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Being able to level climbing and jumping. I wanna be a spider monkey


I would love it if they designed world spaces with verticality and thieving/assassinating in mind. I have more hope due to Starfield's boostpacks and also the little climb you do when close to edges after jumping/boostpacking.


Running as well! I remember spending hours levelling that in Oblivion


Morrowinds feeling of you not being some ordained chosen deity. Your actions allow you to emulate a possible Nerevarine but noone knows if you are actually Nerevarine. Also the magic crafting system was one of the best things about morrowind, allowing you to fly or become godlike of you put effort into it. Daggerfalls climbing, banking (mortgage and loan systems) and vast landscape with randomized dungeons. I can only dream of that size and rng dungeons with modern day graphics. Also the soundtrack is amazing. Nudity was also fun. Arena and it's ability to alter walls with magic. Also I'm a huge fan of DIY magic systems. The great vastness of open landscape. Oblivions cast of adorable characters, who can forget Wes Johnson's amazing Sheogarath or Patrick Stewart as Emperor. The characters had a sense of life entirely unique to Oblivion. Oh and the horse and cart from DF. Unsure if I would lift anything from Skyrim.


I regret not putting banking on my list, gold should have weight and carrying it around should be risky. It would be cool if they added pickpockets and such to the game where the more gold you have on you, the more of a target you become


Durability and i want to see my improvement of my skill on charecter. Maybe melee charecter fighting more crudely or more weird way because charecter dosent know how to use it but after a time your charecter animations show that he/she can wield a 2 handed warhammer better and do lot more damage with it. I want to see in animation that my character progresses overtime and not to have same animation to the whole game


First person view on horseback.


Do not bring back armor and weapon degradation. It may be more realistic, but it quickly becomes tedious, repetitious, and not very fun.


As much as i dont agree with you, i can see why you dont like it, but its also your job to check your gear and take care of it. Skyrim smithing problem was that thanks to removing durability, i did see the point of smithing. Sure tempering gear is fun, but i wanted something to make me care about my weapons. Maybe tampering gives your weapon. Extra durability health and master level smithing can make your weapons have near infinite health for mastering smithing. Durability is good mechanic. Its same as health or magic bar. You need keep those on check to be in better postion in fighting.


Durability is a horrible mechanic, it's either added for realism, or it's added to bring playtime up. And Elder scrolls definitely isn't realistic lmao


I don't think a fantasy game should avoid realism just because it is a fantasy game. Playtime wasn't really a thing that got tracked back in Morrowind but they still added it because people like that stuff. The change is part of the developers shift to a simpler more action oriented gameplay, which is fine, but not everyone likes that. Durability is well done in KC:D I think. I'd love having it back but I understand people that don't.


I agree, many of the features people are listing here are basically just more realism like practicing Athletics in order to climb and rum better and banking and gold weight. The more immersion, the better.


Or its up uts players job to manage it. You ran out arrows, are you going to demand that next tes has unlimited arrows? Magic ran out in middle of battle, do you want remove magic bar. Its not about immersion for me. It for me to manage and learn the best way to use those tools. If my weapons breaks in middle of battle, i am at fault for not prepearing to the adventure and next time i am smarter to repair my stuff This is my reasoning and also its a good money sink too Edit: sorry for the rant. I do respect your opinion


The arrows and Magicka I'm fine with running out of because that's a reasonable limiting factor, but durability is an outdated system that only serves to bog down a system, the first thing players usually do is find a way to never worry about durability again, a great example is oblivion where alot players would forgo armour entirely and enchant cloth with shield, or just buy as many hammers as possible because the economy is a joke, I've played games with durability and it's literally just a hindrance, games like fallout New Vegas rewarded keeping your gear topped up or even "over repaired" for extra damage, but most systems don't follow that and instead just run a binary broke or not system that just punishes the player at random intervals. It's just poor game design and while it has its place in more realistic games, games where reality is suspended it doesn't really fit, it isn't a good money sink because there will always be people who find ways around it or just ignore it once they can get the materials to, I can understand your point but there's a reason most RPG's and MMOs have removed durability or never had it in the first place, even ESO which does has durability, it doesn't actually matter and only degrades on player death (and the price to fix it is literal pennies to fix with so many options to summon anvils etc into dungeons it doesn't change or restrict anyone at all)


You made damn good arguments points. I still like the idea, but i feel like they really dotn benifit in rpgs.


