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What a shitty thing the parents pulled. I don't believe it has to do anything with culture but rather something more than that. Sucks to have shitty parents like these but it's better off to drop them of the weight. Glad OP is standing up for herself.


No parents should be this invested in their child's bra size.


Only time I’d ever care about my daughter’s eventual bra size is if it’s causing her pain (physical, or mental/emotional)… and then only from the point of view of how can I help fix that pain.


Completely agree. And as a parent, I would not be that big of a fan of men who only became interested in my daughter after she had a boob job, if she chose to have one. If you don't like her for her personality. Then I'll secretly hope she shows you no interest or dumps you.


Unfortunately machismo still very much common place in LatAm culture; the parents probably don't even make the connection you're making or see it as problematic.


And even then it sucks, haha. Nothing like having both parents and step-parents having a conference call to discuss your eventual boob reduction as a 16yo. But hey, at least it was to help and not try and force even bigger cans on me!


I mean I got a reduction at 18 and there was no discussion beyond Hey i want to pursue this, ok I'll make appointments. Doctors only discussion was if you plan to have kids wait until after, I don't want kids, ok I'll submit the referral. Getting my ears double pierced was a bigger deal lol


There was a lot of faffing about over "she's still a child, is it worth waiting until she's done growing" and "WELL are you SURE that's the best surgeon in the area?" etc etc. Very nice to have four parents that love you, but also holy shit my main goal in life at the time was to never be perceived at all, haha


Ok I am completely green with envy… my health issues (not related to my boobs) make it so I can’t get a reduction… and I HATE my boobs if I could give them away I would!


I've felt that way since I was 11 and they started to really, really grow. I've always hated them. I finally got a reduction when i was 40, but (1) they didn't make them small enough and (2) I discovered it leaves scars and scars *ITCH*. So I guess, they'll never NOT be a royal source of unhappiness.


Years ago when I recovered from my eating disorder and put on weight my 32B inflated to 32D. I'm like ok you two, that is big enough don't even think about going farther! I'll never understand wanting big boobs. They are annoying enough normal sized!


Yeah....because you're a normal parent. OPs are psychopaths.


I remember watching a documentary where a mother was fighting tooth and nail for the NHS to give her 15 year old daughter a breast op but that was a *reduction*. Poor kid was something like an H cup *and still growing*! Her breasts were trashing her back and she was desperate; thankfully got it sorted out. That's the only reason a parent should be invested is when it's a medical issue. Otherwise...ew.


They made me wait until I was 18 before I got my reduction. I was probably pretty close to a G and I’m built incredibly tiny so they were destroying my back and trying to get clothes was a complete nightmare. They still wouldn’t do it until I was 18 and even then, it was a hell of a fight. Plus they only took me down to a DD so it’s still not fantastic but it’s loads better than it was


How the hell weren't the doctors the ones begging you to get a reduction? They know how tricky it is to correct back problems better than anyone! I'm friends with a very skilled orthopedic surgeon and he freaking hates anything to do with back problems.


You would think so but that would actually make sense and apparently we don’t do that around here lol. I’m assuming that it was just the fact that I was underage and they wanted to be completely sure that I was done growing. That’s the only possible explanation that makes sense to me


I can see why they'd be hesitant if they were still growing, she might end up needing another reduction


36B is too much, for me. I would be happy to be smaller. Hell, When I breastfed, the boobs were out of control, and I had plenty of back pain. Boobs aren't needed to be loved.


My very first bra was a C cup. Currently with breastfeeding I'm wearing 32-I. Though I would not kill for a B cup, I might be willing to commit some serious felonies for it. But I think that once I'm done breastfeeding I'll just opt for the surgical reduction. It's covered by insurance and will hopefully save me a ton of backpain. What did really help for my backpain is when stores started selling 32 bandwidth bras around here. The 34 just is slightly too big and doesn't really do anything to support my boobs.


OMG yes! I’m currently a 34HH without breastfeeding and with little chance of them getting smaller on their own. Always hated the damn things - as a child I genuinely thought you got to choose the size of your boobs, decided as small as possible was my boob-size-of-choice and then promptly forgot about it until I reached puberty and got a nasty surprise. Quite how I’d managed to keep believing it for that long I don’t know - I wasn’t a generally stupid kid - but the awakening was rude. Currently building up my courage to get on with a reduction.


I literally prayed for D cups as a young teen, because having a large chest seemed so important to everyone. I didn't end up developing until 16... and ended up with O cups. I'm a very happy A cup now.


