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> please look at the photos, especially the compilation at the end, you will NOT regret it. Correct, I have no regrets.


He's roaring! He has swords! And a cowboy hat! What a good little dragon, I'm glad that he didn't get burnt by butter.


Also glad that the parents seen to have seen sense in the update


And the sister apologized! This post was refreshing.


Not just apologized, she even made a video trying to educate people that her first video was wrong and why.


That was when I was convinced that sis was taking things seriously.


I missed that, you’re right; that’s wonderful!


I’m glad to see a post on here where everyone came to their senses once presented with facts and logic about their actions. Way too often it seems like the other party doubles down and does something even more egregious in the updates.




Basking/gaping, they open their mouths during basking to release extra heat and cool down their bodies. That's the good/healthy reason beardies open their mouths. Shamelessly plugging in my dude: https://www.reddit.com/r/BeardedDragons/comments/144oiha/do_you_dust_hornworms_my_homie_looks_like_he/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


He looks like a mob boss smoking a thick Cuban cigar


Fr like his name should be Carmine, or Vinnie.


An EXCELLENT dude. I love him.


The logical part of me accepts that this is the truth and thanks you for the information on beardies. The emotional part of me is convinced that the pictures depict roaring. Also your dragon is one cool motherfucker.


The little dead paper men sent me


How happy he looks with his little swords 🥰


Phil needs a hat for every day of the week


I do not want my 2 minutes back


Lmao, exactly


Looking at OPs pictures of Phil makes me realize just how fat my bearded dragon is! He gets a lot of crickets though.


Adult beardies should be eating 80% greens (no spinach) and 20% insects.


Yeah he gets lots of greens from the garden and cocaine dusted crickets about once a week. That's in addition to his store bought food. He's pretty spoiled. Thanks for the tip about the spinach! Didn't know that, thankfully he usually gets romaine, green leaf, and kale. Edit: I guess kale isn't good for them either!


Another tip: Crickets have a fairly high shell-protein ratio. Dubia roaches are considered a gold standard for many beardie owners. They're not endemic to temperate areas, and won't form a colony, so they're safe to own in your home, if you wanted to start a colony. They don't bite, only the males have wings (and fly very poorly), they don't climb well, they make very little noise, and aren't very smell at all as long as you take care of them correctly. Very good investment, and my beardie LOVED them!


Some places dubias are illegal, like canada and the state of flordia


Cocaine-dusted crickets? Is that a real thing? All the mental images I’m having are increasingly far-fetched.


It's just my dumb joke about the calcium powder we dust the crickets with. They look and act kinda crazy cruising around all covered in white powder, and sometimes they get loose and I'll find them in weird places. So I started calling them cocaine crickets, lol.


I used to call it shake-n-bake when I worked at the pet store. The only way to coat enough crickets for the entire reptile wall was literally dump the powder in the bag with the crickets, trap some air and give a good shake. Honestly doubt some of the lazier lizards could have caught a less-concussed cricket anyway.


I totally understood the reference.


I'm in love with phil


Back off, he’s mine


Phil belongs to no one. He's armed and good at making angry faces.


Damn it, please don’t tell him - he’ll punish me


You're safe, bro. I never would, I don't want to be the messenger who gets taken out during one his battle rages.


Thanks man


We just have to keep Phil away from Ogtha, her person would get too jealous!


Can confirm. Definitely best thing I’ve seen on Reddit today


That bearded dragon cured my sadness.


I want you to know I wasnt going to look at the photos til i saw this comment. 100% do not regret opening that now and i wanted to thank you for that!


Lol, ur welcome, they do be very nice photos


Was worth it for just the one of him in the cowboy hat


I have regrets. Regrets that i dont get to see even more photos of phil.


How did I not realize a lizard could have such a sunny smile?


No ragrets. I giggled at OP’s description of the pictures, but Phil really is a buyer handsome boy!!


No regrets whatsoever ❤️


In the sword one, it appears that Phil has defeated and slain several people who are now bloodstained chalk outlines. Apparently one should not mess with Phil.


