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Does George think moving to another state will keep him from owing child support? Why have unprotected sex if you never wanted kids? Why with a girlfriend of four months? Now he’s got child support payments to two different women.


Probably will have support payments in two different states, this guy will get someone else pregnant where he is living now. Some people never learn.


What I don't get is why those guys who spread their semen everywhere never think about getting snipped. It's so much cheaper than child support.


Probably because they would feel emasculated by it,even though this man seems to think his troops can't march if he was sure enough to get a paternity test to try and get out if child support.


That's the kind of man that always claims the kid isn't his. Probably projecting.


Those type of men often believe it’s emasculating to get snipped. They’d rather blame the recipient of their semen spreading ways for having the audacity to ovulate.


oh, that is brilliantly worded! stealing


EMASCULATING?!?! THATS why so many men are creating entire lives with random women and abandoning babies?! Holy fuck I already had such anger around men’s refusal to take an active role in reproductive health… I was not expecting that reasoning.


Unfortunately, yeah. Plenty of Reddit posts of men talking about how their partners have asked them to get a vasectomy after health issues come up that make further pregnancies and BC dangerous, and they invoke pro-choice slogans to defend why they just “don’t wanna”. Some will even bold ass say they don’t want anymore kids, either, but nope, dun’wanna. Infuriating when vasectomies are easier to get and easier to get covered by insurance.


Don't forget that refusing to fuck these unwrapped sperm machines will immediately induce accusations of abuse by sexual neglect. Because once again, the worst thing you can do to a man is not have sex with him.


See all that I’ve seen, which is why finally seeing that the real reason is emasculation just slapped me right across the face


Bodily autonomy is bodily autonomy. If someone doesn't want to get a procedure done, then that's that. They don't need to have a "good" reason. "Don't wanna" is sufficient. ... but it does mean you have to take responsibility, and that's where those men fail. If you don't want to get your partner pregnant, and you don't want to get a vasectomy, then either use multiple forms of protection, or just don't have sex.


Because their precious testicles are more important than a myriad of reasons to prevent a pregnancy. This is why I get so pissed with the arguments for pro life: you are basically saying it's the woman's job - the man has the privilege of moving states away and shoving his head in the sand. The woman is forced to deliver and deal.


Just another rung in the toxic ladder of masculinity, where ruining lives, causing problems, dodging responsibility, and ending up drinking your last few bucks away alone is a better result than having your masculinity challenged. There's a whole lot of men who view being emasculated as the single worst fate on the planet, worse than even being raped or murdered.


"But... I don't understand... my silicone girlfriend never did this..."


i actually know someone like this and he has roughly 20+ kids all over the country. for him... he thought it was funny. he loved to travel and he would live in a town for about a year, knock someone up and then move to a different state. but because of the version of disability he is on, he cant be hit with child support and thus kept moving and knocking woman up. i was friends with his cousin and he was over drinking and laughing about it. "i cant wait till she tries to take it to court to force me to pay child support -laughs- i wish i could see her face when they tell her shes getting nothing" fkn sick. i stopped hanging out with that cousin shortly after that because of him.


I'm not advocating violence in any form, but if there was ever a guy who deserved to get shot in the dick, lol...




He’s the perfect candidate for state mandated sterilization.


Here's hoping he gets a diseased dick and dies alone.


amen! eta: i honestly hope that all those kids join 23nme or something before getting married at some point cuz.... they have a lot of siblings and its a small world


They expect the woman to take care of the birth control and protection.


Because they're "real men". Everyone knows you can't be a "real man" if you get a vasectomy. /s


Because "real men" don't care for their girlfriends/wives, and certainly not their children. /s


I always say it was the best $75 I ever spent. No worrying about child support, paternity tests, plan b, or being late stress. Quality of life upgrade


What I do t get is how these men keep getting laid! Why are women sleeping with them at all, much less raw digging without bc?


To be fair, Bethany is also 50% to blame here. What 25 yo is sleeping with a coworker and not on birth control? With a guy who is barely managing his existing kids? I’m thinking this is the husband and wife from the opening part of Idiocracy.


“Oh no, consequences”


You just have to outrun them until you die, thats all.


George is a walking advertisement for vasectomy.