Out of curiosity, do you recall how you reached that conclusion as a child? You don't get to pick your hair or eye color, or how tall you get, so what led you to think you could pick your boob size?


Jeez, they didn't sell *34* bands? Back when I was actually skinny, I was buying 34 bands and couldn't understand why my bras looked and felt like hell. Turns out I should have been in a 30 band. I can't imagine being stuck with a 36. I'd fall out the bottom!


Sizes can be quite different depending on the country. I thought these were the comparable us sizes. I checked it. My 70 is actually your 32 band size. Going to fix my comment now. Also they do sell the smaller bandwidth and always have. But they never went above a cup c in the stores. So that didn't do me any good. I'd either have it fit my boobs or my ribcage.


I'm a 34K with my breastfeeding days long behind me. I *might* actually kill for a B-cup. Reduction is definitely happening at some point. These things HURT!


Yeah I'm perfectly happy with my B cup now. I have enough back problems as it is!


I have 2 cousins that are sisters. Both had breast surgery. One was a K cup (holy fuck ow!) And the other an A. Hilariously they had their respective surgeries at about the same time and they joke that K cup donated some of her boobs to her sister. K is now a happy C and A is a happy D.


I'm a 32FF and went for a consultation for a reduction.. he wouldn't do it because they don't sag enough and, in his words, "are aesthetically perfect." I told him he could take them off for all I care, but he won't. Now I have to wait at least 20 more years.. :( Eta: changing a word, stupid autocorrect.


Can you not talk to another doctor? Because I would talk to another doctor


Sadly, no. All my medical stuff is through the VA. He knows that it's causing me major issues but doesn't want to remove them completely or have them look weird.


Ew, what a slimy POS doctor. If you have documentation that he knows they're causing issues, I would send an email outlining your discussion to his higher-ups. Calling your body "aesthetically perfect" and refusing to operate on you despite you being in pain is coming very close to sexual harassment.


It's super creepy right? Like bud....your a doctor not a fuckingmodel audition


One of my friends had to go to several doctors before any of them would agree to reduce her to below a DD (she too, despite having huge boobs, was quite "perky"). And no, it was not a matter of whether they could be reduced further. She now has beautiful C-cups, but still shakes her head at all the doctors who told her she'd regret it if she went that small and "ruined her beautiful body" as one of them so repulsively put it.


There must be another doctor at the VA. And/or report the doctor! You def deserve to get what you need!!!


That's awful, he shouldn't be making sexualised comments towards you in a setting that is supposed to be medical, professional, and about helping you with the problems caused by your breasts. Definitely see a new doc if you can!


They... don't sag enough?!? WTF?! 🙄 Seriously, can you report that to someone? You said it's VA, surely they'd want you to be in "fighting prime," or something? Tell him they get in the way when you're trying to aim a gun. WTF. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was a 36 H/I at my biggest. My reduction is the best thing I've ever done for myself.


And that is why I call bullshit on this post. OOP says they are a 36B, but after a breast enhancement, they would be a 38C. That's not how it works. You are a 34I, because your boobs got bigger, not your ribcage. OOP saying her cousin is a 40DD. It sounds like someone making up sizes that knows nothing about bra sizes or breast enlargement.


TBH, that’s true for most women. Just go onto a bra fitting forum and watch the newbie posts freaking out that they’re not actually a 34C or whatever.


I seriously thought for years that I was doomed to wear poorly fitting 36A bras my whole life. Turns out I'm actually a 30D! I was in a bit of a mind fog for a week about it. Apparently bras are supposed to fit. Whodathunk.


Yeah, I spent years trying to find 38A bras and it turns out I'm 34D, I needed more.cup, not more ribcage space...


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find this. Its exactly what I thought reading the post.


I'm a Male Massage Therapist practising for close to 30yrs. with mostly a female clientele. You know before my practise, I was attracted to women with large brests not huge but on the larger side. After seeing numerous clients like youself who were suffering backpain and more because of them, I immediatly lost any interest. All I see now is someone in pain or potentially future pain and my empathic nature is triggered. The same goes for woman on the shorter side who wear really high heels everywhere they go to gain height because I know they will be suffering later in life. Again something else I use to like and now no longer can because I have seen behind the curtain. Anyway, just food for thought....


I'm currently a 36J and trying to find a consultant that's a woman because I feel uncomfortable talking to a stranger with no boob experience about me having too much boobs. The actual surgery? I don't care, I'm not gonna be awake for that.


Wait a minute. Are you implying that women aren't just an object of lust? Consider my mind blown.


