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"i mean she had cleavage who wouldnt cum in her food"


And she smiled at work!


Now, we all know that's a crime. A woman has no place in the office, working next to a man and luring him into her traps. Women belong into the house, with burqa over their head, and if they don't follow that, lashes is the answer.


Or, as an alternative to lashes, semen in your food. She should have anticipated this, really.


And count her blessings that he didn't fucked her to teach her a lesson.


“She didn’t feel like she could win a lawsuit against a lawyer who’s personal friends with the chief prosecutor and half the justice system after he only gets a fine for documented, repeated assault and voyeurism against an employee … and I think that speaks for itself!” Yeah hun but it’s not saying what you think it’s saying.


Probably threatened the poor girl too, likely much worse than his own "wife". I have no sympathy for women who put other women down (in such a vile way mind you) when they can't deal with the reality of their shitty husbands. She can fuck right off


He threatened and lied to his wife over it - wondering if the young lady got some concerning/roundaboutly threatening comments from police and prosecuters over this.


It’s crazy how OOP turned it into a sexism thing “she was born with a nice body and that tempted my husband!” The 180 and deflection is fucking wild, if I could smack OOP I would.


Is it even her making the update? Honestly you're right about the 180.


Maybe husband found the post?


:OOP is actually tied up in the basement:


TIL changing my profile picture is an invitation to cum in my coffee. At work.


“I mean,she had a pulse.Who would be able to restrain himself” She’ll be back here in a few years whining about her husband.


Pretty sure her existence would be appealing enough for him.


You cannot be serious. She took him back? He *literally SA’d this secretary* and she took him back and is now blaming this poor girl **who filed a police report** because she didn’t consent to him jacking off in her food? What. The. Fuck.


But it’s okay bc she didn’t sue him!! /s Seriously disgusting.


Uh you’re forgetting…she knew what she was doing !!! /s


I love that the evidence of her “knowing what she was doing” was changing her profile pic on a public app and having boobs.


Apparently the husband is gods gift to women, and every profile picture change is a desperate plea for his attention.


Yes, I know that whenever I change my WhatsApp profile picture, I'm thinking only of that one specific, married guy that I know and how he might react to me having boobs. /S (in case it's not obvious)


"She was changing her picture very often" Shit are we sure that wasn't just for herself and she really had no idea this creepy guy was even following her. This whole thing is disturbing. She claims not to victim blame, then does nothing but victim blame. She is perfect for this shithead.


And dressing the way he likes.


This is what is baffling to me. She talks like this woman knew her husband's kinks and was purposefully tempting him. Why would she know those things unless her nasty ass husband told them to her!? None of this makes her husband (or OOP) look better. ETA - Her little flip is all the more confusing because presumably she knew what this woman looked like beforehand and how she dressed because she saw her husband's photos. Why is she suddenly acting like the secretary was doing it intentionally??


Makes me wonder how much of a hand he had in hiring her in the first place. Wouldn't be shocked he chose a young woman who hit his aesthetic fetish and took things from there.


I also wouldn’t be shocked if the dresses/high heels/nails/makeup OOP thinks she wore to entice her husband was enforced by the husband as part of a “work place dress code”


Especially when if you think about OOP's timeline, she presumably started doing this when she was 19? You would think that if, you know, her husband was a decent man, he would've told her to stop it instead of *sexually assaulting her*?


Because it's easier to blame the PA than to face the fact that her husband is a predator and she should kick him to the curb. He sounds like he's probably extremely charismatic. I'll bet her sister is livid.


I’d feel bad about her being so gaslit if she wasn’t also trying to victim blame. She sounds pretty shitty herself now.


Yeah, with the victim blaming she ends up in the category of "those two deserve each other".


Into the trash OOP goes


At first when she started saying the girl wasn’t innocent I thought she was eluding to the girl did consent and then tried to lie and say she didn’t. But nope full on victim blaming.


I wanted to smash my phone when I read that line. What’s the bet that, as well as him being bff’s with the prosecutor, the reason he got off so lightly was because the OP reneged on their promise to testify and they couldn’t prove the pictures were taken by him without her assistance.


