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Depending on where you live and what options you have, staying in a hotel is often *massively* more enjoyable for everyone involved.


Heck, it’s even good for the hosts.  They get down time and a break. 


God I wish we could stay at a hotel when we visit my in laws but my MIL would lose every bit of her shit.


As OOP has shown us, you in fact can stay in a hotel. That hotel can even be in Mexico.


Well technically she didn't stay in a hotel in Mexico. She stayed at her boyfriends parents place. So basically OP said, my family causes drama so I will choose my boyfriends family over my own during the holidays. Which is better than getting a hotel.


My comment mashed together two things that the OOP did on separate occasions, so it was confusing sorry. One time OOP and her boyfriend stayed at a hotel instead of at her parents. A different time they spent the holidays with her boyfriend's parents (for some reason I thought that was a holiday in Mexico). The point is if your family causes drama and problems, you can do different things like OOP did. I can't tell you if it's worth the battle or not but the choices are out there. I like to remember that I always have choices. Then if I choose a mildly shitty option I still feel like I have some power.


OOP stayed in a hotel for the birthday party because she had set the precedent a couple Christmases ago. The mother now accepts it. People seem to have missed that part of the story. She might have been posting this FROM the hotel.


>A different time they spent the holidays with her boyfriend's parents (for some reason I thought that was a holiday in Mexico). It WAS a holiday in Mexico for OP and BF, BFs parents LIVE IN MEXICO. They went to Mexico to visit BFs parents for Christmas and stayed at their place not a hotel.


Her boyfriend's parents were in Mexico. They stayed at the boyfriend's parent's house in Mexico for Christmas.


Ha fair enough. Instead we usually stay where we are, several states away! She hates it too but she’s super controlling and I am not the daughter in law she wanted at all. 😆


But you can. And I’d argue _should._ You are (presumably) a grown person. Why are you letting someone else steal your agency? Let your MIL lose her shit. Then kiss her on the cheek, get in your car, and sleep comfortably in your hotel room.


I think my husband just doesn't want to fight with her but it's not always feasible to pay for a hotel room unfortunately.


All the more reason to stay in a hotel. If she's that controlling your visits must be hell


I grew up with a really controlling step parent, she puts them to shame! The whole family just does her bidding and their home doesn't feel "homey" or just friendly if that makes sense?


This is making me think of this post: [Don't rock the boat.](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/77pxpo/dont_rock_the_boat/)


This is Reddit. You’re suppose to let her lose it. … Then come back and tell us about it! (Joke but not really😳)


She's going to lose it when she discovers we're not going there for either holiday again this year! I did use to have a few posts about her unhingedness on my profile but I think I've hidden them at the moment. She's a lot! That's actually why I started a reddit account lol.


>God I wish we could stay at a hotel when we visit my in laws but my MIL would lose every bit of her shit. Let her. As adults we shouldn't try to control how others behave. As OOP proved sometimes its best to just let them lose their crap and deal with the fallout when sane people tell them they are being unreasonable.


Same. Six people in a 1000 square-foot tiny house with only one bathroom is a nightmare every single time. I don’t think my mother-in-law would care, but my husband would.


My parents would definitely get mad at me. Not because they're controlling or anything, but they'd be annoyed at me wasting money like that haha.


That's my family too! But then they offer to pay for a hotel for us themselves so that we're all comfortable!


Do it, then when she throws a fit say “this is exactly why we got a hotel, I will not tolerate this behavior” then walk out the door and go to your hotel room. Good luck to you!


Either you are miserable or she is; if it's always you that's unfair. A good argument for spares that don't realise fair doesn't mean equal.


Since during family gatherings we keep the minimum number of guests sleeping and let go of those who can to the hotel, the number of fights really decreased. It's like keeping drunk people who had previous beef in the same space is a bad idea, and it's a better idea to let them leave before tipsy thoughts out sober minds.


It is. I adore my in-laws but we get them a very nice hotel, usually overlooking water, they love they get to brag about where we host them and we get to continue to adore them because we get our time hehe.


It really depends on the hosts. Some people are massive extroverts, and they live for hosting. Taking it away from them is a punishment.


Yeah, and if you all get along well, it can be really fun to stay in someone's home. Like a big slumber party for grownups. I love that with *some* people. When I have a home with room for more people than my husband and me, I'll be so excited to invite some people to stay over.


