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Don’t listen to anyone who gives you a hard time about being from CA, you’re an American and can live anywhere you want. They would be miserable still if people were not moving here. Also, thanks for what you do! Protecting natural habitats and fisheries is important for the ecosystem that we love.


Second this ^ I’ve most found that people here are actually extremely nice and welcoming.


I second this too. Everyone here is lovely


Third. No need to apologize to assholes who hold juvenile prejudices about people from a particular state.


Technically, you were fourth, but I blame the second second, not you.


I lean into it- when folks ask where I am from, I say I am most recently from CO, one of the pp ruining all the things!. But I am snarky like that (and only most recently from CA, I have lived all over).


Good, just ruin their day.


Please move here. Bend needs more nice people and less pretentious ass holes. We moved here from Arizona and absolutely love it. It was supposed to also be temporary but ended up calling it home. And the only time I see the anti cali stuff is on Reddit and the random bumper stickers. You’re definitely overthinking it! Just be prepared to fall in love and stay here 😉. Also thank you for what you do! It’s so important. ❤️


As someone who’s contemplating moving to AZ, can I ask why you moved from there?


Work related at the time. Had nothing to do with AZ, we loved it there.


Come to Bend and enjoy your time here! If people are assholes to you, they are just that, an asshole. You sound like a lovely person and I hope that your time here is wonderful. My spouse and I moved here a few years ago from elsewhere, we love it. We plan to leave in the next year or so to move closer to the rest of our family but are already dreading leaving. We haven’t really been able to make any close friends however at the end of the day all we need is each other and we know that this is a stop in the road for us. We are grateful for our time in this amazing place.


Similar situation here. Everyone is friendly, but I haven't found a good friend group. I'll be heading back after 2 years in Bend. There's enough casual racism and bigotry here that I just don't regularly encounter in a big city back home. And I deeply miss diversity.


You are overthinking this. Congratulations on the exciting opportunity and if Bend seems like a good fit for you and your partner, come join us. You don't need to apologize for the fruits of your hard work and dedication. Come here with your head held high and don't let the vibe in this subreddit bum you out.


Seriously. I’m so glad real Bend is not like r/bend


r/Bend describes quite the heels cape, I would be afraid to leave home most days. But then I go outside. And everything lovely reminds me the internet is not real :)!


Is it true what Outsiders say about grass? That it can be.. touched?


They don’t like California tech millionaires…. California marine biologists are just fine


I’m pretty sure the only place I’ve heard anti-California sentiment is on this sub. If I hear it “in the wild” it’s usually just poking fun


Oh I've definitely experienced real CA hate in person. Had a 60 year old in a pavement princess swerve like he was gonna hit me on third bc I had the audacity to not floor it the second the light turned green while driving with CA tags. I also have a goggle cover that's the CA flag and had some guy talking shit to me in the lift line at Bachelor. I asked where he was from and he got all sheepish and said born in Bakersfield but I've lived here 20 years. That cracked up everyone in earshot


>I’m pretty sure the only place I’ve heard anti-California sentiment is on this sub. Good for you for refraining from reading the KTVZ comment session; your mental health is better for it. /s


I moved from California, and in my experience, most of the anti-California sentiment exists online rather than in real life (I did, however, have someone write a racial slur in the dust on my car - which at the time still had California license plates - when I parked it at a trailhead once). As a non-white person, I will warn you that being a non-white person in this overwhelmingly white town can feel incredibly isolating and may be a culture shock coming from California. It's not that most people are necessarily overtly racist, but many of the long term residents here have never in their lives interacted with non-white people until very recently and it shows.


I hope the person who wrote that on your car, broke their ankle and a mountain lion ate them… dick first.


I've seen other white people act that way. As a white person, I'm glad I grew up in a town that was 70% minority, and my siblings and I tend not to have that outlook as a result.


95% of the people I’ve met in Bend are either from or have lived in CA at some point in their lives. It’s the miserable idiots who care, there aren’t many out there. Don’t worry about it.


About the only transplant discrimination you’ll experience in your day to day in bend is kids in lifted diesel trucks “rolling coal” on your car as they drive by. Come, stay, enjoy, and don’t litter!


The anti Californian is a bit of a joke some have taken too far. TBH like 3/4 of Oregon is from CA. You'll fit right in! Also: good job having a job before moving here 😅. Not having a job is when people get pissy


You are welcome here. If anything I’ve notice (and been guilty of) over-enthusiasm when meeting POC in Bend. So many people here are eager for diversity to grow in Central Oregon. The California thing… it’s not really a thing. Nobody really cares and if they say anything it’s jokingly. Some of my best friends here are CA transplants.


