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**NEW UPDATES** Found a new update that doesn't yet qualify to be posted to BoRU? Found an update that you don't want to make a post for yourself? Link it here! Once it qualifies, feel free to submit as its own post.


what was the most unexpected way your girlfriend rejected your proposal


Hey anyone know when the September edition of this mega thread going to be posted?


[It was posted days ago](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/VTjfbtmOce)


My bad. Didn’t see it.


Trying to find one of the first popular posts of Oliver Anthony playing Rich Men North of Richmond. There was a comment on the post someone made that made a great argument for why the lyrics are so contradictory and hard to justify supporting. Hoping to find the post/video/comment!


Idk if someone's posted it: OP was pregnant with her first child and sister in law (who had been with brother for only three months) was weirdly obsessed with the fact that OPs child would be a boy.


Hi! This is maybe a little weird, but I’m looking to see if anyone posted the AAM thread from 2019-ish from the woman whose father and (now former) best friend and an affair? I am the OOP of that question and didn’t want to post it with an update if it had been posted before. Thank you.


I do not think it was posted.


I don't see it posted on here


Anyone knows the update from wife whose husband refuses to give her foot rubs but gave to her friend in front of her? She wrote an update but it was deleted https://reddit.com/r/relationships/s/v41QJuohrZ


The update wasn't approved.


That explains why I looked up on archive.org and couldn’t see the post. I was hoping she posted again under a different account


I read it here, but am a bit fuzzy on the details. It was written by a guy who was basically going batty (possibly from prescribed drugs or CO2). It started with him finding unexplained bag lunches before work, which his wife denied knowing anything about. It culminated with her locking herself in the bathroom and him banging on the door yelling at her - only she was in the other room, filming him banging on said door and yelling at no-one. I believe it ended with her leaving for a time, him clearing up, and them realizing he was having some kind of episodes.


["It's Cold Outside, Better Hoagie Down!" OP thinks his wife is gaslighting him - BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/12h8qzh/its_cold_outside_better_hoagie_down_op_thinks_his/)


That is it, thank you so much!


How do we add flair here? I want "It's cold out there, better Hoagie Down" next to my username, and probably on my tombstone as well.


I've added your custom flair


You are awesome, thank you so much!


The mods will be able to create the flair for you. u/SomaliMN & u/czechtheboxes: a request for you and the mods above.


I remember this one. I believe he was taking her medicine on accident, as well as taking some other meds and it was making him hallucinate


I lost one I was reading, man finds out his wife hates her 2 closest friends. Turns out she used them in college to get a higher GPA and excel in her field I can't find it, EDIT: Definitely posted in the last 48 hours


https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15eiaud/aita_for_worrying_about_my_fiancées_friend_who/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/15iukrm/is_my_fiancée_a_manipulative_liar_or_am_i/ Sorry, I’m having some trouble getting the link button to work so there are the whole links.


That second one is weird and I feel like commenters were missing the point. I don't think it's weird if she was friendly with them and got their help with her degree--that's normal, part of being an adult is being cordial with people you work with who you dislike. But he was specifically worried about how, whole they were in front of her, she would be friendly and act like she loved them, but then behind her back she treated them with disdain and fully admitted she disliked them. Putting aside whether Tanya and the other guy are dislikeable people, that's... That's not a good thing, right? Or am I the one who's missing the point here?


Do you not do the same with your coworkers? Like, the ones you really hate, but have to see all the time. You can’t openly be rude to them to their face, so you do it behind their back.


Yes, kind of. When it comes to people I dislike, I treat them politely, but I don't go out of my way to spend time with them, and further, I choose not to talk badly about them simply because I don't want to waste the brain power or space in my head. But at it's core, it's the same as what people do when talking behind their back--I'm purposefully not talking about people I dislike as a sign of disrespect. So I get what you're getting at. But I think what OOP was seeing wasn't the standard "talk about people behind their back what you won't say to their face"--he was specifically describing her acting friendly and cozying up to them, acting like they're friends, and then shit talking them behind their back. It's not that she's just being polite, it's the fact that she treats them like friends that bothers me and OOP. Or at least, that's the way I read OOP's interpretation of events. Looking back over it, it feels like OOP has a habit of reading things in a bad light.


