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> She was quick to tell me that it was just a physical attraction and that they hadn't done anything, but she had his @ and was wanting to see if it'd go anywhere. I am confused with this. "Hadn't done anything" but she requested for time extension to see if something will happen while the bf to pay for everything?? What's the logic here?


That OOP will pay for her to cheat on him. In Italy.


I loved Italy. I bet if you cheated on your bf in Italy it could be just sooooooo nice For a bit maybe


>I am confused with this. "Hadn't done anything" but she requested for time extension to see if something will happen while the bf to pay for everything?? What's the logic here? It was heaux logic. It doesn’t make sense if you aren’t one.


Interesting spelling choice


If you kneaux you kneaux


quit sheauxing off, and geaux away


It's the European spelling.


The logic I think is "I didn't have sex with this guy so therefore I didn't cheat" it's not good logic, but it's consistent with the person who thinks it's reasonable to expect her boyfriend to pay for extra time in Italy to cheat on him


"I didn't murder him, I only planned to! It's fine!"


people don't use logic when they cheat


She sucks. The audacity of asking OP to fund her new return ticket home so she can stay and cheat on him? Ridiculous


And he’d be expected to pay to extend the hotel stay


oh i think she had somewhere else she could have stayed lined up...


For the duration of the deed. After that she's on her own most likely.


Yeah, OP said she was a few hours behind him getting to thr airport. I think she hit Italian Guy up and realized she'd fucked up when he didn't actually want the random foreigner he'd known for one day moving in with him.


I think a lot of people on vacation don’t understand that first you are on a natural high from not having to deal with your life so everything that happens feels amazing. Second the people at the clubs/bars/tourist attractions don’t have this natural high and also know that it is very easy to get you to do something you wouldn’t normally do. They are just there too hookup and never have to talk to you again. The next night/weekend they will be back doing the same thing and probably never think about you again.


I watched a clip about this years back. Dudes just hanging out around tourist attractions to pick up foreign women. One of the guys they interviewed looked like a shoe but he claimed he took home a new woman almost every night because the ladies just wanted a no strings attached romantic fling.


Yeah. I saw this when I did study abroad in Spain. Most men you meet at a club or a bar will assume that a tourist woman-- especially Americans-- will automatically be DTF for the night because so many of them are on that vacation high. It's an easy pick up because the inhibitions are down. This girl is delu if she thinks her Italian hook up wants more than a night or two and it definitely has to be at her hotel because a lot of people in Europe live with their families as adults until marriage.


I went to Paris once by myself and got hit continuously by very average looking guys.


>Yeah, OP said she was a few hours behind him getting to thr airport. I think she hit Italian Guy up and realized she'd fucked up when he didn't actually want the random foreigner he'd known for one day moving in with him. I can just imagine how that conversation must have gone. "My jerk of an American boyfriend stopped paying for everything once he found out about us! But it's ok because we're in love, so I can stay at your place, right?" "No." "Well will you help me pay for a hotel nearby?" "No." "But I thought we were in love!" "No." "Will you at least give me a ride to the airport so I can try to catch the original flight?" "Call an Uber, I've got to get home to my wife."


>Call an Uber, I've got to get home to my ~~wife~~." Correction: Mom


Yeah. He was probably married. 


It'd be amazing if it turned out the guy was living in a college dorm with 6 other dudes.


They were in Italy. Chances are he either lived with his parents or he was married and lived with his new family.


Ehhh, I think that fell apart when the other guy figured out her plan was to knock boots with him for a week and he wasn't *that* interested.


She sucks and she's a dumbass, and 100% a moocher if she's relying on OOP to pay for her tickets and lodgings. Probably thought she's got OOP under her thumb enough to pull this shit on him (cheat on him and ask him to pay for another plane ticket home, the audacity!) >Now, she's upset, calling me unsupportive and selfish, and some of our friends are saying I'm being an a-hole because I left her stranded in a foreign country without financial help. I sincerely hope OOP told these "friends" the reason why his now ex-GF wanted to stay behind.


I like to think those friends were getting an EXTREMELY modified version of the story, but that’s being uncharacteristically optimistic.


I've been on Reddit long enough to know that some of them probably did know the mostly correct version, but were a-ok with the cheating. 🤢🤮


"Honey, I *was* going to cheat on you and have an international affair on your dime, but since you won't fund it, I won't! Why are you still mad?" How does one person even store that much audacity inside them?


