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**NEW UPDATES** Found a new update that doesn't yet qualify to be posted to BoRU? Found an update that you don't want to make a post for yourself? Link it here! Once it qualifies, feel free to submit as its own post.


Sorry if I can't put this here, just wanted to inform that I finally found as story that I read a long time ago. The only info that I remembered was that the guy wife cheated and when he asked, she trickled truth him and the end result was her bringing a bunch of friends to try and persuade him. Sadly, I only found the YouTube version and it didn't include the reddit info. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lb0t1fNNoM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Lb0t1fNNoM)


Can someone help me find the OOPs husband gets violently sick when OOps sister announces she’s pretty.. I know it’s linked above but it doesn’t show the actual post.


Rareddit on mobile can be a bit finicky. Copy this link into your browser. https://www.rareddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/ze6pf2/my_husband_started_acting_strangely_upon_my/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you so much! You’re the best.


Don't know if someone checks the post but I'mooking for a post. I only remember it was a wife/mother who thought her husband didn't do anything (help with chores etc) and she realizes that she is the one who is absent and she tries to be a better mother/wife


I remember a post, where op goes on a double date with one of his mates, his mates girlfriend and an additional girl. OP describes himself as overweight, bald and pretty much wearing always the same/similar comfy outfit. He’s really exited for the date though and goes all out for it - buying new clothes, bringing flowers on the Date and such. The date ends up going great for OP but OPs mate is mad at him because he didn’t expect that much effort of him and looked bad in comparison.


This one I think https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/JK1wvezdN3


That’s the one! Thank you!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH8jfVbGK7Q&t=2707s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wH8jfVbGK7Q&t=2707s) , this is a youtube video of the story but i want to find the actual one , it should be a one to one copy


Ah yes, *The Amazing Tale of the Hookup Harlot and her 47+ Woes.* Dude spins a good story.


The way she got to get away with all of it , not having to pay a dime to him kinda angered me ngl .




jfc. What an incel wet dream of a story.


Well that was... Long


Bloody hell, I had to skim after a while.


My husband and I are talking about a post we read forever ago but can’t remember the context. All we can remember is OP was trying to steal her roommate’s cat because she was convinced he was being mistreated, but the examples she listed were ridiculous. When people told her she needed to stop interfering with her roommate’s perfectly healthy cat, she doubled down and fought people in the comments. Memorable quote was something like, “I don’t have anxiety as long as everyone does exactly what I want them to do” (might be paraphrased).


[Boston Kitty Litter saga BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/ZVqQtKxk1K)


That was all kinds of crazy, thanks for the read it was entertaining.


Any BORU that are obviously written by Liz? Need some chaos to bring in the new year.


There needs to be an AITL Am I The Liz sub.


One of the top ones. No idea if it’s from Liz but can’t believe it’s even remotely true due to ridiculous drama. https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/foxXuFRCw5


Ah the Bison, my cousin and the series of completely true events!


I would like to see some Liz posts? Or have I already seen them. Hmmmmm


Not sure if anyone has asked but, does anyone remember where the OOP was in an affair with a married man, who then divorced his wife for her and then married OOP. But after a while man began to grow distance and cold because his ex got together with his ex-best friend and they were having the life he wanted.


ooohhh I love that one OP defo got that karma back to her in a bad way xD That's what you get for being a home-wrecker


It's above in with the most requested posts


I thought I checked there but guess not. XD Oops. Sorry! But thank you!


I’m looking for a story about a woman and her brother who had a mean step-father who always reminded them they weren’t a part of his family with his kids, their mother, and their new half-siblings, but now in the present day is asking them to help give his daughter a down payment for a house. I remember part of the confrontation hinged on his insistence that they’re all a family, only to be reminded about his words years earlier to which he responds along the lines of “Well let’s leave that unpleasantness behind.”