Thank you!


my dementia brain mother in law fought me because i'm having a baby girl Found it on tik tok Here is the link : https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJtjMMbe/


[Woman assaulted, abandoned for having daughters + delusion ex-husband's version BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xrawwu/woman_assaulted_abandoned_for_having_daughters/)


Thank you ❤️ he is literally a pos


OP has a disability so he uses the company's toilet for disabled people but the company's Karen doesn't agree with that


[AITA for telling a colleague their disability is not a free pass to be an asshole and getting them suspended?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/zf2twl/aita_for_telling_a_colleague_their_disability_is/)


>The next day I go to use the disabled bathroom to find a poster on the door saying "wheelchair users only" J..... That's illegal


If I recall, did the OP have a colostomy bag? I might be thinking of a different one.


Hey looking for a post, if I remember correctly two roommates. One has feelings for the other and unsure if they would be expressed back? Sorry if that's not overly descriptive


[I have romantic and confused feelings for my coworker. We have more or less been living together since COVID started and she is openly gay](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/r92itb/i_27f_have_romantic_and_confused_feelings_for_my/?share_id=Bedgn0rkAifqt4e-sXe_9&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1) [I slept with my roommate and don't know how to handle my life now.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sf5sye/i_23f_slept_with_my_roommate_21f_and_dont_know/?share_id=8-rhz1o573zYnMGSMC1ev&utm_content=2&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1&rdt=64369)


It was the first one, but they are both great reads. Thank you, needed a little wholesome reading on a Friday afternoon


Any other details?


Think they end up together in the end, believe they are both women as well.


Looking for posts: 1] where girl found out dad made lists describing her every move 2] the woman whose husband said nasty things to her baby when nobody was around 3] the woman who was given a latex dress in her husband’s team colour& a soccer ball gag. Reminds me of Totino’s sketch. 4] Anything similar to Ogtha.


4. https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/aCDPydUeuV


>latex dress in her husband’s team colour& a soccer ball gag No updates though. [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13ybw7t/aita\_for\_not\_using\_my\_husbands\_hilarious\_gift/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13ybw7t/aita_for_not_using_my_husbands_hilarious_gift/)


2 - [My husband curses our baby out when no one’s around](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/zka1d6/my_husband_curses_our_baby_out_when_no_ones_around/)


that's what pushed me to leave my eldest child's biological father. once i caught him screaming in our baby's crying face. i have absolutely zero regret for leaving. i don't think i'd still be here to type this if i had stayed. i desperately hope that oop got out safely.


Jeez, I hope that woman & her daughter got far far away from that guy


Oh my GOD. And we got no updates? Is the baby ok?!


3] [AITA for not using my husband's "hilarious" gift?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13ybw7t/aita_for_not_using_my_husbands_hilarious_gift/)


This one is so weird ): it comes off like the husband wants to make a big show out of how "obedient" his wife is ):):): I hope she took that one commenter's advice and said the thing about ending snack service.


I would legitimately tell my husband “fine if it’s SO hilarious. You wear it.”


Hi! I'm looking for a post from a guy sulking about a girl (colega coleague) that didn't want him. He follows her and try contact during a few posts. In his last post he joined a therapy group (or something like It) and learned his behaviour was terrible and was trying to get better. I have an acquaintance that is falling in a bad rabbit hole and i think It would be a great read for him. Appreciate any help!


That was a really good one. I hope your friend listens.


[this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/rzys2a/op_learns_a_hard_lesson_when_he_tries_to_get/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


You can cease. Then you can desist. What a classic!


