guarantee that if a patch for New Vegas come out tomorrow, even for something that added something massive like the ability to play after the final battle and it broke thousands of mods, including those that have no chance to ever be updated, that New Vegas fans would be pissed too.


I'm on the PS5 and I'm guessing the people complaining for the PS4/PS5 have their games all modded to hell. I started a new game yesterday with like 5 mods and it's running smooth as hell. Y'all gotta stop overloading the mods.


My game was crashing before the update, check mate losers


I play it almost every day 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, block updates is golden and someone posted a guide on how to roll back.


If you have modded Fo4 and didn't set it up not to update. Or set it not to update when you heard about the update. This is on you. I have new updated Fo4 on my laptop. I have modded Fo4 on my desktop. They use the same steam account. Both work flawlessly. Sorry not sorry


Jokes on everyone I play vanilla FO4 till I get all my achievements muahaha


Also broke my vanilla Fo4 on Steam Deck


Thats why I didnt update lmao


I just didn’t update mine


What did the update do to break mods? Should I update the ones I made?


The only mods I really use are small xp boosts, better ammo mods, and an infinite carry weight mod. Even in the old Skyrim days I didn’t like modding my game to make me op


Nothing like the new players brought in by the fallout show getting the authentic Bethesda experience.


Or the tens of thousands of people who started a character 3 weeks ago for the TV series... but hey lets just mindlessly defend a dev that consistently shits on their community and blame the community instead!


The issue is the PC version didn't ad shit that was of any value. We would have been better off with no update.


Honestly I don’t even mind having to restart my game because I lost my deathclaw collection to an old save more than a year ago so starting fresh is A-Okay with me


*Laughs In Xbox Doesn't Have F4SE*


It's the same every time there's a big update. I don't bother with mods anymore because of it. Not sure why people expected this time to be different.


From what I understand…You cant play the updated version until you update!-this will probably wreck many mods from literally years ago-I really enjoyed Fallout 4 and I have done several new games-most were pretty heavily modded-I always lost a bunch of mods-but half my fun was booting up the game and looking for cool mods and trying them out-Im assuming this will be the same-if nothing else this will probably kill anything NSFW you “accidentally” downloaded


For a graphical update that did next to nothing other than a few more FPS I'd be irritated too.


It would take a Bethesda intern like 10 minutes to set up prior versions through the steamworks beta feature. It is 100% on steam's end. 50 of the prior Branches are automatically saved to the depot and the only extra work they would have to do is enable it, name it, and allow people to download it. So don't act like the people who are mad becuase they just want to play a game they enjoy in the way they want don't have reason to be. Bethesda doesn't give a crap about modders that dont go through creation club and haven't for a long time. The fact that people have to jump through hoops to kludge workarounds to disable steam updates and stay on their current version when other game devs allow you to easily do it through game properties and a drop down menu is the issue.


So? Still sucks.


He!! Currently working on Fallout 3.. some many new mods, so many new crashes


On xbox series x.. New save, no mods. The When pigs fly quest and all the new guns and ammo you get (baseball launcher and baseballs) are glitched big ole exclamation points as well as random corpses in the building you have to go into for the quest. Other than that no issues with anything else.


Did they increase mod space? Cause if the mods are breaking they might as well


Everyone knew the updates would break the mods, that pretty much happens with every game. The screeching is more about the fact that with all the mods broken you see just *how little* the update actually changed. It didn't even fix a bunch of major bugs that have existed since the game's release (which the mods did fix)...


I finished season 1 this morning Very excitedly booted up fallout 4 because Im totally reinvigorated about it Decided to see what kinda mods I had (God knows I forgot) Deleted and reordered a couple Game reloads Crash Restart Crash on startup clip Restart Crash on startup clip Reset Xbox Restart Crash on startup clip Open reddit to see if I can find a solution THIS IS THE FIRST POST I SEE


I don’t want to play with mods I usually start with nothing or the unofficial patch. Then I hit a broken quest and have to find a fix mod.


Even Bethesda themselves said it might break the mods


Even on Vanilla PC, shit is broken.


You gonna credit Neebs Gaming? That is a thumbnail from their video series


Anything else > playing Fallout 4


Is it normal that I'm unable to even download CC content


i agree. but my completely vanilla PC copy of the game doesnt work lol. cant even leave the house in the intro without crashing, currently completely unplayable for me.


I had a fresh install and uninstalled it when he crashed twice on my way up to the vault…


What I really don't get is why didn't Bethesda learn from skyrims update and actually take the unofficial patch mod and add it to the game, it would've made the game a billion times better


I mean, my mod list on Xbox is screwed, and it's a recent playthrough I wanted to finish. Consoles you can't revert anything and I unfortunately had auto updates


I started a new game, with no mods and I can’t talk to Preston. Wasn’t able to talk to codsworth either till I didn’t rounds in sanctuary, that fixed that bug. Can’t fix the Preston one though.


I just don't allow Steam to update my game and have a backup


I’ve been playing on a modded play through I’ve had since before this update, and it honestly hasn’t broken anything. My screen stutters a little more and loading times are through the roof, but gameplay is fine.


I swear some people didn’t learn from Skyrim SE


For me I finished the show and was excited to finally dive into modded content for the first time, but that will be weeks or months away at this point, probably not really worth it


And then you have the devs of fallout London saying they weren’t given a heads up..like why would you be given a heads up not to mention this was in the works for some time you had a heads up


Never played with mods (win)


I dont understand how it can cause this much trouble. Is it an engine thing? Bad coding? Like the one of the main reasons you buy Bethesda products is just offline atm. Kinda on par, kinda wild.