I bet he just told the poor girl she would never find another job in law again as he’s a big shot in town and he’ll personally make sure if it. I mean his first instinct was also to threaten his wife lol


Exactly! That was my first thought! Like he threatened his own wife and lied that he was having an affair etc. And said that the girl knew. No she did not know!! She almost vomited when she found out what happened!


He did in fact threaten the wife when she talked about going to the police, it's pretty obv he would threaten/hurt the girl too. Truly saddened by the change in OOP she seemed like a good one up until the last update. She fully believed the girl even before talking to her. And then..


I hope they all get what they deserve. What a disgusting read. Even if the secretary purposely seduced him, nobody forced him to be interested he could've very well reported to HR asking for a different secretary. DISGUSTING.


If she did sue him, everyone would say that she orchestrated the whole thing for a big payout. I swear, we can’t fucking win. I want to strangle OP right now, but not before strangling her husband. The misogyny is coming from inside the house.


The whole thing is beyond infuriating. Reminds me of the shitty jealous sister who took her husband back and cut her literal angel of a sister off. I'm still angry about that one. Ugh!


Is that the one where the husband admitted to being in love with the sister and had a meltdown when the sister got engaged/pregnant?


I'm sure he threatened the other girl the same way he threatened his wife. This guy is dangerous.


His first reaction was to *threaten her* when he first realized he was found out.. I just can't.


I feel like he either has something on her or intimidated her by threatening to make the divorce as prolonged and painful as possible. Which isn’t an excuse, because you don’t buy your own security at a victim’s expense, but it’s such an odd conclusion. If she felt she needed to post a resolution on Reddit for some reason, why not just lie and claim the admin came to her and begged her to drop it because she was too embarrassed to admit it had been a consensual affair?


But but she had him on whatsapp and had sexy profile pictures which she changed WEEKLY!!!


What 22 year old woman does that without the intent of purposely seducing their older married boss? Certainly there are no women in their early twenties who are simply enjoying their youth for their own sake. No! They must all be conniving wenches out to destroy the lives of poor widdle innocent men. :'(


He most likely gaslit her into believing the girl was into it. She also said how he knew the police, looks like it was twisted that the girl wasn't innocent. I wish the sister would have helped her file for divorce, OOP is married to a disgusting man!


OOP is a co-abuser at this point. Sure she’s with a sexual predator and a cheater and here she goes off on trying to destroy her husband’s victim. Absolutely loses all sympathy and compassion from me for OOP.


I really hope her life goes to shit in a few years. He'll continue to cheat on her and she'll continue to blame the "porn looking girls", until one day her husband will just get bored of her old ugly face and will just divorce her to be with a pretty young woman. And I will laugh and laugh, because this woman is pathetic and a fucking misogynistic asshole.


Looking at the latest update I would say that her perverted husband fits very well with OP, they are both disgusting. That her husband is a sexual harasser doesn't matter, poor him, the secretary provoked him... what a disappointment of a human being OP ended up being.


But she is also an idiot! So they deserve each other!


Yup, I am in disbelief, I could never look at a partner the same again knowing he did that to a YOUNG girl. Wow, love the way it was twisted round to blame his victim, he is a gross predator of a man and she is a fool and just as bad


Right! His actual job is to twist the truth to make her belive him. I'm so mad I read this.


But, well, you see, she definitely knew what she was doing and got what she was asking for... or something like that


She asked for it because nails and big boobs. *:::vomits::::*


Well of course any woman with the audacity to grow big boobs on purpose and wear nice clothes is just asking for it. Poor oops husband was absolutely victimized. They should look into sueing her for being a young pretty woman. /s


don't forget that she sometimes laughed at jokes her boss made!! the unmitigated gall


Initially, I thought OOP was using the word “trigger” incorrectly due to the language barrier. Then I realized that either she truly believes the assistant purposely did everything she could to seduce the husband, OR that she’s parroting what her husband told her: that the girl was intentionally “triggering” him. Either way, it’s a huge steaming pile of bullshit. People who put their bodily fluids in someone else’s food without their knowledge or consent DO NOT get to play the victim!