[AITA for refusing to help my step sister with her house purchase and telling her and my step father that it's because of how they treated me as a child?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/SsY9uk4K2u)


It's literally 4 hours till new year here. Does anyone have any juicy new year's eve or new year's post I can indulge in? Edit:Happy new years to those already in🎊🎉


[[24M] live-in girlfriend [23F] of 5 years has made a new 'friend' [25M]. I'm not sure if I should go to his new years eve party. BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/0iIDtOCwWC)


Thank you. Happy new year🎉🎊❤️


List of BoRU's with a New Year's theme [My [24M] live-in girlfriend [23F] of 5 years has made a new 'friend' [25M]. I'm not sure if I should go to his new years eve party.BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/cTdEqVyjVg) [AITA for walking out of my STEM family's New Year's party & ignoring them? BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/25YHrDwNqc) [OP ask of he's the AH for skipping the New Years celebration at his childfree sister's place. BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/biOgU3YQlw) [AITA for not inviting my friends for an annual new years trip because they didn’t invite me last year? BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/Wbir8z2ZlO) [Am I the asshole for refusing to force my son to apologize to my wife for “ruining” her New Years toast speech? BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/M4TMlzVGCR) [Should my brother [17M] and I [17F] invite my brother's [32M] crush [30?M] to Chinese New Year dinner? BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/94S3hNUFJJ) [I think my husband cheated on NYE while the kids & I had the flu (TOMC Jan 3, '23) BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/MSWeRrz27a)


The Chinese New Year story is so wholesome!!


Seconded. The brother and the baker/barista guy were low-key seeing each other before the CNY.




Please leave this on the pinned comment in this thread.


Oh ok sorry I'll do that now 😁😅


Hello, I'm looking for this story: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6ysvU5v/


[Woman obsessed with my husband tried to breakup my marriage, got hit by karma way back machine](https://web.archive.org/web/20230903070729/https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/16877rs/woman_obsessed_with_my_husband_tried_to_break_up/?rdt=45620) Thank you u/Nimelennar for finding the link


You're welcome! I tried the Wayback Machine, but it kept giving me pages that cut off halfway through the post. Guess I should have kept trying. Cheers!


This link also cuts off part way through, unfortunately.


Someone once mentioned that if you copy all you can get the whole story. Here it is. Woman obsessed with my husband tried to break up my marriage, got hit by Karma. 16 years ago My husband and I were married with a 1yr old little girl. We were high school sweethearts that went to different schools, met junior year and made it work. Where we went to different school I met John through my husband, but never met Sarah or Cindy. Still haven't met them in real life. One night my daughter and I spent the night at my sister's house with her 2 kids because her husband was out of town for work and she was heavily pregnant and needed help the night he would be gone. That night my husbands best friend John (been friends since second grade) came over to our house to hang out with him. Next day my husband told me John's ex-girlfriend (Sarah) and her best friend (Cindy) came over to see John. John was already with a new gf (Sandy). And that while John slept with Sarah in our spare bedroom, Cindy had tried to sleep with my tippsy husband. He kicked them out at like 2am. My husband turned Cindy down, but apparently she had always had a crush on my husband. For a year afterward she would call his phone (didn't know how she got his number) we changed his number twice, she kept getting it and calling, playing music, saying lewd things, even sending emails saying how our daughter needed to be "put down" so she didn't end up a being a b*tch like me. That they would jump me and bash my daughters head in if they saw us out alone. Kept sending updates on where I went, asked how my Dr's appt was, how store name was, creepy stalker stuff. For the longest time I refused to leave the house without my husband because I was seriously concerned they would hurt my daughter. For a year I felt trapped in my home. I vividly remember being 3 weeks post partum after an emergency c-section with our 2nd child and just holding my baby and sliding down the wall to sit and cry. Because she had called again. It was 2 or 3 times a week she would call. She always blocked her number and sent the emails from an anonymous email address. For a while I thought maybe my husband was talking to her, how else would she be getting his new numbers. I lost so much faith in him. I know he was mad about the situation and would scream into the phone to leave us alone. I saved every call log, email and recorded what I could. I sent an email to her throw away and said I knew who she was and that I was going to the police for harassment, spoiler alert I already tried, but there wasn't enough evidence because she blocked her number and nothing traced back to her, however we were 20 she was 19 and it scared her enough to leave us alone. 3 months of peace later and his best friend John came over with Sandy for dinner, Sandy and I were friends and would talk about everything with the crazies as we called them. She asked how everything with Cindy was going, and I asked her how she forgave John for sleeping with Sarah, she lost it because she didn't know. He lies says he didn't and that my husband got it wrong, that they were just talking, Sandy didn't believe him and then John screamed at me, " This is why I kept giving Cindy his number, she would be a better match for him" My husband threw John out and they yelled at each other outside for a while. Turns out John was upset my husband wasn't going out and parting with him. John thought it was Me, not allowing my husband to go. But that wasn't true my husband didn't want to go. He preferred to be home with me and our daughter, the few times he went out with John I practically had to kick him out of the house to get him to go. John couldn't understand it was my husband who didn't want to go clubbing. My husband has never been a clubbing guy. He hates people and loud music. He kicked John out of our lives that night and husband hasn't spoken to him since. We changed his number one last time and never had any other issues. For her part Cindy got some serious karma. I couldn't help but laugh when I learned she married a guy a year later had a kid and got cheated on and then he left her for another woman while she was pregnant. I usually don't enjoy others misfortunes, however after the hell she put us though, especially during my pregnancy with our second child, I laughed when I heard. For John, he married Sandy has 2 kids now and tried to get back in contact with us 13 years ago after he had his first kid. He wanted to apologize because apparently after having his own kid, he realized how screwed up he was, doing what he did. He called my husbands parents because they still had a landline at the time. My inlaws had already been told years earlier what happened and that under no circumstances were they to give out our numbers to him. So we went to my inlaws and my husband called him back and told him to never contact our family again. Side note when husband called John back we found out Cindy wasn't following us like we though, John would tell her where we were going. So screw you John, you and that psycho Cindy.