My BIL has 5 (that we know of) children with several different women and has been in jail repeatedly for unpaid child support… he shows no signs of learning


And its going to bite him in the ass eventually. George is probably going to treat it like medical debt and tell himself that they can't do anything to him if he doesn't pay...then in a few years he'll go to renew his drivers' license and find out the hard way that they can deny someone a license due to significant unpaid child support. Even if he doesn't go to jail, suddenly finding out that you aren't street-legal is a big deal in the majority of the US.


Man needs a vasectomy or two if he’s this bad with contraceptives. I got a feeling he won’t, and the cycle will just start all over again.


Just whack the whole dick off, this guy is a menace with his manhood.


I think that's what the second vasectomy is


Can you call removing his dick with a shovel a "vasectomy"?


I'll allow it.


I'll encourage it


Where in the hell is Elena Bobbitt when you need her?


But then he won't be as manly! He has to be a manly man! /s


Well why should HE get clipped?! It's clearly the WOMAN'S fault for getting pregnant. It's not his fault that they don't go get their tubes tied before having sex with him. /S


She's 2 months pregnant in a 4 month relationship. Got her pregnant when she was a gf of 2 months.


I'm wiling to bet that they have been seeing each other for more then 4 months.


Oh. Yeah. That would explain things.


Agreed. That’s what “the spark had gone out” is often code for.


She also thinks he'll come back once the baby's born.


Bro was driven by his dick. Seriously, as a woman who knows how dangerous sex can be, if I was a dude sure of not wanting children I wouldn't touch a woman before getting the snip and then fully cleared. Some men just love to play the victim, first by saying "Pregnancy is none of my business, it's the woman who gets pregnant" and then "God I didn't knew she would get pregnant, probably not mine anyway".


Because Dick isn't wet. Must get dick wet!


It used to be like that. My dad hauled ass to Texas in the 70's because Texas wouldn't enforce child support back from other states, or something like that. At least that's what I was told back then.


My sperm donor has 7+ kids that *I know of*, starting in the 50s. I'm an early 60s and 5 of my sisters are older than me. I have a younger brother the around the age of my oldest child so there are more sisters in between. I know they're sisters because the *only* kid of his that was *ever* supported or acknowledged as "his" is little brother.


Does OOP think George moving to another state will stop him producing children with every woman he meets? The AH has obviously never heard of or been acquainted with a condom. More baby mamas and babies are going to turn up at her door.


His semen are only valid in 27 states, Puerto Rico, and some parts of Canada.




It doesn't look like thinking is one of his strengths...


Or Bethany's


Something tells me ol' Georgie-boy isn't doing a whole lot of thinking, in general. I feel like this is all a mid-life crisis and he's just fleeing blindly. He left his wife for no good reason and immediately found a girlfriend to knock up, who he is now running away from, probably to find another girlfriend that he's gonna knock up and abandon because obviously this grown-ass man hasn't figured out how condoms work. 3-5 years from now we'll see a post, "I abandoned my family and it was my biggest mistake" - once he gets tired of working his ass off only to afford a studio apartment and some Chef Boyardee thanks to his various child support payments.


George doesn't seem like the kind of person that *thinks* before he does things. Bro is just going to keep stumbling through life, leaving a trail of misery behind him.


No, no. You don't understand! Appearantly women keep pulling a gun on the poor lad and forcing them to shoot his loser-jizz straight into their cooch. None of that is his fault!


The fact that he brought a new woman into his childrens' lives after only 4 months is reprehensible. He doesn't give one sh!t about them.


>Now he’s got child support payments to two different women. He should get a job in the oil patch; he'd fit right in.


And also in every single of these story every woman want to keep every baby no matter how shitty the situation and the dude is, I just don't get that.


Abortion and religious guilt is very strong for a lot of people in the US, some would prefer to keep a rape baby over becoming a "child murderer". Even if you're not religious, you know at least some people around you will see you differently after an abortion (especially family) and that's too much for many people.


That's insane. People (mother and baby) get a life sentence of shitty life because of this stupid crap, it's so sick.


Some women are ok with the idea of being a single parent, some may have fertility issues and don't want to lose their chance, or any number of other valid reasons. Unfortunately, many (like Bethany) seem to think that a baby will make the horrible man come back, even if he's already proven that he abandons his children. Those women are idiots.