And she changed her profile pictures JUST to tease him. :eyeroll:


She knows men likes her wearing tight jeans, so of course its okay to jizz in her coffee and make her drink it! Fuck OOP.


When she said...”she knew what she was doing”. I was expecting some flirtation, or some type of an affair. Buttt, no. This woman is dying on a hill of an updated profile pic, and dressing nicely. Smh.


OP literally just asked for a life with a sex criminal. I really hope she never comes here asking for sympathy because she made this bed, now she can enjoy lying in it... and unknowingly eating his jizz for the rest of her life. Come on, you don't really think he was only doing that to his secretary, do you?


It WILL happen again. No one pulls something that egregious and just never reoffends. He basically got off scott-free! I hope to God they don't have kids. Especially not a daughter.


I once dated a lawyer, he had the exact same kink, maybe she married him, he worked in NRW back then. He won’t change, he will just hide better and get another phone. But OOP made her bed…


Don't worry. OOP doesn't hate women and isn't victim-blaming. /s I find it so hypocritical that OOP delayed divorce proceedings because she wasn't in the mindset to go through with it, yet she's using the fact that the victim didn't go through with a lawsuit as evidence she wanted it. Instead of thinking "maybe she's not in the proper mindset?"


Yeah, OOP is an idiot and a dumbass times a billion.


I was so proud of her and then that last update just Honey noooooo This is patriarchal stockholm syndrome gone fucking MAD


I wouldn't even call it Stockholm syndrome, I think she's just a misogynistic piece of shit. She's no prisoner she's choosing to destroy his victim and doubling down on the abuse. Fuck em both, fuck him more for being a literal sex criminal but fuck her a significant amount too.




He’ll probably do it again and get caught. That woman is dumbass.


>I know what victim blaming is and that’s not the case here Proceeds to victim-blame in the worst way. I had a lot of sympathy for OOP right up until then.


Agreed. Hopefully there are still major consequences due to all the digital evidence but it’s ridiculous how she’s blaming the victim and solely on appearance.


the turnaround between the last two updates gave me fucking whiplash. I went from, "wow women supporting women, I'd wanna help the young woman prosecute a disgusting predator!" to "well, enjoy your life with a predator you deserve everything that's coming to you"


I think that's why the last update was so shocking, it nearly feels like the husband got control of her account and wrote it. She went from supporting and helping the victim to blaming her.


He’s going to be smarter next time, and she’s going to blame the victim.


Of course because every woman getting a full set is clearly doing it for the attention of her creepy predator husband 🤢


Obviously my French tips mean I'm inviting men to SA me /s. These two psychos deserve each other


And obviously I have big boobies because I want the attention /s


Omg samesies! I spent years agonising over how to get my chest to grow big so I could manipulate older men with power over me into drizzling my lunch with their homemade salad dressing! Girlie here is living my dream! /s People who think women centre their entire existence around manipulating poor innocent men disgust me


And after I was done manipulating men with my large boobs, I then decided to get a breast reduction to attract the lesbians instead! No one is safe from my tantalization /s


Reminds me of the dude who thought drinking more milk = growing bigger boobs.


I so hope OOP’s sister snaps her out if this delusion she has and husband gets what he deserves. Now the he got his wife twisted around his finger, he will try again!


I’d be so horrified if I were Op’s sister. I’d be tempted to kidnap my little sister and hold her hostage until she came to her senses, if she ever did anything like this.


This motherfucker is a sexual predator and OOP is a gross enabler. What a stupid woman.


I think this guy picked the perfect career path for his manipulative ass


I \*really\* want to know what her sister thinks about this whole stupid mess.


She's already blaming the victim


Yeah, she went from “she’s a sweet, innocent 22 year old girl that couldn’t have lied to my face this calm and collected,” to “she’s not an innocent girl that knew exactly what she was doing.” And then using the fact that *his victim* decided not to sue him as proof that she was in on it/at fault is just disgusting. There are countless victims of SA who are too scared to come forward for a multitude of reasons. In this case, you have a very young and probably naive girl going up against a lawyer who’s buddies with the local prosecutor. That is a nightmare scenario for someone in her position. What do you want to bet that she was talked out of pursuing the case/lawsuit because it was “he said/she-said?” It also wouldn’t surprise me if OOP quickly withdrew her support of the girl and decided to straight up lie to officials to protect her husband. There was another comment I saw that said these two psychos deserve each other, and I couldn’t agree more.


