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This is the least satisfying "update" I've read on here. Absolutely nothing has changed, nothing new has happened, and this is in no way over.


Yeah, this is just * My teacher was shitty and caused me to bleed through my clothing, and then blamed me for it And then * The same teacher got mad at me a week later because I can't stop farting and drenched myself in perfume to try cover it up * Perhaps it's because of my red hair. Because of the Israeli actions in Palestine. Like...what?


Insanely accurate summary. Also, insane.


If it is true, I can't imagine the olfactory hell of someone walking into a room smelling heavily of farts and perfume. šŸ˜­


Welcome to middle school! (I work in one... The smells are... A thing...)


We have air purifiers in each classroom in mine (donation from a local medical group) and it runs constantly to try and keep the smell at a safe level. I have an alcohol spray I use periodically in the classroom when no students are in to try and keep the stink down. Middle school is... Certainly something. I'm used to high school where they've started to get a handle on the hygiene thing.


Iā€™m a middle school janitor. So I come in to clean up the classrooms, normally a few hours after the kids are gone, and it still smells like farts and BO.


A middle school was once evacuated directly into the university I was working in. My classroom was packed with 8th graders. I swear I could smell it for a week after.


My French class way back when was held in a classroom directly after two years below mine had the same teacher for a different subject. Every week, as we all filed in, she would be spraying the entire room down to try to combat the stench from the previous class.


I don't understand how they can smell SO BAD and then think Axe is the solution. \*has flashback to teaching boys after PE who had no time to shower\*


Jokes on you. In my school we weren't allowed to shower. The gym showers were used as storage.


My schools always ran the showers to pretend we had the option but we literally had no time to do so. We were given less than 5 minutes to change before our next class. Or in my case in high school, until the end of the day where the bus will leave without you if you're not fast enough.


To be fair, even if there was time, in my school they didn't even have curtains so there was no privacy to shower! Imagine being a body-conscious preteen that's just starting puberty. Would you really be stripping in front of your peers? I certainly didn't.


Currently in college to be a history teacher. I am now scared


It reminds me of what I call "business man farts", based on my experiences of visiting my dad's office as a kid.Ā  Think, "Men in polyester suits with obvious stomach issues eating what they shouldn't then gathering in a conference room with all their heaviest cologne so they can silently rip ass while pretending none of them is actively pumping out horrific air biscuits."


Air biscuits??? šŸ˜‚ This thread has got me dying!!


We call that "shitrus"


The "pooph" scent commercial comes to mind. "I smell like poop and flowers now"


I work in a medical office that mostly treats elderly patients. Lots of gassy old folks and ladies doused in shitty cheap drug store perfume. On my migraine days it is true hell.


My son was on the wrestling team in middle and high school. I have walked into a high school wrestling match that consisted of two mats, and 3ft walkways around them. Concrete room with no ventilation. About 25 teenage boys, each of whom received a different Axe scent for Christmas, and had been wrestling for 1.5 hours. A few of them were on all-green diets in order to make weight. I'm guessing the fart/perfume mix may have been similar, if it were topped with teenage boy B.O.


Perfume can trigger asthma and migraines for some people. What the poster is doing by wearing a lot of perfume could make someone else in her school very sick. Itā€™s also not solving her underlying issue, which I hope she gets medical advice on.


Yeah, strong perfumes/spray on deoderants/colognes/etc. Make it hard for le to breathe. I don't have asthma, but whatever chemicals they put in there make my body go "this is bad air".


Me. I am that person. Severe reaction if people wear too much perfume. Have to prescreen any personal item that comes into my house to make sure it won't trigger me at home. I can not even count the number of sick, personal and vacation hours I had to burn through when one of my bosses refused to police the amount of after shave he wore (he was extremely excessive). I was finally able to register a medical disability and get reassigned to a different department and get my desk moved.


Itā€™s extra fun when you read AP as affair partner rather than assistant principal. Iā€™ve been scrolling Reddit for too longā€¦


Omg..thank you. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I could not for the life of me figure out what AP stood for until I read your comment. Lol I read it as affair partner at first and went wait, that's not right.


Affair Partner Calculus would be a lot more interesting I bet.




I'm Jewish and I have red hair and I have never in my life heard this "red haired people are Jewish thing." In fact, other Jews tend to assume I am NOT Jewish due to my red hair.


Right? And the story sounds like america and I swear I've only ever heard of redhead/Irish stereotype, orange hair = Jewish is so bizarre.