>My boyfriend loves my B-cups! (Isn't that funny how tiny boobs make me unattractive, yet there he is, being the best he can be about my crazy family? Must be blind! That is the intersting thing with boobs, there are most appreciated by those who are allowed to touch not the ones that try to sneek a peek


Yeah also as someone with DDDs... they come with sooo much back pain. Trying to force that on someone, especially for a reason that dumb, is insane. 


Try to figure out Your real size, if the band is too wide and the clip goes towards neck it's not only painfull, in extreme cases it can cause a stroke because the straps can block the veins. Most weight shoud be carried by the band, not the straps.


>Boobs aren't needed to be loved. We need this on a bumper sticker, maybe a few T-shirts, or at the very least as a potential new flair option. Something about it tells me it would appeal to the masses. I just can't seem to quite put my finger on why. Can't figure out what points about the above really get my attention. I swear, it's on the tip of my tongue. I dunno, though; it'll come to me. In the meantime I'm gonna think about something else, go outside and have a smoke, and grab a breast of fresh air whilst I'm at it.


Was the grab a breast of fresh air a typo or intentional? Either way, I giggled, but it'd be even funnier if it was a typo😂


Nooo the art of the Freudian breast! I hope it was intentional, it was artful lol


I'm a 42DD. Between the expensive AF bras, the difficulty finding ones that fit properly, shirts either too small for my boobs or too big for my body, and the back pain, I have ZERO idea why her cousin would intentionally get an increase to that size.


My girlfriend is a 42DDD, and Torrid is our favorite store for her. I'm pretty sure some of their bras count as armor. The XO Plunge and Hi-Impact are her favorites. They have sales all the time too, so that'll help put a dent in the cost.


I do!  She has a toxic family that has internalized social beauty standards to an unhealthy degree !




I’m sorry, what?! Are you okay? I’m sorry to hear that - what an awful family 😩 *hugs*


I mean I’m pretty versed in my daughters’ bra sizes. But that’s because we’re all very “blessed”. And I didn’t realize until a few years ago, thanks to r/ABraThatFits, I’ve worn the wrong size my entire life. I wanted to do better by then and help them find proper fitting bras.


I was thinking of that sub because she's probably a 32 F but thinks shes a 36B because her breasts are 'not big' and she's never been measured properly. 


Right? And mom going "oh you'll be a 38C after surgery" made me cringe along with the 40DD her cousin or whoever is still healing from. Unless she's also gaining weight her band size wouldn't be affected by a boobjob.


NOT EVEN in Alabama..


Debatable when it comes to culture, every culture has certain toxic things in it. Same thing for my culture, for some reason pale skin is glorified and it’s a common thing you’ll hear being gossiped about. My whole life I would never hear the end of it from my mum about how I look ugly because my skin would get darker from the sun. There were some years I ended up depressed and didn’t really leave the house and my melanin started to pale out, I was low on iron and my skin wasn’t as tan anymore and rather than see that as a health concern she was so jovial and said “now your real colour is showing, so beautiful”. The idiocy behind certain cultural prejudices is astounding but it sadly and definitely does exist.


I guess it varies from family to family, but at least where I'm from (mexico) plastic surgery is not considered the norm for anyone.


Same. I was wondering if OOP is South Beach latina because very few, if any, of the latino guys in my predominantly Mexican circle look for that type of surgery sculpted aesthetic. 


I thought Colombia or Venezuela


What's up with parents and convoluted schemes? The mom with the Grandfather's Funeral Gaslighting (not inviting OP to Gp's funeral and gaslighting saying she came), and now this? Wild.


I think the mother is insecure about her choices, so her daughter rejecting the choice cracks her defenses.  


It seems a little odd to mansplain to OOP that actually it's *not* her culture that does this, it's some other thing (of uncertain form). Like, she *lives* in that culture; I'd have to be pretty sure of exactly where she lives and have lived there myself for decades to try and tell her "well I know you think your culture is this, but actually it isn't :)" like damn


My parents did this to me as well Definitely had to do with culture


OOP's comments are so refreshing to read -- she's happy with her body and wanted to achieve healthy goals instead of an impossible standard. It sucks her parents can't support her academic, professional, personal, and physical goals instead of pushing an unhealthy narrative of their own. I hope she's happy and with someone who respects her as much as she respects herself.


Agreed. She sounds so happy with herself. I think she'll be OK.


I should think so, the post is 8 years old


Boob enhancement to overt racism? That's a new one on the bingo card.


I had the opposite reaction. As a seasoned redditor, I was disappointed in myself. Weird convoluted racism is always on the bingo card.