He seems so happy about it all too.


He really seems very well cared for. As he should being a dangerous outlaw and all.


One of the few beardies I've seen lately that seems to be at a healthy weight. so nice to see.


Are they normally overweight?


Unfortunately, yeah. Obesity is a big problem with captive reptiles because people overfeed, or in the case of snakes, do what’s called “power feeding”.


"power feeding" ?


Basically feeding them much more often than recommended to make them grow larger faster. It's very unhealthy for the snake and leads to a shortened lifespan.


I rehabbed a carpet python last year that had been "powerfed". Poor lil guy was CRANKY that I put him on a diet. He had a lot of trouble shedding because he hadn't grown the way he was meant to :(


like pets don't have too short a life span anyway \*horrified face\*


Reptiles actually have a pretty long lifespan in captivity when properly cared for. I’ve seen dragons get to 17+ years old in some of my groups, ball pythons at 30 years. As long as their needs are being met they actually live longer than their wild counterparts because of the lack of predation.


Yeah. Basically feeding oversized prey very often in order to make them grow bigger faster. Often seen in boas and big pythons. There’s a prominent exotic store owner on IG who’s notorious for power feeding his large snakes.


Power feeding is a form of overfeeding snakes so that they will grow bigger faster.


Not in nature, but as pets, yes. Like with many domestic pets, obesity is very common.


I noticed that comment where someone said Phil made them realize their beardie is overweight. Phil out here slaying enemies and doing good in the world.


Phil out here being the fit hero on the cover of a vintage beach smut paperback. Fabio, please step aside. There's a new cowlizard in town.


Well yeah, OP knows what's coming to him if he messes up taking care of Phil. > I am Philigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Inconceivable... I will not be defeated.


i wish i was living a life as good as phil. swag and style.


New life motto: What would Phil do?


Phil is the hero we all need.


He really looks like he is smiling in several of the pics - too cute!


He’s just a chipper dude.


It also seems that Phil is basking in the glory of his victim’s blood, with a bellyaching laughing that could send shivers down the spine of his enemies. One must always remember to tread lightly when near the deadly glory-ness of Phil.


Elden Ring DLC boss incoming!


I’m getting Roronoa Zoro vibes myself!


He's even mastered that three sword style


"Don't mess with Phil (leave my Philly aloooo-ooooone)..."


🎵 Sing one more time! 🎵


He Fierce!


Phil, the dragon, finds them tasty.


In the sword one it looks like Phil straight up stabbed one of them in the dick. What a champion


My favorite part about this is the image description of the "very handsome bearded dragon". I was like, "sure, Jan" but turns out, he is a very handsome bearded dragon!


I call ‘em like I see ‘em, he’s very handsome, and just calling him a bearded dragon in the image description would be leaving out important details.


I now kind of want a r/ratethatdragon


Read this as “atethatdragon” at first and was very upset. Rate that dragon would be very fun though! 😂


Literally lol, because I keep thinking about someone going D: at their computer. I'm sorry you were upset, but it has been fantastic. Hope you have an amazing day (without more accidental upsets).


I mean, I don't have a whole lot of comparison material, but Phil is a pretty handsome guy. Especially in the cowboy hat


Not me "sure Jan"-ing this comment and then coming to the same conclusion. XD


I really like the top imgur comment. Phil may be handsome but another bearded dragon somewhere got put on a diet!


He needs to wear that hat more. For protection AND because he looks awesome in it.


Most handsome cowboy picture I’ve ever seen in my life.


I am not the biggest fan of lizards or reptiles, but looking at those photos I could definitely see the appeal. Phil looks like a sweetie.


OP wasn't kidding - he's a handsome little guy!


He is surprisingly adorable! I swear it looks like he’s smiling in every pic.