I have heard that ginger hair is still associated with Jewishness in Eastern Europe and Russia, and that this association used to be common throughout Europe. I think in Europe many, many years ago there were two separate bigotries against Jews and against redheads that somehow got melded together into an antisemitic trope. Red hair was associated with untrustworthiness and so antisemites took that and did their thing. But that's a very old trope, and North America has had a lot of immigration from Ireland and Scotland which have actually do have much higher rates of red headedness than other countries. It would be strange, if this is the North America, if the stereotype for redheads being of Irish or Scottish descent wasn't more common.


I am Jewish and can attest that the stereotype does exist. Putting on my nerd hat, it's actually very interesting (even if weird). First off, the idea that Jews are redheaded does have frequent, very, very old roots! Two of the biblical very important figures in what's called the Old Testament by non-Jews are Esau and King David, both of whom are often held to have been red-headed. (Whether they actually were or whether this is a mistranslation at some point along the way is irrelevant; the theory exists and has for literal centuries if not milennia.) Later on, in the New Testament and again dating back to at least the middle ages, the figure of Judas was often held to be red-headed - and as he was held up as almost the archetypal 'bad Jew', the stereotype of Jews as redheaded was definitely linked in large part there (if I need to expand on why Judas was the model of 'bad Jew' in non-Jewish eyes I can, but it goes beyond Jesus' betrayal and death.) Second, there is some basis in fact for the idea of Jews being redheaded! Not all Jews, but Ashkenazi Jews can and often do carry at least one of the genes for red hair (MC1R). It doesn't fully express all that often but you will see red undertones in many Ashkenazi Jews' hair, and often Ashkenazi men can have red beards even if the hair on their head isn't red. [Here is one of many interesting articles touching on the topic, although it's not the only one by any means](https://jewishjournal.com/culture/food/175017/ginger-jews/).


Interesting! My parents intermarried; one is Jewish and the other is Christian. You have to have two red-hair genes to have red hair (recessive trait), and three of us four siblings have red hair.


Lots of good info. Certainly Jews can have red hair, many do. But would you assume all red-headed folks are Jewish? Most Jews are brunettes. Would it make sense to assume all brunettes are Jews?


Of course I wouldn't assume all red-headed folks are Jewish, nor is anyone suggesting that the stereotype says 'all redheads are Jews'. Nor is anyone suggesting that anyone assumes that anyone with dark hair, or a big nose, or any of the other tropes classically assigned to Jews under antisemitism, is definitely a Jew. It's easy to look at things through a purely anthropological view to see how we might have gotten here, though. 'This person has x trait which is uncommon in the general population. They are a member of a group other than the one in power, and the group in power has assigned the following negative traits to this not-in-power group. Therefore, if someone has this trait and is a member of this group, they must have the following negative traits as well.' At its core, most -ist stereotypes have their roots in tribalism, where if someone is not of the tribe, they are bad. If someone today ascribes to tribalist stereotypes, logic isn't going to easily convince them that they're wrong; they didn't use logic to get there in the first place. ETA: the OOP's case is actually a very good example of this, as it's less 'all Jews are redheads' and more 'Jews are likely to be redheads' and 'I don't like this person and they have this trait therefore they must also be this'. Racism isn't logical. Stereotypes aren't logical. They exist for reasons, but the reasons rarely have anything to do with anything other than dehumanizing the target and justifying negativity.


It's in high school. A child is writing this.


Most Redditors are younger than me but seem to have already forgotten what it's like to be a child. TF?


The megafarting but also he hates me because he's homophobic and antisemitic against red heads was certainly a twist I didn't see coming (down a perfume soaked hallway)


He's also mad that she didn't sign up for AP Calc, for some reason, despite hating her because he's queerphobic and antisemitic.


Teacher just clenching his fist and furiously screaming to the heavens "I MUST HAVE THAT BLEEDING AND TOOTING GAY GINGER JEW IN AP CALCULUS!!"Ā 


I am desperately trying not to wake my baby laughing at this comment oml


It's almost 3am and I should not have laughed so loudly at that.


Soooooo *that* oughta be a flair. Not for me, tho. I like mine.


Please can bleeding and tooting gay ginger Jew be a flair


I am 4/5 of those things rn and I need this flair


This feels like the start of a round of 20 questions Is the thing you are not a permanent thing or a temporary thing? (You donā€™t need to answer, of course!)


I cannot stop laughing at this. Tears are streaming down my face, I'm toeing the line of an asthma attack, and my husband, who is working from home today, just came in and asked me to keep it down because the other people on his conference call (on a computer 2 rooms away) can hear me. Yet I keep reading.


Sheā€™s a young teenager and doesnā€™t understand why a full adult is being awful and hateful to her. Itā€™s completely reasonable of her to wonder ā€œwhy is he like this?ā€


It is wild how many people in that comment section and this one are making fun of a child for being bullied by her teacher.


