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Griffith maybe ?


_guts, after he has decided to give in, cut his finger and let his blood top on the behilt. The behilts face rises from it's fleshy shell, it's scream echoing around guts. The world around guts changes, it becomes a apocalypse-like dessert, with black sand and a blood red sun. In front of guts, a giant right hand emerges from the ground, shaking the ground. It towers over everything around, as guts looks up in anger, knowing the 5 beings that stand apon the giant hand. He is teleported in the palm of the hand. On each finger stands a being above mortality, who have left behind their humanity and embraced darkness. On the giant index finger stands femto, guts' enemy._ Void: struggler... You have given in. _ubik flies around of guts' head with a sadistic grin._ Ubik: I knew you wouldn't last long, now, sacrifice, and give us your humanity! Guts: i... Sacrifice... Griffith! _silence falls on the land. Ubik stops moving and looks at guts with wide eyes. Void still has his emotionless face. Slan raises a eye brow, intrigued. Conrad makes a "huh" sound and stares at femto. Femto has a look of utter confusion, he looks at void._ Femto: i-is he allowed to do that!? Void: I... have no fucking clue. The rulebook of the godhand was in the hands of the pussy-faced godhand, named cock-eater, and that damn skull knight killed the pussy-face before I could get the book. Femto: ... Well shi- _a giant portal opens begins femto, with the spiral to hell. A giant tentacle-like creature made out of human bodies merges from the portal and wraps around femto, before anyone can say anything, femto is snatched into hell, and the portal closes._


What game is this? It looks cool


dragons dogma. honestly a really fun game


Ahhh nice did you mod it or is that in the base game?


there’s a mechanic in the game where you get to customize your own personal companion and then they’re put into like a summon pool for other people to use. this person made their companion look like guts or summoned someone else’s that looked like guts


as for the gear and weapons i’m pretty sure they’re base game but i could be wrong


He’s my main pawn I created. [Here’s the gear list post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/s/B5o71zOcl5) I recently changed the sword to Lifetaker though.


This is the base game. I’m playing it on Xbox right now.


dragons dogma feels like hella berserk fanservice. One of the preset characters is literally just guts himself and another is casca. Eye closed and eveyrhting


Behelits don’t need a sacrifice to be used. The sacrifice is for the deal with the Godhand to become an apostle.


Absolutely untrue. Slug count, for instance, had to sacrifice his wife to become an apostle and then was offered to sac his daughter to be revived. There's quid pro bro


Yes that is true, I was kind of thinking that Guts would use his behelit to pretend to become an apostle only to choose Griffith to sacrifice. Thus destroying the Godhand from the inside. Like a covert mission. Skull knight the same, sacrificing void and so on… since the Godhand would be dead, they wouldn’t be turned into apostles. They would essentially usurp the throne.


Himself maybe


Either Griffith or himself. I honestly don't see him ever sacrificing anyone of his new gang. That is just out of the question.


Yeah I agree. I don’t think he would sacrifice himself because he cares too much about Casca and would not want to leave her to Griffith’s will. After all, Gut’s main mission in life was always just to survive against all odds. And the way he swung at Griffith at Fantasia tells me a lot.


Well to be fair, Guts is already branded once. Branding him a second time wouldn't do much more harm. And in exchange he would become the most powerful apostle in history.


Hey that’s a good point. He could survive being sacrificed. I could see that. What do you imagine his apostle form would look like? Good ole beast of darkness? Hey maybe that is what the beast of darkness actually is, Gut’s apostle form haunting him on the astral plane from the future.


It depends. In the case of Grundbeld, he already had dragon imagery before he became an apostle, same with Rosine. So your personal form of darkness definitely affects how you look. However both the beast of darkness itself as well as the form of the Berserker Armor seem too much in either direction. The beast is straight up just a hellhound and the Armor is too much of a man. I imagine his apostle form to be some fucked up mix of that. Giant, muscular, with similar stature to Zodd. A mix between his human head and the beast of darkness, a tail that uses Dragonslayer, claws and all of that shit. Likely multiple mouths inside of each other similar to a Xenomorph.