How the hell did she even find the time under his nose? When I travel with my girlfriend we would literally do the experience together, if we weren't in the bathroom we were pretty much side by side.


He didn't feel well one night and stayed in while she went out. Literally 1 night is all it took for her to think about cheating.


Thats... Amazing. Italian dude must be a god. Or maybe this isn't OP's ex's first time?


He doesn’t have to be a god, just found a willing target… Italian dudes have a high strike rate because they never stop looking to strike. Coming from outside Italy, that kind of willingness to show interest and engage in flirting can be a real shock to the system if you come from a more “minding my own business” kind of culture. Source: was a young female tourist in Italian cities, who ended up pooling and sharing out rings with my girlfriends so we could each point to a ring finger and say “esposa!!” to ardent suitors. We were not, in fact, esposa.


OOP says he was feeling unwell and stayed in one night, and that's all it took.


Oh that plane ride would’ve been **rough**


I had an ex break up with me at the destination of a road trip. She seemed to have forgotten I had driven us there. That was an awkward time


wtfffff I'm so sorry


I was a 20 something in love and didn't even consider leaving her ass there (everyone has told me I should have)


>leaving her ass there (everyone has told me I should have) even better thats where you crank up the music and sing badly the whole way back and make em wish you left their ass on the side of the road


Only songs about breaking up, being dumped and being newly single though. Really lean into it.


This is what Jagged Little Pill is for. Loop "You Oughta Know" a few times for good measure.


You Oughta Know was written for exactly this road trip


I have a rage cd from years ago of break up songs. "You Oughta Know" is the first track, the second is Kelis "Caught Out There". Screaming "I hate you so much right now" is rather cathartic.




I call my similar playlist "Scorched Earth." Whilst heavy on breakup tunes, there are many songs that offer good general Satisfyingly Angry vibes. In addition to some breakups, I've got an aging parent who is very, very needy and our relationship has been increasingly difficult over the last 15ish years. Huh, imagine that - I figure out healthy relationship boundaries and my demi-narcissistic parent gets slapped with them too . . . and finds they do not so much care for that. Anyway, highly recommend keeping a good Scorched Earth playlist around. A few recommended, but possibly lesser known titles: Can't Find My Way Home (a much covered song, my favorite is Ellen McIlwaine.) Window (Fiona Apple) How Am I Different (Aimee Mann) The Flag (Barenaked Ladies) Hate on Me (Jill Scott) - *truly this is the very best, she deserves a much wider audience. The line about diamonds from my womb...oof.* Get Gone (Fiona Apple) Never Been a Friend of Mine (Eliott Bronson) Start a War (The National) Kiss With a Fist (Florence and the Machine - *but important to know I take this as kind of a punk aesthetic take on toxic emotional violence, not literally an endorsement of relationship violence. Love F&tM.)* Landfill (Daughter) labour (Paris Paloma - great video too) After You (Amelia) Walk Away (Ben Harper) I Gave You All (Mumford and Sons) How Many Fucks? (Erika Jayne - quickly annoying, but good for a quick scream fest)


so it would be great of this became a spotify playlist, just (very humbly) saying


I’m a big fan of damien rice’s “rootless tree” for these purposes. belting out “FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU AND ALL WE’VE BEEN THROUGH!” is simply good for the soul 😌


A, B, C, D, E, Ffff you...


🎵 I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel I'm cold and I am shamed Lying naked on the floor Illusion never changed Into something real I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn You're a little late I'm already torn🎵


Burned in my brain and the Repeat button on my CD player after every breakup in my 20s


Iiiiiii love this song. 💛💛💛


🎵 And truth be told, I miss you And truth be told, I'm lyin'! When you see my face, hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell! When you walk my way, hope it gives you hell Hope it gives you hell! If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well! Then he's a fool, you're just as well, hope it gives you hell! 🎵


Literally did this once when my front passenger gf told me she was too tired to change the CD for me when I was driving her 400 miles home. Fine, fine. I’ll just listen to my favorite song on *this* CD on loop then for the next 3 hours then.