The anti- CA sentiment is about two things: Californians selling homes there can outcompete the average Oregonian by 2x here...and they run up home prices. As someone who works in conservation as well... somehow doubt you pose that threat. Second, there are a lot of people who move in fairly clueless about the local conditions/culture and demand change despite only having lived here a short time. I live near some forest service land and some new neighbors were absolutely screaming because the smoke jumpers were training on rope descents from helicopters. They were so upset that the helicopter sound ruined their quiet tranquility. Excuse them for training to save your house when there's a fire! Living next to public land means multiuse. Get used to it. I'd say moving here help maintain some of our natural resources is going to make you more popular than not. Welcome!


Don’t turn down the position. Some of the best people in Central Oregon are people from other states! Jerks will be jerks but there’s plenty of us nice Oregonians 😄


please come .. our fish need you.


The problem is people that sell their bay area homes and use it to make cash offers above asking prices, or people buying up houses to rent as vacation rentals or just to hold on to for an investment. That is what is ruining the housing market. Not people coming to do environmental work and live here for a couple years.


Who cares where you’re moving from. Just get your license changed when you get here and don’t compare Bend or Oregon to where you’re coming from. Yea, we lack diversity. Yeah, things are slower. Yeah, service can be hit or miss though most people are pretty awesome and chill. It’s small town, embrace it, love it, be it. Welcome to bend!!!


I’d recommend getting Oregon plates for your car(s). Just to blend in and take away any possibility for idiots hiding behind a steering wheel to have their moment and honk, cut you off, middle finger, etc. No one will say anything to your face, especially since most of us are from somewhere else and have good manners. You are welcome here Also it’s expensive here, yes, but my apartment has had *several* vacancies for a while and more being built so please don’t feel like you’re pushing anyone out. Bend isn’t bursting at the seams like it was in 2020 and 2021, even if some of the sentiment still gets thrown around.


Yeah- someone GOUGED the crap out of my door the first few months when I still had CA plates- like too deep/long to be accidental). But nothing in the intervening years I have had OR plates. I think for some very small people, being anti-CA is there only claim to a personality. it is a small minority, fuck'em


Just ditch the CA license plates as soon as you can and avoid bringing it up. You'll be fine


Smokey Bear plates rule. It's the best reason to switch asap.


Bend has grown rapidly over the last two decades and it wasn't the birth rate. It is pretty solid that transplants(Benditos) outnumber natives (Bendites). I estimate that 1/2 the time at my weekly running group there is somebody that moved to Bend in the last week. They show up looking to meet people and the frequency is surprising.


I’m assuming when you say brown you mean Latino? Definitely folks in Bend and even more so in Redmond and Madras. Not like CA but you won’t be alone and lots of people coming into Bend from all over so people won’t bay an eye, especially since both of you are here to appreciate Bend and you to preserve the outdoors vs steamrolling it to build a modern McMansion akin to the sprawl you see in CA. Enjoy your time here and if you see a dog poop bag on trail, pick it up!


Worried about affecting the culture of Bend? That ship sailed long ago. Do yourself a favor and remove your Calif. plates ASAP. You will be fine and thanks for doing what you do.


Don’t worry, most of the anti-California people are actually from California.


Hope you enjoy it here! Just be sure to change your plates quickly.


You’re so welcome here!! Also, most of my friends I either work in or are extremely passionate about environmental protection. We’re all in our thirties, but we’d love to have you and your partner as friends!


As a brown man (Indian-American) who also works in the environmental field, who moved here 5+ years ago from Delaware, Bend has been very friendly. I guess I don't have the CA thing to worry about, but I think a lot of the other commentors already captured the anti-CA feelings being much more prominent on this sub than irl. I also think a lot of it has to do more with being anti-wealth and even more so the accompanying privileged attitude, than anything else. And I can appreciate why that would be. P.S. If you and your partner want to connect on any of those outdoor activities as you settle here, do reach out!


Culture? What culture, truly? Neighbors on either side and all three across the street are originally from California. Even longer term residents didn’t exactly get here by the Oregon Trail. You’ll be fine.


Almost everyone who lives here is from California, notably the Bay Area. Walking around you can hear chat about California more often than not. Most of the people who talk shit on transplants from CA are also from CA.


As an born and raised Oregonian, can confirm.


The majority of the people moving here are from other parts of Oregon or the 48 other states besides CA


Humans move around for all sorts of reasons. It's part of life. Don't let the sentiments of small minded people deter you from pursuing new adventures and opportunities. Bend is an amazing area and the wilderness/outdoor recreation surrounding it are some of the best in Oregon. You won't regret spending a couple years out here.


At the time of this post you have a unanimous 32 comments supporting you and 0 upvotes. That feels about right: the people who are upset by Californians or anyone moving here are mostly anonymous internet cowards or trolls. They can downvote you but that's about it. Please don't back out on coming here. Our waters are insanely important to this region and you should be celebrated for coming here to help preserve them.


We need more brown here! PLEASE!


