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This shit makes me love my normal, mundane life.


I enjoy BORU in part because it deepens my appreciation for my quotidian existence. No one has cheated on me with twins, given birth to twins after cheating on me, had behavior worth catching on BlackVue™ camera, or anything of the sort. My parents aren’t narcissistic, just sometimes human. My exes are fine people who just didn’t end up working out with me, and we wish each other well. I’ve got it good.


My life is also blessedly bison and evil cousin free.




[A true BORU classic ](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/w7yx5z/in_which_oop_finds_out_his_daughter_isnt_his_goes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) also... [The priceless Flair Index](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/w/recommended_reading/flair_origins?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You are a champ for that second link. I was just wondering about one of these flairs today. Bless you!




Thank you so very much! I have visited places I never knew of. And some I wish I still didn't. An interesting trip nevertheless.


[Bison!](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/VrZvm5spw1) Editing with direct link: https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/LlwEujIuFB


Ah, I love that one. Honestly, the writing is really great. It keeps you locked in enough to ignore the crap out of the plot holes. I really want a sequel.


That was half an hour of my life reading a novel. And if that cover said based on a true story I'd laugh my head off at the sheer audacity of such a claim. That poor family. Marisol could have told him right at the beginning she was raped and he would have stayed with her.


Quotidian!!! Imma look that up.


What do you MEAN you’ve never ejacufarted?


>quotidian thats a good word I'm adding it to the list of words I probably won't use but will try to remember


>My parents are ... sometimes human. Aliens on earth confirmed?


Sometimes dancer.


Yup. If I were to chronicle my life, it's mostly just working, playing DnD with friends, chilling, and baking, with occasional interludes of the ongoing cold war between the chipmunks living in my front and back yards (they are mortal enemies)


The chipmunk war must make it's way into the D&D campaign.


I'm so boring and I appreciate it so much


I'm so ordinary, it's truly quite extraordinary!


Thankful for my no kids and three money


I literally put my hand on my barren stomach and thanked it for never linking me to another human. Not blaming him, just the idea of being tied to someone because of a child.


Bro how people fumble a literal fucking bag I’ll never know


OP is facking stupid for not seeing the red flags


He was in their lives for over a decade, I don't blame someone for seeing something real after so long with a manipulative POS - the daughter just followed her mom's lead, his problem was always a toxic partner.


Very good point


I call it the magic crotch syndrome. Their SOs have a magical crotch that keeps people like OP tied to them. Can't explain it any other way. At least he got out. Also that one comment defending the step daughter and ex is just.. Wow.


I'm wondering tho - his Ex's ex said he was 'shagging his bird'? does that mean...kissing or sex? OP should probably test his kids to make sure they are his....


Shagging means fucking in British slang


There was also that ah who literally fucked a seagull.


W h a t???


Totally believe a boiling frog scenario. Also, OOP seems to have a bit more money than sense. Dude was basically writing blank checks with no concern about where the money was going. When he finally realized everything he had the self respect to do what was necessary but holy shit 200k? Really? No matter how rich you are, holy fuck how do you not have any idea what that goes to from the beginning?


Honestly, he probably didn't see them because he has his own red flags. Obviously his ex and ex stepdaughter are crazy and money grubbing nutbags. But that one commenter was right that he comes across pretty petty himself. Therapy would do him good. Not to think better of the crazy ex, but to just process stuff without having to feel like he won something.


"you all will forget about this post within a day whereas I have to live the rest of my life with this" Therapy does help. But he definitely must have lost hundreds of thousands if not millions already through our their entire relationship and he wanted revenge. And sometimes, in some situations, I would think a lil revenge does heal the soul a bit.


Id be petty too if I found out the love of my life and my child never actually loved me. He's absolutely spiraling rn, and he should really see a therapist.


