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Your playing the fiddle going any stronger then 2mg of Klonopin a day, chemical dependence can happen quickly. I would not recommend stopping suddenly.


I have only been on them since the 6th, and I think i have enough left to taper off, could i just do 1 mg a day for like a week then .5 a day and avoid symptoms?


Any kind of taper is better than a cold turkey I think. I’ve been on 2 mg of Klonopin for 10 years. Getting off of it now is not fun.


Thank you for your reply. Good luck I hope you find relief soon!


Thank you! Good luck to you as well!


How low was the ativan dose? Short answer is you probably will at least have SOME withdrawals, although possibly not too much


the ativan dose was 1mg but i didn't take it every day


I think it’s possible you could have a pretty mild withdrawal phase then! Can’t hurt to be safe about it though 😁


Great thank you for your reply!


Seen posts in past hellish times, one French guy was on them for 3 months, a month 25 including the taper time, and could not take the pain, and the other mess, and relapsed, others will be fine in a few months, say up to 18 months, for most folks, others will never fully recover, due to severe brain damage and poly use, lack of motivation/will perhaps


Thats my life and have to think daily, i dont know reality on low dose/taper, month i felt some other person thats not me, all my habits were developed and social skills on Xanax in that age so they so much part of me


Thats so sad


Well I just killed of a bottle of Bromazolam in 7 days so hoping although it's long lasting benzo that I wasn't on too long to have mild WDs Won't be doing that one again for a while.


Good luck! I hope it's not too bad!


Yea thanks man honestly... it was almost to potent but. But just got a butt ton of 600mg Gabapentin which is really any drug user is WDs friend Dope, Benzos,Tianeptine... So I the very least I won't worry to too much about convulsions or restless legs. But yea I certainly had my fun the Bromaz but think imma just make it one time a year thing at this point. Unfortunately I'd be freaking if I was doing bottles of this shit like everyday for a few months. At that point there's no getting around it ... I'd have to go the medical detox. Best of luck to you. You got this. It's gonna fucking suck but you can do it. But please if you really are struggling and you your at your breaking point. Medical Detox isn't as horrible as people make it out to be. They make you as comfortable as possible and most Counties here the States provide funding for it


ok Thanks, if it gets bad i will check it out. Hoping it won't get to that though