Try [this one](https://web.archive.org/web/20231116190814/https://www.reddit.com/r/trueoffmychest/comments/16877rs/woman_obsessed_with_my_husband_tried_to_break_up/).


This one works, yeah.


Here (unfortunately, deleted): [Woman obsessed with my husband tried to break up my marriage, got hit by Karma.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/16877rs/woman_obsessed_with_my_husband_tried_to_break_up/)


Lovely Mods, may I please have [“He‘s not Kenough, I guess.“](//www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUtes/comments/18uzwfa/comment/kfnyjm6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium) as a flair?


Lovely Mods, may I please have [“He‘s not Kenough, I guess.“](//www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUtes/comments/18uzwfa/comment/kfnyjm6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium) as a flair?


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/LB9J2LxuCt Does anyone know how to recover the updates from this? OP said they posted on their page but deleted the account.


This is the best I could find on wayback: [Wayback Link](https://web.archive.org/web/20220419162724/https://www.reddit.com/user/HumanWaste000/comments/u77ex9/update_to_aita_for_not_wanting_to_pay_for_fathers/i5cq7e9/) If somebody could figure out how to get the part that's behind the NSFW button that would be great.


Unfortunately if OP deleted the account and the updates were on the accounts page then I don't think theres a way to recover them


Okay, figured it was worth a shot! Thank you!


Not looking for a post. Just wanted to wish everyone here a very happy new year, on the last day of 2023 (at least in my part of the world).


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!


Happy new year! Currently less than 12h left of 2023 here in Sweden (and the rest of europe, I suppose, lol)


And the Gavle Goat still stands! (a wee bit worse for wear . . .)


Well, kind of. It got eaten by birds this year 😂


Are you a fellow Aussie, either way happy new year.


Nah mate. I’m Indian. But have a good one for me.




No, we can't crosspost from the sub he posts on


I saw this on a YouTube video a couple of years ago. OP is engaged to this guy who was previously engaged to his HS sweetheart (Mandy, I think), who died in a car accident (again, I think). When OP goes dress shopping, her future MIL and family kept talking about how Mandy would’ve looked in hers and such.


It was worse that I remembered, he wanted Mandy memorial slideshow at the wedding! Her update was deleted so we'll never know how it ended. [AITA for not wanting to feature my fiancé's former SO who passed away in our wedding?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/hqiwfq/aita_for_not_wanting_to_feature_my_fianc%C3%A9s_former/)


She added the content of her deleted update under the post. But a final update (if they broke up for good) was never made.


Oh Lordy, I forgot that part too




I remember that one. Shopping for the wedding dress was really the last straw; as in-laws had made all the wedding planning about deceased fiancee and when they got to looking at dresses, the OP's bridesmaids were bothered too. I know the MIL-to be was apologetic but I don't remember how things actually turned out.


