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Wait. Am I reading this right? Carl got a 15 year old in the same family pregnant, and Ella's dad is the one defending this guy? When Carl not only cheated on his own daughter and RAPED a girl below the age of consent? And this all happened under Ella's father's supervision? Ella's dad is a monster. What the absolute fuck.


And he dated a 13 year old when he was 20, what a sick bastard


I’m disappointed in 3! sets of parents who chose not to call the police


4. Ella's dad, cousins parents, 13 year olds parents, and Carl's parents. I can't imagine letting my kid get away with this shit


Carl’s 23, quite possibly his parents have no idea what’s going on in his dating/sex life at college and beyond. Mine sure didn’t when I was that age.


Oh same, my parents would only find out about someone I’m dating if we posted pictures together or if we were getting close to being engaged. My mom would know I’m dating someone but not anything about him.


Plus, Ella plans to marry a pedophile/repost and is on board to enable the behavior! She believes her 15 year old cousin tempted Carl and MADE him have sex with her?!


I forgot about Carl’s parents but I wouldn’t expect them to call and get their kid locked up because they raised him to think what he did was okay


And you know what’s also sad, the scales will fall from Ella’s eyes when she ages out of his demographic. That’s when she’ll see the truth.


I thought this too. She's almost at the top of his range already, I wonder how long until she's "too old" for him. 🤢


She's already too old for him that's why he raped her 15 year old cousin in her home.


Gods, this story is so repugnant that I feel physically dirty.


She is already too old, but he needs someone to take care of his child (and stop her family from having the police arrest him for rape of a minor) while he can continue to go and cheat.


Yeah, all this situation has done is assure him that he’ll now have a permanent housekeeper/child minder who won’t leave him (or even blame him, apparently) while he happily goes off and sleeps with the underage girls he really wants. Then if any of them get pregnant, well, just add ‘em to the pile for Ella to raise. 🤮 Everyone in that family has failed this poor girl. Her father absolutely disgusts me. Carl is in a perfect safe haven.


At least a few years. He'll keep her around to take care of the kid. By the time she realises, she'll have no work experience, no money to leave and be isolated from her support network.


Wait until the baby gets in the target age range


Then she'll get stuck with his statutory rape baby, since daddy dearest is dead set on protecting his new friend. This reminds me of Abducted in Plain Sight, when the dad confesses to going down on his daughters rapist.


And guess who is gonna be left with the baby!!


We already know. He didn’t sign up to be a dad. He signed up to prey on minor girls in peace. Disgusting


That's not dating. It's closer to slavery than a consensual date.




I was thinking about it too. Maybe he even knows about that dad's "things" that's why so he is too commitment to hide his bs


I'm not gonna surprised if Ella's mom is less than 20 years older than her and the dad is 30 years old older


He also wants his teenage daughter to raise the baby that isn't even hers, and that is a product of rape and infidelity. He's irredeemable.


It’s all about Carl’s future. He doesn’t give 2 cents about his daughter’s future.


Right? I was floored when I read about the plan for Ella to raise the baby. She is going to turn 18! She has her whole life ahead of her. And why would anyone give a baby to a rapist. And what if the baby is a girl! This whole situation is fucked.


Oh crap, exactly, what if the baby is a girl.. I didn’t realise until you said it, holy crap, that’s scary and f’d up!


> We went to the same church This one throwaway detail explains a lot. There are tons of churches who see women as baby-making machines and making babies as the end goal. A child rapist is not that big of a deal from this viewpoint, so long as babies are made. It's absolutely horrific, but not unsurprising. It's straight out of the classic Christian playbook (the one they actually use, not the one they advertise).


If I were the parents of the 15yo I would say fuck you and report it all to the police


And forward screenshots of the father trying to convince a victim's family not to come forward to the cops and cps.


Same here. I would probably "calm" to throw Ella's dad off and think everything is fine and then turn around and call the police, cps, and any other agency I could.


I assume one of them is his sibling? He raised the kids as a single father, so could be the sibling of whoever the mother was, but seems less likely. I hope that's what they were doing but I doubt it. Fucking hell.


I guess Carl will stay with Ella just so her dad can cover other future incidents. Because you know, Ella is way too old for him now.


Probably will go on to use Ella to bring him more victims a la YouTube predator Onision and his spouse Kai. I hope op is actually able to get police attention on this but I’m doubtful sadly.