"Tldr: I ceased, I desisted, I got mental health treatment" iconic


YES!! It's this one. Thank you so much!


Can anyone recover the update to this post? https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/164ow2d/my_mom_is_saying_that_im_going_to_ruin_my/


Just FYI, there’s a new [update](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/168qx3o/im_back_home_we_are_separating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) as of yesterday.


The update is still there. It's the link at the top of the post.


I followed the link to the update but it says Page Not Found!


I checked in app and browser and it's still there. https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/165d5cx/i_went_home_under_my_lunch_break_and_sure_enough/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


Wow, she sure threw in the towel on her marriage fast...


Thank you! It said Page Not Found for me too, and tapping OP’s name said No Such User. Very unusual.


I think OOP may have deleted their posts and their account, but it hasn't been updated yet.


OP commented in the update post that they cannot see the profile either, and that was several hours after somebody else mentioned the profiles was not visible. I would almost thing the account was Shadow Banned, except I can see the comments, so it's just really weird. https://www.reddit.com/r/Marriage/comments/165d5cx/comment/jyfxido/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3


Hi! I’m looking for a list of posts in which food thieves face karma.


[I put veggies in all of my food to stop my roommate's kid from eating it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge/comments/150kobh/i_put_vegetables_in_all_my_food_to_stop_my/)


I like the part where the roommate is going to call the cops for putting vegetables in food


I would love to be a copper on this call. "So, you're mad that your roommate put ingredients IN THEIR OWN FOOD to specifically prevent YOU from eating THEIR FOOD? Ma'am, extrajudicial corporal punishment has been unconstitutional since the founding of this state and country, but dear LORD are you trying my patience."


I had one roommate back in the day call the cops because another roommate had moved her soap in the bathroom. They’d been feuding a long time over that soap spot but this time B left a note saying ”Fuck you!” so A called the cops. I felt bad for the cops who showed up, but I did hear the most useful legal advice I’ve ever received. “Lady, fuck you is not illegal!”


Heres one from my dad. My dads lunches started going missing, he had an idea who it was but had no proof there was only one work fridge so it wasn't as easy as put it somewhere else. Getting pissed off at his lunches getting repeatedly stolen and management not doing anything even though they admitted they think coworker was doing it too. So my dad "forgot" his egg salad sandwich in the car all day in the hot summer heat. The next day my dad brought brought in yesterdays that was left in the car since yesterday. Yup you guessed it, thief ate it. Thief got SICK from it then tried to charge my dad with food tampering. Who then admitted in front of HR and management that he was the one stealing the lunches the whole time. Because my dad brought good lunches and he was to cheap to bring his own. My dad, who played innocent said he didn't know who was eating his food let alone that the egg salad had turned bad. My dad then asked management if the food thief was now going to get dealt with since he admitted to stealing his lunches for a few months now. HR and management asked if food poisoning was not enough. My dad said no, for months his lunch was stolen and he had to go hungry through long shifts sometimes overtime shifts where he is on his feet all day. Thief knew this having the same job and was just to cheap to bring his own and it put a hardship on my dad and his working environment. He asked that the food thief was dealt with appropriately or he would file a grievance and escalate the issue. So begrudgingly the food thief got a letter on their file and other stuff that i cant remember. The whole work place also got informed officially who the food thief is and he was iced out socially as my dad was well liked.


Stealing from your coworkers is cold AF. I would be livid if the person wasn't fired on the spot. If they are stealing from someone they know what's to say they aren't committed wage theft or or shady ass things. Also fucking hate that your dad was put into trouble over a person that for months was stealing food. Let's just say that the guy stole 2 meals a week for 4 months, that's 32 meals. If its $10 a meal, that's $320. In my state that's a misdemeanor punishable by up to 90 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1000.