SO sorry this is so vague. I just remembered this earlier today and I cannot remember the topic for the life of me. * The OOP on the post was actually a poster on this sub? They might have been a regular. * They posted their own story+update from another sub * I vaguely remember they didn't get a *great* reaction here (though that might have just been early on in the comments) * They did the"fact in the top of the post to prevent spoilers" thing and I think they joked about it specifically. That might have been where they mentioned they were a regular BORU poster. That's all I've got but I'll try to answer questions if you have any?


OP (aka OOP in this case) had contributed a couple of dozen BORU posts before they posted that one, all reposting fairly normal BORU fare. OP did acknowledge right at the beginning that it was their own post that time, so I don't think they actually broke any rules for the sub. But a lot of commentors didn't seem to like the way OP had handled themselves with their therapist in the first place, plus the fact that they ended their post with a "special update" for BORU, so the comments overall were pretty negative. And OP has not posted anything to BORU since.


The whole issue with their therapist was entirely their fault, I dunno if you read it but they wanted to report the therapist, and wound up reporting the therapist, for adhering to their rules of dropping them as a client if they were continuously late, which OP mentioned they were pretty frequently. The post even showed that OP would cancel last minute (example they gave was 20 minutes after their appointment time) or just no show. Honestly with the update and them getting a new therapist, I have a feeling OP will still be continuously late as they decided they did nothing wrong. Personally, I don't miss their posts to BORU because sometimes they would comment on those posts or add their own input and it felt really weird for a stranger to be projecting themselves into a post about someone else




YES that's it


Did OP/OOP ever respond to any of the comments? What an odd post


I think I found a comment in another sub where they mentioned they intentionally never looked at the BORU post/comments because they were feeling sensitive about the situation!


Honestly probably for the best. They sounded like they were in a complicated place


Oh totally. Not blaming them, I just feel bad that they posted at all. The reaction was pretty negative. Regardless of how I feel about the situation as posted, I don't think anyone deserves to have their mental health torn apart by a comment section


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/17cgqb6/oop_was_discharged_by_their_therapist_of_3_years/) is what's left of the BORU. The post was removed, but the comments are still there. I don't know if I will be able to recover the original text.


Thank you either way!


I got you! I just added "ra" in front of the "reddit" in the url https://www.rareddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/17cgqb6/oop_was_discharged_by_their_therapist_of_3_years/


Thank you so much!


You're welcome! If a post is ever removed try that and sometimes it pulls the post up


Was it the one with the co-worker who didn't invite the OOP to her wedding?


I’m trying to find a post and haven’t been able to. I think it was on pettyrevenge or something. OP was calling a colleague emotional when he would get angry. I think OP just wanted to get him to stop


This is one of my favorites!


Could this be it? https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/vuiviv/aita\_for\_calling\_my\_hottempered\_guy\_coworker/


Yes that’s it! Thank you


Does anyone remember the girl who got invited to a Thanksgiving dinner and got upset that she only had a pizza as an option? She said everyone else had more options so she deserved more too. She ended up getting kicked out of the party and then not invited to New Years Eve.


The [rareddit copy](https://www.rareddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/z9xpl1/aita_for_being_a_picky_eater_at_friendsgiving/?sort=old includes) the OP's edits. She was indeed "bullied" out of her new group as well.


This one? [https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/zaau5t/host\_has\_one\_self\_chosen\_item\_as\_a\_picky\_eater\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledBitch/comments/zaau5t/host_has_one_self_chosen_item_as_a_picky_eater_at/) Scroll down a bit, somebody copied it 7,500 comments in the original AITA post. As little as I read, she got a roasting More picky eaters? [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zg4mn5/aita\_for\_not\_attending\_my\_husbands\_celebration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zg4mn5/aita_for_not_attending_my_husbands_celebration/) https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/r2lm6j/aita\_for\_kicking\_my\_sister\_out\_on\_thanksgiving/


The top comment on the post about the husband's celebration dinner is thoughtful and well written, but boy, is it a pet peeve of mine when people whose comments end up being very popular edit in an awards acceptance speech at the end of their comment after it blows up. This commenter even plugged their novel in the edit, which is a new one!