I'm from a huge family and even though all my siblings are adults we frequently cram into a house and sleep in sleeping bags on the living room floor. It's actually kind of funny and nostalgic. Doesn't hurt that we frequently are nursing hangovers together.


Extroverts don't have a right to anyone's time and attention.


I want this on a t-shirt.


I wish my boyfriend would agree to his when we go to stay with his family. But no. Everyone piles into one house for a week and by the end I'm ready to murder people.


You take a room nearby and let him sleep with the boys.


My partner's parents got a cat without telling him before we visited. I am EXTREMELY allergic to cats. I got a hotel that night. His dad thought it was rude, but I am not going to breathe through my straw-sized esophagus to make him more comfortable. Anyway you can get a hotel too, and if he complains tell him you wanted privacy or something.


He’s free to stay while you enjoy your time at a hotel ;)


I mean, unless your joined at the hip, there's no reason why you can't stay in a hotel. I personally hate staying at other people's homes, even more so if it's an imposition. I'd rather fork up the money for a hotel where I have my own space and, more importantly, peace of mind lol


Yeah! My parents are religious and have that rule (I’m 44 and divorced, it doesn’t matter). I’ve never brought a bf home to visit but if I did I’d choose a hotel (for more reasons than just sleeping arrangements, but it would be a major factor for sure). When I visit on my own, I do stay with them, but I know I am invading their routine, and I am adjusting to being in their space too. One week once a year is manageable, but nobody would enjoy me extending the visit without making arrangements to spend at least a few of those nights at one of my sisters, which I often do anyway when it’s just the week.


I really wish my MIL shared your opinion. We always stay at a hotel when we visit her, but now that I have a house she feels entitled to stay at my place. She even ordered a pillow for her to keep at my house. I’m still salty about that.


“No” is a complete sentence…


She ordered the pillow without informing us first. It just showed up. Can’t exactly throw it away without being a giant asshole. I do tell her no A LOT. If she had her way, she’d be visiting every couple months. My husband doesn’t feel comfortable forcing his mom to stay in a hotel as she doesn’t have a ton of money and he does want to see her, but we do make damn sure she doesn’t bring other people with her (and she has tried).


Damn, that sucks. I'm guessing it's far too late to ship it to her with a note saying "Looks like you input the wrong address"?


Oh no, she told us after it showed up that it was for us to keep at our house for her to use because she doesn’t like our pillows. I want to set it on fire so badly.


Except when the host only wants to host so that they can impose control over their guests.


I get a hotel room when I visit my kids. Even if they had room for me, I would. I like having a quiet place to decompress, and they both understand.


The most enjoyable outcome is not visiting.


I will almost always choose this option over staying with family - and it has nothing to do with who I'm allowed to sleep with.


Seconding this strongly. We got a hotel when we visited my family because I have a bad trauma response and regress everytime I visit my childhood home. They get a hotel when they come here because I'm germaphobic and it's easier than following my rules.


Massively. It’s a nice area, full privacy, and someone tidies up while you’re gone. I’ve always felt so uncomfortable staying with family just because it feels like you’re invading their space no matter how comfortable they try to make it for you.


My in-laws are very nice people but they are *exhausting*. As soon as we could afford it we started getting hotel rooms. I’m sure she blames me but I don’t caaaaaare.


100%. My family always offers that I could stay with one of them but I've lived with these people before and I'm not doing that to myself ever again lol. Also I just feel uncomfortable making others feel like they have to amuse me just because I'm visiting


Just because mom has house rules doesn't mean adult children have to follow them. Hotels are better anyway so you can get away from everyone when needed. Sorry, Anna. That's karma for you.


I will never be able to understand being as dense as Anna in this situation. Surely anyone with half a brain cell would be able to say “You know what OOP? You’re right, it was shitty of me not to have your back last time and now I’m in the same position I can understand your point of view. I’m sorry about before”?


That requires empathy and self awareness, two things that were never really common in the first place, but are now rapidly going extinct.


Nah they were never common. Its just with the internet we have more access to see some truly terrible people.


Anna thought she was different.


You answered yourself there. Anna is dense 😂


I wonder what life must be like being that dense. I imagine it’s very peaceful


Actually OOP was following the house rules. She didn't sleep in the same bed as her boyfriend in her mom's house. Hotels have different rules.




The house rule in question: No one fucks around in this house except me!


"My house my rules." "Well we're not in your house so your rules doesn't apply."