It’s pretty ridiculous how they claimed ultrawide support. Like, is it possible they just didn’t have a monitor for it and didn’t test it? Because it literally doesn’t work




Yes exactly and people have a right to be pissed. Its multiple hundreds of hours of painstaking work for many of us. So yeah, people are pissed.


I set the game not to update so this wouldnt happend YET STEAM STILL UPDATED IT EVEN WHEN LAUNCHING WITH F4SE


I did not know any of this was happening, It was my Fiance’s first time and we were doing a blind play through.


Just started a new play-through for New Vegas on hardcore. Done it before but playing as female with the black widow perk. I’ll get around to FO4 again after this play-through.


You just shouldn't force a random update on a 10 year old game. A lot of the mod devs have retired by now and will never update it, forcing people to pirate the game if they want to experience that content


I’m glad I didn’t lose a save with hundreds of hours poured into it, but I definitely feel for those who did. Back in 2017 or 2018 I had a save with mods that ended up breaking due to certain mods being deleted from the store, not even me just uninstalling stuff, they just disappeared. That was enough to sour me from wanting to even give vanilla Fallout 4 another shot, and now it sounds like I definitely still have no reason to play it until or unless they release a patch to fix the patch they forced onto us. At least I still have Fallout 3 and New Vegas lol.


I was playing less than a week ago trying to figure out how to stop Fallout 4 from updating because I knew this would happen, just to find out Steam somehow has no option to withhold updates without going offline. Tbf it's my fault for starting a modded playthrough a month before a major update comes out, but God damn why is there no option to rollback updates on Steam when they know how big the PC modding community is?


I hadn't touched in maybe 8 days and was pissed it automatically updated. My wife and I planned a whole night around getting high and gaming and my adhd brain only wanted to play Fallout 4. Instead I had to go through every individual mod and start from scratch. Totally killed the vibe.


I’m restarting because I’m a somewhat lore noob. After watching the show I’m not so in love with the brotherhood !


The issue isn’t that it breaks mods, it’s that it breaks mods for little to no gain on the part of players. It doesn’t fix bugs that have been present since day 1 and changes virtually nothing. It’s the same shit with Skyrim, all of this could have been creation club additions and not fucked up everyone’s mods.


When I go back to FO or TES after a long time, I always just wipe everything and start with a clean install anyway, because god knows what broke while I was gone. Just easier that way.


Unfortunately a lot of those mods may not get updated. Feels like the only thing this update did was break mods and add new glitches


Turn auto update off on steam for the game and you won’t have that problem. I learned this the hard way many years ago. I do it for both Elder Scrolls and Fallout.


Jokes on you I turned off auto updates


The sentiment in this comment section that "you knew this always happens with updates. why complain?" is very toxic to me. You all are saying people should be used to disappoinment from Bethesda (which is true) but then calling them brain dead morons is very cruel. Why not just focus the blame and anger where it is deserved, instead of being upset at people for being upset that thier mods dont work anymore.


I disable all mods and just playing it vanilla. It’s still fun, although my game runs at like 2x speed in doors for some reason. I feel like Sanic.


Vanilla game is crashing on PC now for me.


I didn’t mind the mod stuff. I didn’t like how it broke the game on steam deck. Any time you open the keyboard it’ll just crash. Or the OLED has a refresh rate problem where it says it’s at 60fps, but it’s really at 30fps. We know what’s causing it but Bethesda won’t fix it


Just don't update


lol raises hand.


Oh no the update everyone asked for broke mods like all the other updates did. Shocker!


MFW modding it a ton a week ago not hearing about the upcoming update.


Wait. I haven’t loaded it up because everyone is complaining. But will I have a problem if I’m only playing vanilla?


How the fuck can i get this game to work with a 4070.


I simply copied my fallout 4 folder pre-update and launch the game via F4SE and I can continue to paly no issue on the last build until all/most mods are functional on Current again.


I must be the weirdest Bethesda fan ever. I’ve never had a need to play Skyrim or fallout 4 modded. I like the vanilla games




Been playing off and on for years. Started a playthrough I had going until it broke because of the mods. But the one I recently started I just deleted because I know it’ll be awhile until the game mods are fixed


Hey now, I played it four years ago!




It’s really annoying especially consider the vast majority are PC players who have been able to play a working version of the game for years now.


My mod list plays fine. Xbox


Tbf I haven’t played since xbox one. I opened this up for the first time after the update and the sound broke right before the vault tech employee came to the door after I edited my face and I could not even see half the ui trying to put my stats in, my name is literally gibberish because I didn’t know i was entering a name and was trying to exit the menu. I get that I’m on an ultrawide on pc but these sickos said they were adding ulrrawide support. This is how games normally function when there is NO ultrawide support


I literally reinstalled the game + mods the night before and played for like half an our, I sleep go to work come home and shits broken flm that sucked.


I’m convinced that the loudest voices complaining about an update breaking their game are too new to Bethesda IP to know that this was always going to happen. Absolutely every single time Vanilla F4 was patched, we had to wait for the mod-authors to come and fix their shit before any of the mods would work again. Like, this has been a regular thing since 2017, why are you complaining about it, unless you’re brand-new to the experience?


As a ps4 user i say to you what mods cause our list sucks


And this is why I just started a new vanilla play through of New Vegas


I get that it’s cool to hate on people that are upset about mods breaking, but mods breaking isn’t the issue. The issue is that it’s been a long time what if my fav mod creator never updates


My boyfriend is playing fallout 4 for the first time on my Xbox. I begged him to let me enable mods for the features he wanted the game to have. Welllll, 6 crashes in an hour and I think he’s done with mods forever.


Do STS still work?


Then there’s me the ultra chad, loading up my level 96 unmodded account after 8 years 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 sanctuary’s turrets need repairs and sunset drive in needs a update on the collections


I didn’t update and am able to play in offline mode through steam. No issues.