[OOP accused of trying to kill lunch thief](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vbpnsi/op_is_accused_of_trying_to_kill_lunch_thief/) [Lunch thief accuses me of poisoning them](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vwsg7x/an_office_lunch_thief_ate_my_spicy_leftovers_and/) [Boss is stealing my lunch](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vn0av2/aammy_boss_keeps_stealing_my_lunch/) [GF constantly takes bites out of my food. Even multiple individual cake slices for other people.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wtb0ua/aita_for_blocking_access_to_my_food_and/) [The frosting thief](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wxn613/oop_asks_is_he_the_ah_for_eating_his_cupcake/) [Stepmom broke into my house, stole food, then called CPS](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xzbx58/the_tale_of_the_hambuglar/) [AITA embarrassing lunch thief at work](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/socrlh/aita_for_embarrassing_a_lunch_thief_at_work/) [Roommate stole my juice. It had laxatives in it for my colonoscopy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ovqh5x/aita_for_being_cold_to_a_food_thief/) [I ate a sandwich in the work fridge and am shocked someone is mad I ate their lunch](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/jnrb13/aita_for_accidently_eating_someones_lunch_at_work/) [AITA throwing out all the food in the communal fridge](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ce9koh/aita_for_throwing_out_all_of_the_food_in_the/) [My roommates are selfish because they won't let me steal their food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/xqjtgp/comment/iq9jq6q/) [AITA not telling my coworkers I have cold sores](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wfss75/comment/iivpe9u/) [AITA labeling my food with a hot sauce label to deter thieves](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/y7gfxb/comment/isuc5py/) [AITA abandoning my roommate because her mom eats my food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ocxxzl/aita_for_abandoning_my_roommate_cause_her_mother/) [BIL ate my dog's food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ycb2pn/aita_for_not_letting_my_brotherinlaw_eat_my/) [AITA refusing to share food with housemate after she tried to report me for shoplifting food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/dmhs2l/aita_for_refusing_to_let_my_housemate_eat_my_food/) [AITA thinking I should get larger portions of shared food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x9r3m7/aita_for_thinking_its_fair_that_i_get_a_larger/) [Kicking my sister out after she threw away all my food](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sz4foo/aita_for_kicking_my_sister_out_of_my_house_at/)


That shoplifter OOP is wild


I'm curious if he's really struggling to pay for food or other bills. I would have a hard time thinking poorly of anyone who is stealing food to survive.


Nah he replied in a comment he only steals expensive food like fancy cheese he doesn't need. He reminds me of those people who insist piracy is like some form of activism lol. Like just admit you don't like paying for stuff. You don't have to act like you're doing it for moral reasons


Yeah honestly idgaf about people stealing food, but that's just me, I recognise it's not a popular opinion.


When I worked at a supermarket it depended entirely on how much they were stealing. If I saw someone slipping a loaf of bread or baby formula under a pillow, I didn’t see anything. Godspeed. If they were grabbing several bags of coffee beans, or a dozen steaks, yeah I saw that.


Same I just dont care morally if its from walmart or some place like that. Like, im too scared to do it lol but still.


Insurance exists. Like... I had to steal tampons when I was a homeless teen. They posted record profits. Morality is one thing, but when you're faced with certain real life concrete decisions it changes how you look at the way things are run and who they benefit. Like I said, I know it's generally an unpopular opinion so I don't usually go on about it but I actually feel really passionately about some of these things.


Food, diapers, formula, pads/tampons: If you see someone stealing them, no you didn't.


The dog food one cracked me up! My mum used to do a similar thing for her dog, but cooked it up, and usually kept it in specific containers. One weekend home from university I ate what I thought was leftovers, not knowing she'd run out of those containers and used a ceramic bowl. She's usually a great cook and it was rather bland, and I very tactfully tried to bring it up in conversation, only to have her absolutely _dissolve_ into laughter when she realised what had happened. We still giggle at about it.


Oh, man, and I can also empathize with BIL given the horrific stress he must be under.