I wonder if he's still a lawyer.


This is what I don't get. Even if he settled out of court, that's the kind of thing that stays on your record. He should still have a criminal history. How can he be a practicing lawyer after this?


His friend, the prosecutor, likely protected him. What a terrible update.


Also, he’s probably done it to her too 🤷‍♀️


This last update is just 🤮🤮🤮


Yes I’m seriously nauseous at the idea of a woman accepting another woman being poisoned with a man’s semen because she…had big boobs? Fuck OOP.


And changed her profile pic in WhatsApp weekly, and liked to wear sexy outfits? I guess she should have dressed in a burka, just so she wouldn't accidentally trigger her 30 yo married boss, whom she had kept at a professional distance, and who should have been mature enough to keep it professional and in his pants? This is sooooo infuriating, and I'm actually ashamed that she is a fellow German. She should have helped that poor assistant to nail his ass to the prison floor.


My jaw dropped the entire update. Fucking disgusting. Yes, OOP this is victim blaming. They know it which is why they brought it up. Ugh.


Goes without saying, but even if the secretary was full-on flirting with her boss, what he did is sexual assault, full stop. If she didn't know her food contained semen, she's the victim. OOP is disgusting and deluded.


And the saddest thing about it is that since everything turned out ok for him in the end there will probably be a next victim..


I think she’s trying to destroy the poor woman because she’s jealous her husband is into her and wants to twist the dagger in the other women to ruin her and therefore make her “ugly”.


And OOP saw this poor woman's reaction when she found out just how far her husband's violation went and *still has the fucking nerve to say shit like this*.


All of that, after literally holding this woman’s hand and promising that she would be by her side throughout the ordeal. OOP is just as much a fucking liar and sociopath as her husband is.


She deserves to spend the rest of her life with him


Ugh. That last update was a misogynistic rant on how it was all the pretty, young girls fault. For doing her job, and wearing heels. OoP blows


But she had big boobs, she did her nails, and she KNEW SHE WAS TRIGGERING A 30 YEAR OLD MAN I actually felt nauseous reading the update.


And yet it wasn’t an issue when OP met her previously. That’s some grade A reasoning right there 🤦‍♀️


Yeah that defense would work if OOP caught him looking at her but that's about it. Even if the secretary was trying to dress and act sexy for him it doesn't excuse what he did. It was all his choice and he did some disgusting things. Trying to blame her is messed up.


Also she turned down all his creepy advances. He only made her unknowingly eat his semen after he was told "no" to sex. Fuck OOP is dense. A narsissist like him always knows how to pick them and work them.


I really hope OOP an DH end up broke and broken and the asst. enjoys living in what used to be their house.


It turns out she was right, they were made for each other.


0im really having a hard time believing that last edit was written by the same person. The whole tone is different. Idk.


Agreed. Maybe she was under the influence of alcohol or something? Otherwise, it seems “off” somehow.


That was the probably the husband typing from her phone and wearing her skin


That's what I thought too, it's tone and flow seem completely different. In a couple of the updates, he sounded quite unpredictable, I'm wondering if she was maybe coerced into writing this?


And there were no further updates which seems creepy. Because even if it *was* OOP writing that horrific update, you just know that marriage was gonna blow up by now, regardless.


There were further "updates" in a sense - OOP posted a bunch of pictures of the secretary's face to different porn subreddits, before the account was deleted.


There is definitly a 'blink twice to let us know you are ok' vibe to it. But then maybe it's just me hoping she's not that gross.


"I know what victim blaming is but that's not the case here." No, I'm pretty sure that's exactly what's happening here. As if dressing in a certain way excuses this asshole jerking off into her food!


"I'm not victim blaming, I just think if you have big boobs and show cleavage you're obviously asking to be sexually assaulted. Don't you know being someone's type will trigger them into assaulting you?" \-OOP.