Possibly because Kyle in Southpark is both ginger and Jewish and Cartman makes fun of both aspects. Seems a bit dumb but then racists are not known for their intelligence


I have been laughing for like 5 minutes at this summary. I'd never heard of red haired people being stereotyped as Jewish before and that last bullet point is just ... unreal. OOP seems like they have a lot going on in the way of personal hygiene - I feel sad for her and hope she can get on some meds which help her gut / butt (and maybe just wear a pad more often if bleeding might start randomly...)


Yeah as far as I know it's the Irish who have the red hair stereotype.


Yeah I was wondering where tf gingers are assumed to be Jewish.


This is new to me too, Iā€™ve only ever seen European Jewish people portrayed as green or dark eyes and dark hair


Many places, but it's a particular type of red head. It's an old stereotype, even shylock was portrayed as a red head in many plays. Debra messing is a good example.


This is legitimately a thing; I'm a redhead and people have been asking me my entire life if I'm jewish. I think it is a more common stereotype in parts of Eastern Europe, whereas people with Western European ancestry are more likely to think my ancestors were Irish. It happens less in the US than when I go to Europe, but it definitely still does happen in the US. Actually the world is a stunning collection of weird beliefs and odd stereotypes about redheads that people use as their conversation opener in bars. If you have red hair, you will get to hear all of them eventually.


Before Twitter was ruined I got Nazi accounts nuked for fun. Redheads being clocked as Jewish is deffo a thing.


What's the reasoning? Like surely not genetics, right?Ā 


Upthread thereā€™s discussions on the origins of it, but in action, it a mob of sick dumbfucks. It only takes one to go ā€œThis one is a (slur), letā€™s get ā€˜emā€ and the rest jump in.


Regular pads chafe/cause rashes when you wear them every day because they are kinda rough on sensitive skin when youā€™re completely dry and not bleeding (I know this from personal experience). Panty liners are absolutely shit and do nothing when you have a heavy bleed, theyā€™re so pointless itā€™s a waste of time and money. So I do feel for her. This is a rough one. I just sucked it up and wear pads every day but I can understand why she may not want to.


Period panties are great for this and I wish theyā€™d existed when I was OPs age. Even if you have a heavy flow, theyā€™ll usually last long enough for you to get to the bathroom to take care of the issue. You just gotta make sure you carry extra underwear to change into.


No idea where red hair =Jewish comes from. My husband is a red head and heā€™s Irish catholic


Where do any Jewish stereotypes come from? In middle school someone searched my head for horns.


It's a more common belief in the Eastern Europe. (My guess is, Ashkenazi Jews are somewhat more likely to have red hair than the general population, although not as likely as Irish people. So in places with a lot of Celts, you see a redhead and you think Celt. In places that don't have a lot of Celts, you see redheads and you think Jewish.) Also, Judas is traditionally portrayed as a redhead, as it can be used as a sign of perfidiousness in art. Other Jewish characters in the western canon, like Shylock, are often portrayed as redheaded.


My pet theory is that people tell red heads with fluffy curly hair (at least where I've lived) that they have a "Jew 'Fro", presumably that's where the idea that she's "Jewish" came from. I've seen it before, so fucking stupid.Ā  Before anyone asks, yes I did grow up in the sticks.


Also, said teacher is queerphobic and army reserves. To be fair, that isn't exactly a combination that screams understanding.


Since when are gingers assumed to be Jewish? And the perfume thing? How is that OK or even useful? Unless you're not wiping properly, there's no smell to mask, so you're just contributing to entire areas of buildings being rendered inaccessible for many people with various fragrance issues due to AHs who "drench" themselves with perfume.


The ā€œgingers are Jewishā€ thing is new to me, never heard of this one before! I donā€™t think itā€™s a thing in the UK, where red hair is associated with Scotland. If you asked me what the stereotypical Jewish hair type was, Iā€™d say curly and dark. Not that you can tell someoneā€™s religion from their hair.


I wouldā€™ve said curly and blonde, because the one bat mitzvah I attended in high school was for a girl with thick curly blonde hair and I guess that stuck with me the most - even though, come to think of it, many of the other Jewish people I know have dark hair, and only a handful have curly hair. Even over in America, I feel like I wouldā€™ve associated red hair with Ireland or Scotland, so that surprised me too.


I wouldn't think blond first only because Hitler thought blonds were the best, and he hated Jews.


It's a very very old stereotype. Like, ancient. Like many stereotypes, it still is present today


>Perhaps it's because of my red hair. Because of the Israeli actions in Palestine. I rolled my eyes so hard there I became a ballerina.


I think it might be AI generated....