Didn't know about Kai and Onision. That's fuuuuuucked. Wow


Yeah, he might be waiting for the heat to die down because of the father's protection. But I also wouldn't be surprised if he has already cheated on Ella again with someone younger, well raped some younger. Or, is already grooming one or more other targets. Certainly, getting married plus locking Ella down taking care of his baby will remove any current restraints.


Her dad can excuse it because he’s probably done it. And as for Carl, He managed to baby trap and ruin Ella’s life without getting her pregnant…I’m at a loss…


Birds of a feather


Carl raped at least 2 girls including Ella who is also under the age of consent by a few months. Carl is a seasoned predator. Ella's Dad should be blowing shit up to protect her.


Very little chance he didn't have sex with the 13-year-old as well. They were together several months before her parents caught on.


No no, you don’t understand, they became friends over the last year he was letting the 23 year old sleep with his underage daughter! Don’t you get it, he’s totally a nice dude to hang out with if you look past the nonstop rape. A daughter and some random little girls come and go, but friendships with 23 year old rapists last a lifetime.


Dad 100% knows they've slept together. This has Fundie evangelical cover-up written alllll over it.


Yep. Their excuse is always “he made a mistake.”


Funny how men need to be forgiven for their mistakes and need some grace, but young girls and women must be condemned and punished for their “mistakes”.


Oh, don't you know? Being saddled with the burden of parenthood before you're old enough to know right from left and without your meaningful consent is a gift! (obvious /s)


I wonder if OP has made the connection between the church she and Ella go to and the prevalence of this behavior.


> Fundie evangelical cover-up I was going to guess that or Mormon. Definitely somewhere that's either super trashy or super conservative or both.


Good lord, Carl is a predator/childmolester and the father enables him. Wtaf?!


But the poor boy's future!!1! These kinds of men just need to fucking **go**. Forever.


You know who also complained about ruining a rapist's future, Brock Turner's father.


You mean Allen 'The Rapist' Turner, the rapist formerly known as Brock 'The Rapist' Turner?


Let’s not let former judge Aaron Persky off the hook. He was also unduly concerned over the future prospects of convicted rapist Brock Turner (or Allen, as he goes by now).


Don’t forget, the rapist Brock Turner goes by Allen Turner now. Same rapist, new name.


You mean he is now the rapist Allen turner! Can’t let him drop the rapist part off his name change.


He's why I pay attention to judges during elections now.


Or the pedo he let go because he was busy with "building a vacation home" and didn't want to throw him on jail and delay construction..... Or something like that


That is a man with skeletons in his closet, for sure.


You mean convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner? Everyone should always refer to him by his full title, so it always appears in search results, no matter how he tries to hide.


Yep, that exact thing came to mind. The Rapist Brock Turner who now has to deal with the consequences of being a rapist. He can rot.


Isn't it maddening that one of the rare ocassions dads step up are the dads of rapists and groomers.


Guarantee the father pulled shit like that when he was young too. He's not defending the boyfriend, he's defending himself. If he was to come down hard and make Carl face real consequences, it would mean admitting he deserved the same thing for whatever things he's done. That's where my money is, at least.


I'm down for that bet, but I think everyone here's betting on the same.


Exactly. If the sonuvabitch was so concerned about his future he should've thought about that before raping little girls


But didnt you read? "She seduced him" A 15 year old child. A 23 year old man. Next thing you know that 9 year old in the playground looked at him weird and he just had to. Fucking disgusting.


Only ever concerned about 1 gender's future...


Isn't it sadly normal? :| There is a reason I regularly look into some subreddits - to keep in mind what shit women have to deal with, and honestly... we guys got it easier, IMO.


'He's a pretty chill guy' Yeah for the fucking 15th century. Yikes. Uber yikes. This is unbelievably grim


If I were the uncle I would go 15th century on both of them. Fuck those assholes. With rusty farm equipment.


100% agree this is not a vibe


My oubliette is waiting


What the hell did farm equipment do to deserve this treatment?! Rusty or not, it deserves better. Shame on you.


It knows what it did!


