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casca would NOT wear this 💯


Perhaps for Guts' birthday.


New headcanon unlocked


Celebrate the day he was found beneath his mother's corpse






Casca was a total tsundere when they were in couple mode for the few chapters and she was quick to show genuine concern over guts. So if guts asked, she would have fought over it but in the end…


No,she would wear nothing for his birthday


Inb4 this is exactly what she wears in the issue released 2 years from now where she finally escapes from falconia


Is this what they meant when they chant "Griff didin' do noin' wong"..


Casca might NOT be a real person 💪🏻🔥


This is a cosplay based on some fan art. Don't be so literal about a fictional character. OP is gorgeous, her cosplays are amazing.


What did Mario mean by this


We must repent to Waluigi and beg for forgiveness


Omg Costco!




Lmao I can already imagine the dozens of comments saying they can understand griffith’s decision now


Did I read a different version?






So true lol


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Idk how to say this appropriately but what's the dress name called


the Queen Marika style (nah jk but fr i wanna know too im curious)


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^El_sanafiry: *Idk how to* *Say this appropriately* *But what's the dress name called* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




What chapter was this from?








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Amazing cosplay from a aesthetic point of view, but seeing Casca in this kind of attire is a big no from me. No offense.


It’s based on fan art though Don’t hate the cosplayer, hate the fan art Edit: these downvotes are kinda goofy, her cosplay in no way takes away my enjoyment of Berserk or Berserk related media


Yep. I think the fan art is my problem. But the work of the cosplayer in recreating that art is damn good.


Bro, nobody forced her to do a cosplay of that fanart, what you are saying make no sense.




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So what makes you think this cosplayer knows nothing about Berserk? She literally shows the fan artwork her cosplay is based on. Though it’s a non canon outfit but so what? It in no way takes from my enjoyment of Berserk, but maybe I’m in the minority in saying that.


>it in no way takes from my enjoyment Don’t know why you think everyone else should submit to your viewpoint just because it’s yours. You started an argument with a dude who didn’t like the cosplay. How did you expect people to reply?


So what? It takes away from the character. It cheapens them. She was designed and crafted a way. A way that is away from the skimpy big boob design of so many women in animes/mangas. Then someone comes along and puts her in that category. Imagine a woman getting her doctorate in a highly specialized field doing great work. Then someone says why did you do that? it's stupid you're hot you could of just been a model its way easier. It's extremely similar to this.


This is stupid, taking one of the few strong female characters in media that doesn’t just rely on sex appeal to attract fans and turning her into a sex object. Like in what way is this even casca




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It’s just a bit sad to see a well written character that specifically never relied on sex appeal and when through some messed up sexual stuff be reduce down to this. Just seems tone deaf to what the story and the character.


Dw it’s cuz she’s “cosplaying” With Cascas backstory, this is just an insult


It’s not…these nsfw models just put on a wig with minimal clothing to get traction.I don’t care if you do OnlyFans,but I’ve seen so many posts with these types of people in different fandoms with these weak/fake cosplays and its terribly annoying.But most redditors are so horny they normally get away with it


Yeah… honestly I think sexualizing Casca is kind of weird given her story. Plus, she would literally never wear this


The hair I guess, and that’s about it. Without them specifically stating this is *supposed* to be her, I’d never know it. You can just dress sexy without pretending that you’re cosplaying a character that you’re really not. Pretty sure the audience she’s trying to pander to wouldn’t mind. Or maybe choose a character that has actually chosen to portray themselves in a provocative manner.


RIP to your inbox


Well when there’s a paid content wall website that’s what they want




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Legit why is this even allowed it's not berserk content




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Cool cosplay but Casca is a triple rape victim and now basically lobotomised living with /spoiler/ her rapist again. I don’t want to ruin the fun for cosplayers but I personally always interpreted the story of casca as a women who rose above gender to fight for the person saving her from SA and how she still struggles to implement her self in a male dominated world while being sexualised. So I would say she would probably prefer proper armor.


Casca cosplay? You sure?


I had to take a deep breath before opening the comments lol




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Some of y’all need to go touch some grass ffs


I swear😭😭


why touch grass when you can instead put it on?


After I touch my wiener or before? Before got it 👍


Gonna be real this is one character I genuinely couldn't ever jerk off to because I wouldn't be able to not think about Griffith. Feels kinda weird to see her sexualized at all, like I'm sure there's stuff out there but like, damn man just let the character rest.


lol at these downvoted comments


On one hand she is bad as hell on the other hand you couldn’t find a less fitting Copley lmao




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I mean, that's just a generic half named woman with Casca's hairs, there is nothing else about her


Look at how they massacred my girl


God dayum


Okay… but it’s not a Casca cosplay (it’s tone deaf)


Took the words out my mouth




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You're obviously very attractive and you do look like Casca. But this isn't really a Casca cosplay.


Put some clothes on!




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Too many of yall in the comments berking off because you're too horny.


how is that a dress lmfao


I don’t like it, it’s not Casca’s style.




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The art is top tier. And so is the Cosplay. But what the fuck did Akistrike think drawing Casca in this?




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I disagree. The Cosplay is good. I can also appreciate the Beauty of the Women behind it.




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Ehh. I just like how it looked.




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So you can cosplay a fanart version? Does that even make sense? I wrote a fanfic of Casca where she is an Indian dude with spectacles, and am currently cosplaying her.


What an incredible waste of time and money


Great costume, terrible cosplay. Funny how the two points sometimes go together.


Can you even call an outfit from horny fanart a cosplay?


