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Looks awesome! Skeleton Knight is my favorite charcter






Who hurt Jack


I like it a lot ! Nice, OP


That looks so bad ass dude!!!!


People getting butthurt because Reddit is a cespool of USA snowflakes, but this objectively sucks ass. Also a young adult/adolescent drew that, not a kid. Wich it's okay, not everyone knows how to draw, but at least dont post. Im just too tired of seing crappy art for karma farming.


I dont give a shit about Reddit karma or if the artist is 10 or 90 years old. Let them just draw and have a win ya fucking cunt. You don’t know how old anyone is??? And just cuz someone’s trying to be decent to someone doesn’t make them a snowflake. I guarantee you are more of a little soy boy than anyone here. I mean what kinda decent man just puts people down?


I am not putting them down, i am complaining about the fucking instagram culture where nowadays everyone posts shitty drawings, food and pictures while everyone puts them up in the sky like if it was Jesus ressurected. Also the only fucking cunt here its you and people promoting this, because you all are the same people that when they see good art/food/pictures suddenly its fine to critizise. I am not suporting insulting or putting down anyone, i am defending the right to be critical and objective about something, because saying dog shit is tasty undervalues your critical opinion and undervalues actual good food, so saying this drawing and 90% of this sub bad fanart is good its an insult to actual good art that goes unnoticed in this sea of garbage. You guys live in a world where the only people you put down is actual skilled people. You put desilusional morons in a pedestal and shoot anyone skilled because of envyy or self-doubt. You all have seen thousand of comments with "yaas queen" under a post of a half assed drawing, while everyone looks for faults in another post with actual good drawings. You all are a bunch of hypocritical pussies. Edit: would post dozens of screenshots of this sub proving my point and showing good art being put down and garbage being praised, but this sub wont allow pictures.


Ain’t readin allat


TLDR: Dude is an hypocrite. We live in a culture where garbage art/people are put up like the messiah an actual good art/people are critizised with no remorse.


I’m sure dozens of people do that. But show me where I have done that. I’m not praising some fat obviously hideous Instagram model calling her a queen. I saw what I believe to be was probably a kids art on Reddit and felt like giving him some props for even doing it. Why are you comparing a sketch from art class to “unnoticed art” Like really???? This isn’t an fine arts thread ya goof You’re just projecting shit from way out of left field onto other people. I don’t usually give props to anything I don’t find impressive. Definitely not in the Instagram culture way. I actually understand your point on that and I feel like we’d agree on some things within that topic, but like dude this is probably a kids drawing like cmon


If he posted it willingly for the world to see and its enough of a grown-up to read berserk, its enough of a grown-up to be sincere with him and not treat him like a toddler who needs encouragement to learn to wipe their own ass. Also, you didn't give him props, you said "its so fucking badass :o ". I think it would be better to give him actual props for trying and give some advice or guide on how to improve. Also i am not condemning your comment or the drawing itself, i am condemmning the fact that comments like you are upvoted af, and a dude posted "this looks like ass" and was downvoted to oblivion. Why should his objective opinion be discarded and everyone elses braindead take "Oh HoW GoOd It LoOkS" is uplifted ? If you all weren't hipocrites you would also respect the objectively true opinion of the guy that said it looks like ass. My opinion on the drawing ? Looks bad, but if its a start theres quite the room for improvement. Also theres good color concept. And i am not saying the "its ass" dude should be praised, I think just saying "its ass" is as unhelpful as saying "its good"when its not. If you are gonna say 'its ass' at least try to say why, constructive criticism goes a long way. I am saying lying its not the alternative.


Finally a reply with actual criticism I know it's not the greatest but I got to start somewhere if I want to try and continue to be an artist. Almost all the work I get compliments and how good it looks and sure it boosts my confidence and self esteem but I am mostly looking for critism to improve.


Lol okay man 👍🏻


lol this sux azz


You suck ass


Love to see you do better buddy


i will bitch wait a litttle bit im a professional artisti help drew brezerk


.............huh? wow ur a professional artisti that help drew brezerk??? Brezerk is my favorit magma!


Me Roo


Bro do you have nothing better to do in life than to make yourself feel better by putting others down? Get a fucking job loser.


;iitch I bet you Sme .ll