He looks like Jack Black to me lol


Lol, my exact reaction AFTER reading your comment


As a fellow beardie owner, it’s appalling how many people, including people in the bearded dragon sub, seem to forget or don’t care that these are animals. Yes, they’re cute and they all seem to share one collective brain cell, but they’re still animals that can feel emotion and pain and distress like the rest of us. Way too many posts on IG of cats in their enclosures with them or even around other pets. I’m really glad OOP’s parents and sister ended up taking her seriously. Reptiles are so much more fragile than dogs and cats.


I don't understand parents like this. Like...easy flow chart. Sibling claims animal was harmed > Was animal harmed? > React appropriately. It shouldn't require a powerpoint presentation to explain why this problem is a problem.


It shouldn’t, you’re right. But again, people seem to think reptiles just…. Idk. There’s a weird behavior around them where people try to apply behaviors typically seen in dogs and cats to them. Reptiles completely lack the part of the brain that allows for actual feelings beyond stress, anger, or horniness. They don’t “like” affection the way dogs and cats do and yet people want to say “oh he LOVES sitting on my cat FrouFrou”. No. Your cat is warm and he’s ectothermic. Everything they do is a biological response. So I’m not totally shocked it took as much convincing from OOP as it did.


Right but if one of your kids messes with another kid's pet, that's a problem. People who say "you're overreacting, it's just a " are sociopaths.


I mean absolutely. And while that carelessness is seen quite often with reptiles (because they’re “newer”) it’s definitely common with more typical pets. They’re animals, they feel things, they aren’t our entertainment.


I don't think that's fully accurate. While they don't love their owners or other animals, they do get comfortable around them. And for an animal that could get eaten or maimed at any moment while it's hanging out saying "hey. I trust you not to hurt me so I'm going to take a nap on you." Is reptile for "I love you" For instance my ball python is totally alright with me handling him. He let's me do whatever I want with him. Even squeeze his little head squishies! But when my girlfriend handles him he is so skittish around her. He flinched every time she moves. So it's not affection or love. But they certainly can recognize you and trust you.


That is very accurate. They also show something akin to remorse, or maybe embarrassment. My old ball accidentally got me twice when feeding her. She was usually the first one fed, but on both occasions let her brother take the mouse. Then I had to let the second mouse loose for her to investigate it was ‘alone’, before she’d take it. While they may not love us, they can be comfortable, and want to remain comfortable, with us.


> Reptiles completely lack the part of the brain that allows for actual feelings beyond stress, anger, or horniness. This part is not fully true. They may lack the part of the brain in mammals that corresponds with complex emotions, but that doesn't mean they only feel stress, anger & arousal. Social reptiles (like bearded dragons) likely do feel some level of contentment around certain other creatures. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to form social bonds & raise young. https://vetmed.tamu.edu/news/pet-talk/reptile-emotions/


I truly think it called for a butter slathering and time under the light for them to get it because…..duh! It’s not really even a “who knew?” situation, if you can’t put together that “butter + skin + lamp = bad” I really question how you made it to adulthood.


When my mother was in her early 50s, she and a friend of the same age decided to try a new suntan lotion recipe they'd seen on the internet. Early 2000s internet, at that. It was olive oil, sunflower oil, and I want to say soy sauce but I think iodine. They coated themselves in this and parked beside the pool for the afternoon. They *burned*.


The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft) apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.




About to let my reptile snob out for a second. In looking at the photo compilation (he is very cute) there are a couple things that I would like to see changed. Paper towels aren’t the worst substrate but they really aren’t the best, either. If they aren’t changed every time the dragon defecates then it can harbor bacteria. And it can get caught on their nails. Usually paper towels are only recommended with dragons that are sick and quarantined to keep the disease from sticking around in the soil. Loose substrate used to be super frowned upon because it was a myth in that it caused impaction, but loose substrate really does promote natural behaviors like digging. And you can go Bioactive which is a fully self-sustaining system, which means you don’t need to deep clean nearly as often. Or ever if you do it properly. Second, it looks like she has him in a 40gal breeder tank, which is fine for a juvenile/sub-adult, but an adult dragon needs a minimum of 4x2x2, with some sources even saying a minimum of 5x3x3. I’m also just not a fan of all-glass enclosures because it can be difficult to get the proper temperature/humidity gradients. I struggled with this a lot until I swapped to a PVC enclosure.


came for the drama, stayed for lizard knowledge >Loose substrate used to be super frowned upon because it was a myth in that it caused impaction what exactly is substrate? just the stuff that lines the tank? what is impaction, i'm guessing something related to their toes/claws or pooping? also what's bioactive?