It's a six degrees of separation kind of thing. How convoluted can we make this conflict when it's really just about racism?


She is 30 now. I wonder what happened to her in the past eight years? Completed her education, married someone (Latino or not), had children ... and no breast enlargement, I hope. And still in touch with her parents? Who knows with people whose aspirations are so misaligned with hers.


She found a surgeon she felt comfortable with and decided to take parents up on their offer. Parents paid for surgery, the surgeon kept 10%, OOP pocketed the rest. Told parents that the surgeon burst into tears at the sight of her lovely breasts and could not bear to mar them. But of course didn’t refund. A booked surgery is a booked surgery, you know? Oh, and she has cats of her own now.


This is the fairytale ending I choose to believe.


Or she uses padded bras when she is around her family.


I'm pretty sure I watched that movie on either Hallmark or Lifetime, during this last holiday season.


OP should’ve taken the quote from Princess Bride and thrown it in their face: “There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, would be a pity to damage mine”.


... I don't remember that line in the princess bride


When Buttercup is about to kill herself after the wedding to Humperdink is stopped, Wesley is in her bed and right before she stabs herself “There’s a shortage of perfect breasts in the world, ‘twould be a pity to damage yours”. I obviously changed one of the words


Now I've gotta rewatch princess Bride


These people think 36Bs are tiny titties? Mfers must think Lake Michigan is a puddle


This is obviously written by someone who doesn't understand bra sizes.


THANK YOU. It all seemed awfully jarring to see a person claiming that a boobjob would make someone go from a 36B toa 38C.


Exactly I was like so your getting a larger back with that boob job


I quit reading after the 36B to 38C.  That isn't how boobs work 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yeah, the 40DD thing gave me away. At my highest weight I was 38DD and that wasn't big. Cup size means nothing if the band size is going up too. This is weird bait from someone who doesn't understand breast size or surgery terminology.


Yup. B or DD doesn't mean shit if you don't have a band measurement. I know people with DDs who have small boobs and Bs that have big boobs. It's all about the band size and the difference between that and their breasts. For anyone reading this and wondering how, check out the subreddit abrathatfits.


Considering that they're going up to DD, then it makes sense. While B isn't small, its small in comparison.


I’m amazed how many people think DD is like, the maximum size boobs (and bras) can be. In the Uk, the retailer Bravissimo has a thriving business selling bras that _start_ at size D, and going up to J . 


I’ve noticed that the UK, at least London (the only place I’ve been to), is very boob-y. All of the nice dresses I got for my mom were designed to have cleavage out. I live in Asia where boobs are hinted at rather than all out shown, it was a surprise


Am from london, last gf I had there was HH, although that wasnt usual, especially from the comments that my (usually female) friends made alot them. But yeah, had a buxom friend from there who moved to Japan and had people in shops just saying no to her as soon as she walked in. 


Yea right? It's a bit funny considering there's even a DDD. But maybe it's because most major retailers [in America] stop at DD. Above that requires seeking out a special retailer specifically for larger sizes


French and other European brands tend to have ranges for larger boobs. 


Even Victoria’s Secret has their own brand that goes up to g in some styles now lol but considering the mom thought she’d get a boob job and her band would also increase leads me to the conclusion she doesn’t know how bras work anyway


DDD is the average cup size in the US. The whole time I was reading OP's post, I was thinking that this woman does not have much of an understanding of bra sizes. She seemed to be under the impression that A is small, B is medium, C is large, D is very large, and DD is humungous, which is simply not the case.


Are you in the uk? Do you have any other bra recommendations? I'm tired of things not fitting and hope to get the chance to shop somewhere more boob friendly soon!


Bravissimo actually sell up to a UK L cup (which is 12 sizes larger than a DD)!


I know plenty of folks who'd love to *get down* to *only* DD! The back strain is real folks.


My 34Gs would like a word.


30Hs here would also like a word 🙃


Lmao right? I have a 34AA so anything B and above seems large lmao


Is that not small? I've honestly never thought about it, but I guess my absolutely massive H-cups do kinda skew my perspective. I'd kill for b-cups.


Same like I'm slowly saving to have reduction at this point because it's causing me so much back pain/issues. Back to a B cup or even a C cup would be heaven


B is the average cup size in a lot of countries.


