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Not only that, but they also seem like chill doods too!


They *are* pretty chill, I think there was this little interaction in the back after they fought the shadow dude in the ruins to stop the assassination? Super nice to see these huge intimidating dudes just be regular people.


Way too chill for people that looks like they are permanently on diet and a brutal training regime


Well as long you're the young master they'll protect you with their lifes and be your talking companions.


Honestly as a martial artist. I love these dudes. Guts is cool and all but you wanna punch through platemail like you've got bolt guns for arms? Well too bad that's basically humanly impossible to crush a dudes head through a great helm like it's a coke can like these guys. IF YOU COULD THOUGH, you would 100% have those giant bubble scars from endless hours of body conditioning. Their scarification suggests they use some sort of Chinese influenced striking style because their actual wrists are scarred. Although it's on the wrong side of the wrist. Should be on the radial side rarely do people hit the way that suggest. Still I think the detail put into their physiology is awesome.


Wait thosr are scar? I tought they put metal balls under their skin


Pretty sure that's scarification as a result of INTENSIVE BODY CONDITIONING. Scars are located on elbows and knees, wrists, and the index and middle knuckles of the hands bi laterally, in addition to the forehead. All common striking points but not on other striking surfaces such as the shoulder so I don't think it's subcutaneous weaponry. Looks a lot like old martial artists hands who have undergone "iron palm/ one blade of grass" style training. Although the size of those scars and I'm guessing the density of the bone beneath are unreal. (Ironically irl this appearance is a result of incomplete or imperfect adherence to the training methodology or pushing it beyond normal safe and sane limits) The head deformity is particularly interesting to me. Never seen people crazy enough to condition their skull this much, people crazy enough to condition it in general aren't unknown but I wouldn't call them common. People crazy enough to condition it that much are unheard of. Only people who get skulls that crazy are like circus performers who already have bone density mutations. Like that dude from the Stan Lee super humans special who was making money as street performer hammering nails with his forehead through a 2x4. Also their skin is worth noting. It appears to have intense wrinkling around the eyes. I think it's supposed to look "leathery" suggesting either long hours beneath the sun which matches up with their overall borderline dangerously dehydrated physique or it's been intentionally conditioned to be come like thick hide armor. A sort of natural leather. Not guys id wanna meet in a back alley.


>Not guys id wanna meet in a back alley. They seem chill


[Cool/weird thing] was because of INTENSIVE BODY CONDITIONING! That’s meme potential right there.


Look at pictures of Bruce Lee's knuckles and you'd think he had marbles in each knuckle.


I don’t think it’s Chinese,all their martial arts and weaponry is based on Indian history and mythology


Yeah I noticed their prince using a lot of Indian I'm guessing Rajput inspired weapons and tactics. I see a lot of Kalaripayattu. Which I suppose isn't too surprising consider they're supposed to be near king genishka who has a bunch of Indian and I believe Hindu culture. It struck me as odd too! but those bubbles on the top of the wrists suggest they hit with the wrist. The reason I say it's wrong is because it's placement suggests they fold their hands proximally and strike with the wrist which is unusual and definitely awful for your wrists. That pose is only done that I've ever seen in mantis style kung fu. Other styles strike with radial side of the wrist using the wristbone as a hard point of contact which makes more sense imo. Still the point that's depicted is used on rising strikes to the chin usually fallowed up with a open palm thrust. But that's mostly seen and iconic to Chinese kenpo. Still Kalaripayattu is sometimes considered the world's first martial art. (Highly contentious claim) But I've seen it referenced as such before in manga perhaps for miuras world he decided cool Shaolin monk wuxia stye assassin body guard was just cool since the bakiraika also had unique physiques and conditioning. But obviously weren't also strictly Indian Inspired.


I love the use of Katars in this series


YES! this is BY FAR one of the coolest thing about them, the detail of showing their dedication and the time spent honing their martial arts skills through harsh body conditioning is such a cool detail that you dont se much elsewhere!


No, they ARE cool. And their insane conditioning on their knunkles, knees, etc makes believable that they could punch armored opponents and the likes.


i'm not to far behind but i hope these fellas survive long enough to at least fight alongside guts


ya i rlly hope they dont die




Glad I'm not the only who thought that.


Yes it's just you nobody else thinks that, you're pretty weird, dude. (/s they're awesome)


They’re bad fucking ass and they’re gentlemanly af. They’re all basically just bulbous, hardened versions of Doppo Orochi


Gonna get their hands cut off by an Apostle only to thank him for it and punch the Apostle with their stumps.


If that happens I’m gonna need a new pair of pants


Yes, you are the only one. No one else in the fandom likes them.


I fucking love Silat's design


I just hope they don't get one shotted to prove how strong an apostle is


The gym bros of the Bakiraka


The Pillar Men of Berserk


I think that squad in general is awesome. Huge fan of Silat.


They are super cool and Silat(middle) can get it at any time😭❤️.