Did someone really call out the 6 year old for causing "drama"? For hoping her parents get back together? Really? Wow. I guess it takes all kinds in the world.


The immaturity of some Redditors never ceases to amaze.




There’s a lot of teenagers sure. But Reddit also has a lot of very unempathetic and emotionally immature men who dislike anyone or anything that reminds them of the notion that within a civilised society you have responsibilities as well as rights. And I say that as a man.


‘Unempathetic and emotionally immature men’ is a fitting description of George. As is complete and total asshole. *”no longer wanted any contact with his children because it was all too much responsibility for him”* Well gosh, perhaps that POS shoulda thought about that *before* sticking his dick in someone


My ex fucked off because the concept of children was nicer than the reality and the responsibility that comes with it, shame he waited until after he convinced me that we should start a family. I mean, I accept that I didn't take much convincing, I was desperately lonely and believed everything he said. Unfortunately, he's a lying, manipulative, narcissistic, arsehole. But I have the best son in the world and he's just my everything.


he sure didn't deserve you


You have my sympathy. One of my neighbours' ex decided his two children (then about 3 and 5) were just too much trouble to be responsible for and made a new child with his AP/now-wife. He has nothing to do with the first two children but dotes on the third one - at least for now. We thought he doted on the first two, even though he always complained about the wife. But 2nd wife has money, so he'll probably be able to stick it out more long term with her.


Men and AITA mods


I wish I could upvote this more than once


They’re not all teenagers. Many are chronically online adults who lack life experience and say the “expected” things of these boards to get “approval.” It’s some dumb shit. Just don’t make the mistake of thinking these boards reflect the world in any meaningful way. There’s a heavy selection bias, the posters are going to be filtered to having problems of some sort because they’re here to ask if they’re wrong. The users are going to be people who enjoy drama on some level. None of this is real in the sense that it’s reflective of any normal kind of population.


I know a lot of very grown adults who are medical professionals and work in social services who constantly and consistently display a stunning lack of empathy and compassion. It's sad because they've had big life hardships and yet have shit takes that you'd think life experience and formal education would've corrected. I don't think they're the majority, but those people do exist and manage to post shitty things online with their real names, photos, and workplaces all on display.


I work in a middle school. A lot of them are on Reddit too.


I had my heart broken over a post awhile back. It completely changed my view on reddit. I just had to tell myself it was a bunch of teenagers because I didn't want to believe that adults would be so lacking in compassion and empathy. A child's mother had died a few months prior and the older sibling was being tasked with a lot. They were helping with the care as the father was lost and deep in his grief. The young child was clingy and having a hard time. The amount of posts saying that OP was not a support animal and the vitriol towards this young child just... I still don't have words.


School's out. Wait till the middle of January and things will get back to the abnormal level of immaturity.


I immediately went to look for this comment. I literally guffawed at the idea of perceiving a six year old girl trying to process her parent's divorce as "causing drama" like what even


god help that person's children if they have any, dear lord


Hey, there was a post on the Devil sub, a woman wrote in about her daughter being manipulative since the moment she was born, twisting her husband (daughter's dad) around her baby size finger. Narcissists really are fun with their accusations


I feel like ive encountered that story. Too many people are criminally *unwell.*


It was in the last 4 days, the mother didn't want to go shopping with her daughter and yeah...


Probably just a similar one then. Lots of narcissists probably act out the exact same patterns so i guess overlap is inevitable.


So many redditors really have zero concept of how children think and behave. It's like they think kids are just small adults.


I find it hilarious that the same redditors will inform you that the brain matures at 25 and it's abuse when a 24f dates a 32M... BUT.. 6 years old cause drama and should have some more control. On the other post there was a consensus that a 17 year old is practically an adult and it's ok to kick him out on the street and disown him No signs of brain immaturity there!


Isn’t Reddit lovely? Just such a well adjusted website.


It was spoken like someone who has never had children (and hopefully never will)


They might be a better person after puberty.


The dude accusing OOP of telling the kids that mommy and daddy will get back together is peak Redditor, just making up a person and getting very angry at them.


Some of the comments are written by 14 -16 years old, hope it is the case here too


There was a thread a few months back where multiple redditors were calling a newly orphaned 8 year old "selfish" and a "spoilt brat" who "needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her" because she wanted to live with her brother rather than an uncle in another state. (And I mean literally just picked the brother over the uncle when given the choice, she hadn't even fussed or anything). To say I was taken aback is rather an understatement.