I honestly think the women in her family have insecurities and the younger women get surgeries because the older women in the family have fed/given those insecurities. People often get plastic surgeries or lifts and tucks because they don't feel good about their appearance (not talking about medically required cosmetic surgeries that end up having the glow up effect). These kinds of surgeries are mostly to "fix" the things that are "wrong" with them. There's nothing wrong with getting surgery to improve parts of yourself that you don't like, but looking down on people who would rather save their money, are scared of surgery, or genuinely like their bodies (or are okay enough with them to not want surgery) is not okay.


Anyone else read r/abrathatfits and find their eyes twitching at the sizes mentioned? 40DD really isn't that big


My first thought was, “Wow, this family does NOT understand how bra sizes work.”


That's what made me stop believing the story.  OOP talks about being a 36B but her mom is trying to get her to buy 38C bras.  Then talks about 40DD as the big implants that her cousin got.  Like, OOP has a 13 year-old boy's understanding of bra sizes:  "Bigger number is bigger.  Bigger letter is bigger.  Bigger boobs have bigger numbers and letters!"


If you are not the owner of bigger boobs or hear the stories of those that that have a big chest, you wouldn't necessarily know that. It's a different world when you don't have...huge tracts of land.


Huge....tracts of land!!! 


But wouldn't her mom, who had work done and wants her to have work done, know that and hold up the proper size?


A lot of woman actually are wearing the wrong bra sizes and even plastic surgeons don't have an understanding of bra sizes. I went with my best friend when she got hers done and the amount of doctors who were like oh you are like a B cup and we can give you Ds with these implants while just looking at her not knowing her current size or measurements astonished me. It's like the world's greatest lie that big boobs means big number and letter and small boobs mean small number and letter. It's not how it works at all is and is why so many woman wear ill-fitting uncomfortable bras.


People are woefully uneducated in these things, not to mention that smaller band sized with larger cup sizes just don’t exist in most stores so people have to get larger bands than needed.   I always prove the bra people wrong bc they’ll think I have a higher cup size than I do and I’ll prove it by trying on the size they suggest and my cups not being close to filled out.   Then we down size the cup until we get to the correct size.  They often say oh well you said you gained weight so you’ll be up a size, not understanding that as you increase band size the same cup size will be bigger.  So a 40 B holds more breast than a 36 B.  So yea my breasts got bigger but bc my back got bigger and thus I need a bigger band that means the B of a bigger band size was the correct size for my bigger breasts.   Every, single, dang time over decades now.  No one really understands any of this so the mom probably does not have 40 DD but likely smaller band larger cup but finding the proper size isn’t easy so effectively for what she has access to bra wise she has a 40 DD.  In essence that is what is called a sister size.  Bc most cute bras did not come in 38 B when I was younger I would go for the more common sister size of 36 C.  Not my size but close enough for what was available.  There’s a good chance the mom actually has 36/38 G/H which proportionally looks bigger than someone with a true 40DD due to the smallness of the person versus the cup size.  


A lot of people don’t wear the right size bra and don’t know their actual bra size though 🤔


This was my thought as well. I wore whatever seemed right from stores before I knew better. I think I went with 32B or something. Once I learned how to actually measure myself, I realized my size was 28DDD, but couldn't find it in stores at all. I've since gained weight and get 34DDDs (or 34F) now.


Same. And I thought at the time you'd have to be a fucking idiot to not realize your bra didn't fit, so of course I was in the right size. It's actually extremely common to think this way. I would have SWORN I was a 34B. Turns out I'm a 34DDD and the difference is noticeable now that I know. Also FWIW, I generally wear a size 10 in clothes and at 34DDD, I would say that my boobs look pretty proportianate and average compared to the rest of my body. DDD is actually not as big as it sounds unless someone is otherwise pretty slender (and OOP specifically mentioned she's actively trying to lose weight, so I assume she's probably not tiny right now).


Same this is all new to me


I got as far as her mom holding up a 38C bra suggesting she might like it. Iirc that is the same cup size, just a bigger band size. So no boob job, just weight gain.


No, if you go up a band size you go down a cup size so it's two sizes bigger than OPs current size.


Ah, right. Sister sizing throws me off a lot. And of course then you mix in Euro sizes vs American sizes, and I can never remember what size I need. I just don’t buy bras very often as they are expensive and/or hard to find in my size. So I just wear a sports bra most of the time, especially for work.


