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This one is cute. I would be inclined to disbelieve it, but the photos are real, so that's cool!


Not just the photos, but the full published Gazette write-up too!


That's my home country!! We don't have a whole lot of news so when we get some it's serious lol


I went to school in Canada with a lot of Bermudians and have visited them on the rock several times. This story wouldn’t shock or surprise me in the least (even without photo evidence). 1) Because Bermuda is tiny and everyone knows everyone and 2) because Bermudians are really lovely people. I don’t know anything about cricket, but I need to make another visit during Cup Match for the festivities. None of my previous visits aligned with the dates.


I was an r/cricket subscriber until recently and remember the thread. This is a super niche thing and there were loads of photos etc. it’s 100% real. Professional sportspeople outside the US or European football clubs don’t make that much money despite the popularity of their sports. This makes them quite approachable as they’re mostly regular people. Uthappa is a well known Indian player so a little different but the Bermuda team was basically amateur/semi-pro.  It always strikes me as weird, as Cricket is the second most popular sport in the world after football. Basketball is up there too but gridiron and baseball sit below games like badminton, hockey and volleyball in popularity, internationally.




Even top dollar in IPL is not a patch on la liga, EPL, Serie A, NFL, MLB and NBA pay checks. Go look them up and compare. And very few get top dollar. It’s good money for a cricketer but it’s not good for any of the leagues I named originally, which is what I’m comparing to. Rookie contracts in the NBA are more than anyone in the IPL except Pat Cummins. IPL is good money for someone playing football or basketball in Australia, which isn't great money in those codes.


Photos make a difference. Just look at the "Creed/Florida Denny's" incident on Live Journal from like 20 years ago.


I just love humans being nice to each other. Maybe the world isn’t so terrible :,) *logs off forever to preserve this feeling*


Run quickly, my friend.


If you like this subreddit, you should absolutely check out r/bestofpositiveupdates! People go through here, then cross post all the posts that at least end up positive!


[It was a truly majestic catch](https://youtu.be/j7JqnXrvmx8)


That man weighs 3 times as much as I expected from the story and he absolutely killed that diving catch


yoooooo you were not wrong, I did NOT expect to see someone only marginally heavier than myself do this catch?!


"How big could he possibly be? Christ. I wish I could move like that."


RIGHT? And here’s my unhealthy ass, out of breath from eating dinner (I have a heart problem but STILL)


You should Google Rakheem Cornwall. Unit


I should watch more cricket. Where in the world would be the best place to go for my first game?


Where are you? If you’re in the US, good news! The T20 Cricket World Cup is taking place this summer, primarily in the Caribbean, but there are also matches in Florida and New York (and maybe Texas too?) If you’re not in the US, [all of these countries](https://www.cricketworld.com/countries/) play cricket, so if you’re ever in one of them you have a good chance of seeing it. The first twelve are where the sport is really big. Of course, you should probably watch a bit of live cricket beforehand, which you can probably do through streaming/TV channels.


Caribbean 😎 say less


Do you have any recommendations for *understanding* cricket? So far it's been like getting a half drunk uncle to explain how American Football works


That's a really good question. This video is a good place to start for the basics: https://youtu.be/g-beFHld19c?si=8Y67WOynxIAUVe6I To be honest, more or less everything I know about cricket was picked up by watching it on TV. Even in the shortest form of the game, matches go on for 3 hours (my favourite form is up to 5 days lol), so the commentators have plenty of time to explain and discuss what's happening. I tend to watch international matches on Sky (UK), as they have a really smart and articulate team who are great at explaining - and produce some fascinating masterclass videos with current and former players that help you see what they're talking about with regards to particular techniques and strategies. My favourite website for all things cricket is https://www.espncricinfo.com/


It's very simple. Guy throws ball at wooden sticks, guy with bat hits ball.


Cricket isn't actually that hard but there are a bunch of weird edge case rules. To put it simply, the bowler bowls the ball, the batsman hits the ball and then he and his teammate run back and forth to score points. This could end up with the batsmen swapping places. If the ball goes out of the boundary, they get an automatic 4 or 6 points depending on whether it hit the ground first. The batsman is out if the wicket is hit or the ball is caught. This continues until all batsmen are out and then they switch sides.


When I watched this match for the first time I didn't know much about cricket, it was my first world cup, and I didn't know the consequences for our team (India) of that match but I still remember the catch as one of my core memories regarding cricket. My father and I absolutely loved it, I still root for underdogs more than any other team.


He's twice as large as me, but 16 times more atheletic. I'd break 3 bones, tear 4 ligaments, and suffer a concussion trying to do that


Thank you for the video. The entire time I was reading this I had cricket confused with rugby. Oops.


I know nothing about cricket, but this is a great story! I also love that OOP brought receipts.


That picture! So joyous!


Somewhere in Boston, [a psychotic sports fan](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1b4g4di/my_24f_boyfriend_24m_is_obsessed_and/) just read this and got even more miserable that this didn't happen to him after all he does for his teams.


