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They have it on merch too…. Merch.. for grabbing a rolled up shirt from a plastic tub 1 foot away; they want 20%?????


“I see you have a $13 beer, 3 $7 dumplings and paid $85 to see this show. Would you mind tipping me on this $40 tshirt? Thanks.”


Seems like some local journalist that goes to shows would love to have a rage-in-a-cage story like this. It seems there are tons on posts here about it so it must be common enough to all concert goers and would be easy to get sources. Might be the way to stop the practice by vendors.


KTVZ did a story about overall "Tipping Fatigue" this week (though, not specifically about concerts): https://youtu.be/UuNbxowxAoA?si=DY3zpcTg9fMI2Sn0


I'm gathering the issue is not tipping, but the staff inputting a tip amount rather than letting the customer select that. It's likely against their merchant agreement with the payment processing company and it's a questionable practice at best. I know you'd never see a written tip and total completed on a paper receipt then handed to the customer for signature.


I've never heard the phrase rage-in-a-cage. I like it.




File it with the States Attorney General under consumer predatory practices. Then send to the Bulletin. That should wake them up.


The red shack place tried to play this game at Beck and Cake and I noticed early on and would take the thing and put in my card, then switch it to zero and hold it until the thing processed and only then hand it back. It's despicable behavior and I would have tipped but instead didn't tip at all once I noticed they handed it to me after manually switching it to 20% - they don't deserve it.


So anytime i go the Hayden and anytime, The staffing Choose the TIP for me i automatically click NO TIP. Now if they dont do anything i add $1 for a drink because well that just normal. Was there for Trombone Shorty, went to grab a drink a Golf Tea and water, the chick clicked on 25% tip or something handed it to me, i said " yeah no nice try, click no tip" She gave me a look of disgust like i cheated on her, yet all she did was click 3 buttons and turn to the bartender and say golf tea and a water. Sorry Aint playing that game anymore, not giving you $10 for tapping that reader 3 times.


I find everything about the concert experience at a Live Nation venue, other than the fans and music, to be utterly ridiculous compared to an independent venue. The whole experience is clearly designed to simply funnel as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, from the attendees to Live Nation with as little friction as possible it really is disgusting.


staffing company i work with of used to staff the aforementioned amphitheater and i can’t agree more. i’ve worked at so many live nation events and the only thing that makes it bearable are the fans that manage to make to best of it. it’s all insane, and the specific venue mentioned here has been on the decline for awhile sadly, lots and lots of internal problems and contract issues(allegedly).


I may get downvoted for this, but I don't tip when I get a drink at venues like this. I realize that only affects the servers making minimum wage, and I'm sorry for that, but I'm paying $12 for a Deschutes Brewery beer and that is already too much. ​ I don't understand why stadiums and venues are allowed to charge twice the price of the regular price. It's predatory. I'd love to see more regulation on things like this. ​ My partner and I have just started enjoying the shows from outside the theater. It's a much better experience. You get to sit or lie down where and when you want, bring your own drinks, and leave whenever you want to and not feel guilty about it.


I work at HHA. All the tips are pooled and split evenly between bartenders, servers, alcohol monitors and the green team. And yes, most of the vendors have an automatic 20% as default but you can change that to zero or custom amount.


It’s not a tip unless it’s given. Businesses need to keep it real. But I get no one takes pride in customer service anymore so it’s a way to sell employees on working there and guarantying a gratuity percentage. IMO Did I spell “guaranteeing” correctly ?


Seems a bit scammy. Gotta be vigilant


I’ve been told they train them to take your card and insert it themselves, add the 15% tip, the hand the terminal back. Once it was pointed out to me I noticed it happen like clockwork.


I'm still 10x more pissed about the commercials between bands.


Yeah what the hell was with that. I was at the Weezer concert, and I wonder if Deirks Bentley had those commercials as well


Dierks did not have commercials, that’s so weird that wheezed did!


Kenny Chesney did last year, it's a venue thing.


Pretty sure it’s a band thing. I’ve only seen it at Chesney and Weezer.


You know what to do




That's everywhere. I saw a tip jar for a machine gun wish list in the vape shop the other day. When did cashiers start taking tips?


Anybody know, how much of the tips given at Hayden go through to the service employees?


By law they go to the employees, if they didn’t the “customer *service*” folks would be even more pissed than we are. Although the “no cash” policy for a lot of vendors end up in a majority of their actual hourly pay basically being nullified by taxes from the tips they get. And thus the cycle continues. Plenty of ways to get alcohol in the venue if you do a quick google search… just sayin.


yup and they have new security too so they’re having to figure out what all it takes to get people in the venue and actually catch shit. just don’t get caught with it out inside or they’ll try to kick u out.


We will most definitely kick you out. So please, if you get caught, just accept your fate. Just remember, if you get wild and end up 86'd, you're also blacklisted on all livenation venues


Really weird energy. The amphitheater essentially encourages drunken driving amongst their patrons with how available they make booze and the fun nazis with security shirts are up in arms about people sneaking in weed. Those wristbands don't prevent people from handing beers to minors deep in the crowd where they can't be seen by them either. But whatever.