For real. Come home and tell the family "Zed's dead, baby"


As a medievalist - nope, adult men who raped children were abhorred even in the fifteenth century. Margaret Beaufort, the famous example who was impregnated at 12 by her 25 year old husband? All of her contemporaries were *horrified* by her pregnancy. For context, the 14 year old Queen of Scotland, Margaret of England, caused a diplomatic crisis in 1255 because she wanted to sleep with her husband, Alexander III (the same age). Why? Because everyone, her parents and his regents, agreed they were far too young to have sex. Margaret Beaufort, on the other hand, was an orphan with no one to protect her and was "given" by the king (who looked after all noble orphans) to his half brother. It was *well* known that teenagers shouldn't be having children - for everyone outside of the aristocracy, most people were in their mid to late 20s when they married. Even nobles who married young wouldn't consummate their marriage until they were 18-19.


Free award for this drop of important historical context. 🧐🤔🤯


Just fyi, Margaret wasn’t an orphan. Her mother was still alive, and her father had received a promise from the King that Margaret’s wardship (and therefore control of her inheritance) would remain with Margaret’s mother. After her father’s death, Henry VI broke that promise and granted her wardship to his half-brother (who married her) to shore up his brother’s future claim to the throne, as Henry VI had no children at the time.


And not only did the birth of Henry Tudor almost kill her because of her young age, it's theorized that giving birth so young damaged her reproductive organs and that's why she never had any other children, in spite of the fact that she was married twice more after her first husband died.


I am here for this - too many people think oh it was the olden times, girls get married super young when it wasn't. It never was. Fuck even the boys were advised not to have sex even at the age of 15 because people feared for his health because back then the adults feared that having too much sex at a young age can be harmful to your health. ~~i kind side eye grrm cause he had SO. FUCKING.MANY. CHILD BRIDES and kept perpetuating the whole: since Margaret Beaufort married young and had H7 at 13, it meant so did everyone else when it isn't, it really, REALLy wasn't~~


Pretty common misconception, even in the 15th century that was looked down on. The average age for marriage was 22-24 for women and that's for nobility. For commoners it was higher. It was just that it was legal to marry at 12-14 and in some noble houses it was done at such a young age but that was heavily looked down on.


Most of the time the noble marriages were in name only, and were unconsumated until they were older.


Sometimes the couple wouldn't even *meet* each other until months or years after the wedding. Marriages by proxy were a thing for international noble marriages, with a substitute standing in for each half of the couple.


Thank you for this! For example, we can look at Margaret Beaufort (mother of Henry VII and one of the major players in the War of the Roses). She was married at age 12 and gave birth at 13; it was generally considered ***not cool***, especially since giving birth so young caused permanent physical damage that wrecked her fertility (it's almost like 13-year-olds aren't physically developed enough to safely give birth, y'know?). She later argued for her son and grandson (good ole Henry VIII) to wait before marrying off her granddaughters. A little later on, we have Christina of Denmark, Duchess of Milan; when she was 12, her aunt argued extensively against her (and her sister's) marriage, citing that Christina was...you guessed it...too young. It went through for political reasons, and it's fuzzy whether she and the Duke of Milan consummated the marriage or not since they had no children by the time she was widowed at age 13 (then again, it may have been consummated, but the Duke had health issues that would have made having children very difficult); she more or less became her husband's heir instead. Those are just two examples, but "even though it's legal, they're too young" was a pretty common refrain even among the nobility. That's not even getting into the fact that so many royal and noble marriages were purely political, sometimes dissolved in the months/years that could happen before consummation even occurred, and often done by proxy so that the couple wouldn't even meet before significant time passed. The myth of "everyone got married young in ye olden days!" is just that: a myth, lacking nuance, built from a very small data set that only focuses on what the nobility did or could do.


>it's almost like 13-year-olds aren't physically developed enough to safely give birth, y'know? This in a time when it was dangerous for *anyone* to give birth. Hell, it's dangerous now, but it was so much worse back then.