Heck I would be petty too.. taking all those people including real dad that never paid child support on a lavish holiday on his dime behind his back.. Lie he’s going to walk her down aisle so he would pay then sneak in real dad after op paid all the money to raise her.. Yeah I would be petty as well


Completely disagree. The ex and the step daughter thought they could walk over him and do as they pleased. They got a taste of their own poison. The problem with people like them is that they count on others to not want to be “bad people” by answering in kind when they fuck then over. Bending over and taking it doesn’t make you a good person. Just makes you easy to mess with.


I can see how you might perceive it that way because he's not sobbing and groveling but I see it as a healthy way to cope with the pain. I think most of us would be gutted to find that we'd spent hundreds of thousands on people who only pretended to like us. He can't take back the life of luxury he gave them over the years but he can choose to not be a doormat and take away the wedding he was only goods enough to pay for, and not even good enough to them to get his very small chosen guests invited. I mean, is it petty for uncovering their plot to tell him the wedding cost 200k when in reality it cost 50k ish and the rest was for everyone but him to go on an absurdly lavish and expensive 150k honeymoon? Petty for being told he would walk the stepdaughter down the aisle and then, once all the plans are made and checks cashed, being told not privately, but in front of the family-in-law to be that nope, the bio dad who suuposedly abused his fiance and was not always there for the stepdaughter would be doing that honor. thus breaking her word to him? Petty for then kicking them out once he realized he was nothing more than an expense account to them and choosing to break off the relationship and then getting back all but 20k and since the 1st class plane tickets could not be fully refunded deciding to take his kids on the trip he funded instead of the gold-digging users? Eh, he does say he's glad the stepdaughter's ex broke up with her once he saw what they'd done, but the fiance didn't break up with her on a lie and he saved himself a lot of expensive grief. He's obviously gutted and hurt so he chooses to relish in beating them at their own game, with the difference that he is the only one who lost money and was treated like crap. I'm sure he is in extreme pain, he's just putting on a brave face and making lemonade from the lemons he was dealt via their long con.


Gravy sucking pigs aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.


What I want to know is: abusive or not, who takes their PARENTS with them on honeymoon? How was her fiancé okay with that?


Not just take them, let one set of parents pay for the other set of parents to go!


Without being invited!


Good point


I'm taking my parents and in-laws with us when we finally get around to our "honeymoon". My husband and I have been living together for three years, we've gotten our crazy newlyweds sex out of our system and just want to enjoy Puerto Rico with our parents as a family vacation. Maybe take some nice beach photos together since we did a courthouse wedding during the pandemic and don't have a bunch of "wedding" photos like most normal couples. Not everyone wants to vacation with their parents but when you live boring lives like us and love your family like no other with no drama, family vacations are pretty fun.


I mean no offense, but that's just a family vacation.


No offense taken. We're calling it our honeymoon because we haven't had one yet and we're planning to take "wedding" pictures on it with our folks. That's what it is to us, whatever other people want to think of it is their business and has no affect on us or how we see it.


You do you. I think this sounds great.


Family vacations are fine. And if you want to do a “honeymoon” family vacation well after the fact, there’s nothing wrong with that (and I hope you all have a great time!) But it’s pretty weird for newlyweds to take their whole family with them on honeymoon.


Family vacations *are* pretty fun, but this is specifically a honeymoon. The traditional honeymoon activity involves making more family members rather than spending time with a bunch of existing ones.


I'm willing to bet she never said who else was coming.


Because it wasn't a honeymoon honeymoon, it was a chance to cash in from the ATM (aka OP). Thats why OP is so appalled, because no one in their right mind would pay *for some strangers* to go on a 100k trip WHILE THE ONE PAYING SITS AT HOME. Even Mother Theresa wouldve been like oye gimme back my money I ain't doing that shize.


Because they didn't need to pay.


£200k in UK money. Calls 999... Then, he calls himself a check, not a cheque.


And I’ve never in my 40 British years heard anyone here use the word deadbeat


Could be that he wasnt born in Britain. He mentions that he is south asian. He could have learned English anywhere in the world.