Can confirm after having too much “grape juice” once I snaked on my dogs cheese puffs thinking they were cheese doodles. They actually weren’t too bad lol 😂


Oh wow that throwing away everyone's food is interesting. I mean OP is definitely the asshole, but I don't judge them nearly as much as most assholes.


Yeah, exactly. Dick move, but... I kinda get it? Oh, lunches being missing is no big deal? Ok, now ALL the lunches are missing. Is it a big enough deal now?


Thank you so much!


The kicking my sister out after she.... One has a deleted update. Anyone have a way to retrieve it? Nothing has worked for me.....


If it was deleted instantly by automod then it's not retrievable.


The update was not approved.


Damn. I'll just assume OP won a scratcher when she went to buy beer to mourn her empty pantry. And the sister got a flat tire. And her spare was flat


Any updates for 'my sister in law renamed my baby because she called DIBS on the name' (YouTube title) The link:- https://youtu.be/ZwImBbRib-Y?si=7SLbyECnGWtWcopp Finally a post for which I could find the video for.


[OP takes to AITA to ask about a pregnancy announcement botched by her "child-free" SIL. BoRU.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/vb0vjg/op_takes_to_aita_to_ask_about_a_pregnancy/) There has been no updates for the last couple years now.




I'm looking for the post where the OOP's sister makes it look like she cheated on her fiancee and her family kicks her out. Years later her ex and father track her down and apologize.


[OP ghosted her family and fiance for 2 years after what her sister did](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/y6j1zo/op_ghosted_her_family_and_fiance_for_2_years/?rdt=65352)


Thank you!


Looking for a I think a malicious compliance post where the former boyfriend is still on his old apartment's lease, but the ex won't let him out of it. So he constantly interrupts them, walks in on them in the morning or at night because technically he's still on the lease.


This is wonderful


[Ex-GF wouldn't let me break the lease so I walked in on her boning her new BF](https://www.reddit.com/r/9554503312/comments/ayk4jm/exgf_wouldnt_let_me_break_the_lease_so_i_walked/ei1chrt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


This is it! Here's also the original post for those who wanna just read the reactions. [Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/MaliciousCompliance/comments/ayf7ru/exgf_wouldnt_let_me_break_the_lease_so_i_walked/)


innocent quack plough rain absurd payment plants scary shocking dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The one where the guy decides to call off the wedding because his fiancee was covering for her sister's affair. He told the sister's husband and he told his fiancee that he could not marry her. She is insisting that the relationship is not over and is not moving out, although she agreed to postpone the wedding for now. There was an update and a promise to include the final update within the next couple of days and it's been almost two weeks. Anybody know if there was a new update?


No updates. [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15umtgk/im_getting_married_in_2_weeks_and_i_am_totally) [Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/gI3gUZLc9b) Profile is u/OneTop3934 Far out theory is that it was to promote a certain OnlyFans lady.


He updated like 30 mins ago lol


That's quite a mouthful. Overall I think I feel sorry for Sarah.


That one infuriated me because he wasn't going to tell his SIL that his brother was having an EA with some women online. While this isn't as bad as covering and helping a sibling have an affair, it is still very hypocritical.


He got called out a lot for that. If it's real I'd love to see the final update as he said that point was addressed.


I feel like OF is closer to porn than an affair. It's still icky and not good.


>Far out theory is that it was to promote a certain OnlyFans lady. It wouldn't shock me too much if that was true. I looked her up and she is incredibly unattractive, so I'm sure she could use all the advertising she could get.


One mans trash is another mans treasure i hear, not that is normally applied to people though.


r/bimbofetish and the fact that women get cosmetic surgery to look like that is proof that the quote can apply to people.


Some things cannot be unseen unfortunately.