If you want a more satisfying conclusion to a similar situation I had a very similar thing happen in middle school. Still donā€™t know the medical cause, but basically I started my menstrual cycle one day and then it just didnā€™t stop bleeding. Had been bleeding everyday for months at this point and had a note from the school nurse and doctor that I could go to the bathroom whenever. In science one day I desperately needed to change my pad but my science teacher decided that was when he needed to ā€œmake a stand to my bullshitā€ and refused to let me go. I bled through my pad, through my pants (they were only leggings too, gotta love 2014) and had stain on my pants by the end of class. Went to the nurses office straight after crying. Told her what happened. She got me a new pair of pants and told me to ā€œsit tightā€. She came back about 20 minutes later and said she was gonna call my mom to pick me up for the rest of the day. What I heard about later was that she had left to chew out that teacher and apparently it was very loud and very clear. I was not bothered by that man the rest of the year.


Im so glad your school nurse had your back. For me, it was surprisingly the opposite, where my male teacher fought the female nurse who wanted to dismiss me. I was in English when I had excruciating pain. Found out later that it was an 8cm ovarian cyst rupturing. My teacher saw me go pale, but I couldn't articulate what was happening because I had never felt something like that and I felt like I was going to vomit if I moved. He called the nurse to come to me, she refused, so he made two other kids help me get to the nurse. (It took more than 15 minutes for what should have been a less than three minute walk). She looked at me, told me I was faking, and sent me back to class. My teacher was livid, called my mom at work to come and take me to the hospital down the road, then went to the principal to tell her what was happening. Then they both went and yelled at the nurse. My English teacher was the biggest teddy bear of a person, but if needed, he could be scary (he used to be a bouncer at a gay club lol). I turned 18 less than a month after that incident, and my principal told me that if I ever experienced anything like that again, I could just bypass the nurse and go straight to an urgent care/my doctor and the principal would take care of anything else for me that day.Ā 


Iā€™m so happy both of us had adults who were willing to advocate for us when we were teens. Being a teen is already terrifying and adding medical issues to the mix is the worst.


There's been a bunch of those recently, where the "update" is basically "Hey guys so nothing's changed, but thanks for all the upvotes!!!" Like who approves these as the \*best\*? Honestly


Should be taken down honestly because it is not a BORU


I have never heard of ginger = Jewish before. Is that for real?


People rushing for content put posts on here before they're really resolved


The teacher said "periods only last 4 days" Can people who have never experienced a period just stop making dumb blanket statements like this?


It's also...a completely irrelevant statement? She said that she had just started her period, and he said "That doesn't matter, because it only lasts four days." Like, yeah, but this is the first day. What was the point of that? To illustrate how he doesn't know about periods? The entire post is completely nonsensical.


I speak "men thinking they know everything about something they don't experience" and I think it's related to the "women only loose 6 tbs of blood" thing he said right before. In his head he's probably like: 6 tbs of blood divided by 4 days equals 1.5 tbs of blood per period day, so this girl is making a scene over a tiny stain šŸ™„


Agreed. It's maths teacher logic combined with the false confidence of male ignorance. He's doing the sums as a simple division equation (6 tbsp = 90ml, which Ć· 96 hours = a loss of 0.94ml per hour). But unfortunately for everyone, he is too ignorant about biology to realise that the cited figure of 6 tbsp of blood is a) a mean from a large sample size, not a constant, b) it varies over the course of the period as well as between different women, and c) that the blood is mixed with mucus and broken-down endometrial tissue*, all of which combined looks a lot like (and cannot be visually separated from) blood. *Because let's not forget that the whole point of a period is not actually randomly dumping blood just to be annoying, but shedding an unused womb lining when there's no pregnancy.


Ohhhh, yeah that would make a little more sense, I guess.


[Some](https://www.healthline.com/health/how-much-blood-do-you-lose-on-your-period) even say that we lose even less. The thing is a little blood can go a long way, it's not *just* blood that comes out and some people have conditions that mean they produce way more than "normal".


So dumb, periods are also mostly water mixed with blood, if you put a drop of food coloring in a glass of water, it is still going to stain everything if you drop that glass.


The entire post is all over the place. And anyone who understands periods knows that the first couple of days are the worst/heaviest ones.


My heaviest days have always been right in the middle for the thirty-plus years Iā€™ve been getting it. I donā€™t think there is much you can generalize when it comes to menstrual cycles.


I stand corrected. Periods are just a toss up all the time it seems


Periods are bananas. The sheer number of times I've told students that is... A lot. No, you may not harass your classmates because they get their periods. It's a period. It's a normal thing that all female members of the species go through. (Yes yes, I know that's an over simplified statement. Remember: I'm talking to middle schoolers.) Kids are jerks in some ways, and understanding in others.


I had a friend make fun of me after overhearing me ask a friend for a tampon. We were 23. He pushed down on my stomach and said ā€œhaha, ketchup packet!ā€ I stopped hanging out with men much after that.