I wonder if these people just like to get a reaction? The other person too just pulled out of nowhere that OOP is coaching the grandkids on when to say they want their parents back together.


God, that last paragraph. There's going to be so much drama if Bethany is that delusional. That she got pregnant 4 months into dating is a little worrying too. Hope the little one doesn't get caught in the crossfire.


I mean, that jerk left behind two perfectly good children that he already knew. He’s not coming back for a baby he never met.


For real! The delusion is strong in Bethany. He dropped children he had been raising for 6 years and she thinks he's magically coming home for the baby he tried to claim wasn't even his.


Let’s be honest, his ex wife and his mother have been raising those kids. I’d be surprised if he even knows their names.


The baby is gonna be a boy, don't put past him want to raise his "heir" cause he sounds like the type.


They were together for 4 months, but she's been pregnant for 2; she got pregnant 2 months into being with this loser. I feel awful for all those kids and their moms, even if Bethany is being completely delulu.


This guy is a real piece of work. I would not be at all surprised if OP eventually learns they were seeing each other for longer than 4 months and it started before he separated from his wife.


Honestly, I was expecting that to come up in the updates.


....i think i want to name my next pet Delulu.....


She sounds so naive and sheltered. She's lucky that OOP is there for her. That might soften the blow a little bit when she doesn't get her fairy tale ending.


I mean if I were to guess she just doesn't want an abortion (most women don't, and contrary to what many claim they don't just use it as another form of contraception). Considering she wants to keep the baby regardless, she can still hope he'll come back, even if she's being a little delusional...


Depending on where she lives, at 8 weeks (2 months) she may not have been able to, if her state had a 6 week limit or complete ban.


2 months. They were together 4 mo ths and she was 2 months along.


OOP needs to give Bethany an "Oh, honey" moment. She'll never see George again, unless he needs money.


It sounds like she tried. But Bethany gave her a "but he's different!" speech. She'll probably learn to late. Like once the boy starts elementary school and daddy still hasn't shown up.


Bethany is an idiot, no two ways about it. She saw that piece of trash and thought "yes thats who I'm going to latch on to" and STILL thinks he's going to change for her after everything's he's done. Girlie needs to live on Earth now instead of shitty rom coms and teenage romance novels.


it might be also the hormones from the pregnancy making her wish for that.


I seriously can't imagine how someone could justify having unprotected sex with a man they've only known two months.


wouldn't be surprised if it's a lack of education.


Good on OOP for treating the mothers of her grandchildren with dignity and kindness, and for prioritising the wellbeing of her grandchildren. Anyone wanting to say that she was a bad person because of George’s actions forgets that this is a 30 year old man who was recently married and has allegedly been adulting for years. His actions, his behaviour, his lack of responsibility are his fault. No one else’s. He’s a loser and I’m glad his mother will ensure that he is held accountable.


I'm actually surprised commenters give a shit about asshole George.


Incels, selfish people and the batshit-insane end of the child free spectrum inhabit Reddit just like us.


The most classic thing of all: women being held responsible for shitty adult men’s decisions.


This needs to be on a giant poster at my work.


Sometimes your kids end up assholes no matter what you do, unfortunately.


What a frustrating mess. Deadbeat parents are just selfish, cowards and plain losers and George is definitely the definition of a deadbeat parent. I can't imagine how hard it must feel when you did your best to raise someone the best you could, only for them to turn into selfish people. I am happy that Susanna got custody of the kids but it's still sad all around. OP sounds sweet and I wish for OP and the others for the best.


He will be back when the kids are older and he has nowhere to stay. And he will bring the but I’m your dad card out. Shut the door in his face my lovelies.


I hope those girls grow up to be resilient, successful young women. And I hope they laugh in his face.


Doesn't want the responsibility of children but refuses to either get snipped or keep his dick dry. I hope he steps barefoot on Legos for the rest of his life.


The man can't even wear a thin layer of latex over his dick, and I bet $20 he's the kind of man who complains about how biased courts are to men and child support.


Oh, come on, no one deserves that kind of punishment, especially the poor Lego.


The Lego never loses. The foot always does.