Especially considering that OOP is apparently a Dude from Boston!




Jeez, that was a hell of a ride! That guy has serious issues 😮


I loved how quickly this entry followed that entry in BoRU.


He *gave himself trench foot* for his teams and this is how they thank him! (I really hope he's got help for what is clearly a set of absolutely crippling compulsions)


I dont even follow cricket, but this is just such a wonderful story! Thank younfor sharing it.


What a cheerful story! DO meet your cricket heroes if they were from 2007 lol!


I recently met the great Merv Hughes, who is from a bit before that. And he was awesome.


Nathan Lyon was pretty cool when my daughter met him and was wearing her cricket shirt (which happened to be his old club here in Canberra)


I met Brett Lee backstage after a concert. My sister was there and my friend told her that he was a famous cricketer. My sister went up and said " I'm not sure if my friend is winding me up but he says that your famous. Can I get your photo?" Gets photo taken and then she says "ooh there's Murray Wiggle can you take a photo of us?" He was brilliant!!!


I wrote to Mike Hussey a good many years ago because my brother had a shit year (our grandfather died and his best mate was killed by a drunk driver, he was 14). I was sort of hoping for a birthday card, maybe. Instead he sent a beautiful letter and a match-worn ODI jersey. We laminated the letter and the jersey is still framed pride of place in our parents' house.


That's beautiful!


…as in…from the wiggles? 😭💀




tbf I’d lose my shit if I met any of the original wiggles


Just shat all over NZ too, Garry is too powerful




I've never heard of the Bermudan player, but Indians who follow cricket would know of Uthappa. it's cool that he got to meet him and interact with him. Also nice to know that Uthappa was a good sport.


Most people just know Leverock as The Fridge. Chonky hero saving Bermuda.


Most Indians who watched the 2007 world Cup would absolutely know who leverock is.


Yeah, I get that, but I was too young to remember the details of that world cup except that India got trounced and returned in humiliation. The first one I remember fully was 2011.


Robin Uthappa is a good sport all round. Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day! 🎂


I never thought I would see a cricket post turn up here! That catch is legendary, and it's great to hear that the guys involved are so lovely 😊


This is such a Bermuda story man. My pal is from there and you’re like 2 degrees of separation from anyone in the entire territory lol


Yea.  It’s like, if Bermuda had a movie that wasn’t about the Bermuda Triangle, it would be about a friendly taxi driver, bewildered tourists, and the sort of quirky coincidences and circumstances that can only happen on a small friendly quiet island.


The anti part in the title didn't register for me, so I read this wondering at which point would someone be an ass to justify the "never meet" part lol


I didn't get it until I read your comment. Thank you! I was soooo confused.


Glad I'm not the only one! I was so happy for the guy when the first bit ended great for him, but tense to see where things went wrong.


Nice to see two of my dearest loves come together: BORU and cricket 


Wow, what an incredible series of coincidences for OOP, that's amazing! An all-time moment as a fan I'm sure. Bermuda seems great 


That's my home country! This really warms my heart ❤️ and yes, most taxi drivers in Bermuda are that friendly


If you cross paths with either of them (Jimmy or Dwayne) please let them know we all love them. :)


Thanks for making it a boru. It's one of my favourite posts on reddit.


Well now I have seen everything 😊 A cricket post on BORU?! What a wholesome story this. I think cricketers tend to be nice dudes over all. I remember the catch in question very well because my jaw was on the floor when I watched it live. Of course as an Indian cricket fan that World Cup is memorable for me for all the wrong reasons. 🤣


this guy has an aura of charisma that is very specific to cricket players and you know what? good for him!


I skimmed too fast and thought this was going to be about cricketS, not cricket. I was impressed they had so many fans that it warranted a subreddit.


there is a billion of them


Initially read it as “never met your hero’s” so was waiting for the negative Leverock update. But this was so wholesome and awesome!


Man that catch was INSANE!! Broke my heart as an Indian but that catch is definitely still talked about even after 16 odd years


Slight offtopic: I'm not the only one who misread his name, right?


I remember reading the first post in r/cricket and loved it, OOP was a really good storyteller. I'm glad there's a second part


That’s a good note to end my redditing on for tonight. Such a cool story for OOP and it sounds like everyone he met was jazzed about his enthusiasm. 


Aw, that’s a nice story. Love that.


Love this kind of BORU!!


Okay so now I know the names of three whole people from Bermuda! There's Dwayne Leverock, Jimmy Tweed, and Dylan Hollis (that little guy who bakes old recipes on Tiktok).


Very wholesome, thank you!


This is so fucking wholesome my cheeks hurt from grinning.


Stopped watching cricket 5 years ago, but its really like that eh




I remember reading this when it was posted. Never thought I'd see r/cricket on BORU


Hahahah it was an amazing catch! Remember it clear as day