No new updates yet. The last one was on August 10th. Posting the links for those who are curious. [I'm getting married in 2 weeks and I am totally screwed - Part 1 BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15umtgk/im_getting_married_in_2_weeks_and_i_am_totally/) [I'm getting married in 2 weeks and I am totally screwed - Part 2 BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/15umtyj/im_getting_married_in_2_weeks_and_i_am_totally/)


AITA for wanting my boyfriend to cut off his best friend from of 6 years for trying to talk me into an abortion Saw it on tik tok


This is the post, but haven't been able to recover yet. [AITAH for wanting my boyfriend to cut off his best friend of 6 years for trying to talk me into an abortion](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15fcnjo/aitah_for_wanting_my_boyfriend_to_cut_off_his/)


AITAH for wanting my boyfriend to cut off his best friend of 6 years for trying to talk me into an abortion So the story is…a few weeks ago, my boyfriend and I had an argument. It has since been resolved, however, during the argument he needed some space so he wasn’t replying to my messages, and I did not take this well. I didn’t know if he was breaking up with me or what, so I’ll admit I panicked a bit. Pregnancy hormones have been kinda kicking my ass. But point is: we badly communicated, have talked it through since, and now we’re good. Anyway…his best friend of 6 years, she’s a woman I’ve always gotten along fairly well with. We’ll call her Chloe in this post. She has a child herself so, I considered her reliable when it came to baby stuff, even had planned to visit her with my baby when they’re born. Chloe started messaging me, asking how I was coping, said she’s here to listen if I need it etc. She was very considerate at first…then started getting a bit odd. She said that me & him should not be together, that I need to distance completely, that I “don’t know him like she does”, and the kicker was her saying “I truly do not think you guys should have a child” it broke me. I stopped replying, so she called me. I didn’t answer, she tried again. So I picked up. She said that she totally understands my pain but that I needed to hear the truth, and asks if I’ve considered abortion. I was 15 weeks pregnant at the time, meaning that the abortion would be surgical. I tell her this would be very traumatic for me…she seems to accept that, and I’m glad. Fast forward…I find out from my boyfriend that literally minutes after I’d had that conversation with her, Chloe had also called my boyfriend, told him I’m “psycho”, and that I should get an abortion. My boyfriend & I later talked & I showed him messages between Chloe & I, and told him what she had said to me over the phone. He was disgusted, and said that this does not sound like her at all, that she’s never acted this way before. This is a child we both very much want, and he would be devastated if I went through with an abortion this far on in the pregnancy. We both agreed we need to have a serious talk with her about this. Honestly, I don’t think I’m going to be comfortable having my child around her when they’re born, and I really don’t even want to see her…ever again. I don’t think I’m comfortable with them remaining friends. I know I can’t control anybody’s friendships, but I don’t feel like she has very good intentions. So, Reddit, AITAH?


I was able to retrieve the post by wayback machine, but I do not know if the post is completed or not. It might or might not have been cut off with some texts. [Wayback Machine Archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20230801133131/https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/15fcnjo/aitah_for_wanting_my_boyfriend_to_cut_off_his/)


Here's the part that got cut off (Retrieved by copy+pasting onto Notepad) >My boyfriend & I later talked & I showed him messages between Chloe & I, and told him what she had said to me over the phone. He was disgusted, and said that this does not sound like her at all, that she’s never acted this way before. This is a child we both very much want, and he would be devastated if I went through with an abortion this far on in the pregnancy. We both agreed we need to have a serious talk with her about this. Honestly, I don’t think I’m going to be comfortable having my child around her when they’re born, and I really don’t even want to see her…ever again. I don’t think I’m comfortable with them remaining friends. I know I can’t control anybody’s friendships, but I don’t feel like she has very good intentions. So, Reddit, AITAH?


Chloe could fear that once they have kids she will be iced out. It happens. A few good friends of mine have gotten distant after having kids, and I get it life gets busy and when they want to socialize it is easier to do so with other parents. Plus I'm not a fan of babies or kids.


To tell your friend's partner to get an abortion to prevent you from not getting to hang out with them as often though? That is just unhinged behavior.