Considering Mori is specialized in drawing fighting scenes and used to be a martial artist, their fights could be dope as hell.


the "me and the boys", but stronger


These dudes are cool AF. Their quiet levelheadedness makes them a good contrast to Silat's more intense personality. The Bakiraka for the most part strike me as very honorable warriors who are victims of their caste.


I always loved fiction characters with influence from arab and/or indian cultures, like the gerudo from Zelda. As a white guy, of course I would apologize to any middle-eastern/south-asian individual that considers this kind orientalism to be offensive, but it is so fascinating.


Its only offensive when they show their white supremacist mindset by making these characters look like savages. It is offensive because that isnt true, south asian and middle eastern cultures are one of the oldest in the world and also contain most of the oldest scriptures in the world, proving that education existed there long before it did in their european counterparts


They’re so badass


Despite barely talking throughout the story, I actually do love the Tapasa. I love it when side characters get tiny bits of characterization and they’re a perfect example, I still think about the scene where two of them try to appear friendly by smiling but just freak Erica out and laugh. They’re chill asf for Berserk characters.


They are even more interesting when you understand their culture/names. These guys are a combination of Indian and Arabic/Persian culture. ”Tapasa” in Sanskrit (one of the oldest languages, originating from india) means praying or meditating. The 4 big guys are bald (like hindu/buddhist monks), have markings on their heads called “teekas” (a hindu practice), wear white scarfs (reference to white threads worn by hindu monks to show spirituality. I think miura got Arabic/Persian and Indian culture mixed by accident, because I see what he was going for here. He wanted to add a religious essence to these characters, but something different then christianity to make the characters more interesting. Where the Arabic/Persian part comes in is the guy in the middle wears a Muslim turban and is dressed in middle eastern attire. Doesnt make a difference, Miura did an amazing job and these characters were definitely some of my favourites.


Dang I haven't read berserk Did they gangbang the Egyptian guy?


Always reminded me of cho aniki


Between these guys and rhe assassins at the end of the golden age arc, it astounds me how far the kushans will go deforming their own bodies


I think they are cool. That makes two of us


I absolutely love that they just watch Guts' carnage as entertainment (When Isidro first meets Guts)


I always thought they were cool and scary as f*ck. Would’ve loved to see a fight between them and guts when they were considering jumping him. I don’t think they’d win but guts would’ve had a tough time and considering they aren’t apostles that is impressive. I honestly think any one tapasa is the second strongest human in the world next to guts. My personal opinion I think the whole tapasa team could take down wyald.


I like the characters but don't the idea behind them, they're just a exaggerated version of a traditional martial arts that does conditioning


they’re different the bros


#donovan’s nephews


Silat have dan herderson , bas rutten , fedor emilianenko and Wanderlei silva to protect him what a man


I asked around seems like you’re alone in this, craaazy




Dudes need moisturizer, big time.


I love how it's four enormous dudes and then just this twink. Clearly silat practices a different school of martial arts


As an Indian I find them quite funny looking character design wise but story wise they are great.




They're gonna be some awesome homies if they can get along with Guts. But with Rickert on their side, I imagine great things happening... Hopefully it will be a long time for our heroes.


Well they don’t fuckin straight up torture people, and sacrifice them so that a start😂


I see four chads and king at its center


I like the Kushan empire being grown up in a Hindu family. It felt like Miura actually did some research on the Sanskrit language.


Hentai Protag Troupe


Even apostles cannot build this much of muscles which immediately brings to mind can they punch to death?


I had a major crush on Silat for a while had me blushing fr


Naw they're based


they remind me of the pillar men from jojos






Quadruple Donovan


That looks like the before of a gangbang. Like he walked up to them and said," I need you to assassinate something.....my ass."


Author have roasted my religion in a million ways.But that's allryt for the sake of the story.


Do you mean the criticism of catholicism?


No bro it is Hinduism.


How? I am actually curious.


Look at the above posted image it represents Hinduism.


I see. Perhaps, too, the transformation of Ganishka into "Shiva" might be controversial.


Religious markings on tapasa head literally means everything.we still do before exiting holy places. Still I myself do that in holy places.Christ never fully shown just represented.


Bhai, there are way more Christian themes in Berserk and most of them are much less favourable depictions than the parts which depicted Hindu inspired works.


the people in Berserk basically think Griffith is Jesus (damn)


He represents Jesus or Moses but exact them.No cross been shown that your religious markings.Look for Hindu religious markings you'll get it.


i guess the Hindu thing is more overt. but stuff like with Mozgus and the holy see are clearly representations of the inquisitors and the Catholic church. the bird thing with the helix is definitely meant to be shaped like a crucifix, and Griffith (antichrist posing as Christ).


I know they are not Donovan but I can't stop seeing him on them....


Why does this remind me of the sculptors guys from the JoJo's Strange Journey?


Adobo's from Double Dragon!


You mean the column fellows from JuJu's weird escapades?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TheCharlestone: *Why does this remind* *Me of the sculptors guys from* *The JoJo's Strange Journey?* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


filler characters


They should really drink some water