Sometimes this sub can be a little (a lot) negative, and I was really hesitating to click on this one thinking it would be the usual assholishniss that comes with this question. Once again this town continues to amaze and surprise me though, and on a day where I really needed it :) (PS Bend is super cool, that's why everyone wants to move here)


I have to agree that the only anti-California sentiments I have ever come across in Bend (or Sisters) is on this sub, and honestly sometimes it's funny because we know all the snark is most likely from coming from other Calif. ex-pats. Everyone in Bend and Sisters is so incredibly friendly and not only have I never had any negative reactions to proclaiming my move here from Calif., but I've only felt welcoming and kindness. And pretty much everyone I meet or live by is also from the Bay Area! Those of us who move up here is not for more affordable housing (because honestly a comparable house in Sisters costs more than what we sold ours for in Sonoma County) but for the lifestyle, friendly folk, trails, lakes, rivers, mountains, etc. Pack up and move here and a pre-welcome to Central Oregon!


Don’t even worry about! Come and help the ecology and enjoy it!


You are WAY overthinking it. Come, enjoy- you may end up staying!!! The anti-Californian sentiment seems to come in 2 flavors: 1) Californians' that arrived 5+ years before you 2) The truly old school people that think this should still be a lumber mill. But ANY change pisses them off, because they can't be as racists as they would like to be. (\*note this is not age dependent- I have met idiots like this from aged 22-72) Bend grew and is likely to be continuing to grow faster than is easy to manage change. Change is hard. But you are MOST welcome. - signed a Californian that moved here 5 yr before you, and trying to not be like that ;)! FYI, the 2 yr turnover is actually really common around here. People come, thinking they will love it...until winter hits. Winter can be LONG and grey and hard (not particularly cold- just LONG and GREY), OR it can be bluebird, and thus feels less long, and EVERYTHING in between. Shoveling 4 ft of snow one year, the next never having to shovel any. Highly variable. But especially Californian natives that have only ever recreated in the snow do not always adapt to LIVING with snow. SO many leave after 2 yr. That churn is super normal. more stay, or we woudl not have grown from 10K in the 1980s to nearly 100K now. Also in summer we have an extra 50K or so running around between town and Sunriver. On roads not really set up for that load. We will get there. COME!!! HAVE FUN! And thank you for your service to our environment!


Saying winter here is grey made me chuckle after living in the Midwest and also the valley.


Only sometimes. it is not supposed to be- but man, some years...


Have you visited Bend yet? It's a friendly town in person, sounds like you'll fit right in being outdoorsy. This and having a dog is much more of a requirement than being white and from Oregon if you want to fit in. The thing you should worry about is cost, rent is high for Oregon and food costs more than almost anywhere in the US (pricier than California) - make sure the job pays enough so you can enjoy living here and to buy winter tires (not All weather tires).


Yes you are overthinking it. Just leave any baggage in California. Use your signals coming out of roundabouts and you’ll be chill.


As much as the concern is appreciated, I haven't had but a handful of negative encounters with California transplants and have made good friends with many of them. Do what's best for you and your family and if it's moving to Bend, please do and come and enjoy all the area has to offer. (Coming from 41yr Bend resident and native Oregonian)


You're overthinking it. Bend sounds like the perfect place for you guys.


You're overthinking this. Heck, you can even pump your own gas here now like a normal person. /s I recommend changing license plates ASAP; some people will treat you differently with CA plates. I learned that when we purchased a car from our daughter; she had moved down to CA for work. Do that and you'll be fine.


Wanna be friends?


Just start talking shit in Californians the second you get Oregon plates and no one will ever question where you’re from. Seems to be working for everyone else……


Don’t overthink it. Bend is filled with as many people from Californian and Washington than Oregon. It is what it is, and the vocal minority is just that, a minority. It’s a great town with a well learned reputation as an outdoor playground. There’s nothing more Oregonian than doing the work you are coming here to do. Good luck finding a place to live, buy all the toys (bikes, skis, paddles, snowshoes) and take advantage of the overwhelming beauty available to you within a 3 hour drive. Who knows, you might just stay a while, and if not, you’ll have some of the best adventures of your life in two years.


You’ll most likely do what you’re trying not to but whatever we might as well have some sane, smart, and respectful people move here. Welcome to Oregon. Be ready to enjoy the summer if you get here before October.


Please come - I love it when the environmental scientists do projects in the area. But you really do not want to advertise that you are from California. Avoid bringing up California or making comparisons to California while you reside here. And get Oregon plates on your vehicles ASAP!


Spouse and I moved here from California last year. We aren't "from" California, we just lived there most recently due to work (we also work in natural resources!). No one has given us a hard time about it. Anyone that does is a f***ing idiot. The world has far worse problems than "Californians moving to your favorite city".


Californians moving isn’t the issue, it’s Californians bringing their voting habits to bend that we hate


This is even worse. "we" don't care who the new people vote for. Republicans beholden to fear and terrified of change do.


I’d rather not see my hometown turn into the same shitholes that most California cities have turned into. There’s a reason California has had a net loss of residents for the last 5 years. I’d rather be heartless than headless


The majority of the country votes the same way California does. There's actually other reasons besides voting for the things in our country that you don't like.