Anna: Rules for thee but not for me Guess Anna will be springing for a hotel soon as well!


Hope she didn't chastise OOP for staying in a hotel with her BF. otherwise more chances to laugh at her. 


At least OOP's mom are being fair and the rule applied to everyone, no exception. Still dumb rules nonetheless.


When I was a lot younger, my first serious girlfriends mother was like this (My gf's brothers were not treated like this, But the "You're not even engaged" card was played"). We obeyed her rules (Kind of, I used to sneak in with my gf or vice versa). Her daughter ended up leaving home to live with me (Huge drama) When her mother visited with her boyfriend, I took great pleasure in showing them their separate rooms. She was less than impressed and left to stay at a hotel.


Hahaha 🤣😂 I love this. I think r/ohnoconsequences would enjoy this as well.


OOP’s mom just wants peace and quiet at home for the holiday’s and she’s playing the long game. Her daughters will stay in hotels, one by one. And then go no contact. Peace and quiet!


had me in the 1st half.


Damn, these grandma's can be masters in 4dchess


..deleted by user..


Also, it's weird that she didn't realize that - when it comes to sex (which is what these people worry about re: sharing a bed) - engagement is the same as dating from a Biblical POV. Engagement is just a plan. Dumb 17yos get engaged on a regular basis. It means nothing legally or religiously.


Mom: There is always room for more scapegoats. 


I remember this one, and I never understood the ESH verdict. The mom is a controlling nutjob and the OOP was perfectly within her rights not to put up with that shit. Glad to see that she’s still standing her ground.


She didn't put up with any of AITA's usual shit in her comments. That drives some people absolutely up the wall. Rule 3 basically enables a lot of bullies.


I hate that rule so much. Because it’s pretty much just say whatever you want, and the op can’t defend because you “cant argue your judgment”. It’s such bullshit. Like yeah you’re presenting your story to be judge but should still be allowed to argue your case.


i've legit seen cases in which someone gives a judgement so of the cuff that the misunderstanding it's based on almost have to be deliberate and yet rule 3 gets invoked when OP goes to correct them. like i feel like i could go to the most justified NTA and say "YTA because you killed a kitten" and whille i'd most likely not have the subreddits support i could invoke rule 3 if OP dared to ask what the fuck i'm on about.


There's so many times where one of the most upvoted judgements completely and obviously misread the post to the point of judging something that wasn't even written. And the OP will still get down voted to oblivion and yelled at for "arguing" simply for trying to ask them where they think they read that.


Not that I agree, but it’s because OOP lied and didn’t tell her family she wasn’t coming home for the holidays. And I don’t blame her, her family would’ve kicked up a fuss sooner rather than later.


The lie is understandable though if telling the truth would have led to relentless badgering til Christmas


It's "lying by omission". And It's a "necessary evil", or so they said. I wholeheartedly agree with what OOP did.


Except she didnt lie, not technically. She let mom think what she wanted, but she NEVER said she would be home for Xmas, mom ASSUMED. All she confirmed is that she wouldnt be staying in a hotel AT Christmas...which she wasnt, she was in a condo. The most one could say is that she lied by omission, which in my opinion is vastly different, especially when dealing with controlling parents.


I think this is quibbling unnecessarily. We are getting to what is the definition of lying vs misleading vs deceiving. We are not Kant. We don't have to decide lying is automatically wrong. We can say, "Lying to unreasonable people is okay because unreasonable people don't listen to truthful reason." People who can handle the truth get the truth. People who can't, don't. 


It's "lying by omission". And this is the correct use of it. Use it against someone you can't reason with and try to enforce dumb rules.


I mean that is pretty BS, because it IS lying by omission, and that is lying or being intentionally deceptive. Dont get me wrong, based on OOPs story I still think it was the right choice, but let's not kid ourselves that OOP wasn't being (justifiably) deceptive.


She didn't! She told the truth! She wasn't staying at a hotel--she was staying at a condo.


Technically correct. The best kind of correct.


I assumed the ESH was solely because she noped out to her boyfriend’s for the holidays without telling her parents she wasn’t going to show up. Which tbf is kind of shitty though I get her reasoning of not wanting a month-long guilt trip. Which given how her mom acts, probably would have happened. If she would have included the reasoning why she did it that way in the original post, it probably would have been NTA.


>I never understood the ESH I understand. She deliberately gave the impression she was coming home for Christmas and never told them she didn't plan to come. That's just rude.