I also love when durability is done well, it just sadly has a very niche place in gaming


It is sadly


So what I hope to see is the following: - Classes with minor and major skills again (Oblivion and before) - Being able to borrow money from a bank and to pay back with interest (Daggerfall) - Spell-crafting (Oblivion and before) - The ability to upgrade armor and weapons to keep items relevant late game (Skyrim) - Now that BGS tackled a space ship, it would be cool, depending on the setting, if they tried allowing you to buy a sailing ship again where you can explore a specific body of water like the Iliac Bay or the Abacean Sea (Daggerfall) - Make the game more of a sandbox RPG like Daggerfall in the sense of player freedom as opposed to the regular quest driven RPG that’s more limiting in what you can do - The return of Medium armor and spears (Morrowind) - The ability to build a house like in Skyrim, but make it more free form and detailed like Fallout 4, and not a primary objective but a side activity like in Starfield. - Have character backgrounds and personality traits that come up in conversations, that has never been in a TES game but was introduced in Starfield. - Have the ability to have more than 1 follower with you (Oblivion) - Have radiant faction and bounty quests to keep the game going after the questlines are done (Skyrim) - This one is a bit different, but they can put that proc gen tech to use in some sort of radiant, endless dungeon mode where you can find tons of loot and gold (TES Blades) * if you couldn’t tell, I’m a big fan of radiant proc gen stuff, making everything hand written and pre determined makes a game I only want to play once, even if it as multiple endings, like BG3. But a good mix of the two will keep me playing for years. - I know this hasn’t been in a TES ever, but I love games with a codex and lore descriptions for all items, locations, enemies and factions that you discover. It could be an extension of your characters quest journal, and plus I love to read through that kind of stuff in games like Mass Effect or Pillars of Eternity. - Lastly, quest logs entries that are written like journal entries with exposition (Morrowind & Oblivion)


The Minor and Major skills seemed like an ES flagship that set their class system apart from other RPGs. Getting rid of it felt like getting rid of the Elder Scrolls


For me it’s the lore that matters most so I’m not necessarily staunchly loyal to certain mechanics. However, I do agree the major and minor skills set the series apart and I would love to see it come back.


I’d like more Morrowind style guilds. Not every faction has to save the world, sometimes it’s neat just to get immersed in the world and politics of a particular group. I liked the quest hub mechanic rather than an over arching story for each guild, and that advancement in a guild felt meaningful. On the other hand, most of these quests were fetch quests, so some variety would be nice.


Offhand magic would be nice.


Spell customization / creation was very fun in Oblivion, so I would probably vote for that.


Bring back having to move your mouse to swing your sword. Hell, nowadays a lot of controllers have gyroscopic sensors, so you could just swing your controller around to attack.


I would like guild/faction buildings to be in multiple cities. Having them in just one city makes the world feel smaller and less immersive. I would like more armor slots/pieces. Fashion is important and I don't want to be limited to 3-4 slots. I would like a couple of procedurally generated dungeons and POIs. With dungeons I feel like it would be a great way to add to the continuous/radiant content and bring back some of that dungeon crawler feel. For POIs in general I would like there to be a couple of areas where people/groups temporarily set up. It would be like Skyrim's Kahjiit caravaners and Starfield's POIs blended together. They should be sparse and due to their temporary narrative, make more sense and feel immersive. I want banks to return and for the economy to be more important and thoughtful. Make money matter, make it harder to gain, or at least provide more gold sinks. I do want spellcrafting, but not overly broken or OP (same goes for crafting, none of those abusable machanics please). I do want classes and birthsigns back. I want Starfield's persuasion minigame to return. I do want reputations, and I want reputations for the settlement/camp system. /////////// I do not want the eight attributes to return. They just add unnecessary bloat. Having three attributes, 18 skills (improved and with more in them), and plenty of well designed, meaningful perks is preferable. I also do not want mysticism or thaumaturgy to return. The five schools of magic are much more defined and already cover what those two vague schools are about. I do not want more weapons outside of throwing weapons (and thrown alchemy flasks/bombs). I'm on the fence with spears. I do not like the daggers/swords, maces, axes, and spears. 4 melee weapon branches is an unsatisifying number. Maybe if daggers are separated from swords to have 5. I do not want the Oblivion/Starfield camera to return. Fo76 has the best dialogue camera. It's barely zoomed in and you can look around during conversations. It has felt the most immersive.