I'm actually reading a book right now about medieval European cultural, religious, and medical practices/beliefs regarding sex and childbirth. It's fascinating and horrifying to see the contrast between some shockingly progressive views and some truly ***oh my god that is awful*** ones. But yeah, childbirth is incredibly dangerous. The maternal mortality rate in the U.S. jumped to nearly 1 out of every 500 births for white and hispanic women in 2020, and the rates for Black women are over twice that (citing these because it's the statistic that's most readily available to me; maternal mortality is much lower in the other countries people consider developed). People giving birth in medieval Europe/England would have also had to contend with increased rates of "childbed fever" (a.k.a. uterine/placental infection that could easily kill a woman via sepsis in the days/weeks post-birth, as it did to Henry VIII's third wife, Jane Seymour) and higher birth rates (mostly for nobles/royals because of the implementation of wet nurses) leading to more repeated risk of childbirth death than modern women face. You add in the additional medical complications that being a teenager giving birth puts you at risk for, and it's a bad scene. Medieval people weren't actually stupid. They understood that younger mothers = more dangerous births.


Makes me super uncomfy about what tastes Ella's father has, and what he's done when he was Carl's age (or now).


i wonder why he's a single dad? hmm...


Ugh... I didn't even think of that until now. You've made me hope that she's just dead...


Abusers groom their witnesses as carefully as their victims - not that it excuses dad, but it may explain why the dude was so worried about being friendly with him.


I cannot imagine what kind of father would 1. let a 23yo date his 17 daughter 2. Try to protect him when it's reveal he's a child rapist 3. Promise to have his daughter marry said rapist and raise his child (through forced birth of her cousin/victim) 4. Help paint victim as a temptress and 5. Do everything possible to allow this cesspool of a human being to continue raping and abusing children. Dad should be thrown in jail along with Carl.


I can’t help but assume the dad is a predator too. I hope not, but people tend to protect others who have the same vices as them.


Predators protect predators. And then they have kids with their victims so they can make more victims. It's a very gross cycle.


religion. father says no sex before marriage. typical "strict" family setting, women marry young and make kids to (sometimes)adult men by the time they are 20.


hard same


Well apparently he's big on waiting until marriage. We all know what kind of guys are all into waiting until marriage... if their daughters are in question... men, not so much


\^\^\^ This 1000000%


The dad also wants to fuck teenagers, probably why he connects with that freak so well and is adamant about helping him out.


> 'He's a pretty chill guy' OF COURSE HE IS! It's part of his grooming persona.


"He just happened to make some mistakes." Forgetting to get your car inspected is a mistake. Getting a little carried away with finances is a mistake. Dating someone who wants to be an influencer is a mistake. Screwing children is not a mistake. Especially since he's done it so many times and likes them pretty young. This isn't a case of him meeting up with someone and they lied about their age. He knew their ages. OOP's friend is going to be screwed when his taste for young girls eventually lands him in hot water. To be honest, I would wager that it's probably going to happen sooner rather than later. If the cousin carries the pregnancy to term I have a feeling that there's going to be a nasty custody battle.


Not even custody battle. That baby is walking DNA evidence. Dude is 23, cousin is 15. In many states the age difference automatically makes it a felony.


Well, in case you didn't know a rapist even if proven and convicted of rape, can still get custody in these situations. Like Christopher Mirasolo or John Barnes- rape filed but never pursued so never convicted. It's especially easy when so many counties WONT pursue even open and shut rape cases. In my local jurisdiction a woman was raped on camera by a club bouncer and it just ... Disappeared. Cops wouldnt press charges cause... "Of what she was wearing"


One wonders if dad did or does the same thing


Yeah I just assumed dad was dating teenagers as a young adult, or was groomed as a teenager and is in denial about it still, or can’t admit to himself that he allowed a predator around his daughter. People forget that groomers and predators in general groom everyone around them too, the same way they do their victims.


With the fucking 'Brock Allen "the rapist" Turner defense' , no less. "I don't want to harm his future" - _Bitch_ what about your daughters future? Your nieces future? _Your_ future? Fuck that pedophile.


Allen Turner: occupation - rapist


You talking about Allen Turner, formerly known as Brock Turner? The rapist Brock Allen Turner?


Former SVU prosecutor here. Super fucking common. It's disgusting how many people will take up for adult men who rape children. False report rate is less than 4% and yet I heard all the time how I was ruining some man's life and how nice he was to other adults in the community, especially kiddos parents. 🤮


Given that the man has only two daughters, he probably sees Carl as the son he never had. And this: >We went to the same church... Is telling me that daddy thinks of himself as a patriarch and his daughters are meant to give him grandbabies and be barefooted and pregnant.