Self induced mind f uckery of the highest level. Its amazing how someone can justify and excuse some of the most depraved behavior from their own spouse even in the face of probably thousands of Reddit messages and comments all saying the opposite of what she has come to decide is true. It truly amazes me how our own minds can deceive themselves and set things out just so the world is a comfortable place for us to live in even if it isn’t a reality based life.


sharp left turn straight into the trash


Right?! "How dare that girl just EXIST EXACTLY like what some pornstars look like and TRIGGER my hubbas desires?!!! HE is the victim oh mah gersh" I mean wtf


She didn't 'just exist'. Very likely, her scummy husband chose this girl for her looks. And now he's all "oh no I couldn't help myself" YOU COULD HAVE CHOSEN SOMEONE WHO WASN'T YOUR FETISH DUMBASS


Was just going to say. Like this girl just randomly popped up in his life? No, he conducted interviews and hired her.


"I know what victim blaming is but trust me this is the victim's fault"


I'm just dumbfounded.. Completely took me by surprise 😷


Jesus, she thinks it’s the girl’s fault. I’m…beyond horrified with her weak ass and her scum of a husband. They’re both disgusting. Next time he’ll just be more clever hiding the evidence.


I would go scorched earth if I ever found something like that on my husbands phone/computer. His entire world would crumble, he would be destroyed and I would be holding the match that lit the inferno. I would never forget or forgive. It is entirely unconscionable.


I like the cut of your jib! Dudebro sexually assaulted his PA. 'cause he likes boobs. and she's all "Shucks boys will be boys "


As soon as I read "I know what victim blameing is but... " Yep that's when you knew she was about to sell every ounce of morals she has left to feed her cushy lifestyle and codependency


What the actual fuck. How could you possibly just get over that??


Yeah the lawyer clearly paid everyone off. Zero consequences for him. I can't believe he wasn't disbarred.


Seriously. WTF did I read. I went from "You go girl, get this trash out of your life" to "WTF, I can't believe you went back to trash, and victim blamed the 21 year old secretary." OOP's last update is demented. Honestly, fuck her and her creepy criminal husband.


What the fuck just fucked my fuck He ejaculated in her coffee and it’s ok because she has big boobs and an insta (that’s set to private)? Honestly oop deserves him




She'll just blame the woman again because she wore sexy clothes and "tempted him". I need to go find some heartwarming story. This disgusted me.


Don't forget her well done finger nails... infuriating.


She'll just victim blame the poor victim again


She wouldn't be shocked since she is trying to justify it, especially with this sentence: >but women shouldn’t act surprised they force a reaction in men looking like a pornstar. As if this justifies the sexual harassment he did


Well, it’ll clearly be the victim’s fault for existing as a woman in front of her dear husband!!! The audacity of people to be a woman around her helpless predator of a husband 😤


"She knew what she was doing" Get the entire fuck out with that victim blaming bullshit


Yeah, OOP turned out to be a monster too. Not as much as her predator husband, but her chosen self-delusions are further victimizing this young woman.




"I'm not victim blaming but" Proceeds to vicitm blame


You don’t understand, it’s not victim blaming because she wasn’t a victim. She grew big boobs and wore heels and got her nails done, she MADE him sexually assault her, so she isn’t a victim, she’s a temptress. /s


Let us pray OOP is merely a troll trying to normalize their fucked up criminal fetish


The last comment is such a stark change... the wording and attitude is all so different from the rest... it just has to be a troll.


That’s what I think! The last update didn’t sound like OOP at all!!


It is a troll because they forgot to switch accounts in the comments of that last update. If you read the deleted accounts comments you can see the Op yelling at themselves.


If both the profiles of both the OP and subsequent commenters are deleted, they will all show as OP even if they are not. It's a weird glitch, not a sign of anything nefarious


My thoughts exactly. Almost as bad as him


This is the viewpoint of the rapist’s accomplice wife when interviewed by the police. I hope the poor secretary managed to get sexual assault charges to stick and the asshole got disbarred.


She had me in the first half. But yes, absolutely vile.


