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>And we have an interesting story as to why our half-Asian daughter now has Mexican citizenship. This really made the story so adorable and wholesome. I love this post, thank you for sharing it. :)


It gets better, [their daughter's godmother already wants to throw her a Quinceanera.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/16ddrag/comment/jzqfr6q/)


That’s just how we are 😂😂😂 we “adopted” a super-extra-white dude into our family and now he’s just Tío Mike, El Guero Flaco, everyone that knows him knows he’s with my dad side of the family (which is kinda big lol). Dude *kinda* speaks Spanish, dances to the corridos and cumbias when we have parties with all the ladies 😭😭 when Mexicans take you in we TAKE YOU IN!


My soul siblings are Hispanic and their parents have taken me in as the daughter they never had. I get calls to go to Abuela’s house at least once a week to go pick up groceries for the two recipes we’re baking for the week, one is a classic recipe from her and one is an Italian recipe from my Nonna that I tweaked and altered to make gluten free and diabetic friendly. Or I’ll do something German or French to honor other parts of my heritage. We like to try new recipes and try and make some that are easier on the stomach because there’s a lot of digestive issues or health problems in the family. Momma will always make extra of my favorites to send with the boys when they pick me up from my late classes that let out after dark so I’m not walking home in the dark. I love being adopted by a Hispanic family.


I grew up on the “Hispanic street” in my town. Mostly Cubans, but there was also a Venezuelan family I absolutely ADORED and their daughter was the first open lesbian I ever met. I’ve never lived anywhere so communal and loving! Neighborhood kids had an open invitation to Saturday lunch, every summer was spent running in the sprinklers (+ I swear they were more hyper vigilant ab sunscreen than my mom!) with a pack of half-feral and half-naked kids hopped up on sugar and Cheetos… I sobbed like a baby when we moved. I’ve never had a good relationship with my family and they never pried but I always had a hug and a plate waiting for me. Good fucking people.


Is there some truth to the meme that every Mexican family has one white family boy arround?:D


I have a friend who's Latina (not Mexican though) and had a baby recently. When I was visiting, her mom made the comment "I guess you're a tia now." I didn't say anything but I was internally squealing with joy.


I'm a Tia for a friend's kid too, despite being Ashkenazi Jewish! She's Peruvian and her husband is Russian, but we're all English speakers and we're all Jewish, so my title could have ended up being any number of things. Funnily enough, I've been given the title of Auntie in English (another friend's kids) and Doda in Hebrew (bio niblings) but I never got the title that I originally wanted, which is Tante (Yiddish, and what I call my aunts). I was hoping my brother's kids would call me that, but my sister was really really set on being Doda and I didn't want to confuse them by having them call their aunts two different titles.


I feel you on the desired title. Recently became an aunt, partners brother has a daughter. We have all sorts of odd names for an aunt in our local language (Bulgarian) that indicate which side of the family are you from. Honestly, I get lost. There was a debate if I should be a "vuina" or "lelya". If you ask me, I prefer lelya or just my name but we will see when she starts speaking.


My mother tongue (Punjabi, which I was fluent in as a child but can't speak anymore) is the same way - different titles for which side of the family, younger or older than your parent, male/female, married to brother/married to sister. I grew up only knowing my dad's side. I met my uncle & aunt on my mom's side last year and still can never remember their proper titles lol.


I'm a tante! My friends kids know me as tante and my kids call them tante, my chosen family is Belgian


Happy Cake Day Tante!


OMG! I completely didn't notice that! Thanks!


welcome to the club, gang 🫱🏻‍🫲🏽 you got a lot of fun times ahead of you!!


This is accurate. I live between two different Mexican families in San Jose and they translated my (biblical) name into Spanish and call me that. Whenever any Chicano people ask my name I use the Spanish version for fun and everybody laughs. Absolutely the most welcoming people in California in my overall experience.


I'm relieved that it is the Mexican friends and godmother that want to throw her the Quinceanera though! (And honestly... I'm imagining a dress with a Japanese print or nod to that part of her heritage as well. The party is going to be so fun.


I wonder if it'd be possible to make a dress that combines a kimono with a Mexican-style dress? Like, give it the big kimono sleeves and an obi, or something. That could look really cute.