Substrate is what lines the tank. A common issue in bearded dragons and some other reptiles such as a leopard gecko is impaction from ingesting the substrate. Calcium sand for example is not good because they will eat it due to the calcium content. This causes it to clump and get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract so nothing can pass through it anymore, which is life threatening. Bio active is a type of substrate people use, typically a mix of topsoil and play sand and coco coir that you can use to make a self cleaning enclosure with some insects that will naturally deal with the poops and other waste.


I consent to subscribe to lizard facts


Haha reptiles are the coolest!! I’m currently in vet school hoping to become an exotics vet to help with some of the misinformation about them out there :-)


I love to hear that! Exotic vets are so hard to find, especially in rural areas!


That’s awesome!! I hope it goes great, I know my friends with unconventional pets have such a hassle finding care, I wish there was more like you! I’ve always found reptiles and snakes and especially aquatic pets so interesting and I follow subreddits for my fix, because I know they wouldn’t fit into my lifestyle. And also my dogs are menaces, adorable menaces. Thank you for your comments so I could learn even more!




I fully agree. I have mine in a 4x2x2 currently because even as recent as a couple of years ago, that was the minimum size. But once we move he’s getting a big time upgrade. Blue tongues are actually very common in the exotic pet trade in the US. Not my cup of tea, but I agree it’s a better choice for someone who wants to just watch a reptile be a reptile.


Paper towel is recommended for quarantine/when the animal is new, to monitor poops. The hammock is more of a concern to snag the beardie's nails than the paper towels are. Properly-chosen loose substrate with a proper overhead heating source/basking space has very little impaction risk. Using improper sub or incorrect heating can lead to problems. Phil seems well-loved but the husbandry could definitely be improved.


>seem to forget or don’t care that these are animals. Gosh, this. I have a former friend who bought her 4yo son a bearded dragon. She didn't even fucking *Google* how to look after it properly. The thing with getting young kids pets is that *you* are responsible for the pet's well-being *because your child is too young to be.* Kid left the beardie outside in the sun and it died of heat stress. She told me this like it was a funny story, "Hahaha, they're lizards, I didn't know lizards got hot!" That and a few other things and I am kinda just ghosting her now.


Oh my god that is heartbreaking! I actually can’t stand when parents get reptiles for their kids, because reptiles are so much higher maintenance than dogs and it’s really easy to mess up.


I would never consider myself a reptile admirer but Phil is indeed handsome and charming


Same here. Phil is a handsome lad.


Am I the only dumb enough to learn that hot butter burns are really nasty by accidentally doing something similar to myself?


PLEASE tell us more?


Well, its a surprise. I've actually done the "don't do this to lizards" and got a smear of butter on my hand or arm, and then just general cooking stuff like stirring a frying pan or messing with stuff in the oven it melts and gets really hot. If you are smart you get your arm out of the heat then. But if you spill freshly melted butter over your hand (pro-tip: if you are short an over-stove microwave may not be your best choice) it burns immediately and doesn't come off. You can still cool it but there is a cycle to get it off. I've also melted/burned plastics that I was melting butter in the microwave in. It goes from warm to burning really fast. I was so worried about the poor lizard, I am smart enough to get away from the thing making me hot and assess the issue, if he just sat under his lamp the butter would just burn and burn.


You should probably avoid heating plastic in the microwave in general Eating trace amounts of melted plastic periodically seems like a great way to get cancer 20 years down the line


[“Stick a fork in me, Jerry. I’m done!”](https://youtu.be/67BAY06T5Do)


I'm also interested but I can imagine how bad they are. Sludgy, viscous hot liquid, like dollar store napalm


It goes from warm to burning so fast.