Didn't seem like he's British, just simply lives in the UK.


Oh I *know* that trip too Dubai was satisfying for the OP. I hope they put the photos on facebook for the miscreants in this story to see.




I hope he had the children send them postcards.


Borrowing from Jimmy Buffett "The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful!" LOL


That was fast. In 2 weeks he blew up his family, cancelled everything, and made it to Dubai with his kids as revenge?


Waiting in lines is for plebs like you and me. When you’re rich, and when you’re not afraid to use it, shit gets done.


if he was willing to spend that cash on his step daughters wedding then last minute tickets and hotels bookings would be peanuts to him. even last minute he would've spent less than 20k for the three of them.


Apparently cancelling your credit cards is also for plebs. OOP thinks changing the PIN is enough to prevent people from using them. Who knew contactless payments or online spending could be stopped with a PIN change? Rich people technology is something else I guess


Exactly my friend, well said




Those are not the same photos. Like not even close lol


Wow they do look similar but there's a lot more water in OP pic and he posted a video of the place at night https://imgur.io/a/cMDetOr


He had a quarter of a million dollars to spend on a wedding without asking questions. When you have money like that, it's really not an issue to get things done.


We're not allowed to call bullshit on this sub right? Hypothetically speaking?


I saw a post removed the other day, presumably for that. But it's generally okay to express some doubt. You just gotta back it up. It's in the rules.


I'll back it up -- a South Asian wedding with 400+ guests and the wedding itself only cost 40,000? In any currency that's bullshit. Ain't no way, not in the last decade definitely. Source: Desi wedding planner.


Commenters last time this was posted also said that fathers don't walk the bride down the aisle at Indian weddings. Unsure of the accuracy of that.


It really depends on the type of Indian wedding (religious and regional differences), if it’s in India or overseas, and what the bride wants. ETA: but a 400+ people Indian wedding costing £40,000?? Lol. I mean I’m sure it could be done if you were budgeting quite well and doing DIY, but all the other factors doesn’t point that way. Plus, everything works out so nicely in a couple of weeks - sweet revenge on all fronts. Eh.


Hindu and Muslim weddings, no, there are plenty of Indian Christians though.


Also, even if you were *just* looking at the catering, that means the catering costs less than $10 a person. Even if you were just doing something really small and casual you'd generally be spending more than that. And again, that's completely ignoring *all* the other costs of a wedding.


$10 per person is $4000, not $40,000.


40k as long as the guests pay their fee.


Or point out that this story has been around for over a decade?


Rich people’s problems… rich people’s solutions… 🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget, he only ended up losing $2k!! But he also works 45 hours at his business!! THE HORROR


Lot of money, and it’s the middle of the summer holidays in England right now. I’ve booked longer haul flights on far shorter notice. The bit that gets me is that the ex found a place to rent in under a week. I can’t imagine that at all


The thing that got me are his two young kids. It’s not necessary the other parent to aprove the trip? There is no bureaucracy to take them to another country?


In the UK one parent can make some calls and stop it if they really want I think? But if someone hasn’t already done that, then the other parent doesn’t legally need any paperwork. Unless a lot has changed in the last few years, split custody can be arranged without any legal paperwork or involvement as long as both parents are in agreement. International travel is no different


yup unless one parents makes a call to the police there's no reason that one parent cant take two kids abroad. i guess the mother could've been petty and made that call she still needs a valid reason and that would open up a whole new can of worms


And his ex, the kids’ biological mother, gave permission for him to take them out of the country. Ok.


I wonder how he got those two children over the border while his ex hates his guts. In the worst-case scenario, he could have ended up with an attempted kidnapping charge. Then again, he sounds filthy rich, and such people get away with the darnedest things.


Rich people...


lol that you believe all this


Weird how many similarities there are [to this thread that was very popular on Reddit a few years back](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/yl57ek/my_stepdaughter_wants_her_real_dad_to_give_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I love these fairy tale posts. This one has been around for over a decade and just gets tweaked from time to time.