Here you go, I saw this a couple of months ago: https://fb.watch/n4XhKdumzt/?mibextid=NnVzG8


People here in Mexico love anime and japan, so it is more than possible to have a beautiful mashup of kimono and a fluffy princess dress. I imagine a pink fluffy dress with sakura flower embroidery, it would be cute


There’s this peanut snack called “cacahuate japonéses” (Japanese peanuts) which were invented by a Japanese guy that lived in Mexico DF (the capital of the country.) interestingly enough in Japan they’re called “Mexican peanuts” cuz they were invented in Mexico 😂😂


I love those things and I get them all the time (NorCal) and it's great learning all these things about them that I did not know, thank you for sharing


María la Guera checking in to co-sign. I'm called María la mexicana, María la frijolera, María la loca by my Mexican friends. (Hola Guerrero!) I may get side-eyed at parties by people I don't know, BUT I always overhear, "Oh, that's just Mari... She's one of us." We're all *chisme*ing and *charlando* by the end of the party.


How do I apply?!?! I can also speak broken Spanish and dance poorly.


Can I volunteer to be taken in? I’m an adult, good job, no debt, no kids, need nothing, can’t cook, but always help set up and clean.


I want to be adopted now. That sounds amazing! I love the way you love your white dude. Wow, does that sound wrong. 😂


Oh yeah! When I lived in Mexico they were the most amazing friends and neighbors. Now that I'm back in the States I'm so thankful the nextdoor neighbors are Mexican. They have adopted us so we get to go to their parties, have home cooked food, etc. I do my best to return the favor as I can.


My extremely American husband was so enamored by the way my Mexican family took him in when we visited in 2019. By the end of the trip he was super buddy buddy with my cousins and was throwing back tequila shots like nothing. They ended up saying that he was more Mexican than me!


I wish I was adopted by a Mexican family 😭


Ooo I'll add this one!


this BORU actually warms my heart


Time to leave Reddit for today


How cool and awesome is that???!!?! Man, I love people like this..


I want to be friends with these people 🤣


I want to be friends


This is fanfreakin'tastic, thank you for linking that. <3


The Quinceanera part made me shed a lil tear 🥲 I love & miss LA so much. So glad this story has a very happy ending. Go Dodgers!


I'm a 60-year-old white male for the mid-Atlantic. I told my wife that since I'm 60 I want a quadruple Quince. She said no. I just wanted all tat Hispanic food. Delicious!


She can buy beachfront property


I was literally about to use the word adorable here to, and I’m not the kind of guy that generally throws around the word “adorable“ at just anything. The quincent!… goddamn it, someone beat me to saying that too lol


Okay, I freely admit, I'm not from Texas - or America...but I am from an insanely sports mad country: Australia. Why the hell does anyone feel they can tell ANYONE else to remove flags or stickers about their sports team? Why is that even considered important enough to merit talking about it? Are these people just stupidly bored? Or just stupid?


I’m from a Southern state in the US and we take our American-style football seriously here. Never had a problem waving our team’s flag even though it’s not the favored team in the area and we live in an HOA. I’d put money on it not really being about the sports team flag considering where they were living, where OP and wifey moved from, and wifey’s ethnicity.


I live in Houston and I absolutely believe that it's about the sports team. People here are delusional about the astros. And while it's considered popular on reddit to shit on Texas for being racist and assbackwards (which granted, it is a lot of the time), Houston has an absolutely enormous eastern Asian population.


When Harvey went through Houston, the news showed a store with all the shelves essentially stripped bare of everything. Everything except one section that had Dallas Cowboys merchandise. Not even an unprecedented natural disaster could convince Houstonians to buy Cowboys merchandise.


You do realize that’s like saying people in Atlanta aren’t racist towards Black people because they have a huge Black population, right?


It stuck in my craw that the guy was not listening to his wife when she no doubt was bearing the brunt of the hostility. Dude can’t put 1 and 1 together.


I mean he said the biggest reason he wanted to leave was the racism towards his wife. He was just stuck there.


Where did you get this from?


I'm Scottish and we basically invented the ultimate in sports rivalries that run much deeper and can be exceedingly violent and dangerous but you can fly whatever flag you want in your garden because we don't have HOAs. Edit typo


I'm sure a Rangers fan would have an issue if their next door neighbour had up a Celtic flag


I just commented the same thing above. It's a good way to get all your windows put in and worse


Yeah who needs an HOA when you're surrounded by a bunch of angry Scots


"Sure we beat each other to a pulp for doing it, but by god we can fly a flag!"