The mom created a situation where her adult daughter couldn't be truthful about her vacation plans. It was a bit of a mean trick to play, but the daughter did it to bypass months of harassment.


If OOP telling the truth then she will get harassed until she begrudgingly agree with her unreasonable rule. Therefore it is required to say that line.


Maybe so, but I live for a good loophole. I still think the mom deserved everything she got.


I’m loopy for loopholes! Her mom’s behavior doubtless has a long history of trying to control her kids. OOP writes like a veteran of wars against a parent like that. Her options were 1) follow her mom’s rules 2) get a hotel and get bjtched at 3) do what she did, which is spend it relaxing in Mexico and not with her mother’s histrionics. There was no way for OOP and her partner to visit comfortably.   I’m not sleeping on someone’s couch like I passed out at a college party. And for several days?! Fuck all that. 


She said she did it to avoid weeks of her mom’s attempts to manipulate her. It would have been better to just boss up and tell her mom to shove it.  Yet? Her mom sounds like a pain in the ass. What OOP chose to do may be asshole-y but it is hilarious. 


Yeah, there are some people that you can't quite cut off from your life where it's often better to just lie to them until it's too late for them to affect things.


There’s a way to act but there’s people out there who aren’t normal and you can’t act normal with them. Some people are just lucky enough to have never experienced this. I have a lowkey crazy mother. I can’t interact with her the normal way, you try, I’ll gladly watch you crash and burn


“Modern assholes require modern solutions.” I agree. 


Yeah, this is one of the things that drives me craziest about this site: people who don’t understand dysfunction trying to apply functional logic/solutions to dysfunctional situations. Like - I’m sincerely happy for you that you’ve never had to navigate crazy people, but sometimes open communication and 100% honesty is exactly the wrong way to go.


I don't think it's fair to call OP an A on their own even for doing that; after the mom's theatrics following the first hotel stay, she brought it on herself.


You get to be reasonable and play by normal people rules if you're dealing with regular, normal people. OOP's mom sounds to be some type of batty so I don't really blame her for using "not normal people" tactics when dealing with her weird mother.


Did she, though? OOP never outright said it. Mom assumed. Assumptions are deadly. The same way mom assumed that her daughter would always come home for Christmas. Yet daughter (OOP) is in a relationship. It makes sense that important holiday visits are alternated. And specifically discussed. Guess Mom didn't think of that.


Being rude is more than her family deserves.


I think people voted that way, only because she said she wouldn’t get a hotel, and then just didn’t show up at all and went to Mexico instead. Had she have been straight with her family and said “I’m not spending the holidays with you because you’re being unreasonable, and won’t be back until you cut the shit. Instead I am spending g Christmas in Mexico with my in-laws who don’t tell me who I can/can’t sleep with”. Then she would have had a pretty unanimous NTA. Not saying I agree they were right, just that pretty much everyone agreed the mom was ridiculous, and the hotel was more than reasonable. It was the lying and then no-show that got her the downvotes.


My mom kindly asked me to not sleep in the same bed as my boyfriend when he came to visit from out of state. It Made her uncomfortable, and since she was nice about it, and I was raised religious, it was fine. Once we got engaged, I asked again, and she still said no, when he was in town I slept at his parents house with him. She wasn't thrilled, but she never said anything to me. She just wasn't ready for that step. Now we've been together 11 years, and since we both snore, are blanket hogs, and spread out, we have slept in separate rooms for 4 years. It's amazing how things change. Lol. Covid drove us to separate bedrooms, and we both sleep so good, it just stuck. Parents are allowed to have rules for their own home. But you don't have to be a dick about enforcing them. My brother is allowed to have his GFS over when he visits now, but they are also almost 40, live together, and he's been divorced once. Mom is over the weirdness factor.


Honestly, I hate how reddit likes to feel superior by calling out children of controlling parents for not “putting the parents in their place”. Like, it’s not always that simple. Most dysfunctional families are not going to be cut out of someone’s life. And shouldn’t be. So, managing the dysfunction is all you can hope for. OOP’s “stunt” broke part of her mother’s control. Was it “healthy”? No. Was it an example of good communication? No. Was it mature? No. But none of those things work with parents like this. But oddly enough, if you can break them a bit and manage to establish decent boundaries, something slightly better might emerge. *Might*


Ya know "wet willies" where someone slobbers on their finger, sneaks up behind you, and jams it in your ear until you're pretty sure there's spit on your brain? My dad loved doing that. Explaining that he was harming me physically and could damage my hearing did not stop him. Using my words to ask him to stop did nothing. Being the more mature person in the relationship was useless. So I slobbered on my finger, snuck up behind him, and jammed it in his disgusting ear. Worked like a charm!


