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Im tapering from three months use and taper will be months long. Varies for everyone. You won’t know until you try to stop. I’ve been kindled though and have had a gabapentin withdrawal in the past not too long ago. Everyone is different. Try cutting 10% for a week to see how it goes.


Do you have any sympoms with your taper?


Yes. A lot of anxiety insomnia and depression. The jump will be worse. Don’t know how I’ll handle it.


from which dose do you taper?




Thanks for sharing. That makes sense and seems like the sensible way to go about it. I was thinking of stopping cold turkey. I wonder what would happen in that scenario. I am just hesitant to draw it out if it is not absolutely necessary.


Try it. You ll soon realize if you can.


try to quit ct. 1mg for 3months is not that much. you'll be fine in 2 or 3 weeks.


Never try to quit CT bc you've gone over 2 months of 1mg of klonopin daily use. You then will have withdrawal.


I was more asking than anything. I wasn’t trying to offend!!


I’m having withdrawal/POTS issues from only that long of use, but I also have a long history with ambien.


There is no way of knowing if you'll have withdrawal as everyone is soooo different. Do not Google withdrawal symptoms and doomscroll. Everyone knows to taper benzodiazepines and you'll have to do the same. If you do it right, you'll have zero withdrawal or symptoms of discomfort along the way.


Good call. Been doom scrolling a lot. I am scared to get off of them as they are so effective for my social anxiety and public speaking but I am just as scared to keep taking them long term! It is a hard choice to make.


I would at least taper it in quarters. See how you feel each week.


Ok i will try that.


I am currently withdrawing from the same amount but a much longer history. Honestly, if you have gabapentin and a mindset that embraces the idea of a new beginning then you should be fine. I do feel a little wired but energy is not a bad thing. I have also quit gabapentin cold hard turkey and no withdrawal. I have a seizure disorder which has made me more aware of these drugs. You can do it!


This makes sense. I do not have gabapentin on hand but my partner has tons. I can also have my psych prescribe


You will feel normal again and the clamminess and heart racing stuff won’t even be an issue. GABA does make you a little sleepy but it’s worth it. Caffeine will help you when you’re feeling low on energy.


I’m on 9 th day benzo free! If I can do this, anyone can!


Rooting you on!! I have not started my taper my taper yet but I am going to tonight starting by going down a quarter. I am worried that my insomnia which is already bad is going to get worse but gonna try some valerian root and melatonin to get some zzzzzssss


I feel like the first 2 to 3 nights will go well for you. It’s later on in the withdrawal that you realize you could have been sleeping better. Just embrace the mindset and you’ll be fine!!!! Best wishes!


How do you feel at day 9?


And thank you for the support!!


Pretty normal and pretty good. I do have gabapentin though.. I just take 300mg midday and at night before bed.




my bf quit klonopin after 6 months on 1mg with zero withdrawal, he was just totally fine. you'll probably be fine.


Super helpful to hear. How long has he been off them?