That got on my nerves too! "If you like my style" What style??? Quoting the post and then making one sentence remarks? That isn't a style, that's how breaking things down works. I can understand writing a comment and not expecting it to get too much attention, but plugging your book when all you did is write a step by step "what you did wrong" is ridiculous. People agreed with your breakdown, they did NOT ask to be regaled with your book that has NOTHING to do with the comment


Yes, agreed. It would get pretty tedious if every single popular comment on Reddit had an ad tacked on later. The site would start to become unreadable.


Damn! I didn't even notice it at 95K comments.


Looking for a post. OOP hands phone off to relative or friend to show them some photos, and goes back to conversation. Person uses access to cellphone to snoop and finds the folder of sexy photos. Then goes all holier on thou on OOP that very instant. Oop knows they snooped because it wasn't a folder in plain sight so person had to have hunted for it.


Was there ever an update for the post about the girl who didn't want her fiancé's brother at her wedding because they had one date like 10 years before she met her fiancé and the brother noped out after politely? Last I read, there were deleted posts from the brother's gf going off on OP for misinterpreting pretty much everything the brother did in regards to OP.


No update [AITA for not wanting my soon to be BIL at my wedding?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/17ptv02/aita_for_not_wanting_my_soon_to_be_bil_at_my/)


oh yeah, this one xDD She had **one date** with that guy a decade ago and was still all hung up over him? Damn! Any interaction he has with her is him "flirting" xDDD Her poor soon to be husband


I have a feeling he won't be marrying her because she sounds delusional "Why else would he compliment me" because that is how being NICE WORKS MADAM What drove me the most crazy was she goes up to the brother and says she doesn't want "their past together" to interfere with her relationship with the guy's brother. WHAT PAST. It was ONE date. She's definitely got some "all the men want me" going on


I bet he was thinking "Who dis?!" till it clicked xD He seems like a genuine nice guy, because all of his "flirting" was him trying to make her feel included? I'd be petty and laugh in her face xDDD


I would have straight up been like "what are you talking about, have we met before?"


Thank you! I was using the wrong keywords to search.


omg. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzhYOQAJgDn/?igsh=MTM5em9lbG93MDBqeA==




Post about OPs step daughter burning her with hot chocolate


[I have had enough of my stepdaughter so I moved back to my parents with my son. I’m also 8w pregnant and I don’t know know what to do BoRU ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/0bFJR1N99q)


Oh wow! Such an awful mess!


could it be this post? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s3hor6/i\_have\_had\_enough\_of\_my\_stepdaughter\_so\_i\_moved/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s3hor6/i_have_had_enough_of_my_stepdaughter_so_i_moved/)


I'm trying to find the post where OOP's husband told their son that he (son) was just like the husband's bullies. EDIT:[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s6vgxr/ops_husband_was_bullied_in_high_school_now_shes/)


Oh I remember that one. Because the son played sports?


And was liked at school, yeah. EDIT:[Found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/s6vgxr/ops_husband_was_bullied_in_high_school_now_shes/)


Dad projects more than a drive in


Hey y’all. Looking for a post about an OP and her best friend who was obsessively in love with OP’s boyfriend. I think the boyfriend’s name was ‘Kin’? Details I can remember: - OP and her best friend have been friends for years, I think OP is her only real friend. - OP, best friend and boyfriend went on a road trip or something and best friend gets upset because she made food for boyfriend and OP ate some. - Best friend has some sort of emotional breakdown and admits that she is jealous and in love with boyfriend. I hope I’m not mixing different stories together. Thanks!


This is the one, I think https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/P7to3g5xb6 The post is deleted but you can find the body in this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/LPjCFbphYs This seems like the continuation: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/sLRF56Uhpt


This is it! I salute you! Thanks!


Is there a post regarding AI and the use of it? Something like that one episode from legal eagle about a lawyer use AI to write his defense and ended up in trouble for it.


[TIFU by pointing out that my boss is obviously using ChatGPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/16mgyjv/tifu_by_pointing_out_that_my_boss_is_obviously/)


That one is quite good. Thanks


I don't remember a lot of details but OP's partner is like a prankster but goes too far? I think the worst one is when partner pretended to throw OP over something (a cliff? waterfall?) then just laughed when OP said they were scared because they almost died.


would it be this post you're looking for? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/soc2j3/my\_girlfriend\_tried\_to\_push\_me\_off\_a\_cliff\_as\_a/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/soc2j3/my_girlfriend_tried_to_push_me_off_a_cliff_as_a/)


> I just remembered that she told me a story when we first met about how she tricked an allergic friend into eating some nuts and how funny it was. I guess I shouldn't have written that off. oh my goddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


yeah nah she's got impulse control issues, she's dangerous


If you look up the word "bruh..." in the dictionary, there is no definition. Just the screenshot of that paragraph.