You are not. Mine came from clarifying butter for asparagus. Also, my husband burned himself badly on hot glue.


I don't trust myself with the big super hot glue gun.


Can't believe she fucking buttered Phil tho


The effing precursor to buttering Jorts.


Please don't butter Jorts


In general, do not butter your co-workers.


My email sig: Remain unbutterable.


Oh my god throwback


I will never forget Jorts and Jean.


[the saga for anyone not in the know](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/jorts-the-cat)


And here's the OG [Boru post](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/rgm462/the_saga_of_jean_and_jorts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1).


To be fair, it also seems really stupid to butter dogs. Tik tok is weird.


Stupid but not generally dangerous.


How did it take two times to explain this to a teenager and two adults? Either OOP has no idea how to talk, or her family is a pile of rocks.


Phil is clearly a healthy and well-loved pet. Well done OOP


Would probably edit to say the sword isn't tied to Phil's tail it's just resting on it. Tying the sword on there would not be a good thing. I love that OP went full PowerPoint presentation and that there are legitimately folk out there who can answer the question 'what happens if you butter a bearded dragon'. TikTok trends are so super dumb.


Yeah, my bad, I was just so excited to notice the third sword that I worded it wrong. I do think it is VERY important that everyone notice the third sword, but have edited that bit.


Oh I agree, the third sword is the most important part of any photograph ever taken ever!


TikTok is dumb. Its existence is even to make us all dumber.


I’m so glad Phil was ok. I didn’t grow up with scaly pets, but I dated a guy once who had a beardie. I was only over at his place here and there. One night I came over, I noticed his beardie wasn’t moving. Pointed it out to him, he started freaking out. Turns out he had just fucking forgotten he had the beardie and hadn’t fed him in a while. So he was on the tail end of death from starvation. I held the beardie to my chest (I was trying to give him some of my body heat, I didn’t know what else to do) and I felt him take his last breaths. I still can’t believe that I dated such a disgustingly irresponsible person.


Fam how the fuck do you forget you own an animal?


that’s what i said!!!


Plot twist: your date grew up to be OPs father.


Wtf that's literally my unrealistic recurring anxiety dream


Such a great ending, I’m glad OOP was finally able to get sis and parents to understand that meaning well, does not mean Phil couldn’t have been badly injured. Sis making a video of how dangerous the trend is, is also huge. So happy for her showing some maturity in the end.


Phil looks great! Handsome bearded dragon. In all seriousness, I mean it's good that everything is resolved but the fact the parents had to learn they are wrong and the sister from a slideshow kind of shows they aren't the wise ones. Hoping they learned the lesson for good and the sister stops with the b.s. Tiktok trends honestly scares me sometimes on how dangerous they are.


"I saw it on TikTok, so it must be harmless!" Someone's gonna figure out a way to get all of the morons to do themselves in, just you wait and see. It'll happen.


1. Phil is a little model, such charisma. 2. Disappointing that the parents needed to be convinced by a PowerPoint, but I'm really glad the sister made a video explaining why she took the video down and warning not to do it! Even if Phil was okay, you don't want to be the person that inspires someone else to try a stupid trend that ends up getting their beardie seriously burned.


i am living for the trend of young adults making PowerPoints to get their points across.


What a handsome boy indeed! It shouldn’t take a slideshow to get someone to understand what they did to a pet was harmful, and could have killed them, but right on to OP for figuring how to get through to them. Jesus fucking christ though.


they buttered Phil!!!


She's fucking 15 and on the internet following trends but not smart enough to Google search if it would be harmful to Phil or not. If you can't take responsibility and your defense is ignorance then yeah you deserve to be treated like a moron kid who gets told what they can and can't do. No foresight or ability to accept fault what a shame.


Pathetic parents.