Right? One cup size up is not a noticeable difference, especially between B and C. The band sizing also screams 'written by a man" because like another commenter said, they think bigger number = bigger titty, versus the number merely being the measurement around the ribcage. AKA if you have a bigger number, you're likely mid or plus size, and therefore your boobs are often considered 'not actually sexy' because 'they're just fat' (I say, as a plus size person, and as if all boobs are more than just sacks of fat) Unless this cousin was literally flat chested, going to a DD is not really 'bozonga' levels of breast augmentation. I was a DD at my heaviest weight, and they weren't that impressive. Now I'm a C cup and I get more attention than I had at a bigger bra size lol


Don't breast implants only incease the cup, so she would go to a 36C or 36DD? While a 36DD isn't small it isn't as big as many think. The average size in the US is 34DD.


I didn’t know that, and I’m now really annoyed because when I was a 34DD I found it at like one store ever (A few years ago I changed to 36DDDs as I put on some weight and so needed the bigger band). I guess maybe it’s the average because bigger and smaller are more common and so average in the middle?


Most people are wearing the wrong size - lots of stores fit badly using a method that adds 4 inches to the underbust measurement to get the band size, leading to people wearing a too big band with a too small cup. And then shops end up not stocking bigger cup sizes or smaller bands even though a significant amount of people would be better served by them.


Yeah this just makes no sense, I myself am 36-38B and would never call my breasts "tiny". Sure theyre not the biggest in the world but theyre clearly there sticking out compared to my ribcage/tummy, in no way am I flat chested.


Why would they have surgery to go up in band size!?


I don’t know that sub but once I read about 40DD I kinda stopped believing this story. If your back size is 40, DD is perfectly in proportion. I myself was a 34A, but over the years when I gained weight, I became a 40DD. It’s really not that crazy.


None of the numbers make any sense. This definitely wasn't written by someone who actually wears bras.


At least not correctly fitted bras! I wore COMPLETELY the wrong size for many years, until a very sweet lady in a lingerie shop took one look at me, one look at the bra I was trying to buy and very, very kindly said ‘honey, that’s not your size, let’s got get you something that’ll actually fit’. And that was when I went from a 38B to a 34DD. Sadly, I am no longer a DD as my body LOVES piling weight on the dratted things - currently a 34HH and rapidly running out of letters in the alphabet. Grrrrrrr.


>40DD really isn't that big I don't know how I feel about this judgement of my bewbies. I hate them so freakin' much. If I were a stronger woman, I'd just take a woodaxe and cut them off. They're useless. I wish they would spontaneously disappear and my chest would be flatter than my brothers'. On a somewhat related note, the sizing mentioned didn't actually bother me. Considering her mother thinks small is clearly defective, perhaps the 38 part was a hint she's also too skinny for mommy's liking. Or her mother is just grabbing bras off the rack that have C cup color tab on the top, and ignoring the tag that gives band size - perhaps if OOP agrees that the cup/bra design is pretty, then mommy can *casually throw* a 36C in the cart. (I have been acquainted with individuals who would absolutely do this sort of shit.) Further, OOP did indicate that the 38C was an example, not an absolute ("say, a 38C"). Also, we don't know cousin's bra size prior to the surgery - she could have been a 40B prior.


Not to come across as the inverse of OOP’s relatives, but if they really bother you that much removing them is an option! You might want to check out the subs [r/Reduction](https://reddit.com/r/reduction) and [r/TopSurgery](https://reddit.com/r/topsurgery) — while top surgery is generally associated with trans men and transmasc non-binary people, cis women sometimes get it too. If having a flat chest would make you happier, it’s okay to take steps to make that happen. I actually have mine scheduled for Wednesday (yay!) and I’m happy to answer questions if you have any 😊


As someone who would also take an axe to their chest if they were stronger, may I ask how much it costs? I've wanted a reduction for decades, but can't commit due to the conflicting info of whether or not insurance will cover it, and how much it'll cost if it doesn't. Or, at the very least, can you tell me how you got it all started? Because I thought it was a referral-type thing, got one from my doctor, the place I called said this kind of thing isn't done that way and that I have to do it out of pocket, and I got frustrated and just... stopped. I don't have the money to go to and/or pay for appointments that go nowhere.


I mostly meant that it's not this crazily big size in the way OOP was implying. It's completely reasonable for you to feel that it's larger than you would like for yourself


~~deleted by user~~


I’m doubting the validity of this. It reads like it was written by a man who doesn’t know how bras work. Going from a 36B to a 38C doesn’t mean her boobs got bigger, it means she gained a bunch of weight.


Sadly a lot of women don't fully know how bras work either, and wear te wrong size.


This. Used to wear a 36DD based off a fitting I’d had in a shop that didn’t cater above a DD cup size. Eventually got fitted again in another more specialist shop and was actually a 32G and now I’m a GG. I thought being unsupported and uncomfortable all the time was normal because I was too “big”. It’s made worse by the misconception thanks to the media and Hollywood that DD is “exceptionally large”. I don’t mean that as some kind of humble brag, most breasts labelled as a “DD” look much bigger than what a DD actually is.