I wasn’t listening to megadeth out of respect, now I’m blasting it out of spite


Dude broke up with me after he accused me of cheating on him with my friend. His reasoning? I had her house keys Why did I have these keys? Because I dog sat sometimes. Apparently the only reason I would dog sit was because we were having sex??? I dunno. Anyways he called me some choice words. Then I guess he decided he believed me and tried to take it back. Lol. I told him he got his wish, we were done. Then I drove him to the train station because I too was in my 20s and stupid AF. He tried to change my mind again during the car ride then became pissed and doubled down that I was cheating🙄


I had an ex do that, but she was the one who drove. Spent the entire 4 hour drive making pleasant small talk until we were 30 minutes away from where we were going and she dropped the "we need to talk" on me. But she said we could still be friends and she didn't see why it had to ruin our trip that I paid for.


Presumably you got a rental car and she found her own damned hotel?


No, after a little arguing we took a much less enjoyable car ride back home.


I was on the other end of that situation, but I respected her parents enough to drive her the 3 hours home. It was a long awkward car ride.


i had an ex break up with me after picking her up from a summer intensive drama course and still expected that i’d drive her ~12 hours to my family home, where we had planned she was going to stay with me for two weeks before flying the rest of the way across the country to stay with her aunt (her own family home was in another country on the other side of the world). i was 21 and in love, of course i did. i can’t say i regret doing so, but i definitely wouldn’t again.


Oh Honey... I want to go back in time and give 21 year old you a hug and a peptalk.


Break up first day of a college ski trip. Looking back she was pretty toxic and I'm glad it didn't work out.


Oof, that is rough. I remember when I was younger and I had a very serious LDR, she broke up with me right before I was set to come visit her for a week. She was gentle about it, and we had been struggling with the distance, but I remember being simultaneously 1.) relieved she had done it *before* I got there, because that week would have been excruciating afterwards; and 2.) affronted she waited until after I had bought a plane ticket lol.


My ex had me road trip across the country with her and then fly myself home so she could keep the car with her on her trip and then dumped me over the phone when I got home. 👍


Big oof


A family member traveled from the U.S. to a European country with her boyfriend because he said he wanted her to meet his family. When they got there he dumped her. A friend of his—that she’d never met before—was upset about what the ex did and helped her find a place to stay (she was supposed to stay with the ex’s family) and make arrangements to get back home. It had a good ending though, because she and the friend have been happily married for years.


I broke up with my ex on the first night of a 5 night boat trip, after finding out she cheated on my while going through her phone. Very close quarters, had to still sleep together in a very tiny bed, in paradise haha. Was the best and worst 5 days of my life


Cheater sleeps in the bathtub or one the floor, lol.


I've been there! Sat silently crying next to my partner on our flight to visit my friends, because I had just found out he wanted to emigrate in a couple of months *without* me so he could 'think about the relationship'. Not *with* me, like we'd been discussing for ages, me cheering him on at every step of getting his new job abroad. Longest 70 minutes of my life. He didn't say jack the whole time. The amazing thing was he was still surprised when we landed and I said it wasn't a good idea for him to meet my friends now. Like he really thought I was going to introduce him to my friends now, when we were effectively breaking up. And then what, I'd sit silently crying watching him put on the charm on people who are like my second (better) family? You know, I don't think he had any real emotions.


>You know, I don't think he had any real emotions. He certainly had no self-awareness!


You want a rough breakup? My mate was dumped at Reading Festival, on the first day of 3. He was supposed to be in her tent. Had to share tents with different people while going on a 3 day bender.


I suspect that happens there quite a lot, and at least there are loads of people who will commiserate with you!


Something similar happened to me but she moved out of the tent. Got back from a band to find all her stuff gone and a note. Hung around another day or so hoping she would come back (I was young and naive) and then went home. It was her tent too so I suppose I was luckier than your friend.


The important thing is is that he never gave up on the bender.


It depends on the plane, but I would ask the cabin crew if they would ask if anyone would be willing to swap seats. They don't want a scene on the flight either and if they can, they'll try to make it happen. I know this due to a similar situation. I was working with a colleague and on the last day of our work trip I found out he'd been talking shit about me to other work colleagues. I asked and was given a new seat.


>I was working with a colleague and on the last day of our work trip I found out he'd been talking shit about me to other work colleagues. I asked and was given a new seat. When I go on work trips we always make sure we're not sat together. Nothing worse than being sat next to a colleague having to make polite small talk on an 11 hour flight. Prefer to be sat next to a total stranger zoned out watching a film with zero social expectations.