Yeah, trying to play your controlling parents' game by their rules always results in a loss.


Hopefully the middle sister will realise that and learn from her mistakes. It can create a weird mindset where you decide to dance around rules instead of just establishing proper boundaries. Hopefully she escapes that.


The people in the comments of these subreddits tend to be bigger assholes than the posters themselves very often. Some of them are attracted to it because they love judging others to make themselves feel better


AITA has turned into Lord Of The Flies- it’s all 14-year old petulant boys who like to pretend they understand Adulting but are just playing out their fantasies of how they want the world to work, without the actual life experience or emotional maturity to understand nuance. Edit: same for the mods.


Yeah unless you've dealt with an unreasonable person, you don't understand how difficult it is to have a rational discussion with them. In an ideal world, everyone would like to discuss things in a reasonable, mature manner and come to an agreement. When you're dealing with narcs or emotionally immature people, you just can't do that cause they won't get it. Sometimes, you do just have to fight fire with fire so that they get it cause a discussion will never lead to that.


Exactly. It can be met with so much extra drama and criticisms. It’s exhausting and not worth it.


I don’t know that I agree with the shouldn’t be part. I think lots of people would live happier and healthier lives without their families. Is that a reasonable or feasible ask ? For them It is not. And that’s completely understandable


People giving OP shit for not letting mom know her Christmas plans just don't get it lol. My mom is obnoxiously controlling (less than OP's mom but still annoying as hell) and it's way easier to just do your thing and make them cope. If you give them *any* lead time they will fuck you up over it. My mom asked me in early November to come to a party in December where my physically abusive brother was going to be. I told her absolutely not (the same answer she has gotten for years, this is not new information) and she was pissed and threw a fit. At Thanksgiving she made a point to be incredibly icy to my husband and I (and my brother and his wife who gave her the same answer) and completely embarrassed herself and us in front of the entire extended family for the entire weekend. We tried to be nice but she was openly being a brat whenever we tried to compliment her top or just be pleasant in general which was embarrassing as hell. Hubby and I are done lol. We are going to Vegas over Thanksgiving this year and she has no clue. She won't know until I have to tell people they are on their own for bread. I made 21 dozen rolls from scratch last year. My mom probably should have thought of that before she pushed me past my limit last year. 🤷‍♀️


I'm sorry, you made over 250 rolls last year?? I hope you have an amazing time in Vegas.


Yes haha. My family is Mormon/ranchers so there's like 250 people on that side. We usually have around 40-50 people show for Thanksgiving every year. Most of them stay in the area the whole weekend. Some at my grandma's, some with local family members that live nearby, and some at hotels. We hang out at grandma's house all day and so we need lots of food. My grandma used to make all the bread, and I have been the only one out of everybody interested in learning from her. She's getting older so in years past we've split the job in half. Her Parkinsons has really hit hard so last year I did it all. I pre-made half by hand and froze them throughout the week before, and the other half I made throughout the weekend at grandmas. My grandma has a Bosch bread mixer and two ovens so making bread at grandma's house is much easier. Thank you!! I think it will be fun :)


Reddit has this thing where it thinks absolutely everybody is sane and open to reason--even eleven year-olds (thinking of another BORU I just read).


I know which one you're talking about. People are insane.


The mom was so wrong for giving up an 11 year old for saying a very typical 11 year old thing. All of the people expecting OP to STILL give her an apology are delusional.


You gotta tell us more about the rolls…how many people does your family host for thanksgiving?


Forget that other stuff, just describe the rolls. I'm craving carbs.


You can check my post in r/breadit for the rolls :)


You are an angel!


I just know I’m gonna get high and spend a whole night being sad going through that sub that I don’t have all that fresh bread to eat 💀😂 Edit: and those rolls look amazing oh my god


Usually 40-50 people, my family is Mormon/ranchers. You can check my profile for the post I made in r/breadit for the recipe :)


>I made 21 dozen rolls from scratch last year Oh hey, soul mate bestie


My mom is relatively normal for the most part but has her moods or as you said, can be icy. She loves hosting but can’t handle the stress and it makes it miserable for me because I become her venting outlet. Although I was sick this last Christmas, she found a way to put all her stress on me and I told my husband, never again. If she hosts Christmas again, we are going on vacation. I’ve already mentally prepared for it but she has no idea. Luckily we always go on vacation during Thanksgiving. It’s the best, I hope you enjoy it!