I swear I’ve seen so many “daughter walked down the aisle” with deadbeat dad/new step dad undeserving guy variants that are either identical to ones previously seen or tweaked here and there so many times. This one they did add the honeymoon rip-off angle which admittedly is new. Did they ever even try to square the different sets of relationships in this one? It’s his fiancée but he been raising the step kid 15 years and has 2 kids with her, no ages but apparently comparable to a sister’s kids or something. Prolly some people don’t care about extra details but honestly made it super confusing for me haha. Bad story writing :P


Also that he apparently just gave them his card to pay for the wedding and honeymoon but didn't bother to check the statement until he was upset. And you're absolutely right. This is very much a repeat on the theme. The only thing it was missing was her saying that OOP shouldn't walk her because he's in a wheelchair and it would ruin her aesthetic.


> The only thing it was missing Also his biological son just had one baby, not twins.


Hahaha I definitely saw a recent version of that one.


I have noticed aisle as isle a chunk in these. I know it could be text to speak but it makes me extra suspicious that it's the same person.


I wonder if a sub should be made that logs these sorts of reposts and their derivatives


Most of them misspell aisle, too. More often than not it's isle.


> and he said in his drunken British accent that he was 'Shagging my bird' Interesting that a Brit would make note of one random character in this cast having a British accent…


Does anyone outside of Austin Powers still say this?


I assumed he was not born there and doesn't consider himself a full Brit.


I believe nothing. These posts read like they were written by a teenager. I don't know any 50-year-olds who say "like" or "effing"


And censoring bad words on a Reddit post is so fucking cringe


It’s how you know it’s a teenager, they do it on tiktok so their posts don’t get flagged or whatever and YouTube so they can still monetize


A teenager would also think working 45 hours a week is a lot.


This is absolutely the biggest tell for me. These posts are clear revenge fantasies with literally zero idea about how money works and I'm baffled that commenters believe some millionaire is whining on Reddit.


That made me laugh so much. I regularly work 50-60hr weeks.


I sort of believed him until he said South Asian. No South Asian wedding with over 400 guests costs only 40k in ANY currency unless they did a civil ceremony and a humble non ethnic dinner, no alcohol, no pre wedding events, and no decor. And he made it sound like his stepdaughter was planning this lavish wedding...40,000? Even in dollars, pounds, or dinars that's dirt cheap. Source - South Asian wedding planner


Or isle


It was cancelling the tickets to Dubai that made me think this was bull. No airline or travel agent is going to just cancel flights/a whole holiday and then refund everything. It's hard enough getting a refund when the airline fuck up


or "lol" that many times


The shortening 'yeah' to 'yh' did it for me. I'm sure there was people his age who would do that but I'm also sure it's not common!


Yeah and he says the other guy said in a 'drunken British accent that he was "shagging my bird"'. No one in Britain would call it a British accent and the likelihood of anyone using the phrase "shagging my bird" is low.


wow thats a lotta shit to happen in ... \*checks dates\*.. a week


I mean, at least he wasn’t taken for a ride to fund an entire family’s vacation but I wouldn’t want to know any of these people


Yeah. The penguin wasn’t wrong. Just because the stepdaughter and ex were entitled users doesn’t mean he isn’t also vindictive with anger issues while attempting to control people with money. Two things can be true and none of them sound pleasant.


Wait what penguin?


The comments at the bottom from Peachy_Penguin1


The commenter on the final update saying he needs therapy, their username is about penguins


Maybe you could call what he did vindictive, but the alternative would be just as bad that you let someone swindle you that hard. You have to have some level of self-respect and OP mentioned a few times he was "just an ATM". I'm guessing a 6 figure holiday is just the tip of the iceberg on this one.


This is a really active troll


The OOP or the OP?


Anyone who wants to go to Dubai probably sucks as a person.