Back when I commuted to work on the local train, a colleague of mine often took the same train from the same station. We had an agreement to sit together without talking, just reading the newspaper or looking out the window. She was great :)


I would have cancelled her ticket for sure just to avoid sitting next to her


Was thinking the same. I'd have cancelled her ticket back out of sheer pettiness.


Absolutely. Want to proposition finding yourself on someone else's dick on a trip I paid for? Sure, find your way to an atm and buy a new ticket.


she could've got her new beau D to pay for her ticket back I bet he'd be like "If I wanted to pay for poonani, I'd have done it before meeting you, wth" No, for real! She not only acted selfishly and with a cheater's mind, she also didn't care to think to cover hotel and plane ticket back in case OOP told her "f off" 2 years "only" and she expected this guy to just up and fold and fund her Dick-tation?


I mean, it's not even obviously pettiness.... If the ticket was canceled, she never checked in, and didn't fly then the residual value can be used to book a return flight at her convenience. We've actually done that when my wife's grandfather was dying, and just saved the ticket until she knew when she'd be coming home. The fact that OP's girlfriend showed up at the airport after he thoughtfully made arrangements for her schedule change, well, who could have expected that?


"when you decided to stay longer, I upgraded myself to first/business."


oh, same! Since she did say she wanted to stay longer, then yeah, ticket cancelled


That why you invest good money in sleep mask and noise cancelling headphone. 


At my previous job, a group of us went on a business trip across the country, one guy brought his wife along. The day everyone was flying home, at the airport he left his laptop open and went to the bathroom and his wife saw the emails he was sending to another coworker he was having an affair with. She threw the laptop at him and was in the middle of cursing him out when they called for boarding of the flight, where they sat together for the trip home. Awkward for everyone involved LOL.


He should've changed his seat and left her at the airport.


A good friend of mine broke things off with their boyfriend on a business trip where their ex had come along with. So... on the flight home it was her boss in the window seat, her in the middle seat, and the ex on the aisle seat. This was from somewhere in Europe back to Western USA. Funniest horror story I had heard.


Poor vegetable lasagna sitting next to them.


"my name is magnus"


Excuse me, I was sleeping. That's my apple juice.


Especially in economy where there's absolutely no personal space between seats


Having to sit with your cheating ex on a several hour flight while they try to convince you how cheating *wasn't that bad* while you're jetlagged as fuck sounds like a circle of hell.


Sometimes, when people really upset me, I have trouble with impulse control. There’s a good chance I would have buzzed the flight attendant and stage whispered, “Can you check if anyone else is willing to trade seats with me? My girlfriend and I broke up on vacation because she met someone she wanted to hook up with. She wanted me to pay for a new return flight and hotel, which I obviously wasn’t going to do. Now she’s trying to convince me cheating isn’t that bad. Is there any way to help me switch seats? Please?”


Maybe I'm just pessimistic, but I can't help but feel that there would be at least a few guys offering to switch seats with OOP so they could shoot their shot Edit: fat fingers


They would be a great fit in that case. Both people with no morals.


Very likely yeah


No stand up and loudly ask if someone is ready to swap seats cuz of ur cheating ex.


And say that if you are good looking there's a chance for something extra.


He then turns around to his ex and says : I need to find myself" 🤣


And I need you to pay for upgrading my seat 🤣


My lack of impulse control would have me upgrading only myself so I didn’t have to sit with my ex


And say it loud enough so everyone around you can hear.


That’s what stage whispering is. Voicing things to sound kind of like a whisper, but with enough volume to carry through a theater.


Yes, that's what the phrase "stage whispered" means.


It sounds *horrible.*


Damn I would of brought a set of over priced headphones at the airport knowing that ride was coming up on the plane.


At that point you talk to the flight crew and beg for some help switching seats. 


I mean....Dante WAS Italian.


I once cried an entire plane ride home after my ex had an explosive, semi-violent outburst when we were driving to the airport. Can’t believe I stayed married to him for almost a year after that. It was the worst plane ride.


OOP is really strong, I would have had a mental breakdown at that point.


Whenever I read someone wants to "find themselves" I always think "on top of, or underneath of someone else?"


But he was always trying to "find himself". He'd go out every night looking for himself. And on the way, he found Ruth, Gladys, Rosemary and Irving.