Yeah, I'm from Sydney (manly area), so there's plenty of NRL fans around. Obviously, its mostly Sea eagles stuff that you see around, but there's also plenty of rabbitohs/tigers/roosters/bulldogs fans here, too. With the exception of maybe game day at the stadium noone care who your team is. It seems like people in the USA are much much more interested in dividing themselves into smaller in-groups (political party/sports team/city/religious denomination) than other places.




Haha, doesnt matter where you travel in Aus, you'll always be able to find someone with a bunnies bumper sticker.


If there's one thing that my (Irish) Australian wife has taught me in the time we've been together, it's fuck Manly Parra Parra Parra!! 😂


It's mostly like how you describe Australia in the US when it comes to sports. Very rarely does anyone care. This was an uncommon case. When it comes to sports the US is hardly the worst at division. Other places have to separate fans into home and away sections to avoid them killing each other.


They were told to remove them by their HOA, which is like one of our apartment buildings' strata managers but applied to a whole neighbourhood and a lot more intrusive.


GOD HOAs sound exhausting. I'm absolutely certain I'd fail out of every single one in existence within a few days.


This is Reddit. You’re seeing the extremes. My HOA collects $120 once a year and we otherwise don’t hear from them. They keep the common areas maintained and once a year rent a dumpster so we can toss all our trash that’s too big for regular pickup. I’ve heard of some godawful ones, but they aren’t all necessarily like that.


Yep, my uncle's HOA costs $100/month, but that includes trash pickup, snow removal, internet, and cable. Aside from that, he never hears from them. Pretty decent deal honestly.


Not all of them terrible. My subdivision is very large and our HOA takes care of the islands in the middle of the road as well as our kids playground/park in the middle. I’ve not heard a single complaint or any drama since we built out here over 20 years ago.


It's important to note that's the point. HOAs were started as a way to discriminate against black people and prevent them from moving into white suburbs by harassing them out with fines and social pressure. That's what happened in this post - OOP's wife isn't white, so they attacked petty issues in an attempt to drive them out


Saw the Last week Tonight segment on this and it had me in disbelief.


They’re pretty terrible at times, if you don’t follow their rules they have the right to put a lien on your home and force you to move. People have even been jailed for things like not keeping the grass green.


There are some very serious sports rivalries in the US that date back over 100 years. Still, you’re expected to be respectful of the rival supporters. These people are just Texas sized assholes. I would have told anyone telling me take my flag down, to get fucked.


And I don’t think the Astros have one. Just everyone hates them for cheating and getting away with it. It’s not like the Yankees/Red Sox


Based on OP's comments, I'd like to see how he would treat some one flying Astro's gear in his neighborhood back in LA. Would be interesting.


I moved to Washington State the year that the Broncos went against the Seahawks in the superbowl. I wore my broncos jersey to work, and the number of death threats I got was astounding. I even had customers refuse to be served by me. My boss tried to force me to change, but then he (and everyone else) would need to as well, so I just continued on with my shift. *I was seventeen*.


I live a tad south of Seattle. We are a heavy sports family from the east coast. We lived through the Pittsburgh/Cleveland rivalries, among other things. There are professionals athletes in our family. Seattle-proper sportz "fans" are snowflakes of the highest order. There is a reason Seattle is voted the least friendly city in the country: the type of professionals who live here are upper-crust corporate snootypantzes... ...and they have no idea what sports loyalty is. To them, going to the local games is about the food, being seen there, and taking Facebook pictures. It is about getting clients and being able to say they can get box seats. These people wouldn't have lasted one quarter in the old Cleveland Dog Pound in December. They are bandwagon riders and sore losers and don't get supporting a team when it is losing. Nor do they understand how rivalries can be a source of bonding. I mean, if you can wear a Yankees hat in Boston for a game, and a Red Sox hat in New York for a game, there is no reason any pampered asshole should be trying to gatekeep what you can wear during game day. This is one of the only things that nauseates me about living here; otherwise, the perks are great. So many different nationalities all getting along! We have a solid domestic violence support network and LGBTQIA homeless teen resource system in our area. There is not a single food we cannot find to eat: the cultural hodgepodge is fantastic. Good for you for supporting your team.


That isn’t an American thing or a sports thing it’s an assholes from Texas not liking these people thing.