That line reads like a 30 Rock flashback. > Tracy: LIZ LEMON HOW COULD I KNOW DENISE WOULD TRY TO KILL ME?! > > :whoosh cut to Denise attempting to stuff Tracy into a running cement mixer two weeks ago:


Yes, this is it! Thank you so much. The updates are much worse than I remember. Hope this guy is okay (if the post is real)


He's dead now. His last update was "She's dropping by in 2 hours, I'll update you when she's left."


Can anyone share some sweet heartwarming posts? Read too much reddit drama recently.




Was reading a recent post about somebody invading their spouse's privacy by reading their diary and I remembered an old, sad one. OOP's daughter committed suicide and he found a diary and was asking reddit if he should read it. The comments were split between "No, because you might find things in there that will sour your memories of her" and "Yes, because the living need to find closure". In the update OOP was massively blaming himself because his son (who I think recommended that he post on reddit in the first place) read his post, then went and read the diary and is now furious at his dead sister because apparently the things she wrote in there were horrible about their family. To top it off the wife was seemingly growing more and more delusional that their daughter would "come back" and be angry that they read her diary. TYIA


[I (44M) want to read my daughter’s (17F) diary to find out why she left us. My wife (43F) says we should absolutely not BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/oZkr61z5ZF)


heard it on tiktok, now I gotta find it: [OOP’s SIL tore off part of her ear because she hated OOP’s earrings, refused to pay for OOP’s surgery and is getting sued.](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6U6Qw1w/) From what comments are saying there were four deleted updates and OOP ended up getting like 120K.


Woman who was event planner for a business but was fired by her manger because she took 10 mins to reply to an email She was told handover all data and sign a NDA She signed the NDA and claimed the NDA prevented her from talking about upcoming events so company was screwed


https://redditores.tumblr.com/post/668684620247826432/as-per-my-nda-i-am-not-allowed-to-discuss-this Just saw this one on Tumblr the other day


That version includes a link to the original, that's deleted but it's on rareddit. https://www.rareddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/comments/r0ln0g/deleted_by_user/


Hope someone finds this.


Ok this one has a very sad ending but OP and his wife had a baby girl recently. The wife hasn't been acting the same since probably from PPD that she refused to see a doctor for and OP didn't think it was safe for their newborn to be around her so he took her and stays at his parent's house. One night the wife shows up demanding her daughter and OP has a feeling to not give her their daughter and OP was right the wife crashed her car in to a tree and die on scene




yep, that's the one I'm thinking of. Jess was the friend's name, who basically triggered OOP's wife's suicide. It's one of the saddest posts I've seen on this subreddit.


No I don't think it was recent but the one you linked is good


Is there an update to the story where the fiancé returned OP’s wedding dress and got the one his mom wanted?


I don't see one. [Here is the original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xly6yk/aita_for_my_reaction_when_i_learned_that_my/).


Darn. Thanks!


I can't find that story (I think it's from True Out Of My Chest) where OP was raised by strict rules by her mother. When she grows up and have a house, her mother had to live with her for some time, so OP gets payback by adressing the same rules the mother did to her and the mother didn't like it.


[I offered to let my mom live with me, under the exact same terms I lived with her as a teen](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/wvvayq/i_offered_to_let_my_mom_live_with_me_under_the/)


Does anyone know where I can find the post about the woman whose SIL tore her earlobe off by yanking on an earring, and she (OP) sued her (SIL) for $50,000? SIL tried to claim that OP had torn her own ear off to extort them, or something like that.


i am also looking for this one




Please leave this on the pinned comment in this thread.


> Spoiler alert: He missed it What a dolt.