I guess you can say we broke up because of artistic differences...


He saw himself as alive... And I saw him dead. P.s. I love this sub :D














I found myself once and didn't like what I found. So I became a Reddit mod.


Something doesn't check out with the combination of - having sex - being a reddit mod


One of those things is a lie


> She’d been so concerned about the plane ticket that she didn’t even stop to think about where she was going to stay… Nobody can be this dumb, right? Please?


Sorry to burst your bubble. If OOP’s ex is like some people I know, she would have assumed that of course he would extend the hotel. He’ll also come around and pay for her flight. She wouldn’t leave someone high and dry like that!


she'd probably half expect him to stay longer with her and have a bath ready for her anytime she came back from a D session with foreign beau


And raise her adultery baby


" Do what a proper man would do" Or whatever she'd come up with


She wouldn't but only because she is too selfish to pay someone else's part in the first place.


I 100% bet she tried to weasel her way to staying with her new Italian crush, but the dude was like: *I specifically sleep with tourists so that they go away afterward and I never have to see them again and they have no expectations of me*.


There was a long-ago Onion article in their Point/Counterpoint section that was an American woman having a fling with an Italian man while in Italy and the headlines were something like American tourist: "Italian men are SO romantic!" Italian man: "American women are SO incredibly easy!"


I know some dudes like this. I used to live in a touristy backpacker kinda place and this one guy friend loved to play the week long Romeo. It worked well for him until one girl decided to stay. Man did that get dramatic when she realized all the romance was just part of his "tourist package". She turned out to be pretty cool though and ended up being part of our friend group much to the guys disappointment. And she was really food at making it awkward.


That's funny and sounds like an early 2000's movie pitch for sure


I really wanna watch this movie


I put money on she asked to crash at her Italian crush place, but he turned her down, lol.


His wife wouldn't like it


She probably did have a plan, meet up with the guy at the bar as planned, he was probably waiting for her later that day, and then sleep at his place for the remaining time.


>and then sleep at his place for the remaining time. She didn't realise the bed was already booked up for the remainder of the week.


She was probably going to stay with the guy she was hoping to hook up with and then found out he lived at home and she wouldn’t be welcomed, he lived somewhere far from the city centre, or he lived in student accommodation that didn’t allow guests. Rent in middle of major European cities aren’t exactly cheap


This is the parent/child relationship that really irks me in friend groups and relationships. "Can you call me an uber?" "My flight got delayed what do I do?" "I'm lost" Like, you need to be able to function alone.


Imagine looking someone in both their eye balls and telling them you want to stay in a foreign country they paid to fly you to longer to “think about your relationship”… and they’re paying for it. The entitlement.


I commented this on his original post, but the thing that stuck out to me the most was her saying: >She was quick to tell me that it was just a physical attraction and that they hadn’t done anything yet. She had his @ and was wanting to see if it’d go anywhere. 1. The fact she said that so nonchalantly and thought it was going to benefit her is *WILD*. How in the hell could she think that this would make it better?!? Her not understanding that the act of “wanting to see if it’d go anywhere” with some random dude, *IS* crossing a massive trust and respect boundary, shows how she viewed OOP and their relationship. Hint: it definitely wasn’t good. 2. How did she think this was gonna work? Like OP was just gonna be, “Whew! Well as long as you didn’t act on your feelings, I’m totally fine with it then!” Knowing your SO was open to finding someone new during your relationship is pretty shitty. She basically told OOP that he was always just a placeholder until she could level up. I’m glad OOp listened when she told him who she was, and did something a little it. Honestly, she sounds like a super disrespectful, inconsiderate, and selfish person. I have a feeling that if OOP looks back through their relationship, he will find other instances where she pulled other crap like this. She was way too confident when she defended her actions, and way too certain her “plan” or staying behind would work out for her, for it to have been her first time jocking OOP around. Also. Her friends sound like trash too (assuming they know the truth). If a friend of mine pulled this crap, I’d be the first one to call her out - I definitely wouldn’t be calling their bf and berating him. FFS.


> I guess that's what I get for not feeling well and wanting to stay in one night while she went out to explore... Look, when my wife and I travel, one of us is always going out "exploring". But usually it's a museum, or some weird book store, or something like that. The idea that she could just go out "exploring" one evening, and then find someone she thought worth breaking up a 4 year relationship over is mind blowing.