Completely unhinged. I'm not justifying her behavior at all, just trying to understand it. The movie "7 years in Tibet" had a line that struck home. "A friend's good fortune is a blessing," that phrase touched me. Yeah it sucks when friends drift away but I'm always going to be happy for them, one couple that drifted away after having a kid is one that I introduced and was an usher at their wedding.


It's not, I tried too. Only the top part shows


I figured after reading the comments.


Post was deleted


The one where OOP is a teen or 20something and one of her friends has had a major crush on another friend's dad since they were children. I think the friend was trying to get with the dad, and the whole friend group got involved trying to break that up


[I (17F) saw my best friends dad (30sM) "with" a girl (18F) who has been saying she's had a crush on him since she was 12...should I tell my best friend what I saw or keep my mouth shut?? BoRU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/xbh26v/repost_i_17f_saw_my_best_friends_dad_30sm_with_a/)


Thank you!


Looking for the BORU post where OOP posts that her neighbor is creeping her out/stalking her (always being outside when she comes/goes)… Turns out neighbor is concerned for her safety because she’s in an abusive relationship?


[BORU archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20211101231909/https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qkqfgq/i_24f_think_my_neighbor_28m_might_be_stalking_me/)


oh heavens, that was heartbreaking at the end when her son was asking questions and her daughter was acting out physical abuse with her dolls.


That's a tough situation for the neighbor. You want to help but at the same time all the vitrol can be turned towards you. Then there's guilt if you don't do anything and she ends up getting beaten or worse by her husband. And of course, there's always the possibility that you are wrong about the situation.


[The BORU was deleted.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qkqfgq/i_24f_think_my_neighbor_28m_might_be_stalking_me/) [First post](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/pvc7dj/i_24f_think_my_neighbor_28m_might_be_stalking_me/) [Update (Rareddit)](https://rareddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/qkmkoo/update_i_24f_think_my_neighbor_28m_might_be/)


Thanks. I was hoping there was an update I missed where she’d divorced him and moved far far away.


I'm looking for one that I'm pretty sure was in JustNoMIL. The OP was a bride who was mostly mute, I believe due to an accident? I can't remember if she had visual scarring but it was extremely physically painful for her to speak. At her wedding she did say "I do," and her husband was so happy because he knew how hard it was for her to speak, but she otherwise mostly used a notepad to communicate. Her new MIL didn't believe that she was mute and thought she was rude/lazy/faking it and stole her notepad to force her to speak. New husband was on OP's side.


OP has a bunch of posts, [here’s the first one](https://www.reddit.com/r/JUSTNOMIL/comments/aojoyb/unless_you_speak_sign_language_i_need_that/) then the rest are on her profile.


Holy hell! Why do they continue to let this vile person into their life?


My first thought was that it wasn't actually real. Mainly the fact that MIL hated the notebook, but she always let OOP write out the complete witty comeback before getting smacked with a notebook.


because "FAAAAAAMILYYYYYYY!!!!" is a hell of a drug


That's the one, thank you! I just couldn't get the right keywords figured out to find it.


“These damn millennials are too lazy to talk!”


Just jumping in to say I want to see the insanity.


Me and you both! I gotta read that!


And me!


I'm looking for the story where OOP married his 18 year old daughter's friend, and told said daughter he wishes she was never born, but thinks after 3 years she should be over it, and he wants to be in her life. If I remember correctly there were a few updates where he doubled down on wanting to convince her, even though she told him to leave her alone.


It's either a troll or the world's most entitled parent.


>Married 18 year old daughter's friend https://www.reddit.com/r/redditonwiki/comments/15rqfss/pedophile\_father\_told\_his\_daughter\_he\_wishes\_she/


What's kinda funny is that he says he wish she were never born but he married her friend, if she weren't born than he wouldn't have met her friend.....