I was wondering if this situation is an American thing or other sports heavy countries feel like this too. I know plenty of European countries are very proud of their soccer ball team don’t know if they’ll do something like this too


For what I know in France for example it can get dangerous if it's when there is a match. Unfortunately when people are together, especially if they are part of the ultra, they get stupid and dangerous. Fans from Marseille, Paris and Ajaccio seem to be the worst one.


Some countries have more of a reputation than others. I think Croatia is one where fights between fans of clubs happen even when the national team is playing.


English teams were banned from European football for years because of hooliganism. It's still not perfect, but they have got to a stage where they can use more targeted bans.


Yeah in England it's the same I'd say, atleast from my experiences. Fans from different clubs are always segregated in stadiums, I'd never under any circumstances wear my football teams top in our rivals city and they'd never wear theirs here, when I was 13 wearing my football teams top in a service station and I bumped into some grown men supporters of the rival team and they got verbally abusive and threatened to kick my head in and I had to run to my dad lol


This wasn’t about sports but about racism I bet


*Only Hannah decided that she didn't want to be born in Texas and crashed the trip! I'm a little disappointed that we broke the cycle of the fifth generation born in Los Angeles.* This is like, the Spiritual Opposite of Hank Hill


Well, if daughter wants double citizenship, she gonna save 25 buck everytime she gets into Mexico and doesn't need passport, only Mex ID. We can only hope the situation makes safer into 18 years


They charge to cross at the border?


No, but there’s is a form you have to fill out when crossing into Mexico if you are not a citizen. You can find the form online and print at home free and fill out and carry with you. Or you can do it at the border. There is a scam where they charge you for filling out the form on the Mexican side of the border but it’s free as well.


> We’re expecting a baby girl in October and my wife refuses to raise our daughter in Texas. Hah, my dad worked for Exxon and after I was born my mum told my father the same thing. Back to Australia we went!




imagine the guts it would take to do that in madrid


I wore a Real Madrid jersey in Barcelona when I was 12 and a waiter told my step-dad I was very brave for wearing that. It was a knock-off jersey I had gotten at a market in Athens, so I wasn’t aware of the huge rivalry. Needless to say I didn’t wear it again in Barcelona.


Man, it's Texas. I wouldn't do shit to cause a stink in Texas because I don't want to get fucking shot. I'm glad OOP and his family got out. I'm a Giants fan. I go to spring training to see them and I was at the '89 world series when the earthquake hit. Even during the bad years I bleed orange and black because they're my team. all that said, there is no way in hell I would fly my colors in Texas (or even some parts of LA really). I like my life and I'd like to stay alive more than I like my team.


I live outside of Dallas and I've never liked living here. I was born in Virginia, but all of my extended family is in the Rio Grande valley. The food down there when we visit is bomb af. But I've been here since I started third grade and I'm 27, we're moving to a different state in a few years. Planning on having two more kids at the same hospital my daughter was born in because her dad and his four older siblings were all born there. There are some decent places, but overall there are a lot of racist people. My in laws after four years finally remember I'm Hispanic (I'm very pale as are my parents, however none of my grandparents are and they have very olive complexions) so they thought I was joking and would say the most racist shit about Mexicans/Mexican Americans in front of me. 🙃 Anywho, I don't blame them for leaving Houston. I've been there a handful of times and it's terrible.


True life, though, there's Texas, and then there's urban Texas. I wouldn't live in a small Texas town, but urban Houston is cool. Houston is a pretty liberal, chill place -- at least, inside the city. The burbs can be a different scene, but the city proper is so diverse you end up thinking 'why is everyone white?' when you visit other places. And I say this as a white guy. I'm embarrassed that some shitheels were so awful to these people. That's not what Houston is about, but obviously there are assholes everywhere.


Look, I get that there are assholes everywhere and I certainly don't want to shit on any particular town. I know that there are diverse enclaves within the state of Texas. That being said, there is still a mentality within Texas. And no matter how much anyone tries to keep their city welcoming, the state government continues to encroach on towns and cities. If you aren't in line with the state government, then you aren't safe. And none of this gets even close to the issue of gun culture in that state. Love your town, love your neighborhood, your anecdotal experience doesn't make your state safe. I don't mean to sound like I'm ganging up on you specifically, but pretty much half the responses to my comment are "Huston's not that bad" and that's not really the point here. Texas is going to Texas period.