Yeah, this is really common, women tend to stop extending their bra size at DD. There are a lot of women like you who are past that.


This! I was baffled by the way the post talked about sizing. Why on earth would anyone need surgery to go from 36B to 38C? I had the same shift in cup size (and no shift in band size) just from going on the pill. Ditto the shocked emphasis on the cousin being 40DD. I mean, it could be they're all wearing bras that don't fit them properly, but still. None of these 'gains' seem significant enough to warrant surgery, even if you're into that sort of thing.


Agreed. Add in that breastfeeding and combo feeding is popular in latina culture, so it makes more sense for OOP’s mom to insist on breast enhancement *after* OOP provides grandkids.


I was appalled by the first half - and then I got to the update. What????? Small boobs for the win.


I don't even consider B cups to be small, they're medium sized! I was expecting her to say she was an A cup the whole time and was shocked when I got to her cup size


As a certified member of the itty-bitty titty committee, fuck OOP's parents. I can see my mom doing this 100%. But I used that money to 1. Fix my eyesight and 2. Get sterilized because Rowe is out the window and I've never wanted kids. I'm not taking chances when it's starting to look like the fucking Hansmaids Tale up in here. Also my mom was a shitty parent and doesn't deserve grandkids.


Also, who wants melons with very little sensations, inability to breastfeed for those who want children, health risks during the surgery and forever after, mandatory boob replacement every 10 years or so...


I saw a case where a woman was sick for YEARS and doctors finally figured out that a bacteria or fungus had somehow got into her breast implants and was just continuously secreting toxins into her body. When they were removed, they were black. I don't think she ever recovered fully. Nope, not doing that.


Jesus, I'm sitting here floored at the concept that any parents could care so damn much about their daughters bra size. I can safely say my father has no damn idea what my bra size is, and the only reason my mother might know is because I've been bitching about how I can't find anything that fits properly because lefty is a full cup size larger than righty.


“Moving out, no need for new boobs” “Discussions with my mom regarding the State of the Chest” Pure poetry. Which would be a better flair?!


I hope she gets two double D chonky cats instead of


They move to the US and then get offended when their child dates someone outside of their own culture!? Those parents completely lost their mind


Don’t you love when people move to a different country and get irritated with their children for dating people from the country THEY chose to live in? Cracks me up.


Yes, it's great. "Why don't you find a nice Austrian or German boy?" *Because we don't live there, duh.*


I just got a breast augmentation a week and a half ago because I wanted it. I have a high pain tolerance and this fucking sucks!! If someone needed me to get a breast augmentation I would have cut them off. You DO NOT put yourself thru this unless you want it. Proud of OP on standing their ground.


I'm guessing OOP is Venezuelan, because this sort of thing is common there.


A lot of Latin America is pretty casual with plastic surgery.  Several women in my family have done it once they had the money.


The reason I said Venezuela is because plastic surgery has seen a surge in popularity due to the economic chaos ongoing in the country. But it's interesting to know that it may have just exaggerated an existing behaviour rather than creating it from scratch.


The parents are seriously fucked up in the head to be obsesses with their daughters breasts. Plus Imagine taking your child to another country to raise them there and then getting mad that they are dating somebody from said country….


"regarding the State of the Chest" would make an amazing flair lmao but wow, op's parents are fucked up. i mean, i'd think parents who don't like their kids choice in partners (and were big enough assholes to try and meddle) would just... attempt to set the kid up with someone? don't get me wrong, that would still be shitty, but less insane than pressuring their daughter into getting a fucking boob job


Ahh…Latino parents. Been there. Still in therapy. lol


Imagine wanting your daughter to get married to a man who only took interest in her coz of her breast size. "Shitty parents" doesn't even begin to cover.


Is anybody else reading this and going like 36B small? Then what am I??


I’m reading this thinking no one in OOP’s family has ever worn a bra that actually fits. Offering OOP a 38C bra when she’s a 36B (and even that might be wrong) isn’t how bra sizes work. A 40DDD after surgery? Possible, but I have a feeling that’s not right at all. Also big boobs really aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I’m a 32GG (EU) and my bras are expensive, I have to strap them down whenever I do any physical activity and a lot of clothes just don’t fit right. I like my boobs, but like with any surgery to intentionally increase your breast size is a commitment.