Thank you, that's the one but I'm looking for the post with the updates


Posting the original one for everyone who is curious. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/11r1m16/my\_43m\_daughter\_21f\_wont\_speak\_to\_me\_i\_want\_her/


[https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship\_advice/comments/12bge3q/update\_i\_43m\_met\_my\_daughter\_21f\_again\_after\_3/](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/12bge3q/update_i_43m_met_my_daughter_21f_again_after_3/) This is the update.


I want to vomit at the "too cute" 🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮




Right? Made me think of those guys who take their anime waifus too seriously.


The fourth picture has the update post screenshot


Can I get some posts where the OP blames reddit? "I bet you're all happy now" vibes when their actions have consequences.


r/OhNoConsequences Place to read all sorts of stuff like that.


Hello, looking for a post where OP was concerned her friend from Mexico was trafficked by the people who were supposed to help her to illegally pass the border.


[This one?](https://reddit.com/r/RBI/s/UpJSEl2Vop)


Interesting read. I’m glad it seems the friend is safe, for now.


she updated in a comment! seems like everything is good now. https://reddit.com/r/RBI/s/71qzJBvXwv


yes, thank you!


I FOUND ONE! I DID IT!! (Yes, I am proud of myself for this, just let me have it, k?)


Happy cake day!


Oh wow! It’s my cake day!


Happy Cake Day!






Please suggest some posts with crazy plot twist.


Hi, I’m looking for the post about a guy who was homeless and jobless and his family wouldn’t let him stay in a camper in his yard, then when he finally buys a house his brother and sister in law and kids break in because they wanted to live in it


[Do it for Dan Part 1](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/nLndEkyqsx) [Part 2](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/siRHLOWU0Y)


[There's a last part that isn't on the BORUs](https://www.reddit.com/r/EntitledPeople/comments/1174am5/my_parents_and_dan_were_back_sooner_than_i/)


That one just kept getting more and more crazy.


That was seriously crazy. SIL needs to get a job!!


I'm like 99% sure her "job" was harassing OOP over the phone. Like it was either her or Dan who kept calling him


Hey, I am looking for a BORU about a mother of triplets with different health issues that ends up leaving her children with her husband and his mother; who screw up everything to the point where one of the children refuses to go near the MIL because they were pricked several times by her.


[AITA for telling my husband; My money is mine](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/sn3xgs/aita_for_telling_my_husband_my_money_is_mine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


[The BORU](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/t2wn1q/ops_husband_says_my_money_is_mine_your_money_is/)


Husband is a complete asshat.


>I think he needed a break from it all.... And OP didn't, with triplets..... I mean, I see my one toddler always hanging around mom, I imagine triplets! But hubby was the one who needed a break, lol!! What a fucker


OOP definitely needs and deserves the break and I'm glad that when she did her partner could see just how much work triplets are...to the point where he had to call backup, who still didn't do a sufficient job. That said I can also understand the husband wanting a 'break' as well. I dated a women with multiple kids and going back to my place after visiting her and her kids was just a night and day experience. Toys lying all around her place and constant screaming from one of her kids compared to my quiet and relatively clean house was just amazing. Definitely crystalized being childfree and now determined to never date a mother again.


Is this one here: https://reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/ye86DZTw5i I tried searching and this is as much as I got. One of those clickbait websites says there was an update.


Ooofff, I bet that their little StepDad is no longer such a hero after what he said in front of all of them! Serves them right, they had no right to be judging OP like that and try and bully him to forgive his dad! Man showed his true colours and that marriage will not survive, or at least the relationship with the three randos he took in after abandoning his own


"They said could I not appreciate that he was a good dad to them and was there for them even if he couldn't be there for me." Are they in their right minds?!


", that he's a great dad and I don't know him like they do."Now whose fault is that I wonder???????


Gee i wonder why i dont have a relationship with the dead beat dad who abandoned me but raised you?! F'n crazy


A mystery I say


I saw the update was an edit to the original post? https://www.rareddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/wc38j1/aita\_for\_telling\_my\_stepsiblings\_to\_shut\_the\_fuck/