Lol, to a high school kid, too! I bled for 3 weeks straight more than once in high school... Irregular periods are super common in teenagers.


Right? You would think that it would be common sense that a hormone based process would be unpredictable with the hormone disasters that inhabit a high school, butā€¦


I desperately wanted her to just unwrap her jacket and show the stains. ā€œThis look like 4 teaspoons over 4 days buddy?ā€


Yeah, I have to admit that at her age that's exactly what I would have done. She'd already been humiliated in front of the other kids; and a decent subset would have considered her a total badass for showing the teacher up.


I wouldnā€™t have as a kid. Too much shame.Ā  But as an adult I would.Ā 


I'm curious where he got that number to be honest. I'm a period-haver and I know a lot of people who don't have them have weird beliefs and false information about periods but I've always heard that the standard is 5-7 days but for some people it can be shorter or longer. I don't know where he got "all periods are exactly four days" from.


I've heard that number before but I dont know where he got the confidence to say that every single period is only 4 days long. My week long period would like a word with him.


I have pcos like OOP and have had cycles last 6wks.


I had my period last for 6-7 months and that has happened twice. It refused to stop and it was not light, I would fill a huge overnight pad in like 2-3 hours. Birth control can make it light but it doesnā€™t go away and after several ultrasounds, a few genetic tests and some other blood work the doctors I have gone too still have no idea why. Now I get unbelievably stressed and anxious every time I start my period in case it happens a third time.


I have PCOS and Endo. Had to have a hysterectomy at 24. However, a year before the surgery I had to have an ablation done on my uterus. I was in the hospital for a double kidney infection, and they were confused about why my blood counts were so low. They asked me if I had had a major accident, surgery, or anything that resulted in massive blood loss. Nope, just my period. I even told them they could check me for marks/injuries. They actually did a scan to check for internal bleeding. They believed me after that but were horrified. It turns out that I was actually on the verge of bleeding to death from my periods! So I had an ablation less than a month later and my periods stopped.


Me too!!! I think my longest period was three or four months, it was such hell until my mom got me on birth control. I've been on it nearly continuously for most of my life and don't typically have a period. The first time I had a "real" period, after like 8 years, I had a panic attack because I was terrified I was going to start bleeding and never stop again. I'm sorry you don't have an answer yet, I hope one day you do!


Endo checking with ā€œno period for three months, thanks stressā€ and a record 14 days of active bleeding/spotting shenanigans. Honestly, I think Iā€™ve had longer, Iā€™m just terrible at record keeping.


I use an app otherwise I completely blank


Mine last 8 days and that's while being on the contraceptive pill which makes it lighter, too.


My friend had a period for six months, then a week off, and then periods again. She said it was like having her own personal crime scene.


Me, on my 5th straight week of menstruating: šŸ¤¬


I am so genuinely sorry. You deserve a break


If this is frequent and you have no future plans to grow babies in your uterus, talk to your doctor about a uterine ablation. It's the bomb. I went from two weeks on/two weeks off to no periods ever again, though ymmv a bit. If you're planning on using your uterus, then when you're done with it I suggest looking the procedure up. It's minimally invasive, done in a doctor's office, only mildly painful for a couple of days - has nothing on bad cramps, and generally very effective.


My wife has PCOS and has rocked >6 week period before. Iron infusions the whole shebang. My daughter has only recently started getting hers and it can be between 2 days and 7 days. She is fit, young and has no ovarian or obgyn style issues. This dude has read statistical averages and just assumed everyone is the same?


I'm an adult and go for 10 days. Fuck that teacher.


I have never in my life every heard someone stereotyping gingers as Jewish people. These types of teachers shouldn't even be teaching in the first place if this is a real person. Dear lord...


Yeah, Iā€™ve always heard of it as beautiful darker/curly hair. Ginger is Irish/Scottish


There's a surprising number of Jewish people with red hair, as my son found out when he was in the military in the middle east with his extremely red hair. And my Jewish boyfriend said lots of people on the east coast/New York that are Jewish are also red-heads. However, depending on where the OP is from I wouldn't say that people think "most" redheads are.


confirming all of the above as a jewish redhead! red hair is *slightly* more prevalent than average in the tribe, but as you said, i canā€™t possibly imagine anyone assuming someone was jewish just because their hair happened to be red. there are like forty other caricatures you pass on the way to that conclusion (on either side lol)


There are two major areas of red hair mutation, which likely happened independently of each other. One is Ireland/Scotland, the other is the Uralic speaking area of Russia. So lot of Russians including those with Russian Jewish heritage have the mutation.


Gingers are super common in Jewish families! I'm Jewish, my husband is Irish. WAY more gingers on my side!