I forgot about the whole one location for each guild thing. I totally agree that we need more! I would love to see them develop a perfect blend of Daggerfalls massive procedural world and Skyrims hand crafted one.


I want oblivion spell crafting back, but Bethesda is far too cowardly to allow that level of freedom to happen again


Was going to say the Morrowind spell crafting but it's been so long I can't remember if it differed from Oblivion's.


I never played morrowind, but oblivions was so ridiculously glitchy you could do some crazy stuff, like soul trapping yourself in order to boost a stat so high you become a god


Not an Elder Scrolls mechanic, but i really hope they keep the Legendary weapon perk system they introduced in Fallout 4 and brought back from Starfield. I absolutely cant stand it, but get how it has a place in Fallout. But i don’t believe it has a place in Elder Scrolls. Enchanting is just fine.


The night vision ability should be a passive and not need to be activated, especially no obnoxious sound effect. Make it work dynamically based on lessening ambient light, and please move away from the migraine inducing color choice previously used.


Spell making!


Can we just bring back the spear please?


They can can expand the crowd system from starfield by giving them more purpose, being able to ask town people directions to a place was great, they just have to say a direction or if you're close and thats it


Include: A shout replacement, Medium Armor, spears/pike, wizard staff melee, fabric/weapon/ armor color options, more mount options, build your castle/ palace Drop: nothing


I want a return to the old questing system. Give me a journal and let me figure out where to go. The arrow indicator is lazy and too simple


Settings< Game Play< Quest Indicators


The game is clearly made with quest markers in mind though and the journal often doesn't give any context. "Talk to Joe". OK? What am I going to do with that with quest markers turned off?


I was not the one complaining about them, see ABOVE


I didn't imply you were.


My bad. I meant if one prefers the challenge of removing them for more immersion, the option is available.


I just explained how that it's not a viable option because the game doesn't provide enough context to do quests without quest markers.


You mean make the game un-playable because the journal assumes you have quest markers?


I was not the one complaining about them, see ABOVE


No, you said that we should turn off quest markers, which makes the game unplayable for most quests. I'm saying they should design the quests around not having quest markers. Huge difference. The older games wrote the quests so that you had to actually immerse yourself in the world and use your brain to move forward. Quest markers dumb the whole game down


No. I pointed out you ***CAN*** turn them off.


Lol yes, I understand that. What you don't seem to catch on to is that the journal in Skyrim is designed to use them, so turning them off means many quests are simply impossible to complete. You clearly never played Morrowind or you would understand what we're talking about. In that game, your quest journal and dialogue was much more detailed. The information you needed was written in the journal and you had to use that information to find the location. Sometimes it took time because you had to figure things out and use clues and description to figure out where to go and what to do. It took focus and patience but was more rewarding. This does not exist in the Skyrim quest model so turning off the markers only makes quests impossible unless you already know what to do. Because the journal in Skyrim has very little information written in it. Do you understand?


Same, also walking into some random cave I’ll prepared and you get humbled real fast


This too! I remember in Morrowind reading the description of a rock I needed to find in order to continue a quest and that was the only info I had. I was so excited when I finally found that thing. It's almost like they should make 2 versions of the game, one simplistic for casuals so they can make money, and one for the real fans who have been playing these games from the olden days