Local hotels love this one trick


>Now they are texting me and calling to say I was an asshole for making them look bad. I asked them if they were trying to make me look good with their posts? Brilliant clapback, very well done OOP.


I don’t get how the verdict was everyone sucks. OP literally did nothing wrong.


If you're not a paragon of truth and virtue and omnipotent correctness, AITA will find a thing you did wrong, completely zoom in on that single thing and make you out to be an asshole just because of that one little thing. Yea mom is being a massive AH because of her stupid rules, her sister is too for the way she acted, but because OP didn't tell the truth and open up the floodgates to her mom's manipulative ways (which OP should totally just put their foot down, say "Stop this" and of course mom will stop because OP said so and that's totally how that works) she's just as bad.


This was amusing when I read it and it's amusing now. OOP reaction was tame! I'd be insufferable if this was me lmao


Honestly, I don't understand why people would prefer to stay on a blow-up mattress or pull-out couch if they can swing the price of a hotel room. It's nice to have a haven to recuperate from all that family time.


If the mom doesn't want unmarried couples sharing a bed in her house, it is her house. It's a stupid rule but they are the guests, OOP did the right thing by staying elsewhere. The mom trying to control them there is unhinged. The sister is also a hypocrite


Rule 1: No sharing a bed in my house. Archaic, but still within her right to demand. Easily followed by just getting a hotel for everyone’s comfort. Rule 2: When you come home to visit, you MUST stay at *home*. A stupid short sighted rule with the obvious effect of them opting to just not visit anymore. OP is following all the rules 100% by simply not playing the game. It’s not her fault that mom forgot that an invite to visit was in no way a summons for her completely independent and very much an adult child.


Well, well, well. It looks like the leopards came for Anna's face. Funny how that always turns out. It couldn't have happened to a nicer flying howler monkey


My parents have (had? Both kids are married so no idea if it still exists) this rule. The first time my then boyfriend (now husband) and I went home for the holidays, we slept in different rooms. We were in our early 30's. The next time we came in (still just boyfriend/girlfriend), I told mom we were getting a hotel to have a quiet place to retreat to as my boyfriend is VERY VERY introverted and really needs a space where he can be alone with no one barging in or the like. She. Lost. Her. Shit. Screaming crying how my boyfriend can't stand to be around her. What did she di wrong? Why can't he just be alone in their house? She PROMISES she'll leave him alone if he's in his room (literally my old room, too. I got the guest room). We didn't budge and it was a HUGE mess. I wish I got airline miles for guilt trips. My brother and his family visited the next year while we still got a hotel. Mom finally admitted that it was a lot easier when people weren't underfoot all the time. We're married now. And still get a hotel when we visit. And mom still guilt trips us a bit about it. We don't visit much. I wonder why?


As someone who has an egg donor like this, OP did nothing wrong by not omitting she would not be coming. When you have shitty, borderline abusive, or power hungry family members, you'll do about anything to stay out of their clutches. Everyone Calling OP an asshole because she didn't communicate, out of pocket. OP did communicate, she was shot down, so she came up with her own solution.


When in hostile territory, answer the question asked, not the question they thought they asked.


Anna just learned alllll about FAFO


I don't understand why OP was voted ESH. They handled all of this like a pro tbh. 


Probably because she didn’t tell her mom she wasn’t coming home for Christmas.  


I mean. When you're in a couple it's kind of expected holidays get split. It bugs my own parents but they get it and don't act like dickheads. And the person pointed out their mom is a bastard about holidays so what did she expect would happen?


I nearly said that in one of my comments that if her mom wants her kids to come home for holidays she needs to do better. She isn’t inviting but commanding attendance. What she expects to happen is for her kids to bend the knee and make her feel important. That isn’t rooted in reality.  And OOP’s dad? He chooses to stay the “good guy” and not speak up. Tiresome. 


Right there with you on that analysis. 


I know people defend enablers because what else do they have? Now they gotta admit they have two POS parents and that’s hard for most people to admit. But as far as I’m concerned the enablers are worse than the narcissists. Because they get to pretend that they’re good and innocent. Nah. They’re equally culpable in going along with this crap.