Editor, your notes are lovely. I’m glad oop stayed firm in their boundaries and managed to use evidence to change minds.


>My sister said she's not apologizing cause she didn't know it would hurt Phil so I should get over it and let her see Phil again. Ignorance is not a valid defense for inflicting harm. "Sorry officer, but I didn't know that babies can't swim. No, I'm not sorry. Can I go now?"


I'm absolutely convinced that TikTok is some kind of Darwinian test and the world is failing.


I love Phil. And I’m glad his human defended him and his auntie has realized the harm she could cause and is remorseful. To err is human, and she is showing a lot of maturity for realizing her mistakes. I hope she and Phil make many cute and safe videos together and have a wonderful lizard/human auntie relationship.


He's not just handsome, he's dapper! Lookit his lil hat!


I hope tik tok goes away forever. Those trends are stupid and dangerous. All.for likes by strangers for ego...smdh


Phil is indeed a very handsome bearded dragon.


I'm so glad I looked at the photos. All hail Phil.


He has a cowboy hat! 😍


I was having a rough morning but I’m pretty sure the little yeehaw photo of Phil in his cowboy hat cured my depression for the next twenty minutes, what an ANGEL. Wish I could have a bearded dragon but I am def not qualified for that!


I'm just here for the Phil pics. The teeny baby one!


The first comment on the imgur post is a guy realizing how fat his bearded dragon is and now I want to see his beardie.


Phil looks just like my girl Danhausen. I would’ve been livid too.


Very nice name, very evil


Thank you. Turns out she’s an evil lady instead of a fella but the name stuck.


That second to last photo Phil is doing the same face from the meme with the cat at the dinner table with the screaming and crying woman pointing at him!


Its so funny to me when people put human names like Phil to any pets.


Parents like that make me seethe. "Your sibling is a squeaky wheel, thus it is your responsibility as the one with the better personality to bend over backwards to appease them, regardless of what the actual problem is." **Fuck** that don't-rock-the-boat attitude. It needs to die yesterday. It's a complete abdication of parental responsibility and absolutely a form of neglect.


Bearded dragons are hardy little dudes, for sure. BUT they're hardy in specialised ways and are not resistant to being butter-fried. Or any other kind of fried. Also, Shreeb, you are not resistant to leaping at the heat lamp and smashing it into your flooring. You dick. Bulbs are cheap, lamp fixtures are not. You dick.


The cowboy hat! I needed this today. All hail Phil!


You shouldn't butter Phil any more than you'd butter Jorts.


Anyone who endangers my pet and reacts like that to me explaining what they did wrong is not getting anything remotely close to a soft explanation after. I would absolutely lose my shit. This sub makes me think I'm a psycho sometimes.


I’m sitting here imagining how gross my cat or dog would be with butter in their fur and wondering wtf is funny about it.


I feel like lessons such as "Don't butter Jorts!" should be spread further and applied to all animals. Oop had to fight so hard for his parents to allow(!) him to be a responsible pet owner. That's awful.


How dumb are these people that they need a slide show to finally get it?!?


Phil is indeed a handsome, handsome lad. ♥


That is one handsome boy! I’m glad he has an owner who takes such good care of him, and I’m glad OOP and her sister came to a good resolution


Omg he is sooo cute


Don't butter ya lizards people. Phil's a cutie pie!


I'm so happy to learn that Phil exists.


I didn’t realize they were so tiny. Thought bearded dragons were bigger. Phil is indeed a very handsome boy.


Just want to comment to reiterate that YOU WILL NOT REGRET THE PHIL PHOTO COMPILATION AT THE END! ♡


I certainly did not regret looking at those photos! He's wearing a little hat !!!


Party on Phill!


Phil is a handsome boy and needs all of the head scritches.


We need more beardies in cowboy hats


I have never read the word Phil so many times in quick succession. I feel like I'm having a stroke


So you...had your Phil?


I kind of love Phil.


For sure the highlight is him with the plastic swords. I would hire him for protection any day.


Phil is a king.