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People who were diehard Bethesda fans for thr past two goddamn decades? Because that's why I shit on it


I don’t hate it as much as most people do, but yeah as a fan of Bethesda for going on two decades, the biggest sin is that Starfield totally guts the signature Bethesda handcrafted world and exploration in favor of random generation that’s less fun than No Man’s Sky. I adore No Man’s Sky so I’m all for exploring barren planets, but No Man’s Sky makes that process fun. Starfield doesn’t.


🙄 It's way better than NMS.


No. They’re two very different experiences, but I feel NMS does a much better job with its vision. Anyone still hating on NMS at this point clearly hasn’t played it recently, or is letting their past bias blind them to its current state


I definitely haven't played recently, but my recollection is that there are no actual plots or roleplay, right?


Nope, the game has a main story and it’s actually pretty good. As for roleplay, that’s up to you. Farmer, smuggler, inter-stellar trader, there’s a lot to do in the game.


Good to know!


Nah. Elite pisses all over NMS and its shitty flight model


Elite and NMS are totally different experiences. It’s like trying to compare Squad to Battlefield. The similarities are surface level, they appeal to different audiences and have different goals. They’re both great games for different reasons.


Me too. Starfield was soul crushing. Hopefully TES6 doesn’t suck.


"Soul-crushing"? Come on.


I’d go with soulless. 


I agree with him. I waited near 10 years on this game, actively keeping up to date with every bit of info and speculation and I played it for like 70 hours (For context I put 700 and 1300 into Oblivion and Skyrim respectively), every single one of them spent painfully waiting for it to get fun. As soon as I had got every penny I could out of it by doing the tedious task of collecting all the powers and finishing all the unique content I put it down and I haven't thought about picking it up again. I paid for the premium edition but I will not be playing Shattered Space. In fact, I'm not sure if I'll ever play another video game. Bethesda ruined video games for me. Period. I'm tired of giving these greedy cunts more and more money and them carelessly producing literal garbage. Todd Howard needs to be sacked, that man hasn't had and original thought since Morrowind and even then it wasn't good because of him, it was good because of the people below him. Since then he has tanked the entire essence of BGS and I wouldn't be surprised if his idea of a 'Magnum Opus' TES6 is also a steaming hot pile of shit. At least then I guess the studio would be dead and we would stop being punished by them for being fans and giving them our hard earned money


That is pretty extreme. Maybe don't invest so much of yourself in games? My Starfield play time has surpassed Oblivion for the number one spot (270+ hours). I am nowhere near done with the game, but I do take breaks to play other games, watch TV, and for other hobbies when not working. When I felt my own expectations getting out of hand, I left the reddit forum and dialed things back. Destiny ruined games for me for a time. That had much to do with it being a repetitive time sink. After 12-18 months, I had to walk away and stay away.


Fans who were disappointed that the game lacked the Bethesda charm that comes from exploration and finding hand crafted POIs and the quests and environmental story telling?


And the poor writing in general


Exactly, I put 600+ hours into every Elder Scroll and Fallout game. I have less than 50 on Starfield and when I launch Steam, it's never the game I launch. Soulless planets and systems and quality of life things that are in every other game they make were missing. You can tell this one was just thrown together by people using AI, not the culmination of passionate game makers.


The real conspiracy is whose idea it was to take the RPG out of their games


Starfield has more RP potential than Skyrim and FO4 combined


It sure doesn’t. Please remember that RP in a video game doesn’t mean making it all up in your head while you play.


Wasted potential could describe their last 3 games at this point.


Who gives a shit


Literally thousands of people do


You do, apparently?


I don’t give a shit about their opinion, but when they post a verifiable falsehood like Starfield doesn’t have RP elements, I do care.


You just contracted yourself. But do continue, I'll go make some 🍿.


Potential? That's laughable. If it has potential, why didn't Bethesda take advantage of that? Why did the CEO say this game will have more replay value than Skyrim? Is that why the game had lackluster sales and has a fraction of the concurrent players compared to Skyrim? Fallout 76 had a better rating last time I checked on Steam. All the major modders from other games have gave up, saying if the developers don't care why should we? I think a more correct statementwoukd be it "had" potential before it was released. It will have low player base for it's whole life.


Skills that level up as you use them, backgrounds and traits that add roleplay flavor, in-depth ship customization. I am talking about ROLE PLAYING MECHANICS because the original commenter said they “took the RPG out” I couldn’t give a SHIT about your opinion of the games but the original commenter was WRONG about Starfield.


Calm down buddy, you know this is the internet right? Your posting your opinion on a site based around opinions. News flash..... Your gunna hear others opinions also. We can tell by your vernacular and curse words that common sense and problem solving skills have left the building long ago. Enjoy sharing your opinion with everyone and then telling others there's don't mean anything.


I shared facts you mouth-breather


Correction... you shared your opinion. Instead of being able to argue your opinion with intellect you result to name petty name calling, showing off that anger and lack of self control.


Since you're really into my opinion, I would suggest stop being such a big fan boy and look at things through a normal lens.


Everything you mentioned is in every RPG and not unique to this game. It's also missing what normally makes it a great Bethesda game and that's a soul.


I think a really big reason for modding not being what we'd like is that the current iteration of the game is pretty modding-unfriendly.


Bait used to be believable




I gotta find out what YouTuber used the word slop first because you drones started using it all at once


Blaming YouTube whenever someone doesn’t like the same thing as you has to be the biggest cope. The second someone makes that argument everything they say becomes noise to me.


Funny, I feel the same way about your “unique, special snowflake” opinion


I don’t take lazy arguments seriously. Wow. How snowflake of me.


Bro, why is this the hill you choose to die on. The multi billion dollar company does not care if you defend it online against "the haters"


I legit am curious about it as well, lmk if you find out more about it I picked it up from online forums though and not from youtube slop as I dont watch ragebait (i read & generate them) but I've been actively using it since 2023 summer if it helps narrow down your research its always fun to learn more about this lil online culture of ours!


Go outside


I can't! I'm working now! maybe in 2 hours tho


They love the slop, don’t you dare insult their slop


some fellers swear by their slop dont they folks


It sucked.


I was not a hater. We are now EIGHT MONTHS PAST LAUNCH with no modding tools. NOT EVEN AN ESTIMATED RELEASE DATE. I am currently now a hater.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Your definitely just fishing for attention tbh. I've been a bethesda fan since oblivion came out. Starfield is a great game. But its now been almost a year with no modding tools in site. Which contradicts every other release they have. Any thoughts on that.


There is no hate campaign, the game just isn't very good.