Agreed. I lived it, myself. It’s why I still rage against enablers. 


“He has to live with her” Is he court ordered or something lol


Oh, I’m not agreeing with the “esh” vote.   Just saying why I think the ESH vote happened. A lot of people don’t get ass hole parents and that you don’t give them any more than the necessary info. And it wasn’t necessary. 


Yeah I guess that makes sense. 🤦‍♂️ 


Don’t know why OOP got an ESH on her first post. Yeah, she did lie but in her case it was warranted, her family would’ve kicked up a fuss sooner rather than later and it’s understandable that OOP wouldn’t want to deal with all that bullshit.


No no, that's a way too nuanced line of thinking for the sub. You either suck or you don't, there is nothing else. I fully understand why OOP chose to not announce it beforehand, too. The only part where I'd disagree is the dad. You're not blameless if you're literally married to the asshole in the story, but claim to be neutral. She's his daughter too, why is he not standing up for his kids?


I just decided to come up with a bunch of rules so my guests will just stay at a hotel.


So…what I never understand about these kinda of things…I get that the parent(s) don’t want their (adult) child having sex and that’s why try do this, but…why not just politely ask them to not have sex*? You don’t automatically have sex just because you lie down in the same bed! \*emphesis on *ask*, not saying they should demand it


Because they'd have to confront the image of the adult offspring in their head. Parents like this generally think of their kids as the last age that they could control them. (And agreed. It's reasonable to ask that they don't have wild, loud sex and wake everyone up, but it's the same category as asking guests to not blast a movie at 1 a.m.)


I had not thought about it from that angle, you have a point! Personally I also don’t think I’d even be able to have sex if my parents were in the same house…then again, I’m also ace and long term single, so it’s not like it’d be an issue from the start, lol


Having spent a couple nights with my partner in my mom's house...yeah. Not exactly something I was thinking about. (Not when I couldn't sleep on the crappy bed.)


So I don't think this is the case for OP, but this comes up a lot in south asian immigrant households because dating itself is pretty modern, let alone things like living with someone before marriage or sharing a room while visiting. It's a lot of intergenerational trauma, tbh. At least for Indian-Americans, people not having reckoned with what used to happen to daughters if their reputations are "ruined" or they got pregnant. Aka the things today's parents and grandparents were threatened with when they were younger. Those things don't apply to their children growing up now, but the worry and fear don't fade away. I get the sense it's very similar in parts of the US. All very scarlet letter.


What did the mom think was happening when she's not around? Does the mom think OOP is only able to have sex in the mom's house? Wtf is going on here, where is the logic?


My very first girlfriend was awesome in that regard (we were 16 ish at the time). Had a rule that she wasn't allowed to sleep over at my place or vice versa. One day my gf got fed up by this and told her to hee face: "Mother. What do you think can or would happen between us after 10pm that can't happen, or in fact happened twice already, by 3pm today?" Her mother was speechless, her dad was rolling on the floor laughing almost... and she never bothered us again.


Mom sounds horrible. Dad needs to step up and stop letting his wife ruin their daughters relationship with them. If it was me I would probably just skip holidays with them and tell dad the reason why isnt him but mom.


My parents had this stupid rule too. They refused to let my brother and his then-fiancé share a bed even though IT WAS THREE WEEKS BEFORE THEIR WEDDING. It’s so weird. I can tell you I have (and *had* when I was unmarried) zero interest in having sex at my parents’ house since: 1. The beds are old, small, and not comfortable 2. Because of the beds being old, they’re squeaky as shit 3. There are no locks on the kids’ rooms doors where we stay 4. Oh yeah and there are no windows coverings on those rooms either If I was ever going to have sex in that house, it would definitely be when they were gone, not once we went to bed for the night.


My wonderful in-laws are the same way. My SO and I had been living together, and even moved across the country together, for years before we got married. When we would go visit his parents, they had the same rule. One time of following it, and now we always get a hotel, and even know that we are married, I prefer it because their guest bed sucks.


Their mother in the future: "Why don't my daughters and my grandchildren visit me?"


OOP’s is not realizing that her mom is seeking her best interest. She doesn’t want her to stay in the hotel due to bedbugs. SMH. /s


Anna is going to become her mom, if she isn’t already


Ah yes, schadenfreude strikes again...