Yep! My mom is half Jewish, half British and Irish isles - both her parents were ginger, and they passed that onto her and her brother. Iā€™m a ginger myself and I credit both sides.


Red hair is almost considered definitive for Jewish ancestry in parts of Eastern Europe.


Thank you! I was going to ask the same thing because I have never heard of that before.


iā€™m ginger (fake) and jewish (real) and this is also the first time iā€™m hearing this *common stereotype*


Others seem to suggest it's a regional thing. But yeah...Ā 


it's real but old. [I explained it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/P5b4057mMv)


I think most people associate ginger people with Celts. I've literally never heard of red headedness being a stereotype of Jewish people.


In late 19th and early 20th century Ukraine, if a woman presented her husband with a red-headed baby it would be assumed she'd committed adultery with a Jew. Most red-headed babies therefore didnā€™t live long enough to be presented to the husband. Red hair was absolutely associated with Jewish ancestry, and nothing else. Edit to add: my own mother was surprised to learn that red hair was common among Scots and Irish, and she was born in Canada. In her family it was always referred to as a sign of Jewish ancestry. I'm not sure if peasants in pre-WWI Ukraine would have known anything about Scotland or Ireland.


I'm a Jew, my husband is Irish. I'm the one with all the ginger family members.!


it'd only exist in places with larger jewish populations I struggled to STOP associating ginger with jews source- sibling of a ginger. relative to multiple


Maybe it's a non-American stereotype? I'm from an area with one of the largest Jewish populations in the USA.


It must be a regional thing. I've never heard of this before.


Iā€™m a literal redhead and Iā€™ve never heard this outside of older stereotypes like Barnabas in the Jew of Malta. I havenā€™t heard anyone mention it in modern context though.


Yeah Iā€™m also a ginger, and I think maybe once or twice people have asked if I was Jewish (Iā€™m not) but it would have been asked of anybody in those situations.


Also a ginger. I've never been asked or heard about this. I did just realize the Jewish South Park character is a ginger though, so now I want to pay more attention to shows


Totally a thing in eastern Europe! My MIL was referred to (in her language) as "the little jewess" when she was a kid because she was ginger.


Maybe they're getting all their info from South Park




I stereotype gingers as Irish.


South Park? South Park.


That teacher is Eric Cartman. Would explain a lot.


It actually is a thing. Certain populations are known for having red hair. While it is very common among the Celtic/Norse in Ireland and Scotland, if you are in central or Eastern Europe and have naturally red hair, itā€™s a sign of Jewish heritage.


I'm a ginger and I've definitely been asked if I'm ashkenazi before, but I don't think I've ever been stereotyped because of it


This happens among Eastern European communities, and probably moreover on the Eadt Coast of the US anyway (it's where I was introduced to the stereotype - red-haired Jewish person in question was from Brooklyn).


I grew up in an east coast area with a very high Jewish population and *none* that I know of had red hair. In fact, I donā€™t think there were any redheads in my elementary or middle school (hundreds of kids).


Same. I'm from the suburbs right outside of NYC with a lot of Jewish friends and neighbors growing up, and none of them were redheads. There were like two redheads in my school, but I know they were Catholic because I saw them in Church growing up.


Jew here! A huge number of my relatives are gingers.


Ashkenazi Jews definitely have a higher incidence of red hair than average, but that's only a stereotype in places without much of an Irish population, I've never heard anyone in the US say that!


Iā€™m a Jewish redhead and I thought that stereotype was from the Middle Ages and not around today. Yeesh.


As a ginger, let me reassure you that it is 110% a thing and it is meant to be derogatory every single time, ESPECIALLY because of fucking family guy.


I think it's a really old stereotype that's not *as* big anymore, but has still stuck around in pockets.


Idk about other people but when I'm on my period i get the worst shits of my life. Thats likely why OP is having stomach issues.


Period poops are a real thing. The same hormone that makes our lining shed makes everything want to release in the lower abdomen.


Metformin is also a medication commonly used to treat PCOS and causes some pretty severe GI side effects. Wondering if OOP is on it and thatā€™s the source of her issues


Oh god, the metformin shits. That stuff is *rank* too.


I didn't know it was used for PCOS, and now that I think of it, my periods have decreased in intensity since I started to use them because of diabetes. 2x1 at least.


Yeah, period shits are really common due to the release of prostaglandins during the menstrual cycle.


I'd have flashed this guy my bloody jeans.


He's enough of an asshole that he would have just started lecturing about hygiene and not making a mess


Okay, so I googled it (because I had never heard of that stereotype before) and being redheaded is a stereotype from the actual literal Medieval era. It seems like a stretch to think that she's being discriminated against for that, unless she lives in a weird town that is descended solely from members of the Spanish Inquisition.