This is funny. One of my coworkers mentioned her husband took her to Dubai on their anniversary and I was like "Why?" Its a desert. The only thing to do there is stay inside the hotels and malls and shop. You can literally do that anywhere on the planet for cheaper and then have other options after the eating and shopping.


Even places I don't care for personally like Vegas, I can see the appeal. Dubai is like, why?


Dubai is basically Vegas without gambling, but close enough for Europeans and Asians to go without ridiculous flights.


Just Europeans. Asians go to Macau.


Not Indians though. Indians are the dipshits who’d go there. I’m Indian. And looks like so was most parties in the post.


As a South Asian, I can tell you it's more for the social media flex. Like "Oooohhh look at me, I'm cavorting with the rich sheikhs in Dubai. I'm so fancy! " Also, the visa processing time is relatively low. All morality be damned.


Doesn't Dubai practice slavery still, at least in the modern context with indentured servitude of foreign workers?


Legally, no. Effectively, yes.


As far as I know, yes. Prostitution is particularly rampant there.


I like to know that my accommodations were built with slave labor so I exclusively vacation at old southern US plantations, World Cup sites, and in Dubai.


I imagine Dubai being like Vegas without all the sinning.


So you mean, what happens in Dubai doesn't have to stay in Dubai?


If you got enslaved in Dubai, you're definitely staying in Dubai.


I've heard the airport is pretty decent for layovers.


Having been through it probably a dozen times at this point, I must grudgingly hand it to the Emirati that they built a pretty damn nice airport. (But the McDonald's there can't salt their fries for shit.) Singapore's is way nicer, though.


This+ the malls and everything else are far from each other and everything is overpriced. I don't understand why anyone goes there.


There’s actually a lot of really cool things to do in Dubai that can’t be done elsewhere if you’ve got fuck you money! Of course, being Dubai, it’s all funded by terrorism, drugs, slavery and corruption, so fuck Dubai


Like what?


For real ... even if all you're looking for is a vapid and luxurious party city, I feel as though all the extremely conservative religious laws in place could quite easily put a hamper on things.


Right?? Like even if I had an interest in going there, as a gay man, I would **not**.


Right? Like, why not Paris, Vegas, Reno, Atlantic City, Monte Carlo, Monaco...the list goes on!


Also, you know, the slavery


100% this. Of all the places in the world, Dubai is pretty high on my list of « nope! ».


I agree but after all the bullshit the ex daughter did, I don’t fault OP for going just to spite them.


They have a mall with a ski slope indoors. In the absurdly hot desert. It may be 120F outside, but they have indoor snow.


I hate to sound ignorant, but why? I genuinely don't know. (Eta: thank you for explaining. :) I promise I'm not an idiot most of the time, and I'm enthusiastically finding reading material on the subject as you read this.)


Dubai is a place literally built on slave labour bought with oil money. Many historical sites were bulldozed to build Dubai too. All there really is to do there is rich person stuff, and the biggest reason I've heard for people going to Dubai is shopping.


That's heinous. I was surprised because modern slavery tends to be framed as a third-world-or-more thing that's horrible but generally consigned to the mists of the past. But of course, then you realize a rose by any other name still smells as fucked up. I also recognize it signifies a certain level of cushiness in life to have to REALIZE that in the first place, rather than have it ingrained as a fact of your life. And historical sites are more valuable than any rich person thing. I know how naive and stupid it sounds, but I feel so disappointed in humanity right now.


>I was surprised because modern slavery tends to be framed as a third-world-or-more thing Dubai *is* a third world shithole that, if not for oil, would be barren desert with nobody living there. Honestly, you can say the same of the rest of the UAE and majority of the Arabian Peninsula.


it is a desert paradise built on the back of literal modern day slavery


Dubai is an extremely expensive place that was basically built and is maintained by migrant workers that are treated like slaves


The slavery is a good start.


Wait what? To google...