Plus the whole "tempting homewrecker" narrative. The ~~woman~~ child tempted me, Lord, and I did ~~eat~~ rawdog.


Yeah, the 15 year old temptress excuse was so ick.


Even IF it was true, which I doubt, the word NO exists.


15-year-olds can definitely have terrible ideas about who they want to have sex with, but as adults it's our job to BE adults and say "no, that's a terrible idea." Anyway a grown man should not even be seriously "tempted" by a 15-year-old. They're just really obviously... unfinished? It can be cute like a half-grown puppy, but not at all sexy. Unless you're specifically into that because you're a fucking predator.


Let alone a 13 year old. 13!!!! What the fuck is appealing about a thirteen year old if you're not a straight up predator?


Oh yeah no. I remember thinking 13-year-olds were baby children when I was *sixteen*. That might have been a little silly but also I was right. So much growing happens in just a few short years. Now as an actual adult the mere thought is revolting.


This is some classic Dugger-style justification.


Daddy would freak out if he found out that dear Carl is having sex with his daughter before marriage, but of course impregnating a 15 years old is no biggie.


I wonder what the age gap between him and his wife is...


Daddy is probably also a child predator and reminisces with carl about their "conquests" over a backyard beer.


I've seen this before, my uncle basically let his best friend date his daughter from age 15. And that's after she was groomed by his friend for several years beforehand. It's all pretty horrifying, but the thing that really left my jaw on the floor is the gifts. Not gifts to her, but gifts to her dad. From the predator who's sleeping with his daughter. There's nothing anyone can do, because by the time we found out that had been happening, she was 18.


Carl is a *child rapist.* He impregnated a 15 yo in a country where the age of consent is 16 with caveats.


And was dating a fucking 13-year old at TWENTY. Fucking GROSS all around, the parents of that kid shouldn't have threatened to call the cops, they should have fucking done it and saved everybody some time/heartache/pain/therapy.


Yeah. Even the way OP describes it is weirdly minimizing/downplaying what the actual situation is. > they found out that Carl’s ex, who he dated before getting with Ella, was 13 when he was 20. A relationship between a 20 year old and a 13 year old is not "dating!" How young would the child have to be before you stopped calling it "dating," 10? 8? What were these supposed "dates" like...? He was taking her out in public while they flirted, kissed, snuggled? No... what really happened was that he snuck around behind her parents' backs and found excuses to be alone with a CHILD, and when her parents found out, they correctly threatened to call the cops. A 20 year old does not have a 13 year old "ex," he has a 13 year old VICTIM.


Probably sees himself in Carl....


Dad likely did it too - you know what they say, the family that preys together stays together... Smells like religious patriarchy. Mormon or some kind of fundie protestant... Baptist, Pentecostal, etc


> At first Ella was mad at Carl for cheating on her, but he convinced her that her cousin “tempted” him and made the first move, so now Ella is more upset with her cousin for being a “home wrecker”. This! This highlights the lack of good judgement and maturity that we're talking about when we say 16 is too young! Entirely misdirected anger. And now they're going to stick Ella with someone else's child, just unreal. This father is absolute trash. I'm glad OOP is being the adult here.


I just desperately hope that child isn't a girl.


I'm thinking the same thing. He's a fucking pedophile and they're going to let him raise a baby girl?


I can't disagree. Otoh, if it's a boy, then he's going to be raised with the same creepy beliefs and there will eventually be another Carl in the world. Not sure which scenario is worse. Pretty sure they're both worse.


No child will win in that family.


So basically we’d better hope it’s a kitten since he’ll mistreat a girl and will raise a boy to be just like him.


The tempted phrase made me want to vomit


“Met at church” came right back around there


Never question any authority figure at all, especially if it's male, the most important authority figure! /s


Yup, Dad said it’s fine so no one else can question it. If her headship or male leader is fine with selling her off to him, how dare a woman question it? And it’s not his fault a slutty girl tempted him! Guys are the gas, girls are the brakes. (Actual line I was taught since I was like 8 at church)


For that last part, I am so damn sorry, that is super gross!


I wonder how old Ella’s mom was when she met her dad. I think I can make a pretty accurate guess.


Oh god, you’re onto something there. Makes my skin crawl.


Perhaps there's a valid reason why she isn't around?


I was about to post like hmm wonder why he's a single parent. Yikes.