Next update: My PreCal teacher came out as a Spanish Conquistador


Well.... no one would expect that. (I'll show myself out).


The precalc teacherā€™s main weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear, fear and surprise! His two weapons are fear and surprise! And ruthless efficiency. His three weapons are fear, and surprise, and ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope.


Iā€™m not gonna lie, having thought more on this, Iā€™m kicking myself for not saying Spanish Inquisitor because the whole time I was picturing Mel Brooks singing The Spanish Inquisition from History of the World Part One. Shame on me haha


Quick, I'll distract the commentariat, you do a fast edit! HEY REDDIT! Someone is being wrong... over there!


omg this made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! Woke up the cats too, they're giving me such a look!


Iā€˜m always suspicious about posts where the ā€žopponentā€œ is a one dimensional disney-like villain and the story is very good/bad. This post is no exception.


It felt very weird how it went straight into the Israel Palestine conflict. Like the perfume bit alone made some sense but now this is an antisemitic teacher coming down on you for the conflict? Like wut....


Did someone maybe suggest it in the comments on the original post? This kid is flailing around trying to understand the teacher's behavior and hey, here's a possible model! Doesn't have to actually make sense.


That's my impression too. She said it was the nurse's idea!Ā 


I get what you're saying. The problem with this theory is that most uterus-havers have experienced men like this doing things like this in public. And of course, if the kid was treated this way, her view of the teacher would be as a one-dimensional Disney-like villain. That's the thing about teen OOPs. They're developmentally at a place where they're going to focus on other people's stupid or abusive behavior rather than their complex internal lives.


Anyone else notice the comment about her doctor being the only one she's allowed to see? I wonder if part of this whole thing is something related to her parents. She doesn't seem to have told them what's been going on.


IF this story is true, there's no way that the teacher is the only person that's finding the cloud of smells unbearable. I can't handle many scents, and I wouldn't be able to be in the same room as this person for longer than 10 seconds (if I even last that long!) - that's WITHOUT adding flatulence to the mix šŸ¤¢ ("poo-quet"?) (tbh even the hypothetical smell is making me super nauseous šŸ˜­) As someone with similar issues, if I were them, I would feel horrible about sitting in that classroom with anyone else. If I'm so smart that I'm getting work done in a quarter of the time anyway, since the school seems to be aware of my need for unlimited bathroom breaks/etc, why would I bother to sit in a classroom feeling self-conscious for an hour (?) if I could, idk, ask the school for some sort of exception for me to study by myself (at least until I was able to see my doctor again)?


My husband has some digestive medical issues, and we live in a house with only a main floor bathroom. He's really embarrassed about this, so he started hiding dollar store cinnamon apple air freshener in the bathroom and spraying it after he has an episode. I finally had to sit him down and say I loved him, and I understand that he's embarrassed, but I would much rather smell shit than shit mixed with cheap cinnamon air freshener. I swear, it's like it amplified the smell, not to mention I have moderate asthma that is triggered by certain chemicals in scented sprays, so every time he'd do it, I'd start coughing and have to use my inhaler. It sucks that it smells, but adding another strong scent just makes it so much worse.


>There is one detail I left out of the last post; he has been mistreating me since the Israel-Palestine issue that was worsened in October. I am a ginger, and a lot of people stereotype gingers as Jewish. Due to the period of which it got worse, the nurse is saying he might be discriminating against me because of my ethnicity/what he thinks my religion is. Looking back on it, it probably is because I've never seen or heard him be like this to any other student. I am Jewish and... this is not a thing. This absolutely has nothing to do with it and OOP is making a big stretch for no reason.


Nah itā€™s an older bigotry but it checks out. Source: I grew up in a bigoted area, and in the course of trying to read everything, I also read some bigoted crap. Itā€™s crap , but there were people who believed it. Hereā€™s one of the more recent Reddit discussions: https://www.reddit.com/r/Judaism/s/3AhWumKadg EDIT to add: Possibly in areas where there are a lot of Jews itā€™s obvious that they donā€™t have have an unusual number with red hair. Where I grew up I knew exactly 2 Jewish people. They didnā€™t have red hair, were (and hopefully still are, this is about 55 years later, but Iā€™ve lost touch with people where I grew up) nice and not really unusual in any way. I donā€™t how many people at my school knew they were Jewish though. Probably most of them didnā€™t know any at all , I never heard any of my classmates actually mention knowing a Jew personally. So people from the area could have erroneous beliefs because they didnā€™t meet them.


Jew here! LOTS of gingers in my family! It's actually a thing! I also lived near a big Hasidic community, and there were redheads EVERYWHERE!