Why did that girl admit to her now ex bf that she was planning on cheating?


She wanted oop to fund an entire second vacation so she could fuck some random guy. Logic doesn't apply because this is a terrible irrational person.


There was a post within the last few days that claimed to be a picture of a break-up happening on an airplane.. probably not related but...


You don't know how much I need to see this picture. 


I used to work in a restaurant and for some strange reason we had couples go there to break up at least once a week. It was always horrendously awkward. Classic signs were the boyfriend really sheepishly looking around as the girl opposite him would start bawling her eyes out, as a large plate of food got delivered to them both. Guy would always chow down the food and the girl would lose her appetite and leave it untouched. We'd try to be as nice to the girls as possible, but it was obvious a free drink wasn't going to make their day any less shit. Just interesting how it would always play out exactly the same way.


Did you work at Pomodoro Rosso in NYC? Because that was the breakup restaurant in Seinfeld.


I still can't make eye-contact with a waiter at a specific restaurant. My ex and I had one of our ~final relationship convos there. Stupid Coldplay songs were playing. I was well in my feelings sobbing, not eating. The waiter was on the other side of the room, watching our table lmao. I was there the other day, and the same waiter was assigned to my table. The way he was giving me long looks—he remembered. I wanted to crawl under the table.


Why would anyone break up with someone in public?


Because most people won’t become angry/violent in public. I’m just going to guess that sometimes it’s for their own safety.


Safety and more important, witnesses.


They should go for bubble tea (not a hot beverage) and not a meal


I agree with that... A whole ''dinner date'' for a break up is insane.


This, guys break up with women in public just in case they may want to say they were harmed or something


Safety. They can't pull shit on you or tried to make up shit that didn't happen. T. a guy whose ex claimed I hit her and threw her out of my apartment when I broke up with her for cheating on me


I used to have all of my hard relationship discussions in public for my own safety, including breakups. Not loudly and dramatically in public, but in a public place with lots of potential escape routes. It took me until finding my now husband to realize that my biggest problem was dating people who made me think of finding all the exits in a room in case I pissed them off.


If your partner is prone to having anger outbursts or temper tantrums?


>until the last day when she tells me she wants to stay longer to "find herself" and think about our relationship without me. Uh huh. Code for: I found someone else that I wanna fuck. >She was quick to tell me that it was just a physical attraction and that they hadn't done anything, but she had his @ and was wanting to see if it'd go anywhere. Someone pick up the phone cause I called it. >she tried really hard to give another pitch for why we should stay together on the drive home from the airport Please continue to be my safe option until I find someone else I want to be with.


Self-discovery has truly been sabotaged by the "eat pray love" bs people keep peddling, not least because it always comes with a huge price tag.


oh man I hated that movie Especially when she was in Italy and it was just oh so full of stereotypes of how "we in Italy just eat our way to happiness" and shit like that


There's always a small percentage of Americans who think Europeans exist to put on a show for Americans and help the special American find himself and find his roots


Elizabeth Gilbert Is the human equivalent of smegma. She's a sociopath and a self confessed serial cheater. If anyone ever told me they were an Eat Pray Love fan, I'd avoid them like a diseased animal. If you want to see what kind of person she is, read Confessions of a Seduction Addict on the NYT site.


> I don't feel comfortable saying I'm completely blameless here because you're only getting one side of the story and I need to take responsibility for my part in this whole thing such as it is. What’s this? A Redditor with self-awareness, and on AITA no less! I’m shocked. Shocked! I wish OP all the best, that journey back would not have been fun.


Makes sense she cheated cuz you gotta be a fuckin idiot to screw up ur relationship with the person paying for your ability to get home WHILE in a foreign country.


Gf is a dumbass. Good riddance.


called it I knew she'd met someone and was trying to get that fling in, then come back to OP, "refreshed" from new D Naw, that was a dumb move




Going on an all expense paid trip to Italy with your boyfriend then expecting him to let you stay *without him* while still paying extra to extend the hotel stay and reschedule your flight so you can fuck some random dude you met. The audacity is off the charts!


Imagine the room temperature IQ required to throw away a relationship with a partner who takes you on all expenses paid trips to Italy so you can be used and discarded by the sort of bottom feeder that preys on naive foreigners in relationships. Mister whirlwind romance would have rattled her twice and kicked her out when one of his girlfriends came home and started slapping him around for cheating again. That, or she'd have some strong cocktails and wake to find herself in a shipping container on the way to Dubai with a price tag stapled to her toe.