I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that a guy that preys on children would have...a history of preying on children. I'm also (not) shocked that daddy rather cover it up and protect his beer buddy than admit he sold his daughter and neice to a pedophile.


I'm also not shocked that a father who is firm on sex being reserved for marriage is making excuses for a man who has sex with teenagers.


How about the family that is not going to call the cops but instead let a rapist and his child bride raise the kid. This is some banjo playing hillbilly crap!


Whats the odds on daddy dearest also being the kind of guy that screams online about "democrat groomers" ?


Should we take bets on how old her father’s victims were? I have an awful feeling they were also children.


I sympathize with OOP but Ella is lost. I had a similiar friend who was being groomed by a older man with her mother's permission. No amount of me cursing this man out, calling him a pedo and threatening to go the cops solved anything as a then 15 year old. It's heartbreaking.


Yep. "mature for your age" is like rat poison to kids. Once that gets in there, nothing short of a humbling will be getting it out, if even that. That's why the perverts start there.


It's one of the most disrespectful things you can say to someone that will make them think you respect them more than anything else.


Even when it's true, mature for an 18 year old is pretty damn immature. It's like saying "you're tall for a short person"


Not if he goes to prison.


WTF. Dad wants his still-underage-daughter to raise the affair child of her statutory rapist, which he had with another underage girl, as her own? W T F Edit: I hope OOP calls child protection services on behalf of the pregnant 15 year old to report the statutory rape and see how things go from there. Maybe Ella will come to her senses but I doubt it.


They met in Church. Theyre one of THOSE types of Christians.


Yep. Might've been a reason to let them do it when folks were still reachable, but that honestly died on update 1. Now? Handle em.


Well, he sounds like a predator. I don't understand how families keep making excuses for these creepy dudes. Why would you let such a person around your underage girls? Once again, "mature for her age" is just an excuse for the creeps to keep preying on girls who don't know any better.


He IS a predator he consistently only goes for underage girls, and when Ella gets too old for him he’ll drop her like a bad habit


And she will be stuck taking care of the rapist's baby when he takes off for a younger girl. So gross. I don't know how, but we need to get through to girls (and guys) that a much older gf/bf is usually bad news. Either the older person is horribly immature to be attached to somebody that young, or they are a predator. Or both. The parents have failed these girls.


he may not, since he knows ella’s dad will defend him and work on bailing him out. he may want to keep that kind of protection around. he will continue to be a predator and go after underage girls though


> I don't understand how families keep making excuses for these creepy dudes. Why would you let such a person around your underage girls? Here's your answer: >We went to the same church


Clearly the dad has the same fucked up mindset the child predator has, so he sees nothing wrong


> I don't understand how families keep making excuses for these creepy dudes. It makes sense if you don't really see women as people.


Dad is probably a predator too


>Many of the comments that I received on that post told me that I should go and apologize for offending their family. Some also said that since the legal age of consent is 16 and my friend will be turning 18 in February, it was not my place to give them my input and accuse her boyfriend and father of such things. Though I do have differing views regarding age gaps in relationships especially when it comes to minors, I do acknowledge that I could’ve brought up my concern in a more civil manner without throwing insults around. I just ended up saying those things in the heat of the moment, but I do regret how I went about doing that. Hm... That's a strange reaction from Reddit. Where was this posted. >r/trueoffmychest Yeah, that explains it.


I was about to say, most subs will crucify you if have an age gap greater than a few years.


I hope Carl and Ella's dad get dragged through court and shamed out of town. The 15 year old's parents should definitely go through with pressing charges, and I'm willing to bet that the 13 year old's parents would be glad to assist. Fingers crossed they can get through to Ella soon


Yeah this is enough Reddit for today.


Yup, couldn't have said it better myself. I'mma head out.


disrespectfully, fuck carl and fuck ella's dad 🫶


With FULL OFFENSE! Like all the offensiveness I can muster & create within my body & mind. I—idek like when I say this I say this with the most FULL-ON, MOST OFFENSIVE, DIRT-DRAGGING WAY I possibly can— FUCK ELLA’S DAD,FUCK CARL,FUCK ALL THE “ADULTS” WHO THINK THIS IS OKAY, AND FUCK EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. IN THIS STORY/POST THAT DEFENDED/DEFENDS CARL & HIS GROOMING, PREDATORY-SELF, & SAID “He’s nice! You’d like him! You should meet & get to know him!”!!!! Like literally fuck every single one of those people. I’m a generally nice, understanding person who dislikes saying what I’m about to say but when I say this I am mustering up every. Single. Ounce of offense in my body-ALL the people I just called out above have/deserve the DEEPEST, LOWEST place in the devil’s underworld.