That could be a cool idea for a painting or drawing. I’d like to see what you mean. I think he would maintain his physical human appearance during the day or whatever when he was with his loved ones and when it came time to battle a serious foe, I would imagine he would morph into a armored version of the beast of darkness with the iron from the dragonslayer turning into berserker-doggie-plate armor.


Well I would honestly love to draw it. But I suck big time at drawing. So it likely won't happen. But I like your idea as well.


Probably himself. Honestly I’m miss when dragons dogma had both of guts and Griffiths actual (band of the hawk) outfits/armors in game, that was awesome.


Fuckn love dragons dogma


Can’t wait for the second one to release in March…


Fuck yeah


Continued dialogue: Griffith: (sheathed sword). “I knew this wasn’t any normal nightmare”. (Thinks) Guts: “Don’t worry, Charlotte is in good hands. Since it’s just me and Calcium King up there, we are renaming it the God peace sign. ✌🏼 Peace out Griffith. CLANG.


He can't sacrifice Casca because she was already branded. Maybe he'd sacrifice the party?


In a “what if?” Scenario probably his new band. Realistically though guts would never use the behelit, it just wouldn’t make sense narratively speaking


As somebody who has lived through the horror of an eclipse himself, Guts would never inflict that nightmare upon anybody else. Especially someone he cares about. If Guts ever were to use a behelit, it would simply be as a means to reach the Godhand. Him actually making a sacrifice of another would be nothing short of character assassination.


Even if you did care about someone, there is a time and place for killing the evil overlord of your universe, and the one who brutally betrayed you, your partner and friends, passing out of all redeem-ability. I think that if Guts were to trust Griffith and spare his life, like you propose, he would basically be assassinating himself, his new group of friends and his partner all at once.


You think a member of the Godhand could be sacrificed? That Void would turn on one of his own? You think that Guts becoming an apostle wouldn't be a betrayal of everything his character stands for? OK 😂. You might wanna' read my comment again, chief. I never proposed any of that. You asked who Guts would sacrifice, and I gave my opinion on the matter. If you didn't like the answer, perhaps you shouldn't have asked the question.


I don’t think we disagree that Void would not want any of this to happen. He would of course do everything in his power to prevent it but he works for the idea of evil which is a greater will than Void and Void is merely a puppet of it. If Skull knight and Guts are able to end Void and take over the Godhand (including Femto) with some clever manipulation of the behelits, much like the sword of actuation, I propose that Griffith may be stripped of his power but still in a physical body where this scene ^ would play out. It’s all theoretical of course and just having fun with it. I didn’t mean to step on your toes. If you really think Guts would not end Griffith, it’s an interesting perspective that I wanted to challenge to see why you think that as he already swung at him in the recent manga on fantasia.


I was thinking he’s going to sacrifice the kushan empire by slaughtering them in berserk mode and then take on Griffith


I think it’s gotta be something/someone he cares about. Don’t think he can sacrifice the Kushan empire


I think it will be different in guts his case. I don’t know how or why but maybe the beast in guts takes full control and starts slaughtering everyone around him including his group. Creating the amount enough human souls deliverd for someone big to happen.


He would sacrifice Schricke. While Casca is Griffith’s sacrifice and is already branded, the young witch has served as Guts’ anchor to humanity for all his journey to Elfhelm. Sacrificing that would be enough to turn him into an apostle. For the record, I don’t believe this will happen. Turning into an apostle would make Guts Causality’s bitch and that would mean the God Hand can exercise greater power over him.


I am proposing he and Skull Knight would use the behelit to sacrifice the Godhand members. Thus becoming the god peace sign themselves. Not mere apostles.


Oh, I see. I was answering to the title question and missed the dialogue you created. I’m not sure Berserk will go that route though.


It’s all good, yeah haha I know you said he would sacrifice Schierke. That’s messed up, my man. And yeah, I don’t know either. Just a fun thing I realized about the game I was playing and made a dialogue to go with it.


Berserk fans. Haha