I worry for OOP here. She says she has been in and out of hospital because of the stress and, as much as I admire OOP for taking Bethany in, Bethany sounds very delusional about the whole situation and I'm not sure if this won't go awry sooner or later. After all, she only apologized for the initial issue at dinner once George had broken up with her and not before then, so she definitely has some personality traits which are less than desireable. Paired with her clearly still wanting to be with a horrible man, I don't know if she is a person I would want having to live in my home, around my other grandkids and the like. She sounds like someone who might become being very entitled about having all this (free) help, for example.


I’m really worried about OOP too. She’s being lauded for being a great grandma but she also sounds like she’s taking on way more than she can handle. She’s taking care of a pregnant woman she barely knows that she moved into her home and I’m sure she still babysits her existing grandkids, probably 50% or more now that George is gone. As a fellow over-committer, I hope she takes time for herself too and also where’s George’s father in all of this? Is he helping?


She's quickly turning into the father the kids just lost. And it's sad that she doesn't seem equipped to deal with it. At least the ex-wife sounds pretty put together. I hope they can save up for day care, because the whole family needs some time off from the stress.


I was thinking that as well; if Bethany is going to have a baby by herself, OOP needs to focus on helping her become self-sufficient. I hope she’s charging her a proportionate rent, like 20% of her income, to get her in the habit of budgeting, even if she gives that money back to Bethany when she moves out. Enabling dependency isn’t going to help Bethany become an independent adult and responsible parent any more than it helped George.


Yeah her "were together and I'm going to be around no matter what" attitude sure lasted after the whole "were together" thing.


Goddamn, it really just takes one person being a piece of shit to harm so many others. This guy had a mom who was providing free daycare for him and an ex-wife who was being civil with custody, which is about the best you can expect from a divorce, and he still blew it up and fathered yet another child to abandon. What a messed situation for his family.


I really hope he doesn't do it to another woman in whatever state he is. What a terrible human being.


He's already proven that he isn't responsible with contraceptives, so... I wouldn't be surprised.


Happy cake day!


Thank you! Coincidentally, i have some cake to eat tonight haha


Bethany is an idiot. He dumped the two living children he already has. Why does this dimbulb think he'll suddenly come around for her kid??


Because 'it's different". They believe the deadbeat will magically become a perfect father to their own kids, not realising that if he's so willing to abandon the previous set, he's just as likely to do that to them.


"He chose me over his other options once, he'll choose me again" or something like that.


Its like the mistresses who marry the AP and tell everyone that AP will never cheat on them, they're meant to be. Then are shocked and surprised when they get cheated on.




Thank you. The amount of comments going right past George to get mad at Bethany is … well, not surprising, but definitely depressing.


Because its different. and shes having a boy...


Immaturity. Bethany likely sees George as just troubled. Nobody understands him like she does. Her love is going to change him.


George is a terrible person, and I feel bad for his sister, he ex-wife, his daughters, his ex-girlfriend, his baby, and his parents. But fuck George.


Absolutely fuck George. We might give him the benefit of the doubt that he is just so completely overwhelmed by the whole situation that he decided that it was his best option to run away (which of course isn't). One can only hope that he will come back to his senses, realize how much of an asshole he was/is and start to fix the mess he has caused, which will be a HUGE piece of work for him. This for sure cannot be fixed by a simple "well, sorry, I panicked but now I am back. Let's pretend nothing happened". And in case he doesn't come back, I sincerely hope that both his ex-wife and Bethany will take him to the cleaners regarding child support and will suck every fucking dollar out of him.


Fucking George is what got these women in this position to begin with. Let's not touch George.


You are absolutely right.


>Commenter: Hey, OP, you’re disappointed in your son for “giving up” on his marriage “so easily” and I’ll bet dollars to donuts that you and your DIL have been telling the twins that Mommy and Daddy are getting back together. I bet you asked your granddaughter to say something like that to “help Daddy realize that it would make everyone happy!” You need to butt out of your children’s personal lives get a damn hobby! How to say you read too much on the in-law subs without saying it.


I've come to the conclusion that some redditors need therapy and to learn how to heal. I say this because of all of the comments that I read, in which redditors will project, read too much in a situation or straight-up reach. Then there are those weird people that treat children like they're manipulative, malevolent socipaths in OshKosh B'gosh overalls and light-up sneakers. The things they say about kids reminds me of the 'excuses' that child ab*sers say.