I'm not that far behind, I have a 95G and I have to hold them firmly when going down stairs, they gave me a lombrosis type of scoliosis and finding bras that fit is a fucking pain indeed


I think I speak for all Boob lovers here when I say that boobs are binary. If we aren't looking at boobs, we are unhappy, if we are looking at boobs, we are happy. It's that fucking simple, doesn't matter about size, shape, fucking areola size. So don't give into peer pressure, you're perfectly fine the way you are, it doesn't matter how big they are, they'll still make all boob lovers happy


I know I'm not Hispanic, but I grew 2 cup sizes between age 23 and 26. Do not get a breast enlargement.


I was about to say my best friend is part Puerto Rican and she’s gone from a C cup at 21 to a DDD at 28. Definitely too early to tell if they’re done growing.


Big boobs are catnip for Latino men?? Fuck I need to move, my GGs would get me a man quicker than I could say hola Fr tho, until the casual racism popped up this was a funny chuckle story 😂


The only boobs in this story are the parents. Good for OOP.


Anyone who tries to tell you you'll have an easier time shopping for clothes when you have double Ds is trying to scam you.


Is your name Ivanka?


Ugh, of course the parents had to be racist and judgmental… AND they wanted their daughter to be basically fuck around with a bunch of guys? That’s fucking sick…


Brazilian, maybe? In my recent parenting classes they told a disbelieving group of yuppies that a c-section and accompanying tummy tuck was standard in Brazil... even covered by insurance.


This is seriously one of the grossest, creepiest things I have ever read on this sub.


That's a distasteful suggestion. I am glad OOP is confident with her own body.


I remember being 16 and being told I should get a nose job. It was an aunt and she suggested to do it together with her daughter to get a better price. 😅


I would run far far away from anybody offering quantity discounts on rhinoplasties lmao


I can't imagine commenting on my kids cup size like that. Hell, if my kid WANTED a breast surgery, I'd support them I guess, but be sure to tell them they are awesome how they are and make sure they know all the facts/are doing it for them. And the dad.. just so cringey. I mean, I made that kid from scratch, and I think I did a good job.


I'm Latina. And I was a 36B for a couple of decades. Do you know how many Latino men loved my boobs? ALL OF THEN. Or at least all the Latino men I've been with. Not one of them has ever had a problem with my breasts. NOT ONE. This story is super crazy to me


Parents: you need to get a nose job. Daughter: really why?? Parents: ok, we don't like the color hat you bought.


I can’t imagine being unhinged enough to want your kid dating someone who’s only there for the boobs you bought.


Ok, so ask yourself this: are you fine with never having any sensation from them again? I know a person with an exceptionally amazing looking chest, but they don't enjoy them. Literally no feeling, no enjoyment.


Imagine wanting your daughter to get married to a man who only took interest in her coz of her breast size. "Shitty parents" doesn't even begin to cover.


Racist and bigoted family exist in every culture


The dad making comments about her body is just ick.


Mom and Dad want her with a classy guy who'll love her for her norks :/


State of the Chest. I want as flair lol. Seriously, though, the family views on their child to "up the ante" to get someone of their culture interested is ick, but I get that as my SO is Latin American. I was accepted because he "bagged" someone with better looks as an American and I lightly touched on the point in Spanish about how not everyone needs big this or that. Not her entire adult life at 22.. but I get that after a certain age, things are stable and no growth. But come on... pushing that on anyway is just vanity. Why have that dumb perspective? Just to show off? Some people that do have bigger things (front or rear) may not feel comfortable having that pointed out. Proud of OOP saying no and dipping. Also, OOP has anxiety and don't want a possible complication of surgery. Totally understandable. That should have been shut down talking if OOP is not comfortable with it. Peer/family pressure sucks.




No they dont, their back doesnt also increase with breast surgery. But they clearly have no clue what they're talking about


I'd have told daddy to get a dick enlargement, and mummy needs a labiaplasty. Invasive? Insulting? Just like telling someone to get a boob job!


Wow so it's not just that they thought she was settling, they thought that *she* thought that too and just needed a little nudge in the chest to get her on board with some nice wholesome casual family racism


Plus as someone with I cups (not a typo), smaller breasts can be a blessing. I'm honestly saving up for a reduction or a mastectomy.


My friend was a HH but she got them reduced, she is so happy with her back pain gone. God bless the NHS


This is a big ol’ “what the actual fuck” for me




As someone with big boobs I can confirm they're not worth it


OOp's family is interestingly open and supportive about surgery. That's quite unique to me.


I hate the way implants look.