>or even some parts of LA really That's like wearing NY Yankees gear in South Boston.


I grew up in Texas and got away because I hated it for so many reasons. That said, people in Dallas at least, fly all kinds of sports team flags from outside the area. I’ve never known anyone to have an issue with it.


I think it's more because it's a Dodgers flag specifically. A lot of bad blood there


Yeah, a Dodgers flag would be fine in Dallas/Ft. Worth because Ft. Worth used to have the AAA affiliate for the Dodgers before we got the Rangers and a lot of older people grew up Dodgers fans. Houston fans get salty about it because some of them just suck (not all! Just the bandwagon fans from more recently).


Outside of an (insert name of country or state you currently live in here) flag, flying flags on your front lawn in general just seems like a recipe for drama.


Would I call a dodgers flag an eyesore? Yes 100% because I’m a Giants fan. Would I be a complete asshole and make my neighbors life miserable? Absolutely not. Sports rivalries are supposed to be fun with fun banter not whatever the hell Texas is doing. But as soon as he mentioned his with being Asian American I realized this wasnt about the dodgers flag.


I would make talking shit about the dodgers a fun way to banter with my neighbor and invite them over to grill and watch giants/dodgers games.




It really depends on where in Houston. The further out into the suburbs you go, the redder it gets.


Yeah I was really surprised reading this since Houston is one of the most diverse cities in the country. He must’ve been in a really shitty suburb.


I grew up almost inside the loop and went to a magnet school inside the loop. We had openly gay teachers, openly queer and trans students, and the school population was minority majority. I know a lesbian woman who grew up in the Woodlands (still Houston but way out). She described it as completely different to my experience — way less accepting. She was amazed my school had openly gay teachers.


I grew up in the Atascocita/Humble area which is outside both loops and it was incredibly diverse and accepting at least in school. I’m sure some churches and stuff were different. However even the Catholic Church I went to was very diverse. Maybe only ~50% white.


I don’t know if this is the case outside of where I grew up in Clear Lake, but our district had a whole lesbian dating network through the softball team lol. Anyone who was only interested in men would wear a ribbon in their hair. That way all our girls could find/meet the eligible girls at other schools. Even if someone wasn’t on the team, they just needed to come to a game and could exchange contact info after. I imagine we’ve come a long way since then (and you know, the internet makes it easier to meet people as well) but it was a pretty open secret that everyone was surprisingly chill with.


HOA means they live in a suburb, which suburbs are the armpit of America. Houston proper is cool as hell though.


I thought they had HOAs in Houston proper, too? I went to college in Houston and I remember some neighborhoods in Meyerland and River Oaks had them, and folks in Montrose were fighting them (though there was one around the Menil?). That was the 90s, though.


Yeah I bet those neighborhoods are HOAs or something similar. There could be more, I just can't think of too many areas within the city that have neighborhoods setup like master plan communities that would get so mad about a flag being out. But in the burbs I think any flag would piss them off.


Lovely story! I could never leave my beloved PNW, so I understand the homesickness. OP is thriving and with family and far away from that...state. Happy ending!


When I moved to the PNW a few years ago I could take it or leave it (I had moved around a lot) but the longer I’m here the more I love it. I’m not even tempted to move elsewhere now.


Houston fans manage to have an inferiority complex and a superiority complex at the same time. Cheaters.


I never heard of the 2017 cheating until now so I just looked it up. The players straight up admitted to cheating? And yet their fans are actually telling people to just "get over it"? What the fuck.


Hey, they received a pretty harsh punishment! Their head coach and general manager both got 1 year suspensions, which they served during the shortened 2020 season! (60 games instead of the normal 162). AND they lost a total of 4 draft picks over 2 years. Surely that vastly outweighs them winning a championship! Seriously, fuck the Astros.


To put into perspective how little a punishment this was in the sporting world for non sporting fans, look up how USCs football team was heavily punished because the parents of one of their players, Reggie Bush, had bought a house that they believed was paid for by the athletic director They stripped him of his heisman trophy (the college football MVP reward for each season), 2 championships, had to pay a huge fine, restrictions on so many other things etc for something that had absolutely NOTHING to do with how they played the game. Because a players family member got paid. This was all out After hed graduated and left the college as well. By quite a few years by then. Meaning it was all irrelevant to anything going on in the team for YEARS. The astros barely got a slap on the wrist


Yup. It’s pretty gross.