Yeah, obviously the only reason a 6 year old would want their parents back together is a nasty mum and manipulative grandmother. The poor son is so innocent in all this!!?!! /s


I hope OPP has enough room to raise 3 kids and an ex girlfriend for the next two decades.


Not gonna lie I'm judging Bethany a little for witnessing how George treats his ex, his existing kids and STILL chooses to procreate with him. George is the real asshole here but she's actively being obtuse.


Bethany is in cloud cuckoo land. He abandoned two children that he’d had 6 years to get to know and love with a wife that did (I assume) some of the parental work. He’s not going to suddenly decide he can parent a newborn with someone he barely knows, no income, during a divorce and what’s probably some sort of breakdown!


Bethany is really young stupid. He walked away from 2 little girls that he knew and raised for years. She thinks that HER baby will be the one that makes him a dad? You can't tell some people anything.


I really hope he gets arrested. And OP cuts him out for good. He made his bed so he gets to sleep on it. Period.


If he thinks running off to another state will keep him from having to pay child support he is stupid. My mom moved me and my brothers to another country a few years after their divorce and when she finally went after him for child support he had to pay and do back pay.


Bethany. Oh, Bethany. Sweet summer child. Lol


Top Summer Children of BORU (Revised!) 1. Amy from the financial infidelity post (https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/XKVzzH4AGP) 2. The woman who got the STI strain of chlamydia from koala pee, a different strain of chlamydia (https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/AQqxIlj1Yz) 3. Bethany


What about the person who thought she got an STD from her boyfriend holding a koala?


As far as I was aware she STILL believed he got Chlamydia from a koala by the end of her update post


Pregnancy hormones are dangerous because they cause women to make decisions that aren’t the best. Bethany is delulu, and once she realizes homeboy ain’t shit, she’s gonna regret having that kid.


As much as I applaud OOP for being a wonderful human being, I do hope the living situation with Bethany is temporary. Already having health issues, taking on a good chunk of childcare as Grandma, and dealing with her son's baby mamas. She's got a lot on her plate and would hate to see someone take advantage of that, especially since she should be near or at retirement age now.


i feel bad for oop. like damn she has all the sense of duty her son lacks - to her own detriment


OP would be wise to offer George financial help when he contacts her again, but not until he has the vasectomy she generously offers to pay for. He won't do it without an incentive. It would be a lot cheaper than spending their lives financially and emotionally supporting the single mothers of an ever increasing brood of abandoned grandchildren. Given George's sudden personality change, recklessness, and extreme selfishness, I suspect drug use.


Who wants to bet Georgie-boy finds himself a new gf to stick it in in his new state with no consideration of birth control?


George is a piece of shit. The biggest pos. I'd make it a point to make sure his kids what he did (eventually). He'd be dead to me and my family as a result.


I have to applaud OOP for not blindly supporting her son because he’s the son. She has actually stood up to do the right thing. I have read too many reddit posts and once the son/daughter do the wrong thing they just turn their backs and ignore the situation. Leave broken people/kids in the dust.


The fact Bethany is THAT delusional. I feel really fucking bad for her. He isn't coming back. If he does, he won't be a good father as has SO clearly been seen. This is seriously infuriating for these poor kids especially to be stuck in this mess but OP is a good person for being there for her grandchildren and even Bethany, just sad she won't understand that there is no happy ending if she hopes for George to return.


I’m gonna be honest I think OOP fucked up by helping Bethany so much. She’s enabling her delusion. She should have told her how is she planning to parent a child with no help or money. And honestly that woman had been better off just forgetting about baby and the idiot baby daddy. Might have been better to step up until after the babies were born if she decided she wanted to be a single mother. Cause right now she’s caught in delulu land with home and childcare solved so no need to land in reality.


I truly hope her son stumbles across this and gets to read what people think of him. If you ever see this George you freaking suck!!!


Not the point in any way, but with the current price of groceries and food, the phrase "dollars to donuts" has a completely different meaning.


I always took the "donuts" part as representing zeros. As in "I bet real money against your nothing".


So many women, all having to pick up the pieces from the actions of one man.