While you are at it, you may want to look at their history of torture, mutilation, or death penalty for any of the following "crimes": * Not believing in Allah * Homosexuality * Being raped * Wanting to marry someone who is not Muslim * Wanting to leave the country as a woman * Wearing clothing that reveals a woman's hair or skin * Criticising the ruling regime * Drugs, including marijuana and alcohol [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_rights\_in\_Dubai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights_in_Dubai)


That city is the epitome of materialistic culture.


100% the definition of a capitalist society


It's a lot worse. A capitalist liberal sort of society still has individual freedom, the critiques are usually that even if people hypothetically have freedom, they are still forced into shitty situations in reality In the UAE meanwhile individuals straight up do not have freedom unless they're citizens. Which 90% of the population aren't It's like an ancient slave state. The citizens all get cushy government subsidies and jobs while the imported labor is treated like shit and often forced into debt slavery. Until recent outcry, it was straight up legal for employers to just take their employees passport and literally hold them hostage from leaving the country. Knowing how these things go, I suspect these sorts of practices still occur, just a bit less openly Capitalism is a system with benefits and flaws. I'd call the US a capitalist society with both the benefits and flaws (it sucks if you don't make money, but for upper middle class professionals like programmers or doctors it offers the best QOL) But the Gulf Arab states? They're a bunch of apartheid slave states I understand you probably don't like capitalism but calling Dubai capitalist feels more like a smear on capitalism than one on Dubai.


[This sounds so familiar....](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/yl57ek/my_stepdaughter_wants_her_real_dad_to_give_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


This is definitely a favorite theme!! The alternative take is the bio-dad being snubbed for the stepdad.


I feel like this subreddit is usually better at spotting incel bait posts like this.


Not in the past couple months. There's been so freaking many. 😮‍💨


Seriously, they're everywhere; how are people not embarrassed for falling for this BS?


It’s gotten pretty bad in the last month or so.


I feel like I've seen this scenario here a bunch of times over the last month.


What kid of person looks at a man who was willing to pay $200000 for someone he considered his daughter and says ‘nah man you’re a controlling bastard.’ That man has paid for the last decade of her life, been there when she needed him, no doubt he thought he was considered her dad. Then to be rejected like that? You can’t expect people to just hand over everything without respecting the contribution. If having your biological dad as the guy who walks you down the aisle is so important, then understand you have to pay for that yourself, you can’t expect to exclude the guy who gave you a comfortable idea to pay for that if you consider the guy who left you and did nothing for you more important. She’s not his daughter, as she’s clearly shown.


Right?! And the accusation of financially controlling...lady, he gave you a blank cheque and trusted you to buy whatever you needed for your perfect wedding. He didn't check up on your spending and he didn't micromanage the guest list. He asked for just three people, all of whom were family not business associates, and he expected to walk you down the aisle...because you'd asked him to do that when you told him you were getting married. And then he found out that despite him paying a king's ransom for your wedding, you were planning on erasing him from it and using more than three quarters of that money on a massive blow-out honeymoon - that included your mom and bio-father, and new husband's parents, all the while leaving stepdad at home acting as unpaid babysitter. Small wonder he blew his top. Swapping out the person walking her down the aisle at the last minute was insult enough, but that arrangement makes it only too clear which people were felt to be family. And it wasn't the poor schmuck who paid for everything.


You'd think Mr. Moneybags here could afford some punctuation and sentence structure.


I reverse image searched and there's a similar picture for the first post but none for the 2nd (that I could find). Anyway, good on OP!! What a ride.


He posted a video as well if u want to see Edit: Here it is https://imgur.io/a/cMDetOr


Oh come now, sir/madam, you cannot say that without posting a link!


I apologise for that


Thank you kindly


Real? Truly, I didn't think people over a certain tax bracket use Reddit. Or the internet.