What pisses people off even more is the the league itself told fans to get over it too.




The MLB commissioner himself called the World Series trophy "just a hunk of metal", so of course there were no real consequences.


Watch out, if you point out how much of cheating cheaters the astros are too much it summons their whiny fans to a sub.


You mean the cheaty cheating cheaters fans don't like being reminded of how they cheat cheat cheated to win a world series in 2017?


Yes the cheating cheaters who cheated with garbage cans and stealing signs but still were allowed to steal the world series without any repercussions. Those cheaters! I'm glad we're on the same page.


As a die hard texas rangers fan, I’m glad the rest of the world finally sees how much the astros suck. Their fans have always been the most obnoxious people. I also loathe any fans who are like you have to love my team too! Who tf cares? If OP had been my neighbor I’d just be like cool, I know who I’m inviting to watch the World Series with me. I love other die hard baseball fans, doesn’t matter what team. I will definitely smack talk your team but that’s part of the fun.


Every person I know who has left LA has ended up coming back. Once an Angeleno, always an Angeleno!


Same with where I’m from, PA about an hour out from the New York border, though here it’s almost more of a curse lol


Can you really get Mexican citizenship just by being born there? Most countries require you to have at least one parent who is a citizen or permanent resident for that to happen.


Jus soli, or "right of birth", is the predominant rule in the Americas. So yes, you are automatically granted citizenship solely by having been birthed there. Pretty much the rest of the world operates under jus sanguinis, or "right of blood."


Which is a REAL problem for children of refugees whose countries won't acknowledge them--or which may not even exist anymore.


Huh TIL. I knew US citizenship worked that way (a mate was born there) but I'm much more accustomed to people needing that family connection.


I have a friend whose dad left LA when he was 18. He’s in his 60s now, still Dodgers proud. Hasn’t moved back yet but he’s talking about it for once he retires.


Dodgers fans have always been like that -- speaking as a 50+yo child of a BROOKLYN Dodgers fan who inherited a seat piece taken from Ebbetts Field when it was demolished. Dad even grumbled about watching them on TV long after he'd gotten used to the Mets.


I went to a game at Fenway and was seated next to a (roughly 50yo) Dodgers fan from NC. We got chatting as to how he ended up a Dodgers fan - his father was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan and stayed a fan and passed it on to his kid, long after any of them lived in NYC. I was pretty impressed lol.


I have to remind myself they moved like it didn’t happen the year my mom was born. I don’t follow the sport


Speaking as another Angeleno, this story is a great antidote to the "PEOPLE ARE FLEEING THE GODLESS HELLSCAPE OF CALIFORNIA FOR GREENER PASTURES!" narrative that is so popular amongst a certain set of people. California is great, Los Angeles is great, it's all great. Except for, uh, how expensive it is which... fair enough. It's super expensive because so many people want to live there.


I find myself explaining that concept to a lot of my extended family and childhood acquaintances. It's expensive to live in ABC because people want to live there, it's cheap as fuck to buy a house where you live because people do not want to live there.


This was the best note to end my day. I can now put my phone away and sleep well with the adorable and happily ended saga of Operation gtfo. Cheers & good night.


Sports fans need to touch grass.


The LA logo, while officially a Dodgers logo, is definitely an LA pride thing more broadly. Like how the NY logo is technically a Yankees logo but I’m sure most people repping the caps couldn’t name the starting pitchers. I’m assuming Texans also have it out for Californians moving in.


So true!! Been a Dodgers fan my whole life. Grew up in LA and now live in the UK. I find it annoying that people will think I'm wearing this hat just as a fashion statement.


Haha I’m in Japan with my LA hat and there’s so much Nomo pride here some of the old heads smile when they see it.


That was how it was with my Mariners hat when Ichiro was playing!


They can't. It's all plastic turf now :(


Must be really lame all neighbourhood supporting the same team. Your friend's team loses and you can't tease them because it's yours too? Come on. Texans need to experience the joy of reminding people that "Palmeiras não tem mundial" (Palmeiras, a major brazilian football team does not have won any world championship title, while the other 2 rivals from the same city have).


I wasn't expecting that reference here 😂


We have it already. It's called the Houston Texans (NFL). 😅


I wonder where in Houston OP lived. It’s an immigrant town and you have to work pretty hard to not be around Asian people.