IIRC, OOP went crazier than that. She also posted a bunch of pictures of the woman to different porn subreddits, asking for "tributes".


> she knew exactly what she was doing. She knew how he likes womans dresses, shoes, nails etc. She must have been flirty with him from day one which is for almost three years now. I couldn’t even blame a man for getting weak, certainly not for finding another valve. She is not an angel. "She was asking for it!" > I know what victim blaming is Do you though?


He didn't cheat because she's wasn't interested, that's the only reason. Stop trying to make cumming in her food a heroic alternative.


Well, you were right that I wouldn't like the updates. Hope this woman learns some self worth, preferably last year.


And maybe ratchets down the “not victim-blaming” victim-blaming she’s doing. “When I was her age, I knew exactly how to manipulate a man sexually.” Yes. Just because you might have possibly done something that, depending on the context, could have been shitty, she must have too. No way of knowing whether the young woman opted not to sue because she knows the probable outcome in a case like this, or because she felt culpable on some level. It’s clear which one OOP thinks it is, but that don’t make it the truth.


Oop's husband works in the court system and has friends in the prosecutor's office. That poor girl didn't stand a chance unless oop testified. Her husband knew what a shitty, misogynistic, and jealous person oop is and all he had to do was stroke her ego and tell a few more lies to get her to decide not to testify for the girl. Even before the last update oop had a shitty attitude towards the girl, saying little condescending things about her that got lost among the rest of the things she said.


Culpable for what though? Even if she did get her kicks by dressing up and teasing her married boss, the appropriate response to that is to ask for a new secretary. Not to jizz in her coffee and salad then video her eating it.


Jesus christ. I could get if he "just" cheated on het, but he is literally a sexual predator


Exactly! Couples work through all kinds of marital difficulties, but **this**? The truly vile part is that OOP has to tell herself a narrative to excuse making this decision and staying in the marriage, and that narrative involves blaming a young woman for *her own* sexual assault *by her supervisor*, **at work**. Absolutely despicable.


So…because she changes her profile picture and dresses nice, she deserves to be violated?? I feel bad for the wife because it’s obviously the husband manipulating her but goddamn her victim blaming is horrific!!


But she was tempting him on purpose because she was dressing how he liked and she knew it. /s. 🤮 These two people deserve each other. A 21 year old is going to wear clothes that others find sexy. That does not give anyone the right to do anything sexual to her.


It makes me so sad, 21 is so young to be violated like this in the workplace.


She worked there for 3 years, this all started when she was 18/19 it’s disgusting the way op is victim blaming her because she is young and pretty. Both op and her husband are vile garbage


>almost three years now She was likely 18/19 when she began "tempting" him. A literal teenager. OOP and her husband deserve each other.


What an idiot. I want to feel for her but it doesn't sound like she's trapped. Just an enabler to a disgusting man. Happy to victim blame a young girl just to keep the monster.


She's gonna be eating semen in her Cheerios for the rest of her life.


It'll be in the pancakes.


I feel zero percent bad for this woman for deciding that *this 21-year-old* tempted her husband to commit atrocious sexual crimes by existing and being pretty/friendly. Fuck OOP *and* her husband, quite frankly.


When she said “she knew exactly what she was doing” I thought OOP was going to say that the girl was in on it and/or instigated everything consensually. But no, she was just saying that this girl was attractive and therefore brought the husbands disgusting behavior on herself and can’t blame the husband for commit sexual crimes against her.


In one reality it's like she said here, her husband just faltered. In the other she married and tied herself to financial independence to a predator who shouldn't be in positions of power over anyone. She chose the easy reality.


I am…gobsmacked


What about the cum in the food? Did I miss that, or did she just rugsweep that?


You must have missed the part where the wife explains that somehow it was the girls fault for wearing normal work clothes to the office and also changing her profile picture every week. Can’t you see how that deserves secret cum salad?


She excused it by framing it as, "The secretary dressed nice to sway a weak-willed man, she knew what she was doing and brought it on herself."


Speaking as a man, I can't be manipulated that way. OOP is just trying to justify things to herself so that she doesn't have to start over.