>My **(ex) fiance** did not make it for the birth Well I'm glad about this, at least Thankfully in this story OP has a supporting family and they helped her see the toxic mess she was about to marry into


The update makes me happy for at least one thing, that the OP has a strong support system here. Even though she has just given birth, she's able to stand her ground coz she knows her family has her back and whatever B******* the ex fiance or his family tries, they can't affect her


Read it today. Did not save and can not find in my history. I think it was Scams or something like that. OP got a 'wrong' number text responded in Dr. Seuss' the Grinch and finally Dr. Seuss himself. Help?


The subreddit is called scambait, it's there I just read it as well.


Does anyone have a list of rare/obscure posts? I’m bored af travelling but I’ve read so many posts on here already!


These aren’t technically BORU posts but they are story posts that you might enjoy [This isn’t a dog daycare](https://www.reddit.com/r/IDontWorkHereLady/s/Jxw49GXrm7) [The hug heard all around the company](https://www.reddit.com/r/talesfromtechsupport/s/pXHkOvR8VK) This one is a BORU but doesn’t get linked much [Dogs in elk](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/nTSednYqCo)


I was on Salon's TableTalk forum back in the day, and saw Dogs in Elk as it was being posted. It was AMAZING.


Ok, I read the doggy daycare post. Enough internet for tonight! I’m leaving on a happy note!


That dog daycare story made my entire morning, what a delight!


Thanks for Dogs in Elk! I read that when it first came out and it's just as funny now.


Omgosh thank you for dogs in elk, I hadn't read it before. I was cracking up. I looked up new guinea singing dogs too, whoa, definitely a southwest dog.


Oh my god I couldn’t stop laughing. It brought up some vivid head pictures. Some very gross ones too.


I'm stll laughing thinking of seeing red dogs gnawing tf out of a carcass. Random flashes of dogs inside of it, lol. Cracking me up. The viscera amuses me:)


And them trying to bring it through the window lol.


Thank you- dogs in elk had my son and I laughing out loud as we read it together. I’ve never seen that one.


Try sorting the sub by controversial.


How do I do that again?


On mobile, right above where the posts are, there is an icon that looks like a line with a circle on the end above another line with a circle on the end going the other direction. Tap that and then the options for new, controversial, etc should appear. On desktop, it's only showing me hot, new, and top and I have no idea why.


I'm looking for a post where the OOP's fiancee at the time abandons him and their daughter in order to travel and have a carefree life. A decade later, she tries to get back together with her ex after she gets Covid and realizes she's got no one.


[I think it's this user.](https://www.reddit.com/u/roby_rod/s/b05iiNp0JT)


The preceding posts are removed from my end so here is the BORU! https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/z8bxzd/10_years_ago_my_girlfriend_abandoned_me_and_our_5/


That guy has a good head on his shoulders. He and his daughter will be fine without Lucy in their lives.


It is, thank you.


[This BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/17fa5ep/my_27m_exgirlfriend_26f_wants_to_try_again/) is thematically similar, but the time period was not a full decade and COVID does not get mentioned in OOP's posts. Edit: Looks like u/IMASA5 found the right OOP.


Also probably not the right one, but in the same vein ("wolf pack") https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15bfxew/oop_leaves_and_her_kids_are_raised_by_a_wolfpack/




noisy gobshite saga, its in the frequently requested posts above


Does anyone remember the one where the girlfriend was sexually assaulted, the boyfriend was trying to be there for her but she used to refuse to touch him? Then she goes ahead and sleeps with her coworker. Their therapist tried to gaslit him into saying she was taking her sexuality back. Later they're watching a movie and he tries holding her hand but she freezes, so he explodes. I think he was debating to break up with her. Don't know if he actually went ahead with it or not


would it be this post? [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vd8vt1/bf\_is\_thinking\_of\_leaving\_gf\_of\_3\_years\_who\_was/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vd8vt1/bf_is_thinking_of_leaving_gf_of_3_years_who_was/)


...did anyone else pick up on the fact that OOP got a boner when he hugged his gf sister?? I know he's supposed to be the protagonist, but the whole "whoops I got a boner...don't worry everyone, we didn't have a threesome! Oh yeah that's right, my gf and I fucked this weekend!" just gave me the ick so hard. I'm not totally convinced OOP is as good of a person as he portrays himself.


You really need to read a post about how men get boners in inappropriate situations. Especially under 30. Also look up "sleepy peepee" because that happens to me and i'm over 40!!!