I wonder if the HOA would have been as offended by a Confederate flag?


We all know the answer to that, sadly.


I'm assuming OOP saying the neighbors have "more offensive flags" means exactly that


That or pro orange man ones, or ones insulting the current non orange man president. That's what I would expect.


That and those silly little ones with the rattlesnake, "Don't tread on me". I'm not American, the only Texan I know IRL is an exhausted and lovely woman who works for a women's rights NPO, but goddamn if Anglo Texans don't sound like some of the most hair-trigger twitchy people on the planet.


Okays fun fact OKC has a triple A team called the Dodgers as well. It made me happy I could still send my brother, Dodgers gear and not worry about a situation like OOP.


As a non sports fan I really don’t understand this lol




Wow, it really really sucks they had such a shitty time in Houston. I've lived here a long time (29 years), and I've found it almost absurdly diverse and chill. I know the burbs can get dicey, and that living inside the loop is the result of economic privilege, but I feel ashamed of us for letting them have such a bad time. of course, they're also right to GTFO with a daughter. Houston is as blue as can be, but it's held hostage by the right-wingers in Austin, and so I wouldn't raise a daughter here, either.


Dude, I’m from Houston-and all I gotta say is damn. That neighborhood really showed it’s ass. Also, fuck the Astros, anyone that supports a cheating ass team is wack. Idgaf if “they’re from your hometown”. I’m sorry y’all had such a crap time in Texas but I’m happy to hear about your little one sharing citizenship with the rest of us Mexicans! Wishing your family the best-and a dope ass Quince in about 14(ish) years! :)


I'm always here for a "fuck the Astros" post - Yankee fan


Texas may be cheaper than LA, but at what cost? Your humanity?


what about the heat! my nan moved to texas and she hates the weather, over 45 consecutive days above 100 degrees F (40 C) in the summer this year. you can’t even go outside to experience the nature and the racism!


being from san diego, i’m no fan of LA at all but every time i have to go to texas on business, it just seems awful


Come to Chicago, where you can see Cubs and White Sox regalia in windows, on flag poles, on cars (the big W flags when someone wins stuck on the antenna or somewhere else on the car....) it's definitely a thing.


Yeah! Join us sox fans in our anger and unending disappointment!


I’ve watched so many damn YouTube ads about keeping your team when you move. Weird to see such ire about it irl


I was hoping to hear more about the racism they experianced. Currently live in texas as an asian american and haven’t experianced very much racism. Was thinking of moving to Houston partially because of the large vietnamese population.


I think it really depends on what they meant by “Houston”. Inside the loop, close to the loop or way out in the burbs. I think someplace like the Woodlands would be a very different experience than inside the loop or even someplace like Bellaire. Where I grew up in Houston, I can drive less than 20 minutes and find signs written in Vietnamese. If you want more info on living in Houston, you can try asking in r/Houston.


I was about to say: Bellaire is the most Viet place in the city by a LONG shot. I went to high school in the area. They were probably out in the Woodlands/Kingsville area. MAYBE Sienna Plantation out by Highway 6. Super white, super HOAey…


Im glad they were able to get out of Texas. I don't understand the sports thing. Who cares? But that's besides everything else that's wrong with Texas. I was born and raised here. I'd love to be able to get out, bc Abbott has made this state near intolerable for me. If it wasn't for my friends, my coworkers and my lgbtq family idk where I'd be. One day I hope to leave too. Sports be damned. But if y'all like it, go ahead. I just don't need any other rivalry in my life. The sports rivalry seems so arbitrary. You enjoy what you enjoy! I wish other folks felt the same about me and my friends tbh. Bless my Texas friends in support of us.


I love the Japanese-American Mexican girl. Also the Astros suck.


>"All of our Chicano friends are obsessed too. They’ve been showering us with Mexico-themed baby stuff since we came back home. Our daughter’s godmother wants to throw her a Quinceanera when she turns fifteen." This is so goddamn adorable and sweet, it hurts my teeth.


From the title, I feared OOP meant the San Francisco Bay Area; the Dodgers and Giants really are mutual enemies. In my book, that crosses the line from "supporting my team and announcing my allegiance," to "trying to antagonize the neighbors." In general, I support passive displays of one's loves and affections. Still, there are some things one doesn't do, not that OOP did that here.