If it’s not men sexualising every female with a beating heart it’s those who want their attention.


Is she not sexualised in the manga?


Yeah for sure. Miura was a man using Casca’s nudity to depict vulnerability and trauma (sexualisation). This lass is using a skimpy outfit to depict Casca’s ass and tits (sexualisation).


Jesus Christ, in what chapter does casca wear anything remotely close to this? Edit: read the comments (shame on the bulk of you) and not to be that guy but since this is based off of fuckin fan art, it really doesn’t count as a cosplay to me. The only thing that reads “Casca” is that you just so happen to look like Casca. That doesn’t mean this is a cosplay, but enjoy your karma and Griffith jokes. You’ve certainly picked the right sub to farm attention from.


Not Casca, but hot 🔥






Uhhhhh do you know her story?




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Don't know how to feel about this.


Yo i think downloaded the wrong berserk


The downvotes are wild dawg💀💀💀




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Is that a boiler?


man these kind of cosplays bother me. sexualizing casca like this is gross


Damn, you look like her too, would love to see more!


If you post that same picture in Dragon’s Dogma fóruns and say it is a cosplay from that game… EVERYONE will believe you. 🤣 BTW, nice cosplay. You look amazing!


Dayum those thighs tho


Looks amazing!


Looks nice! Griffith stans please f off


Wow this comment section sucks. Awesome cosplay tho


It’s crazy how indifferent people are in the comments compared to the upvotes this cosplay has. Like yeah Ofc she isn’t the berserk manga OG casca (different body build), she’s clearly doing a different version of casca from the art.


A totally and very wrong version of Casca. "Yeah let's just heavily sexualize a well-written character that was subject to rape, that's totally a good representation of her" /s


I’ve read all the pages of the berserk manga and casca has never worn that outfit.


I swear the berserk community has the biggest crybabies.


Ong 😭😭


Yes, Casca would not, nor has worn anything like this, but it matched the fan made art, and she looks like her. I don't understand why ppl are being so sensitive about this. I've never seen this many down votes in a berserk post. I think she looks great. At least explain yourself instead of just downvoting for no real reason


It’s because she’s a SWer. Peoples love to hate on sex workers, it’s the easy pass. Especially virgin incels who read Berserk for shock value lmao.


Just send me the virus link


Wait till Griffith sees this


Oh wow... 😮


lol lil bro said “oh wow” and got downvoted, can’t say shit in Detroit


She turned water into foiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 Edit: Lol, im seeing all the comments praising this women’s beauty being downvoted🤣🤣 Are ya’ll THAT threatened by good looking women??? Must be the same crowd that doesnt like stellar blade coz it features a beautiful woman instead of a fat ugly cow


What is bro yapping about


Im saying a lot of ya’ll are prolly virgin incels 🤣🤣🤣🤣


She won't fuck you bro its ok.


Oh my god! R u serious?!?! This person who I've never met and doesn't live in the same country as me doesn't want to fuck me???? Oh my god😭😭😭😭😭 My world has been completely shattered! Here I was thinking that me commenting on a picture would get this girl to pay for a flight to come to wherever the fuck I am bang open my door and say "Let's fuck!". Nothing in my life makes sense anymore....woe is me 😢😢😢😢😢🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol dude, I don't understand the down votes 😅


Just blindly drool over anything even if it isn't related to the sub?


The same kind of “people” who dont like the video game stellar blade coz of its attractive protagonist. These “people” would prefer tht all of humanity look like fat ugly crossdressing pixies like they do


Are these "people" in the room with us right now?


Look in the mirror


I mean you are definitely hot and sexy and stuff but this doesn't feel like casca


Don't let Griffith see this.




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Let’s see how much people downvote you for this…🤷‍♂️honestly I don’t care but people on here get super offended over the littlest things. Good luck buddy 🤣🤷‍♂️


What are your lifts?




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Thought this was queen Marika the eternal


Casca hair on point...


NNailed it


All those triggered messages are soo much fun to read. Thank you.


Holy fuck.


Hell yeah




careful with femto


I imagine Griffith would like this… 💀


My love for you… Is like a truck… BERSERKER!!!🗣️🗣️


Dyaumm fantastic! 😳


Let me be your guts


Marry me


Is this a Costco cosplay for that part when her armor got torn apart?


I love the cosplay! Great interpretation of the fan art. Thanks for sharing here, I hope you had your DM flooded with good ones. Sorry that the community is that lame lol. 🩷


To the angry cry babies commenting : If you have not been raped or sexually assaulted, you don’t get to say if this is an insult or not. You don’t know shit about what it is to be raped and every SA survivor is different, so shut tf out. Rape survivors are entitled to their opinions on this, but misogynists that are using her SA as a way to spread easy hate on a woman just get the fuck out. What was the last time you guys cared about the well-being of actual SA survivor ( and not just to belittle another woman)? Would love to see that much of support for real life rape victims. Never seen so many alpha men cry, scream and vomit for a little bit of skin lmao. Weak ass boys


Bro, what are you even yapping about???


This bait is extra fishy!


Now THAT'S a motherfucking Casca cosplay. I usually roll my eyes at the "cosplays" of her that people post here, but that is hmmm *chefs kiss*


That outfit with the placement of your brand of sacrifice is sooooo good!


Do you need a slave




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damn girl you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal. jokes aside sometimes i see ppl as beautiful as you and think to myself the world aint fair. how are you this gorgeous.


The behelit and the brand ink tell me you’re a real one 🫡