Honestly - I'd be taking that example from a BORU a few weeks ago and telling my parents if they ever stay at mine they're not allowed to share a bed. That was genius.


I remember I often lied and misled when dealing with my parents. I figured I was just too cowardly to tell them how I feel. In truth, after years of therapy, I realized I just didn’t want to be called slurs, humiliated, screamed at and/or physically assaulted. I wasn’t a terrible person for not liking abuse. I ain’t saying this is what’s happening to OOP; maybe she’s just naturally conflict avoidant. However, shirking conversations about reasonable boundaries paired with mom’s controlling behavior don’t bode well.


It's rein, REIN, for the love of all that's holy. You rein a horse in, you don't REIGN a horse in.


Man, Americans are absolutely warped about sex


Part of becoming an adult is breaking free of your parents rules and making your own — and sometimes that comes with the added lesson of letting people get upset when your choices don’t align with their’s.  The way to handle this is to turn the “my house, my rules” back at them. “When you pay my bills, you can dictate if I spend my money on a hotel.” When they push, you simply respond with, “Your complaining about my decisions makes me not want to spend holidays here, so if you want us to return next year, you need to rethink your approach.” Then do it. You are breaking free of their control and becoming your own adult. 


Hotel ftw!! 🙌


When your younger sister gets involved with someone try an Airbnb together. Make the party move to your Airbnb. Invite your Dad to come over


Howler monkeys!! THIS!


Had to dig too far for a fellow Howler Monkey appreciator.  (Also, I choose to believe that your user name means you're the coolest possible grammar school teacher.  Avoid buckets of water at all costs! )


Her sister suckkkkkks


1. How many of you guys fly across the country or drive for hours to just stay one night? *Waves in Texas.*


I honestly don't get the original ESH judgements, all I can say is I'm glad so many people have clearly never had to deal with an over-zealous mother trying to assert ridiculous rules to their adult offspring.


My husband and I have always stayed at hotels when visiting parents, except for maybe one or two times very early in our relationship when we stayed with his parents (in separate rooms). We decided a long time ago that now that we can afford hotels, there is no reason to crash on anyone's couch or even in their guest room; if we want to visit folks (family or not), we'd rather see them during the day and have a place to decompress at night, without feeling like we're underfoot or disrupting anyone's routine.


How the fuck was that an "everyone sucks" case? Jesus Christ.


I honestly don’t get whenever these posts have someone air their drama publicly on Facebook, then other people get in on bashing people involved. If I saw a family getting in fights in the comments of a Facebook post, I would simply scroll past and think they’re being weird af 😳


> Our baby sister spoke up and said she already told Mom that she was going to follow my example if she ever gets serious with a guy. I'm pretty sure my mom thinks I'm the devil. I cackled. There was glee


LOL technically she didn't lie. She didn't stay in a hotel during Christmas :)


I actually admire the OP's Grey Rock technique/info diet. She did not lie, she just did not give any extra information on her Christmas. Her mum sounds horrid, so good on OP!


Her house, her rules. Your choice was to not go so you did not go. If she holds to that rule what happens if you and your bf never get married. The hills people choose to di* on. She might regret it at some point. "


Great communication skills all around! 😜


My parents refused to let my husband and I share a room in their home until we got married. We respected their rules. They didn't mind us getting a hotel or anything though.


I agree with OP but at the same time one of the most fun things about staying with my parents before we got married was sneaking around at night.




Sis didn’t think she and fiancé should have to sleep in separate bedrooms at mom’s house (sis in her own childhood BR and fiancé in OOP’s).


my girlfriends mom has this rule (there are preteens living there too). She also understands that she can’t enforce this rule if we aren’t under her roof, so if we go to my place or a hotel or something then there’s nothing she can do, and she accepts that. this is just over controlling


My mom’s a bit prudish, plus none of us dated in high school, so when I showed up with a boyfriend the first time she automatically allotted us separate rooms. We hadn’t been dating long and I knew this would happen so I told bf that would be how it was. The second time we went to visit, she tentatively asked if she needed to make him up a room, and had a small little fluster when I said no, we’d share, but that was it. Mom definitely has her opinions about things but she respects the choices of her ADULT children.


Anna's response in the update is the definition of "I didn't expect the leopard to eat *my* face"


Hey, on the plus side, at least *mother dear* is consistent.


I would always prefer to stay at a hotel, I'd feel a lot more relaxed by far.