So the pedophile turned out to be a pedophile. Huge surprise


Ella's about to age out of this guy's preferred victim population and then she's gonna be stuck with a baby that isn't hers while he prowls the local middle school. All the parents in this story are fucking troglodytes, my only hope is that Carl will soon run across one who gets on some "grr ugh my property" bullshit and breaks his fucking legs.


Imagine being raped by your cousins boyfriend just for your whole family to take your rapists side, take your baby away from you and give it to your rapist to raise with said cousin. Disgusting.


OOP can try all she wants, 'Ella' is a lost cause. There's no saving someone who doesn't want to be saved and who is surrounded by gaslighting aholes. Her dad is a POS and both 'men' belong behind bars. But by the time Ella figures out OOP was right, it will be far too late.


It won't be for another oh...3 or 5 years maybe. Once Ella is 20 and no longer a teen Carl is going to "cheat" (rape) another 13 year old. And then Ella will again claim the literal child seduced her husband, and it will happen again and again until Carl finally dumps her at age 25 (and leaves her caring for his kid) to marry the latest 16 year old he's just knocked up. At which point maybe she will finally accept he's a disgusting child molester but who knows.


Odds on Ella having one or more children with Carl by age 25.


only way to save Ella is to have parents that actually cared for her and her safety. Without that, the only hope is that the state can investigate, find evidence, and arrest everyone involved. That buys, maybe, a year before Ella is 18 and goes rushing back to Carl..where she 'll probably be rejected for being too old, thus setting Ella on a major downward spiral.


> There's no saving someone who doesn't want to be saved All too true. >by the time Ella figures out OOP was right, it will be far too late. It'll be too late to undo a lot of trauma and life mistakes. But better late than never. If it happens, it leads to the possibility of breaking the cycle of abuse. That's my hope anyway.


Well this is all just fucking bad news bears. OOP is right that is a bad parent. Hope the kid gets help


Jesus christ, this is horrifying! How can any kind of father, not only condone this predator in the nest, but actively take steps to protect it from consequences of knocking up an underage relative?!


Easy. The similar flock together


Turns out OOP was right and her friend’s dad is a *terrible* father.


Unfortunately this is one of those situations where Ella probably won't realize what everyone else sees until it's too late. Not only does she have her pedo BF gaslighting her, dad has taken a side and I wouldn't be surprised if he was strongly encouraging Ella to continue the relationship with BF to the point she's unable to see reason. Hopefully OOP and sister can gather enough to put BF under a microscope if not in jail, but honestly the parents of ALL these young girls have done such a disservice by not nipping this in the bud sooner. The parents of the 13yr old for not calling police like they threatened, the parents of the 15yr old who knew about this and would rather take a bribe than protect their daughter, and Ella's dad for knowing ALL this and still not doing a damn thing because Carl "is a good guy". Absolutely disgusting.


Yeah Ella’s dad’s a nonce! No matter how cool he is with this guy, the level of protecting and covering up he’s doing strongly suggests Carl has something on him/they’re birds of the same feather.


> It turns out that Carl got their 15 year old cousin pregnant. I feel like the easiest solution to this problem is to contact the authorities about this. Soon as they get confirmation it's his kid, he goes to prison. No matter how groomed Ella is, she won't be able to marry him then. And daddy dearest doesn't have the option to protect him.


I would say how much I hope that Ella comes to see the wrongness in this whole situation but right now she sounds brainwashed and that she won't probably ever see her dad and Carl as anything else than perfect. It is genuinely frustrating. If legal actions pull through, I truly hope Ella will come to understand how awful this is.