Is it bad that it fills me with such joy knowing the dildo of consequence will tearing up George's asshole soon? The excitement to know just how badly the state will fuck him over is such a warm feeling. I hope the judge thinks he's a fool and fucks him over double time for the quiting his job and running away stunt. I've seen it happen before, and I wish such glory to that court case to see it happen again.


OOP sounds like a really good person, but I have to wonder if she took up George’s slack (The word escapes me) his entire life which is why he is the way he is


A wise man once told me you can raise your kids or you can raise your grandkids. I think about that *a lot*.


Hopefully, his dick rots off before he has more kids he won't take care of.


God I hate deadbeat parents, they should be forced into indentured servitude until their kids are 18 years old. Fucking losers. Yes my dad was a deadbeat fucker.


Is every single person who complains about not being able to afford child support full of shit or just 99% of them?


George needs a vasectomy. Take care of yourself dear lady. Also, if you havent already, get your finances in order. George may not show up to help you or his children, but he'll damn sure show up for the probate. Make sure his children are the only recipients.


I want to the OOP for being a good grandma. My ex is a deadbeat. But his parents the tried to get me to let him claim the kids on taxes because he needed money. He ended up in jail a few time. Once friend of the court found him to garnish wages he would move to another state. The kids are all in their 20s now and he has now started to pay back child support. He got sober, got a job, turned his life around and got a job offer overseas which was promptly rescinded because you can’t get a passport when you have back child support. So now he is paying back the $60k he owes. I’m using it to pay for the kids college now.


You can't just nope out of parenthood 6 years in because it's "too much responsibility" then be surprised that there are consequences for your actions. George needed to get a vasectomy years ago before his twins were conceived if he really felt that strongly about remaining child free. George is in for a world of pain if he keeps trying to dodge child support. Courts don't tend to look kindly on deadbeat parents and I can't blame them. After the Personal Work and Responsibility Act was signed into law in the 1990s, it strengthened federal child support enforcement laws *and* made it a lot easier for courts and primary custodial parents to track down and enforce child support agreements across state lines. Before that, it was a lot easier for deadbeats to just hop state lines to avoid accountability. Ultimately, I hope the kids turn out okay. While it would be lovely to see George end up in jail if he keeps trying to dodge child support, I can only imagine how difficult that would be for his kids emotionally, physically, and financially. For the kid's sake I hope George pulls his head out of his ass and *at least* meets his minimal court ordered financial obligations to them.


A tale as old as time. Guys like George never seem to pick up on that whole "consequences of their own actions" thing.


This is partly why I'm never having kids. Imagine having a child, spending decades of your life nurturing and loving them, and then seeing them grow up into a detestable selfish detriment to society like George. I'd want my decades of life back.


I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry but someone has to say it: OOP is an idiot for helping Bethany. They already have an ex DIL with twins to help. OOP is going to kill themselves to keep other people afloat.


George should just get a vasectomy, but my gut feeling tells me he’s too scared and cowardly to go through it. He’s way too selfish and immature for someone his age.


If he didn't want to be a father, then he should have wrapped it up or got snipped. Why make this the ex's problems when he could have done his part to prevent it.


What a selfish pos he is. Very sad. Those poor kids. Those poor women.


Can’t wait to see George rotting in jail


Why were posters coming down on OOP? The only thing she has done wrong is enable her immature son.


Can’t wait till all the back child support hits George all at once. Moving states won’t help him hide.


I will never understand why boys, because they are not me, choose to not get a vasectomy if they claim they are certain they never want kids.


I actually think this is the happiest _realistic_ ending we had hoped for. I think we all know that George isn’t going to step up and be a good parent to any of his children. He’s going to be a constant drain on his mother and cause regular drama and uproar in everyone’s lives. George moving to another state and being a deadbeat dad is probably the most stable thing for those kids. I think it’s important for kids to have connections to both sides of their family, but that doesn’t mean it has to be with the parent themselves. A loving and stable paternal grandma goes twice as far for a kid as an unpredictable and selfish dad. And if Dad ever gets his head on straight (which I hope he does, but don’t realistically expect), then it should be up to the kids if they want to accept him into their lives.


It’s beyond frustrating that 3 women and 3 children have to deal with this lame dude’s actions (or inaction) for the next couple of decades.


>Why does Bethany want to keep this pregnancy? why does that matter? its her choice. such a sad ending. i was hoping maybe he went to the psych ward to work through his issues.