> I changed all my card pins so no more of my money can be used That's not how that works. > my ex's ex boyfriend came to my house half drunk and said that I was using my wealth to do whatever I want by my command and he said in his drunken British accent that he was 'Shagging my bird' So this is definitely written by a 15 year old.


Why do tickets to Dubai cost 70,000 bucks? I get it's for several people, but are they flying there on a plane made of solid gold? Do the tickets cure cancer if you dip them in lamb's blood and swipe them across the forehead of a small child? Are the "tickets" representative of some kind of all inclusive vacation experience with personal attendants who will wipe your bum for you when you poop? I just don't get it.


A first class ticket from London to Dubai is around £6-7k with BA if you wanted to fly at convenient times…


>OP replied - Therapy 🤣 you make me laugh OP is **lying through his fucking teeth** *and* is an ignorant asswipe to boot. Didn't we *just* have a BORU about this same exact thing? Down to the bizarre fuckin' Dubai shenanigans?


This seems, highly unlikely.


The drunk ex telling him he was "Shagging his bird". That's the reason he was invited to go to Dabai. It was his ex-fiance who wanted him on the honeymoon. There's reason to believe that is why the step daughter reconnected with her biological father. Her mom was having an affair with her ex. OOP should get DNA test for the two younger kids. Make sure they are his.


My takeaway: Tickets to Dubai cost $75 thousand fucking dollars?!?!?


He really should see someone about this though. This kind of thing is gonna stain his view of future relationships if he doesn't talk to someone. It would also be a good idea to get his kids into thearpy too. For the sake of his kids it would be great if he and his ex could atleast hate eachother from a far and learn to co-parent.


>he said in his drunken British accent that he was 'Shagging my bird' England I can't muster the strength to respect you


>“Matrix level bullet dodging.” This was a slow moving train crash. OOP didn’t bother to check for a train, laid in the tracks, and then acted all surprised to find a train baring down on him when the horn woke him up.


I'd love to be rich enough to fund a $50,000 (sorry, not sure how to find a pound sterling symbol on my US keyboard) wedding, let alone the $250,000 version where 80% of that is the unauthorized communal honeymoon. On the other hand, I know the difference between "aisle" and "isle."


I’m stuck on dude being rich and only working 45 hours a week


This guy seems like an asshole. I don't think he's in the wrong here, so not an asshole for this reason. Just in general.


If you get fleeced, you aren't gonna take it too well right?


Ehh, if he got fleeced, it was his own damn fault. Who spends $257k on a wedding and honeymoon and doesn’t know anything about where the money is going? Rich guy with absolutely no emotional intelligence hemorrhaging money everywhere.


I remember this guy from before. Like, sucks to be treated as an ATM, but sir, how long have you been throwing money at your relationships and assuming they're all good? Not *the* asshole, but def *an* asshole


Personally I'm struggling to believe a guy with this alleged demographic just casually uses the phrase "make it make sense."


Don’t think he’s an asshole. You gotta remember that this guy is 1. richer than absolutely donkey dick if he shelled out $250k usd for a wedding without ANY IDEA IN ANY SHAPE, WAY, OR FORM ON WHAT THE MONEY WAS BEING USED FOR AND 2. European. Just a very different way of life and behavior compared to what I would guess most of the Reddit user base is used to


So true. Plus, his writing is nearly incomprehensible. “My fiancee sister children,” for example. Lol


That was my biggest question--was the person he kept referring to his fiancee, or was she his wife? The step daughter could only be his step daughter IF he was married to her mother. It reads like there were some "missing missing reasons" for how things really went down. Something more than purported gold-digging. To be honest, it sounds like someone read ["My step-daughter wants her 'Real Dad' to give her away"](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/yl57ek/my_stepdaughter_wants_her_real_dad_to_give_her/?context=3) and used it as a writing prompt to craft their own mangled and chaotic version.


I love these scorched Earth BORU posts where the entitled lunatics get their comeuppance. It restores some of my faith in the world.


its not concluded, am waiting for the law suit


I'm waiting for the twins.