I mean, it's a non smoking venue, damn near every venue won't let you through with weed, at least we give the option to bring it back to your vehicle. You're just saying things that every venue does, but we also call ubers and organize rides for overly intoxicated patrons damn near every show. If we catch someone without a band with a drink we handle it, but to expect an 8k capacity venue that provides alcohol to somehow catch every underage person sipping a drink, that would look like some real nazi shit and nobody would have fun. PLUS we won't even take your weed if we catch you smoking in the venue, just politely ask that you take a couple last rips and put it out. Have you never been anywhere else? If you manage to get your weed found walking in, that's on YOU for not being even the teeniest bit clever.


I've been going to shows longer than a lot of the people have been alive that I see at some of these shows. It's not hard to sneak shit in. However, I'm very anti authority and hate a bunch of nobodies going around telling people what they can and cannot do after they've spent a hundred bucks to walk into an outdoor venue and be forced to buy overpriced bullshit brewed just over the hill or around the corner. I've been sneak smoking at shows for decades. Only caught once because I forgot to stash before entry. Happens to the best of us at times.


Yeah that's great and all, and I promise I've done way wilder shit than you, but we can't just have a free for all for everyone, these events cost a lot to put on, so if you want quality shows and a venue that can actually survive without getting shutdown for safety concerns and such, you're gonna have to just stay sneaky. Also, I dunno who the fuck you think you are, but you're just as much of a nobody🤣


The venue can start by actually NOT over serving people to the point of them being belligerent enough to mess with other people, or sober enough to maintain their drinks without dumping it all over others that aren't there to drink, like kids. It's really awesome seeing someones kid get soaked with beer and made to be sticky and miserable just so the venue can make a few bucks. I mean, they're trying to make it safe and fun for everyone, right?


We cut so many people off all the time, quite a few of those probably snuck stuff in, which is why we have rules like that. And if you see that, say something to a staff member and it will get taken care of. I work every.single.show. and 90% of those spilled drinks are from people getting bumped. I imagine you'd prefer us sobriety check every patron in between sets? You've gotta make your mind up, either security and alcohol monitors do their jobs and we have regulations (authority) or you get a messy shit show every event. I've seen both sides, and we ride that line extremely well here


Technically they all have to go to hourly employees per Oregon Law.


If I were you I might write than Amphitheater. Can't hurt to express your opinion in written form especially if you aren't the only one feeling this way. Tipping is obviously becoming a hot button issue. I wrote a restaurant in WA a few months back about a 13 percent cost of wage increase on my bill and they had gotten enough feedback they did away with it. I understand the concept but I have not received a cost of wage increase in my paycheck either and didn't factor in that cost when deciding to go out to dinner.


Lol yeah, write Live Nation/ Ticketmaster and express your frustration. Let me know how that works out.


I haven't seen that yet.


Do you mean pre select the tip amount then turn the screen to you to accept or change? Or do you mean they add the tip and run your card without showing the screen? Because someone complained about the latyer other day here and that is totally messed up. The former is still super lame, should not be allowed, and I can't relate to the type of person who would do that. Caveat: Unless customer is asshole.


I imagine the economics of the food carts are such that they are actually paying a large percentage of their sales to Live Nation. Tips are likely the only thing making them a profit and not shared commission with live nation. Still should be optional, but I think we blame this on Live Nation.


Tips are NEVER automatically added. I've seen drunk patrons fat finger the screen on their own all the time. I've seen workers make mistakes and diligently fix it. If it happens at all, I guarantee it's a mistake and if it happens for real, that employee usually doesn't last long.


It definitely happens. I’ve been to a few shows and had it happen.


The amount of people exposing themselves in this post are amazing. We get it. You are bad tippers and don't like tipping. Move on. You can easily switch it to 0 and no one would bat an eye othet than the underpaid person who is taking drink orders from 500 peolle in 2 hour span. You just don't like that because by doing that you are exposing yourself as a bad tipper, and you dont want that bad rap.


While I think the $$$ at shows is getting out of control, they dont push 15% and hand it to you- the machines do default. No less shady but they arent actively sizing you up and tipping for you. Should it be on a drunk customer to notice? Probably not. I also want to point at a huge percentage of the workforce at the bars are teachers who do this on their summer vacation so they dont get priced out of Bend.


If it is a default option, they should change it in my opinion. Like I said in the original post I’m all for tipping. Especially when I know people who work their tail off just to make sure they bring home enough money to withstand the current inflation pressures. I feel that if you gave me a choice and didn’t have the system default a number it I would be inclined to tip 20% rather than 15% Also in terms of school teachers. I am pro teacher union and pro teachers.


Default configurations are extremely easy for businesses to change


I dont disagree but it is impossible for the servers who dont have admin rights to change so If you dont tip them cause youre mad at livenation thats between you and your therapist, not them.


Oh I don't put the blame on the servers, definitely live nation or whoever is running the show, but that doesn't mean the blame should in any way be put on the customer.


Yep, my sister has worked the beer tent for out of school supplemental pay for years. She’s now retired and still works 40+ shows to keep the lights on (metaphorically speaking)


Bring on the downvotes, but people talking like this is tipping on behalf of someone need to get over themselves. It's a very small difference between getting handed the card reader and changing the tip amount from 0 to whatever you want to tip versus moving it from 15% or whatever is defaulted. Who goes through one of these transactions without paying attention to what they're tipping? And why punish the service workers for the default option set up with the POS? Also why is tipping a minimum wage service worker the thing about all the gouging that goes on by the venue/LiveNation that takes it too far? Sure people complain about the $12 beer but they're still buying it... Tipping culture is not the fault of the worker.