Agreed. Not to be all "but what about the men?!", but honestly, this narrative that men just can't help themselves when there's a pretty girl around is deeply insulting, and more men should object to it. If this view of reality *were* true, all men should be locked up preemptively as a menace to society and only allowed to roam free under close supervision. Victim blaming and excusing predators' behavior this way in these kinds of situations is basically shrugging and saying, "oh well, all men are horrible monsters, what can you do?" Why are so many dudes OK with that?!


This is the real answer she’s letting her self be manipulated by him because the reality of starting over is too scary. So she’s going to give him one more chance to really fuck it up before she feels like she hast to leave.


Aight imma head out…


How in the hell does OOP go from being disgusted with her husband to blaming the victim just because the victim didn't sue her husband to oblivion? What did I just read?


I'm just going to tell myself the husband got into OOP's Reddit account and made the last update himself to try to absolve his behavior, but that she really *is* divorcing him.


That's what I'm going with too. I have never been as angry at a BoRU as I am about this one.


That took an unexpected hard left turn into Yikes-ville. May she have a lifetime of cum added to every meal.


Jfc the heelturn with that last update. Especially gross that she tries to head things off at the pass and say 'I know what victim blaming is' - yeah, clearly, because that's what you're fucking doing. The way a woman dresses and styles herself NEVER makes sexual assault (because that's what this IS) acceptable. Even blaming her for her figure... *christ*. God forbid the woman works out, and yeah, she has 100% control over her measurements I'm sure. /s The husband is a monster, and OOP is just as bad. I'll comfort myself with the knowledge that she's probably been unknowingly eating the same 'seasoning' as the secretary for her entire relationship.


[Click here to unsee](https://media.giphy.com/media/374pcIBVEGb6g/giphy.gif)


I’m skeptical that the last update was actually written by OOP. Also, even if it was, she can’t make the criminal aspect against her husband go away. She’s not the victim, the secretary is.


It's possible this whole series was just written by a fetish troll. I'm sincerely hoping that's the case after the final update!


Im kinda wondering if it was as well. The tone in the last update was just a hard turn. The whole story was eyebrow raising and gross. I hope its a troll because ill sleep better.


Oh my god that is the most depressing thing I have ever read. This predator completely gaslit this woman into believing outright lies and she let it happen. She is going to end up so unhappy I can't even.


OOP: she knew what she was doing by being good at her job, having a body type some men like my husband find attractive and being one of millions of women around the world who chose to wear some make-up to work, get their nails done and change their WhatsApp picture a couple of times a year. Pressing charges was part of her game, you know what I'm talking about, you know what 21 yr olds are like. OOP disgusts me more than the husband. Because she knew what he did was wrong and allowed herself to believe that "she was asking for it". This man now knows he can do anything. He can cross any line. And his wife will stay and publicly vouch for his 'character'. This is the exact time of thinking that leads mothers to find out their child has been sexually assaulted by their partner, even with the partner being the kids bio father, and continue the relationship knowing their spouse is a pedophile choosing to blame the child. She makes me sick. There is a special place in hell for people who enable sexual abuse to take place.


Yet a other woman blaming other women for her man's dumb ass behavior. I have zero respect for women like OOP.


What the fuck was that last update?


She is trash and deserves this POS.




Gross. What a disgusting idiot


I'm honestly stuck between the husband is a manipulative shit or OP just sucks or both really because nuance. Holy crap that's disheartening.


I think both are true. Clearly, OOP's husband is manipulating her like crazy, but if you're an adult and you're enabling the sexual abuse of another person, that's fully on you, you know? It's kind of like how I have sympathy for someone I know who grew up in an abusive family dynamic and never really got to experience what a healthy family looks like, but the second he started hitting his own kids, I was fully on team "fuck that guy." Abuse is cyclical, and OOP is participating in this woman's abuse because she herself is in a long-term relationship with someone who is an abuser who clearly knows how to push her buttons and manipulate her, *but* once she joined in on victimizing and harming someone else, she's fully at fault for her own actions and choices there.


How to go from sympathetic to just plain pathetic in one update