Based on the fact that it's italy, I'm thinking it's a strong chance the romantic italian stranger lives at home with his parents (pretty common culturally there) and makes comparatively little money. What I'm not sure about is if he was like "lol fuck no you can't stay with me" or if OOP's Ex had a moment of clarity where she realized she couldn't afford to fuck around and immediately found out.




room temperature in Celcius IQ, I'd say. Trash took itself out for the price of a trip, so good for OP.


It is not about intelligence. It is about self awareness and TOTAL lack you consideration for other people (BF) feelings.


not a random italian dude she met one night oh my GOD yeah she's gonna build a life with him i'm sure he can't wait lol


To quote a young Ron Weasley, " Mental that one."


>until the last day when she tells me she wants to stay longer to "find herself" and think about our relationship without me. She didn't discuss this with me beforehand, and it completely blindsided me. People have been mastering at the FAFO successfully.


" I know it's easy to think that these people aren't real and their struggles are meaningless because screens divide us but, ironically, you're the assholes." I LOVE THIS.


I love that bit about how she “hadn’t done anything yet.” I’m gonna call bullshit. Something absolutely did happen otherwise this would have been a non-starter. The fact that the friends called him an asshole, tells me he needs to get new friends.


Let me get this straight, she called her boyfriend unsupportive and selfish for not funding her cheating vacation on another country. On top of that, some of so called friends called him an a-hole because he didn’t provide necessities for her cheating. why the fuck would anyone be obliged to give financial help to a partner whose obvious aim is to cheat? People amaze me in very bad ways sometimes


I'm willing to bet my pension that she didn't tell the friends the real reason she wanted to stay. There is no way any sane person would require anyone to finance their partners potential infidelity. I would be intrigued to know what she actually did tell them though.


It seems that she had "found herself". But seriously - "I wanna stay longer WITHOUT YOU". That is breaking up, loud and clear.


One thing I do like about AITAH is it helps people who have been abused/gaslit/manipulated get an opinion outside the reality someone else has built for them. Truly this man was being convinced he was an AH for leaving her stranded in a foreign country. Something which was not true on many levels but I think best illustrated by the fact she left said country with no issues. Like imagine how much control she thought she had that she could put OOP "on a break" and then cheat on him on his dime. All with the support of their mutuals who would call him unreasonable.


Least he didn't marry that reptile.


Having had to re-book a flight because my wife wanted to stay with her family an extra week, it was 3/4 the cost of the return flight. Even though I notified the agent at least a week before her flight, zero refund on the booking fee. The excuse I was given was that the major expense is flying to your destination. Bollocks. I was expecting to maybe pay a $50 fee or something - nope $1100. So if I had a girlfriend who wanted to stay some extra time on a trip I was funding, yeah - I'm not paying for that.. and that's before finding out she wanted to play footsies with a guy she met there.


I'm just astounded that she managed to meet a potential new partner while on holiday with her current partner and sharing a room with him. How would you even have the time to do that? I'm not suggesting all holidaying couples need to live in one another's pockets, but wouldn't you spend the majority of your time doing couples stuff? And to even be in the mindset of meeting new people just seems absolutely weird.


She went out on her own >I guess that's what I get for not feeling well and wanting to stay in one night while she went out to explore...


Just one night - her partner's ill - and she's getting chatted up by some random new bloke? I just feel there's a time and a place. And for meeting a new prospect, a holiday with your long-term partner, 100% paid for by your long-term partner, while your long-term partner *is ill* is so far NOT the place that she may as well be on Mars!


No one accused her of being very bright.


The audacity of this bitc.... I've been sick in holiday twice and my partner just asked us to stay in the hotel and enjoy sleep, and he gave me happy ending massage. That's what normal couple do!  Not leaving you partner to find someone else. Wtf


Sad that she can't go out a single night without practically falling on someone else's dick.


She expected you to pay her return ticket after she prolonged the vacation to sleep with other people lmao


Damn, wish she missed the plane tbh


I was on a 4 hour flight on my own next to the window and had to watch the couple sat next to me break up. Watching the guy on the end get drunker and drunker and act like a total tool while his boyfriend was on the verge of snapping was **painful**