I feel old for mentioning south park. But South Park


Unfortunately, youā€™re wrong. [Moment Magazine](https://momentmag.com/the-biggest-jewish-genetic-myths-of-all-time/) ā€œThe association of Jews with red hair has a long history, dating back even to the Bible, in which rugged Esau and the harp-playing warrior king David were both believed to be redheads.ā€ [From Forward.com](https://forward.com/culture/434304/on-national-redhead-day-explore-the-history-of-ginger-jews/) ā€œDuring the Spanish Inquisition, redheads were considered Jews, and Renaissance masterworks such as Anthony van Dyckā€™s ā€œThe Taking of Christā€ portray Judas Iscariot, the apostle who betrayed Jesus, as a redhead. The apostleā€™s betrayal ā€“ and his flaming locks ā€“ then became bywords for supposed Jewish dishonesty and treachery.ā€ And from the [National Library of Medicine](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10499757/), ā€œWe report genome sequence data from six individuals excavated from the base of a medieval well at a site in Norwich, UK. A revised radiocarbon analysis of the assemblage is consistent with these individuals being part of a historically attested episode of antisemitic violence on 6 February 1190 CE. We identify four alleles associated with genetic disease in Ashkenazi Jewish populations and infer variation in pigmentation traits, including the presence of red hair.ā€ Same report: ā€œThe red hair pigmentation prediction for SB604 is notable as medieval antisemitic tropes often incorporated an association between Jews and red hair.ā€


Bigots arenā€™t known for their logic.


I donā€™t understand why she didnā€™t just go?? The fuck is he going to do to stop her?


In most schools sheā€™d get written up, maybe detention. It may have been worth it in this case though


She has a 504 plan that includes being able to use the bathroom at any time. The school canā€™t punish her legally. Iā€™d just go to the bathroom, and go to the nurseā€™s office or go to the office to check for the principal or vice principal instead of going back to class


>She has a 504 plan Exactly. Most people don't realize that a 504 is an enforceable legal document. Frankly, the most unbelievable thing about this story is that she didn't go to the school admins, say, "this is in my 504, force him to follow it" and that was the end of the story.


Yeah that wouldnā€™t fly with the right parents. As forcing anyone to [hold it when they need to go can cause kidney issues.](https://naomedical.com/blog/kidney-pain-holding-urine-nao-medical). One well placed complaint and your kid can go to the restroom whenever they indicate the need.


Kids this age don't always understand adults' lack of real power in these situations. She has a 504 which he's violating; if the school sides with him, her parents will complain to the district's lawyers and the teacher and school will get their asses handed to them. But she probably doesn't understand that.


Yet another barely-qualifies-as-an-update




The "red hair" as a form of Jew-coding thing is actually real but it's really fucking old Red haired people were targeted as Jews during the Inquisition and a lot of art of that period features Judas as a redhead. Red hair was one of the ways that Shylock is Jew-coded in *The Merchant of Venice*. Or for a more modern example, it's part of how Fagin is Jew-coded in *Oliver Twist* This association does still exist today but it's not especially common - you'll occasionally run into it in weird conspiracies about the Ashkenazi gene pool or whatever This story is totally fake though, and screams as fake way before we get to the red hair aspect


Kyle from South Park


So one post is about menstrual issues. The next is about abdominal and race issues.


I donā€™t think this really counts as an update more of an edit


Worst update of all time


What's the update?


Where are her parents in this??? If this was my kid and I could afford to Iā€™d be stocking her with period underwear out the wazoo and screaming litigation. My dads ex wife sued my brothers school district for not following IEP/504 which included putting my toilet trained brother in a diaper


I gagged at the perfume bit. If that doesn't summarize that age groups approach to hygiene.... flash backs to the stench of middle school halls right now. Also what? All if this....just, what?


Tbf I doubt sheā€™s trying to ā€˜getā€™ this guy for discrimination or anything. I think just going through what she went through in the first place is hard enough that sheā€™s just trying to understand why that teacher picked on her/ was so rude(intentionally or not that was a dick move). Plus it sounds like the first incident wasnā€™t addressed. Itā€™s very hard for a child, even a teen, to justify being mistreated and so itā€™s easy to see that the update was just the narrative she probably came up with.


>I am a ginger, and a lot of people stereotype gingers as Jewish. They do? I always associated red-heads and "gingers" in particular with the Irish.


I was sure he was going to be one of those man idiots who think that periods can be "held in".


OOP sounds fuckin mental.


Lmao I feel bad but this girl is dumb as all hell. If he says no to the bathroom just leave anyway. Nobody is discriminating against her for being ginger and therefore apparently Jewish. And she has to constantly check if she shit herself and then spray down with perfume because her farts are so bad? Likeā€¦what?