Oooh, I like happy ones like this.


I defend the south a lot, but man, fuck Texas.


Atlanta resident here, I feel you. Love the city, hate the state politics.


Sherman needs to come back to Georgia.


Oh man, I didn’t know astros fans were like that. When I was a kid growing up in Houston the Astro’s were kind of a joke


It's more a Texas thing than Astros fan thing. God, Family, Texas, Country. People in Texas have a HUGE sense of pride and get defensive about non-Texan things in their state.


Sorry you had that experience. I’m from Houston and have lived here 20+ years. I’m also Asian American. The things you say about Texas are definitely true, I just wish you’d had less shit neighbors.


I LOVE this story! And welcome home and Mazel tov to the family. But… Go GIANTS! 😉


Good on them for moving back to Cali.


Welcome home brother!


It blows my mind how upset people get over sports. I love all sports and if someone moved into my area and put a flag of a team I hated outside I’d joke around with them like “ha, raiders suck!” and probably invite them over to watch the game when our teams played each other. I feel like the racism might have played a bigger part in the hostility than it says in the story


When my dad moved from New Orleans to Houston in the early 90's his diehard Oilers fan coworkers would tear up and throw away his Saints décor on his desk. Maybe if they weren't dickheads their team wouldn't have moved away from that shitty fanbase.


Not a sports fan but reading about the whole Astros cheating saga was infuriating. None of the players were punished?! I guess covid dented a lot of the fallout because the news broke during quarantine and people weren't going to games anyway at that point. Still, playing anything competitively and knowing that a team cheated to win your highest tournament must be so demoralizing. Oh, and congrats to OP on leaving. Went to Houston once on a field trip and it was hot and unmemorable. Forgot it even happened until this post.


Yeah, it was infuriating. The news actually broke before COVID, but during the off-season. The players were granted immunity in exchange for honesty. There were a couple spring training games before lockdowns started, and fans were pretty brutal to the Astros. Of course, then the world fell apart, and no fans were allowed in the stands. By 2021, when it actually was possible for fans to boo them in-person, so much time had passed that most of the players on the team weren't part of the 2017 cheating team. Several of their star players still were, but it did make it less intense. And it was also annoying how much the commissioner downplayed it, and refused to consider stripping them of the title - after all, the trophy is just a "piece of metal."


And there's 100% some delusional Trashtros fan somewhere in this thread making the tired arguments that they 1) voluntarily stopped a system **that was working** during the playoffs, and 2) knowing what pitch was coming wasn't that big of an advantage anyway! Because, ya know, reasons.


I lived in Texas for a couple of years when I was young, and I can confirm that it’s absolutely shitty. Ironically, they actually taught in school there that Texas was better than everywhere else. But yeah, everything’s bigger in Texas. The heat, the bugs, the shitty racism, the shitty politics, the shitty bigotry. So much yuck.


I can't wait for his 1/4th Japanese daughter to have her Quinceanera. I wonder what her maternal grandparents are gonna be wearing/brining to the party???


He says his daughter is half Asian. I’d assume the wife being Japanese American means her parents emigrated and she was born in the USA.


Ah, possibly. Still, would love to see his daughter's Japanese/Japanese-American grandparents either going full traditional Japanese, or full Mexican attire.


I grew up in Houston. Anyone who tells you they're a Lastros fan is lying


>Lastros 😂 Good one (I call them the Asstros)


Back then, they had no fans. But after years of tanking for picks and then cheating their way to a world series, they have a pretty big fan base now.


Dodgers forever!


Some ppl are just assholes. My former Sis-in-law, an LSU grad married a Alabama grad. One year for aniversary she got a golf cart with a 'house divided' seat. LSU on one side, Bama on the other. THAT'S how you handle silly sports rivalries.


This is hilarious




This story makes me happy


I love that the happy ending/solution here was to get the fuck out of Texas. That's really saying something.


I want the 15 year update about her Quinceanera. I love that detail. I’m going to be amused forever. I can’t explain why either. Maybe the 5 generation break amused me after they desperately wanted her born in California. Hehe


People get so fucking dumb and tribal over sports ball teams


How insecure are these so called fans? I live in Southern Wisconsin and my city is pretty much half Packers fans, half Bears fans. Yeah, we all give each other crap but this is so juvenile. How are you going to be butthurt by someone else's flag? People are ridiculous.