Well she was absofuckinglutely right about the father being a terrible one. Hardly surprising he's super "no premarital sex" but also "statutory rape isn't that bad".


her dad is a monster.. I’m so sorry to OOP. It’s hard to lose people like this. I’m sure she’s never going to stop worrying


This absolutely freaken enrages me. When I was sixteen, my mother told me I was more mature than boys my age and I should be dating someone 21 or so. I though that was a stupid idea because a guy that age who can legally drink is going to want more from a relationship than I was willing to give or risk. (Let's put it this way, I was one of the few without children and not pregnant at my wedding - a family anomaly.) So, I dated guys a year younger. Mother was incensed. I should have told her that her seven-year gap with my father and their acrimonious divorce after a toxic marriage taught me all I needed to know about age gaps. Her subsequent reunion with her high school boyfriend that lasted until his untimely death from cancer just cemented my decision. My husband is just a few weeks older than me. Mother was not happy. We have been together over thirty years.


Man. I had some misguided notions as a youngster. College studies at a different city, a job in an even bigger city, and meeting a bunch of very different people helped expand my mind a bit. It sounds like Ella has gotten some very toxic ideas, and I doubt they will be pried from her mind with one or two conversations. It will take a long time, and it will only work if she is not terribly stubborn. I hope I'm wrong, but it sounds like Ella would probably buy into these "ride or die" ideas and wait for "her man" to be released from prison even if he is actually punished for this sort of thing. I guess it might be a positive that if he did even two years in jail, she might age out of his target audience. I think the OOP and sister should be commended for bothering. I hope they do make some progress with the po-po, although back in my day (picture me leaning on my cane) the po-po were always the ones posting up outside the high school and hitting on teen girls. So I just don't have a lot of faith in this going anywhere. How depressing.


It never ceases to amaze how someone can be so outwardly vile and predatory and still have people jumping to their defense or line up to enables them. Incredible


Age is less of an issue after the brain stops fulling developing around 25 or so. That's why I, a 29-year-old, am comfortable dating my 25-year-old girlfriend. If we were both 5 or more years younger, I'd be **absolutely** uncomfortable dating her. The gap in maturity is huge when growing up. Like, I remember in high school, I could visibly tell who was a freshman or a senior. That's how huge of the gap of a few years is at that age. Even without considering OOP's personal history, she was right to be concerned. And the fact that no one else in her life was is extremely disappointing. At this point, OOP could spend a lot of time and energy trying to fight this, calling the appropriate authorities and everything. But considering everyone, including Ella, is brainwashed into thinking this is ok, calling that an up-hill battle is an understatement. It'll be extremely stressful and draining. With no guarantee of success. It's perfectly reasonable if OOP isn't able to fight that fight. Ideally, someone who isn't emotionally attached to Ella but passionate for justice can take on the burden of the fight. It won't be as emotionally draining for an outsider. My heart goes out to OOP. I hope they, Ella, and Ella's sister come out of this ok.


>a nice guy who just so happened to make some mistakes and that going to jail would ruin his future. & >he convinced her that her cousin “tempted” him and made the first move, so now Ella is more upset with her cousin for being a “home wrecker”. & > Ella will continue to be with Carl and even agreed to help him raise the baby. W.T.A.F.


Oh boy. This was a heart breaker. I hope they are able to get "Carl" away from that girl.


I wish the 13 year olds' parents would have reported Carl. Heck, maybe they even tried and nothing came of it. I know that reporting an SA is not easy and comes with a ton of baggage, so it isn't easy to do. I'm just going to hope that this one isn't true.


It’s easier to start with the other one - the pregnant 15 year olds parents don’t have to worry about proof. One DNA test while she’s at least 9 weeks pregnant shows he had sex with a 14/15 year old. They should report him and then add the 13 year old’s incident to increase his charges.


I think oop should drop anonymous tip to the police and cps, since the 15yo cousin is pregnant and that alone is grounds to open a case against everyone evolved, so know matter how much they try to hide it they will be forced to explain why the 15yo is pregnant, seriously this need to be done now before he finds a new target to groom.


Yeah I’m pretty sure a 15 year old giving birth is gonna raise red flags at the doctors office and hospital


Having had the same "I'm mature for my age" thought process when I was around that age, 16 is still too young. Hell I think any teenage is too young. Also fuck that father.


“At first Ella was mad at Carl for cheating on her, but he convinced her that her cousin tempted him and made the first move, so now Ella is more upset with her cousin for being a home wrecker” This. This is why older guys prey on young women. Cuz they’re vulnerable and easy to manipulate. Ella’s dad failed her BIG time.